when Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu took to the podium at the UN General Assembly last month something incredible happened the majority of countries from around the world immediately stood up and walked out in a silent protest against the Israeli leader you've probably never seen that clip before but it speaks volumes to the reality of the situation Israel is now almost completely ostracized by the International Community as Netanyahu clings to a fundamentalist ideology that has turned Israel into the most violent nation in in the world nearly 42,000 Palestinians have been murdered in the past 365 days
that's one out of 55 people in Gaza with 69% of the victims being women and children Israel's reported objectives of eliminating Hamas and freeing the hostages are no closer to being achieved and new reports indicate that Israel's economy is paying a high price for its widening War Israel rejects the two-state solution because it claims that a sovereign state of Palestine would profoundly endanger Israel's National security but what if I told you the lack of a two-state solution is actually the biggest threat to the future of Israel Israel's illegal occupation of Palestinian lands it's continuing apartheid
rule over millions of Palestinians and its extreme violence to defend that rule all put Israel's survival in Jeopardy Israel consistently preaches to the world the Palestinians in the Arab world cannot live alongside it and only wish to destroy it but this statement is completely false and you simply just need to listen to the words of Jordan's prime minister who addressed the United Nations to combat this false narrative the Israeli Prime Minister came here today and said that Israel is surrounded by those who want to destroy it an enemy we're here members of uh a Muslim
Arab committee mandated by 57 Arab and Muslim countries and I can tell you here very unequivocally all of us are willing to right now uh guarantee the security of Israel in the context of Israel ending the occupation and uh uh uh allowing for the emergence of a Palestinian State he is creating that danger because he simply does not want the two-state solution and if he does not want the two-state solution can you ask the Israeli officials what is their end game what a powerful testimony but more importantly what a powerful question that absolutely needs to
be answered what is Israel's endgame here in the past 365 days Israel has dropped 75,000 tons of explosives on Gaza the equivalent of five nuclear bombs like the one the US dropped on Hiroshima approximately 87% of gaza's schools have been damaged or destroyed with 11,500 students killed by Israeli forces gaza's entire medical industry has collapsed with 34 hospitals completely out of operation and this total collapse of infrastructure has led to widespread disease and left 95% of the population without access to clean water it's hard to claim that Palestine POS as an existential threat to Israel's
existence or that this is even considered a war when Israel has the ability to unleash such overwhelming and unrestricted destruction this imbalance of power is made even more extreme by the fact that Israel enjoys the full backing of the world's most powerful military in the United States once again Jordan's prime minister asked the question that no Israeli official can answer can you ask Israelis what's their narrative other than I'm going to continue to go to war I'm going to kill this and kill that and destroy this and D that the the amount of damage that
Israeli government has done 30 years of efforts to convince people that peace is possible this Israeli government killed it the amount of dehumanization hatred bitterness will take generations to navigate to to navigate through so ultimately the question is we want peace and we've laid out a plan for peace ask any Israeli official what is their plan for peace you'll get nothing because they're only thinking of the first step we're going to go Go destroy Gaza inflame the West Bank destroy Lebanon and after that they have no plan Minister saf's words carry a lot of weight
as he was not only speaking on behalf of Jordan but also on behalf of the 57 members of the Muslim Arab committee who are all willing to guarantee Israel's Security in the context of a two-state solution just listen to The Joint statement the committee released earlier this year we call on the International Community to assume its responsibilities to follow up efforts to advance the peace process to achieve a just and comprehensive peace based on the two-state solution which embodies an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital on the lines of the 4th of
June 1967 able to live in security and peace alongside Israel in accordance with the resolutions of the international legitimacy and established references including the Arab peace initiative the terms for peace are quite clear and reasonable Palestinians just want a chance to govern themselves and live in dignity like any other country they seek to uphold the unanimously agreed upon 1967 borders as recognized by International consensus it's as simple as that but Israel actually takes it one step further not only has the country consistently rejected the one-state solution that would bring peace to the region it is
now expanding its territory ministers in the far-right government have openly stated their intent to remove Palestinians from Gaza and build settlements in the strip some Israeli politicians have even called for the expansion of existing borders to what they consider greater Israel this is the belief that Israel's true borders are the ones that are referenced in the Bible if Israel was able to achieve this goal it would occupy parts of modern day Egypt Iraq Syria Jordan Lebanon Saudi Arabia and of course Palestine independent top un officials appointed to investigate the conflict have concluded the idea of
a greater Israel is fueling netanyahu's ideology this is a major Revelation as even the United Nations isn't afraid to admit the true intentions of Netanyahu and his cabinet just take it from the words of israeli's Finance Minister who in this article from Middle Eastern I calls for Israel's borders to extend to Damascus Syria Israeli soldiers have also been wearing patches depicting the image of Greater Israel on their uniforms during Gaza operations these extreme views are now the mainstream political goals of the Israeli government since October 7th rather than a genuine effort to retrieve the hostages
and work towards a lasting peace we've witnessed an escalation aimed at provoking further conflicts with Lebanon Syria and Iran while potentially seizing more territory for settlements this is certainly the case in the West Bank as Israeli extremist settlers are seizing records amounts of land often violently while the situation is undeniably dire it's evident that Israel has overplayed its hand they're no closer to achieving any of their objectives in Gaza and now are facing a tactical situation that's very similar to the American war in Vietnam Troops are constantly returning to areas in the Gaza Strip they
had supposedly cleared only to face the same resistance again and here's something even more striking Hamas has reportedly gained 3,000 Fighters and continues to operate in Northern Gaza it seems that when Israel kills more innocent children it fuels the resistance prompting more people to rise up and join the fight but once again there's a bigger problem for Israel the vast majority of the world now votes in favor of Palestine to be admitted into the United Nations while on the flip side Israel continues to lose diplomatic relations around the world one of the most critical losses
for Israel was its relationship with Saudi Arabia while the two countries countries have never formerly established relations both the Saudis and the Jewish state were working closer on a deal to build a larger Regional partnership however the Saudi foreign minister made it clear in this October 2nd oped for the financial times that the two-state solution is the only viable path to peace and normalization but of course we can't have this conversation without addressing the US government and its role in this conflict the reality is without a continuous supply of us arms Israel wouldn't be able
to sustain its War effort diplomatically the US has the power and ability to stop this conflict almost immediately as reported by a senior Israeli Air Force official Israel wouldn't be able to wage war for more than a few months without us weapons but of course there's another problem American politicians are completely captured by the Israeli Lobby which runs so much political campaigns throughout us politics but all of this comes at a very large cost it's damaging to the Middle East and it's hurting American citizens too Israel's violent extremist agenda does nothing to protect us security
nor Serve American interests but most importantly it also does not help Israel in the long term either Israel is now completely ostracized by the International Community and its economy is in disarray Israel's credit rating is already plummeting and Israel is likely to lose its investment grade credit rating very soon with dire long-term Economic Consequences in the end Israel faces a critical Crossroad on One path accepting the two-state solution would not only give Palestinians the sovereignty and dignity they deserve but also secure a lasting peace that benefits both Nations the step would allow for the Reconstruction
of trust and pave the way for regional stability the alternative is a dangerous path of continued occupation and escalating violence which will only deepen the cycle of hatred and resistance ensuring that this conflict never ends with mounting International pressure Israel's hand is being forced either to embrace the two-state solution or face isolation and more dangerous threats from its neor in the region but now I want to switch gears and show you an interesting graph that will demonstrate exactly what the future of this and many conflicts around the world will involve this is the cyber crime
index which ranks countries by cyber crime Threat Level no surprise here that Russia and Ukraine take the top two spots but even the United States Iran and Israel all rank inside the top 20 AS Global cyber security threats I bring this up because geopolitics moves markets and creates opportunities and now I'm going to switch to the testing portion of today's video and tell you about today's video sponsor plural security Incorporated which trades under the symbol PLC KF now to give you some context into what the future of warfare will look like let's start with this
December 2023 Forbes article in titled cyber security the fifth Battlefield it opens with a truly amazing quote over the past 50 years battlefields have been marked by air Land and Sea today however the traditional Battlefield is expanding with space and cyber security emerging as Battlegrounds four and five respectively we actually saw this come into full effect in the Russia Ukraine war in January 2022 when Ukraine was hit hard by Whisper gate a malware aimed at dismantling critical infrastructure throughout the country but the biggest take away from this event is that it highlights a critical shift
in the evolution of Warfare when a true ground War Began cyber attacks on critical infrastructure were the first strike cyber security Ventures the world's leading researcher and publisher covering the global cyber economy predicts the price tag of cyber crime damage will reach $10.5 trillion by 2025 a staggering amount that if measured as a country would be the third largest after the US and China moving forward we are also facing an unprecedented number of global conflicts the Russia Ukraine war will burden Europe for the foreseeable future Israel is fighting no less than seven different conflicts with
its neighbors in the Middle East and us and China tensions continue to escalate honestly speaking there is just so much going on in the world right now and it's why I think a company like plural loock is positioned well to benefit from this chaos so let's break down exactly what they do and why there is so much potential with this company we'll start with the financials as plural along has seen an impressive Revenue growth which nearly doubled over 24 months from 36.6 million in 2021 to 70.4 million in 2023 in 2024 they've signed over $40
million in new contracts and that includes the largest single sale in company history a $19.3 million contract with a key S&P 500 listed player in the global semiconductor supply chain if we take a look at their most recent earnings Q2 2024 shows the company is continuing to execute its goals and saw 98% year-on-year growth of critical Services pulling in a gross profit of $2 million which is up over 42% year over-year the business has three sources of revenue the first being the critical services division which provides managed Enterprise cyber security services that are tailored to
the customers needs this division is leading margin expansion with a 144% increase in gross margin it's also growing at break next speed just last week plural loock announced a partnership between their critical Services Division and crowd strike to secure critical infrastructure in democratic nations and economies the collaboration empowers plural loock to deploy crowd strikes Falcon platform to institutions and organizations looking to modernize their security operations for today's growing threat environment the second is the solutions division which provides a full line of leading it and cyber Security Solutions and the final piece of the business operating
between 60 to 80% gross margins is their proprietary SAS software that provides all-in-one Cloud identity protection now arguably the most important part of a growing company is the management and team who is driving the business and plural loock has assembled some of the best industry experts to lead this company we'll start with Ian Peterson the CEO of plural who is a 15-year analytics entrepreneur whose specialty is closing multi-million dollar deals he is joined by a group of talented world-class directors and advisers including retired Navy Admiral Mike McConnell who served as the Director of National Intelligence
under both George W bush and Barack Obama Patrick Gorman the former CIO for the US intelligence Community Joe ston the former director of crowd strike and Ed hamers slay former president of rathon cyber products finally we'll discuss the client list of plural loock which is extremely impressive as the company has locked in contracts with some of the most high-profile clients you can imagine that includes more than 30 federal agencies such as NASA the US Navy and Air Force in addition to an Enterprise list of global 2,000 companies including major hospitals G airports and Global semiconductor
companies many of my long-term viewers will know my thoughts on microchips and that they are the most valuable piece of technology for the future of our world but like we mentioned throughout today's video conflicts are not going to stop anytime soon and unfortunately the way the world is going they are only likely to increase in the future if you're an investor who likes cyber security I think there's a lot of potential with plural loock but as always I want to remind you to do your own homework and research before investing in any companies and to
help you with that I'm going to link the stock ticker investor presentation and Company website down in the description for you below thank you all for spending time with me here today on YouTube and I look forward to seeing you all in our next video soon