Why You Should NEVER Take Money To Start A Business

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Iman Gadzhi
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Video Transcript:
guys I am begging you please please never take on money when you're trying to start down business so as if you are new to this channel my name is Iman gadji I'm an 18 year old entrepreneur I've done some pretty crazy stuff dropped out of high school when I was 17 years old I went on to build three businesses that have done roughly around $70,000 profit this month and yeah pretty much just like a professional lifestyle designer and just try to show people that really you can do it as a [ __ ] you own
in this life so let's get on to the topic of this video which is in my opinion I genuinely and I will hold this belief I think that you should never take all money when you're first starting a business and here is why first of all if you are first starting off a business you know it's your first go at this there is an immense amount of stress that comes with building a business whether that be an online business a b2b business b2c business of tertiary industry whatever industry or business you're trying to build there's
an immense amount of pressure that comes with that okay and that pressure is amplified tenfold when you've taken on money either from the bank or from an investor or from your mom whatever it may be it is no longer like here's the thing pressure is good pressure is good hardship is good but when you have too much of it you break especially if it's your first time around now to give you guys a bit of a backstory people always ask me you know how much money did you have to start my first business which was
my marketing agency or any of the other stuff that I've built you know did you take on money how much money did you take on and it was telling like zero I started with what I had you know I didn't have much but I made it work right and then I scaled from there and then I took on more business expenses from there and you know I'm so glad I did because look as I said you know people say burned burger you know burn the bridges or you know burn the boats like you know throw
yourself entirely if you have if you're accountable and you have someone there it look that's a fair point you know if you've taken on money and you have someone there and you're accountable to that money I can completely understand the angle but you know you're gonna do better but that said in my opinion if it's your first time around you're already in under enough pressure and as is you don't need to add you know fuel to the fire also here's the thing in my opinion if you're just starting your first business it should be something
with us with zero almost zero to little startup costs because you know that that's your that's your test that's your experience look I you know I say in relationships like if you don't love yourself how are you meant to love someone else if you can't you know in business if you can't manage yourself how you manage meant to manage other people the only real instance I can think of to bring on money right or to have some sort of investment to start is because you need employees you need infrastructure you need office you need you
know you you might even need some freelancers but on uh you know on a you know in a bigger role within your within your business whatever it may be how are you meant to manage them if you haven't learned how to manage yourself leadership is you know making you know making sure that you're well is full making sure that you as a human you've got on your [ __ ] together and then now you can lead others in the same way that you kind of tamed yourself so really for me and I know all you
guys you know hear your thinking [ __ ] if I just had $10,000 if I had 30,000 50,000 100,000 dollars what could I do with my business and I understand that but we live in such a cool world with between online marketing between you know the opportunities within sales all the sales technology look you can you can pick up the phone today and make four thousand dollars over the phone literally you just just find something to sell and then just sell that thing and in my opinion it's much better if you can self-fund your own
project say you know say you need a hundred thousand dollars to get something off off the ground and running find something else get into sales get into online marketing you know build a marketing agency start a personal brand get into affiliate market whatever wherever the hell you want to do right self fund yourself because first of all you know what that money is worth you know one of the issues with and look this isn't everyone but one of the issues with wealthy kids and I've been around a lot in my time is the fact that
they just don't understand what money is worth right they don't understand what what what work has actually gone in to create that money so in the same way if you don't have any money and you're bringing on someone else's money you don't understand what that investor or you know your your uncle or the bank has [ __ ] gone through to actually accrue that 100k investment that 50k investment that 100 hundred K investment so I think it's a much better place or you know you're coming from a much better place if you can actually go
ahead build that sort of foundation and you can actually you know accrue that money yourself you know because you actually understand what that's worth and you don't take that [ __ ] for granted okay yeah so between the pressure between the fact that you know in order to manage other people in in order to build a company which is the only reason I can see why at the beginning you need to take on on investment you know for those two reasons I really really wouldn't recommend you know taking all money when you're first begin seriously
and you know a lot of people as I said asked me did you take our money and you know what was your process at the beginning my process at the beginning was you know I bought a course and then I made some money and then I spent all that you know I reinvested all that money into second course and then I rested into a third and a fourth and then I reinvested into coach and then I reinvested into a seminar and then you know at some point I'm like look I'm getting in a good place
cash flows coming in and now I'm just gonna go buy myself something nice because I deserve it and then more money came in and then I bought more equipment from my marketing agency more coaching more mentoring then you know things got better and I brought on freelancers and outsourcers and then things got better and I just scaled at a slower rate but at least I understood how to scale because once again I said this before if someone gives me the million dollar a month blueprint which people have people have shown me I don't know what
to do with it right you could be put in a McLaren p1 right now you don't know what to do with it because you've never driven uh you've never driven a Porsche so how could you go from whatever you're the [ __ ] you're driving now and this might not be you know someone watching this might actually have a Bugatti I don't know but how the hell are you meant to go from a Toyota to a McLaren p1 and understand that difference right you have to go through the process and I see a lot of
people they try to you know springboard to the other side before actually going through the process how the hell are you meant to lift 200 you know do a 500 pound deadlift if you don't even know how to do you know you don't even know how to do you know rows with proper forbore or you know a lap pull down with proper form so guys go through the process and I think it's such a cool thing to be able to say look I own a hundred percent of my company I don't have any loans I
don't have any debts I don't have any of that [ __ ] right and you know it makes you sleep pretty easy and you know if it was 30 years ago I wouldn't be giving this same advice but we live in such a cool world and if you're passionate about something if you want to become a designer if you want to become a if you want to become a designer if you want to start a clothing line if you want to jetski for a living cool you can do that do that but just find something
on the side to fund it if you want to for example with me my you know my long long-term dream and goal is to create an academy for entrepreneurs but I'm not talking about like you know like some mastermind group I'm talking about like a legitimate like school like an educating you leave the school with zero formal education and they have to sign a waiver that they understand that you leave it with zero education except for the fact that everyone is you know the teachers are millionaires are the best and the best of the best
of the best in the world you know so that you know that that dream in that vision of mine is gonna cost me like 50 to 100 million won much rather start building right now instead of putting money aside and start building an empire to fund a grand vision right but that's a 50 hundred million dollar vision your vision might just be like [ __ ] I just needed to save up like 50 KS so that for a year I can just go jet ski or I just need a 5k a month passive business or
I just need to marketing agency clients just three marketing agency clans so that you know I spend maybe 20 hours a month maybe like five hours a week on on you know my marketing agency clients and then the rest of time I'm off jet skiing so guys live in a really cool world I want you to remember that and for all as I said for all you guys who are looking to take all money I would HIGHLY highly recommend you don't go that route so yeah hope you guys enjoyed this video and I love you
guys as always and I'll see you in tomorrow's video [Music] I'll come
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