I Comandamenti | Mauro Biglino

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Mauro Biglino
Mauro Biglino esplora il tema delle leggi noachiche e delle leggi mosaiche, mettendo in luce le diff...
Video Transcript:
[Music] Good morning. I made a video on the Noahic laws, that is, those laws which, according to Jewish tradition, God, who we know to be the Elohim, gave, would have given, to Noah and his sons and which are laws that must apply to all humanity . If you remember, we saw that of those seven laws, six were prohibitions and only one contained a positive order which was to establish courts.
Now I would go on to draw a parallel with the laws that God himself would theoretically have given to Moses, which however are laws that concern exclusively the people of Israel. I feel like saying: fortunately, in the sense that I am happy not to be subject, not to be subject to those laws. But there is an interesting thing to note about the discussion of the Decalogue and therefore in the chat we will come to highlight this aspect.
I read an article about yet another discovery that was made in the Middle East, in Israel, by teams of Israeli archaeologists who found sites in which, from which a cult reserved for Yahweh and, more generally, for an E ,l by various members of the various branches of Abraham's family. And the interesting thing, apart from the discussions that there are on the interpretation of these sites among archaeologists, the thing that seems established is that in any case these populations referred to these Els, in this case in this case to Yahweh, as these gods or this God who gave rules, who gave teachings and therefore this is part of, beyond the individual specific aspects on which maybe sooner or later archaeologists will find agreement, it is part of that general vision that I have been presenting for years as the group of the Elohim which he gave to the subjugated, therefore to the various populations - therefore Moabites, Ammonites, Amalekites, Edomites, Israelites obviously, he gave a whole series of rules and regulations which were therefore also very practical: let's say rules and teachings on extraction, on processing of metals. However, returning to the rules of behavior, then the so-called commandments or "mitzvot" that Yahweh would have given to Moses are not only those 10 that were taught to us and that, I repeat, we will actually see which are the 10 considered fundamental: they are not those that are taught to us.
Yahweh gave Moses 613 rules of which 248 are rules given positively, you will do, and the others, the remaining 365, are prohibitions. The ban was actually, so to speak, a very important instrument of control, of power, we have already seen it in the Noahide laws and, among other things, more than half, perhaps almost two thirds are indications of a health and hygiene nature because, we know well, the Elohim had a need, namely to avoid the spread of diseases that would have decimated their populations perhaps in a very short time and therefore they could not afford this. So, within these 613 commandments we all - and when I say we all I mean we here in the West - have received as teaching the so-called Decalogue, that is, the 10 laws, the 10 commandments that we all know.
Now I am not going to examine them all because the purpose of this chat is slightly different from the examination of individuals: it is to show how in the Bible the Decalogue considered fundamental is different, it is not the one we were taught. However, in what we have been taught, some considerations must still be made, therefore, for example, even here in the 10 commandments it must be said, again, that only one does not contain prohibitions, nine contain prohibitions, just to underline how much this was the instrument used by the famous God of love who, first of all, prohibited, that is, first of all, he said what things were not to be done. So, instead of teaching to love each other, to collaborate with each other, etc.
, he taught, or rather, prohibited doing a whole series of things that would have created disorder and problems within the group he governed. Now, the first of these commandments contained in the Decalogue found in the book of Exodus says: I am Yahweh, I read it directly as it is taught in the catechism, I am Yahweh your Elohim - obviously in the catechism it says I am the Lord your God - but, as I explained in the videos in which I say that it is better not to translate, I respect and therefore maintain what is written in the Bible - I am Yahweh your Elohim who brought you out of the land of Egypt; you will have no other Elohim before me. So "you will not have", not "they do not exist": therefore this is a very clear sentence that does not even need explanations.
You shall not make for yourself an idol or any image of what is in heaven above, nor of what is in the earth below, nor of what is in the water under the earth. You will not bow down to them or serve them. Now, obviously this is even, how to say, trivial to say it, it is a commandment that has been completely forgotten, not by the Jews but by the Christians who also refer to it, better still by the Catholics, who also refer to these commandments, who also refer to this God who theoretically should be God the Father, the father of Jesus Christ but, I have already mentioned it a few times and we will see it later, is absolutely not the father of Jesus Christ.
I say: why is it a forgotten commandment? Just look around: Catholics worship statues, images, idols, representations; they are worshipers of a crucified person, an image that absolutely should not be there. They should be removed from all the Churches because Yahweh has never abrogated this commandment, ever, so we must remember this.
so much so that when in 2000 years they dig here, as we do in sites dating back to 2000 or 3000 years ago, they will say that these Christians, these Catholics were in reality idolaters because they will find thousands, thousands, thousands of representations of every kind of a divinity and a lot of intermediate divinities which are the Madonna, the Saints etc. , to whom they turn with veneration and adoration, in total contempt of this commandment which, I repeat, has never been abrogated. Then moving forward - I repeat, I don't want to examine them all because I'm not interested at the moment - let's go to the fourth commandment which would be the only one that does not contain express prohibitions and says: Honor your father and your mother so that your days may be prolonged in the land that Yahweh gives you your Elohim.
That is, honor your father and mother so that your days may be prolonged. Why is it that if you do not honor your father and mother your days are not prolonged, which means they are shortened? Let's go and see them immediately and connect it with commandment number 5 which says: Thou shalt not kill; Do not kill and then, precisely, Honor your father and your mother.
Already the Jewish scholar Lia Bat Adam clearly explains, on the basis of Jewish tradition, that "Honor your father and your mother" means not that you must love them but that you must take care of your father and your mother, that is, you must take care of your elderly even at the cost of getting into debt because your parents, who have become elderly, must not be a burden on the community. But let's see the connection between this "Honor your father and your mother" and also the connection "Thou shalt not kill". Meanwhile, taking from the Bible of Jerusalem - at least so we take from official sources - it is written that essentially the commandments, these commandments, are not an original fact of the people of Israel and the contacts of the Decalogue, for example, with the Code of Hammurabi , the Hittite code and the decree of Pharaoh Horemheb, who could almost be considered a contemporary of Moses, do not testify to a direct dependence on each other - this is very interesting - but from a common source, an ancient law that differentiated according to environments and peoples and this, once again, if read from the perspective of that mosaic that is built by reading the Bible in a certain way, means that there was someone above who gave orders which then, depending on of the various peoples, had a different declination and therefore we are once again in the possibility of at least hypothesizing the existence of these Elohim, the existence of a leader of the Elohim who gave a series of orders of a fundamental nature and then each of the Elohim he adapted to his people and gave the his commandments.
So it is interesting to read that these commandments of Israel do not depend on the Code of Hammurabi, they do not depend on the Hittite code, they do not depend on a Pharaonic code, but they represent one of the many evolutions, that is, therefore they are one of the elaborations that one of the Elohim gave to his people and this is very interesting because it constitutes a, at least potential, new confirmation. But let's look at the connection between commandment four "Honor your father and mother so that your days in the land may be long" and commandment five "Thou shalt not kill". If we go to Exodus 21 it is written: He who strikes a man causing his death will be put to death, therefore "Thou shalt not kill" but the death sentence is applied.
Whoever kidnaps a man, whether he sells him or finds him still in his possession, will be put to death. He who curses his father or mother will be put to death. He who strikes his father or mother will be put to death.
This is why you must honor your father and your mother so that your days may be prolonged in the land that Yahweh your Elohim gives you: because if you do not honor them, therefore if you curse them or if you strike them you are killed and then your days are shortened. But there is a further clarification: here we are in the book of Exodus, let's go to the book of Deuteronomy where there is a clarification that is even more interesting and I would say even harder. Let's go to chapter 21 to verse 18: If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey the voice of his father or his mother and, although they have chastised him, he does not listen to them - be careful here this young man is simply stubborn and rebellious, has neither insulted nor mistreated their parents - therefore if he has a stubborn son, his father and his mother will take him and lead him to the elders of the city, at the gates of the place where he lives, and they will say to the elders of the city: this our son is stubborn and rebellious, he doesn't want to obey our voice, he is a greedy and a drunkard.
Then all the men of his city will stone him and he will die. Thus you will eradicate evil from yourself and all Israel will know it and will be afraid. That is, it was necessary to teach a lesson, give a lesson so that the children understood that parents must be obeyed, not loved, not necessarily loved, then obviously there is no prohibition on loving them but there is no order to love them, there is an order to carry out their orders.
The penalty is that your days in the land that the Lord has given you will not be prolonged, meaning that you will be killed. Youth rebellions are not accepted. So the commandment is "not to kill" which, as the Rabbis explain, not to kill does not mean not to kill in general, it means not to kill your neighbor in your tent, that is, not to commit a deliberate murder, unless - we are in chapter 20 of Leviticus - therefore "do not kill".
Let's continue. Whoever curses his father or mother shall be put to death. If anyone commits adultery with his neighbor's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall be put to death.
If anyone has intercourse with one of his father's wives, he discovers the father's nakedness, both of them shall be put to death. If one has relations with the daughter-in-law, both of them must be put to death. If anyone has intercourse with a man as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination, they must be put to death.
If anyone takes a daughter as a wife and the mother is an abomination, he and they will be burned with fire. The man who mates with a beast must be put to death, you must kill the beast too. And so on.
. . I have only read some of the indications in which Yahweh clearly says: you must kill.
And we understand well that this would be in total, clear, irremediable conflict with the commandment not to kill. I leave out, because we have already seen them other times, all the extermination orders that were given against the other peoples who, I remember, Midianites, Amalekites. .
. were all descendants of Abraham's family; they had to be exterminated; the Moabites, therefore close relatives of the Israelites, had to be exterminated. Then you understand that on the one hand there was "do not kill" and on the other there was, on all these hundreds of occasions, "kill".
When you read the Bible you will also find that someone who violated the law of the Sabbath was killed because he was discovered collecting a little wood: perhaps he wanted to make a small fire, perhaps he was cold, perhaps he wanted to prepare some food, but he collected wood: it is been killed. So you understand that this "do not kill" had a precise meaning that has nothing to do with that ethical, moral meaning that was then given to it within that Decalogue which was presented to us as the ethical Decalogue, the Decalogue morality that God would have given to induce men to love each other and to make men love him too. In reality there is another Decalogue in the Bible and now let's go and see it.
This set of norms, of laws, is found in chapter 34 of the Exodus: this chapter 34 comes after the event in which Moses ascended Mount Sinai, received the tablets of the law written with the book of God, then descended from the mountain , had witnessed that scene in which the Israelites had had Aaron build for them the image of one of the Elohim that they adored, that they were used to knowing when they were in Egypt, that is, the famous calf, the golden calf. Moses gets angry and destroys the tablets so, evidently, he knew that he could have had more even if they were written by the finger of God. So this happens "Yahweh said to Moses: cut two stone tablets like the first ones, I will write on these tables the words that were on the previous tables that you broke.
" So here he clearly tells us that what we will hear now was what was written on the tablets that God had made with his own finger and which Moses had then broken. "And he says: behold, I establish an alliance in the presence of all your people and I will do wonders. I will drive out before you" - he makes a list of the enemies he will drive out - and he says "be careful not to make an alliance with the inhabitants of the land in which you are about to enter so that this does not become a trap in your midst.
" Let us keep in mind that these peoples who inhabited the land into which the Israelites were about to enter were peoples who, according to tradition, God himself with the name of Elyon in chapter 32 of Deuteronomy, had placed by distinguishing the nations well, so here we should say that Yahweh , if it is always the same God, as tradition tells us, he had forgotten that he had placed those peoples and decides to push them away, to chase them away, or even better, when possible, to exterminate them. Here too we say that it would require a certain psychological or psychiatric analysis. He therefore says "Do not make an alliance, but rather you will destroy their altars, you will break their steles in pieces and you will cut down their sacred poles".
Every time I read this sentence I am reminded of ISIS as the perfect executor of Yahweh's orders: ISIS has done, among other things, exactly this, that is, it has destroyed sacred places. But this order of Yahweh is written in the Bible, that is, in the Old Testament, therefore "You will destroy their sacred places. You must not prostrate yourself to other Elohim because Yahweh is called jealous: he is a jealous Elohim" and therefore, here too as I have said a moment ago, if this Yahweh declares himself jealous of divinities that do not exist he certainly needs a serious analysis, because he, being God, had to know whether the other divinities existed or not.
“Do not take their daughters as your sons' wives. ” This is a law on a racial or racist basis as we would say and to think that it is what created all men therefore he should love them equally, but they were not supposed to take the daughters of other peoples as wives because there was the risk that these would convinced others to worship Elohim. “You shall not make for yourself a God of molten metal” continues this list i.
e. , again, do not worship idols. But how many idols of molten metal do we know today, how many millions of idols of molten metal do we know today within the Catholic religion which is based on this book.
"You shall observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread", this is another big difference compared to, for example, the Decalogue which we are taught within the catechism. "Every being that is born first from the mother's womb is mine. Every head of your male cattle, the first birth of the large and small cattle" and up to this point one says: okay, ok, he had the first-born offspring of the various heads of livestock, both large livestock and small livestock.
We still have to ask ourselves what God did with animals , however, in short, the fact is that he said that they were his but, be careful, here there is an equation that makes us understand very well what the thoughts of these Elohim were "Every firstborn of the your children you must redeem him. " That is, exactly like animals, every firstborn of every family of an Israelite was the property of Yahweh and, if the parents wanted it, they had to redeem it, that is, in practice, they had to buy it from God by paying for it with hard cash and in another video we also saw how much individuals, men, little ones were worth, the distinction between males and females, etc. , etc.
And so there was the redemption of newborns. "For six days you will work but in the seventh you will rest. You will celebrate the feast of weeks.
You will not sacrifice the blood of my victim with leavened bread . You will bring to the house of Yahweh your Elohim the best of the firstfruits of your land" therefore Yahweh wanted the best of the cereals, of the fruits, in short of everything that the earth produced, he wanted the best. But what does God do with all this?
We know very well what was done with it and this second list of precise laws ends with another order "You shall not cook a kid in its mother's milk", this order was evidently an important order also because it is repeated other times in the Bible so for Yahweh it was important. Perhaps there were health and hygiene reasons, perhaps there were reasons, as some say, of distinction compared to other peoples, just to give some elements to distinguish oneself from the others: honestly it is difficult to find a precise answer but it is such an order It is important that many practicing Jews have two refrigerators at home: in one they keep the milk, in the other they keep the meat, so that there is no possibility of contact between the two, regardless of whether it is sheep meat, beef or milk. sheep.
. . It doesn't matter, to be sure of respecting this commandment considered so important, the meat is kept separate from the milk in two different refrigerators.
Well, so this second, let's call it, Decalogue ends with this precise order but the interesting thing is this "Yahweh said to Moses: write these words because on the basis of these words I have established an alliance with you, personally, and with Israel" . So, first he tells him: take some other tables, I will write on these tables what was written on the first ones, the ones that you broke, so what was written on the first ones - so says the Bible - is exactly what I have read now and what I have read to you now is the basis of the Covenant that Yahweh made with Moses and with Israel, not with humanity. It is no coincidence that I said before, at the beginning, I am happy not to have to submit to these laws so I don't have to celebrate the Feast of Weeks, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, I can safely keep milk and meat in the same refrigerator, instead, instead, we, instead of these, we were taught others.
So at this point we must take note of the fact that what we are taught is an elaboration of a part of laws and norms that have been given, have been chosen, have been extrapolated, have been reworked in an ethical key, have been reworked in moral key but, I repeat, I am a part and I am not that part of which Yahweh himself says: This is the basis on which I have established the alliance with the people of Israel. The rest of humanity has absolutely nothing to do with it. Bye, thank you and see you next time.
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