How I Make $1,000 a Day Using Chat GPT (Step-by-Step Guide!)

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In today's video, I'm going to show you exactly how to earn $1,000 a day by leveraging the power of ...
Video Transcript:
if you're ready to make over $1,000 a day with chat GPT and a free AI tool you're in the right place in today's video I'm going to be walking you through step by step how you can get started earning money online even if you're a complete beginner and you're not super technically inclined in fact all the stuff I'm going to be showing you today is pretty copy and paste so don't worry you don't have to be an expert you don't have to have a fancy computer you don't even really have to have any money to
get started with this all you have to do is use the checklist that I'm going to be giving you in today's video that's going to help you get started step by step with everything that you need to do to start earning money which includes done for you emails done for you videos done for you image posts all kinds of really cool stuff that we actually use chat gbt to generate and we actually can drive traffic to things that we can get paid to promote with these AI generated posts now if you want all of this
stuff by the way all you have to do is drop a comment leave a like And subscribe and I will actually send you access to all of this right now in a response so just drop a comment leave a like And subscribe and I'm going to show you how to use all of this right now so what we're going to be doing in today's video is we're going to be grabbing a free trial to a tool that we can actually get people set up on and we can get paid when they sign up for the
tool and then pay for the full subscription of the tool I'll show you an example of this the tool is called highlight level and here we can see uh it gives us a link and the link that we actually get p uh get to promote will pay us out every single month you can see I am about to get paid out $6,400 just for sending people this link with the AI system I'm going to be sharing with you in today's video so here you can see 365,000 Clicks 6,412 in unpaid earnings and if you look
at my overall earnings with this tool it's absolutely crazy I think now I've made close to somewhere around $70,000 in the last few months promoting this tool and again it's with a completely automated system so we're using automated emails automated social media posts and every single thing in today's video is going to be completely automated look at this $74,000 in lifetime earnings promoting this tool so step number one we're going to go grab the trial to the tool and if you don't want to promote this tool you could do this with anything right so so
it doesn't matter if you're promoting the tool I'm going to share with you in this video or if you're promoting any of the other tools that I give you by the way on this checklist if you go to the tools tab you can go through and see a list of over 400 different tools that you can actually do this with so don't worry if you don't like this tool go do it with a different tool but just for the sake of following along in this video we're going to go grab the free trial you're just
going to go to First AIT for slgo again I'll leave that as a link in the description of this video and then we're going to go grab the 30-day trial so we're going to click on get our 30-day trial enter our info and now we have our trial okay so now that we're in our account what we want to do is we want to call we want to load in something called a snapshot and the way we can do that is by going back to the checklist clicking on the road map and then clicking
on the snapshot right here and then what a snapshot is is this a snapshot is basically a copy and paste system okay so all the emails that I already have set up all of the website funnels all the landing pages everything are already in this snapshot so all you have to do once you have the trial is just load them into your account so we're going to click on yes import now it's going to give us the import of the snapshot and then we can go and throw all of these automations and landing pages and
everything I'm giving you in the snapshot into a something called a sub account so if I click on create new and then I add account I can go add a sub account just fill out the info with whatever again if you don't have a business name doesn't matter just put whatever you want you know you can just call it test business doesn't matter and then once you fill all this out and click on Save what's going to happen is you're going to have all of this inside of a sub account a sub account just contains
all of your automations all your landing pages all that good stuff so what's going to happen is now we have a bunch of um funnels that are proven to work so all these different funnels in our account now that we just imported we know we can use these to go sell the different things that we want to sell so those different tools the different um Affiliates right if we want to use these pages to sell our own Services we can do that again it doesn't really matter what you sell because this system will work for
selling anything but the point is is that if you're going to be driving traffic right you need to have some sort of funnel so here you can see it says claim your free highle account right here and then I can change this to a different link if I have a different affiliate link so if you get your own affiliate link which you will if you get that free account just click on copy and it'll throw that link into uh or go ahead and throw that link into your uh button here so now when somebody clicks
on that boom they can go grab your link okay now if you're confused don't worry I'm going to break all this down for you but but remember the whole thing that we just did is we set up the ability to start sending traffic okay because no matter what we do whether we're selling a service selling a product selling a an affiliate it does not matter we have to have somewhere to send people we have to have a funnel right because right now what happens to most people is they'll post some content on social media they'll
get some views but then they won't make any money why because you can't take views to the bank you have to send those views somewhere and so when you're doing a social media post which we're going to generate with chat GPT what's going to happen is we're going to send traffic somewhere with that video or with that post and then we where we want to send them is to somewhere like a funnel an ideally a proven funnel that we already know is making money this funnel is already making money okay so here we go we
have this funnel Now set up and we have also the automation set up right so here we go if we go to automation um I can go and see all of the different automations we have now from that snapshot and one of the automations is our trial automation or sorry our optin automation let's go find the optin automation so when somebody enters their info through one of our funnels what's going to happen is it's going to throw them into an email sequence okay and then we're going to have our affiliate links on all of these
um emails so so not only are we sending people into a funnel where they can go and buy a product that we're linking to but we're also loading in days and days worth of emails to go and sell them on the thing that they entered their info for right now here's the thing you might be wondering okay well how do I sell this as a service and so this is where things get interesting most people don't have a funnel right I've actually met a lot of people that um have millions and millions of followers and
they don't really make that much money online and the reason why is because again most people don't know how to monetize their views right you could go on Tik Tok right now you could go on YouTube Facebook anywhere and you could find thousands of people that have followings but they don't know how to make money with those followings and so what you can offer those people is you can offer them something like this a done for you funnel okay and so you could actually go and copy and paste the funnel that I give you in
today's video and they can use that exact same funnel now here's the interesting thing though you can offer this for free how because when you go and get your affiliate link right to your trial the free trial that you can actually offer because here we go if we take the link here you can see it's a 14-day free trial at to high level you can say to uh different influencers or different people online that want to go and start monetizing their views you can say hey look I see that you have a following and you
have views are you making a lot of money off those use and and and you'll be able to tell pretty quickly right if they are or not because if you go to um anybody's profile on like Tik Tok Instagram anywhere and and they don't have a funnel and they don't have an automated email sequence followup they're probably not monetizing Their audience very well and so you could literally plug this system into their business right and now they can actually make money selling a product or selling something with a funnel and with an automated system now
again if you don't want to use this automated system you don't have to use this snapshot in fact high level actually has a ton of different snapshots that you can start selling um but again the idea here is that you take a proven to work system and then you can give this system away to people for free right you could say hey I see you're not making a lot of money online you don't have a funnel would you be interested in me setting this up for you for free and if they say yes you go
cool all I need you to do is sign up for this free trial now when they go through the free trial and they start getting leads they start making money with the funnel you give them they're not going to want to cancel and when the rebuild comes through that's when you actually make money because they want to keep that system okay so you can actually go and start setting this up for people again uh for free but you make money with the free setups in about 14 days or 30 days or however long um you're
selling the trial for if you have more customers you can actually get a 30-day free trial link like the one I have um but anyways how do you drive traffic right so there's two ways first of all you can drive traffic by doing um content with AI which is one of the things I'd probably recommend and so what we do is we actually find all of the top posts on social media in our Niche which is like the AI Niche and we start extracting those posts and we go okay this person made this post that
got you know 97,000 views this person got this post I got 21,000 comments and then we can actually use AI to go and regenerate and recreate these videos and to do that it's pretty simple if you just head over to chat GPT and again if you're not using chat GPT yet to to to automate a lot of what you're doing um I use chat GPT every single day right I use chat GPT to write my emails I use it to create my social media posts I use chat GPT Non-Stop and so for example today what
I did is I went into my email because I'm promoting this funnel and I said hey take the email that I wrote yesterday and go and regenerate that so that it's for today so I'll just show you here look I'll take today's email copy all of it head over to chat gbt and say hey uh this is a email I wrote today I need another email here explaining um you know with even more scarcity what's about to happen if someone doesn't get in also I need you to talk talk about this testimonial in the email
okay and here's the other thing inside of this checklist I also have a bunch of different testimonials that you can start loading in if you click on testimonials here boom now you have a bunch of testimonials that you can use so again all of this stuff is set up you just have to start learning how to prompt the AI and start plugging in the pieces into the system how are you guys I'm on a mission uh 12K a month getting great results okay that's not really a testimony let's say 12K books from less than 500
person list okay so let's go ahead and go back to our uh chat GPT here and then say uh 12K booked from less than 500 person list and then that will go and regenerate the email with a different you know testimonial and now I can go and send out that email and so I could spend all day using chat GPT to do stuff like this find trending social media posts transcribe them I do this on YouTube all the time as well so I'll find a video that I did that did well in the past I'll
take the transcription and I'll have chat GPT regenerate me a script so I know what to do on my next video or I could throw in all of these videos here and say now analyze analyze all of these videos and give me the top three titles uh that are uniquely written by AI boom and then I throw all that in it'll it'll format all of it it'll read all of it and then boom it starts giving me okay here's what you need to do your videos on um and then I can go and like the
the the possibilities are endless with this right and so the idea is that you want to start learning how to take social media content right and start using AI to regenerate the content so that you can start taking those regenerated pieces of content and drive traffic into a funnel that has a backend automation selling something like a setup service like I shared with you a second ago and then you could obviously go do direct Outreach as well but the the thing about this content is you're going to be spending so much time regenerating content looks
like this one was a little bit long maybe we'll do like half of it um let's just take that and uh either way you can you can start doing this and you're going to be spending so much time regenerating content and recreating content uh you know you know what I might have to use the video summarizer here let me go use that there's a video summarizer you can actually use in chat gbt it'll summarize the video um but you can tell it to regenerate you a script based on the regenerated or based off the video
summarizer it looks like I've been using chat gbt too much um they limit your requests and I've been using this all morning uh but if you start just posting content all day right and you start scheduling it out you can use a scheduling tool like high level or like radar and you can start scheduling content all day which is what I do right I have all these done for you videos that I start scheduling out you see all of this these are all videos that like okay I need to go post content right now okay
I'm going to take this AI generated video I'm going to go and schedule it for right now I'm going to hit publish boom now I'm going to go push another thousand 2,000 people into the funnel just by posting this content to like 50 different social media platforms and again if you're like I don't understand this I don't understand how are you getting the social media content how are you you know setting all this up that's what the checklist for and that's why we have all these videos in here for you to start watching so you
can start going through how to set all this stuff up we also have live Zoom calls which by the way we have one tomorrow which you don't want to miss if you um get into our uh uh our funnel first AIT slgo you can go grab the checklist and then join the free uh Zoom call just by clicking on the click here for Zoom call and so there's so many cool things that you can get started with today and they're already all proven to work I'm pushing so much traffic into these funnels I'm getting
tons and tons of referrals tons and tons of leads you can see here the 365,000 clicks 134,000 referrals just pushing traffic with this automated system and so if you want to get started with this all you really have to do is take like I said the funnel the one that I'm already pushing all the traffic in load it in and then you set up an you set up the automation to either start selling the trial or you start selling some sort of setup service like what we're talking about in this video and and you'd be
surprised how many people want to get started selling digital products having a funnel you know having some sort of automation this is the next biggest thing that I think most people right now are trying to get into but they just don't understand it because they don't have the system for it yet but we have the system look at this thousands and thousands of clicks every single day we're driving into this funnel because we've figured out a way to use this AI system to actually go generate all this traffic so again if you want to get
started with this you want to join the zoom calls you want the checklist you want everything that we're giving away for free just drop a comment leave a like And subscribe send it all to you right now but that's it for today we'll see you in the next one till we do happy moneymaking see you guys bye
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