My Secret to Success

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Iman Gadzhi
The 'Slingshot' Effect. The name for this phenomenon came to me as me and my team flew to Iceland a...
Video Transcript:
so ladies and gentlemen welcome to this video today I will be talking to you guys about the slingshot effect now if you are new this channel my name is Amanda G I am actually a 19 year old high school dropout I have the great pleasure of running an advertising agency called IG media where we help primarily info product and e-commerce businesses a lot of them you've definitely heard of some of you probably look up to some of our e-commerce companies that we worked with you're probably wearing their products right now or using their products right now so we worked with some pretty big names if you guys want to if you guys are interested in working with my agency or kind of want to know just some of the names that we worked with I put together a case a but this case study was done January of 2019 so almost a year ago so doesn't have all the clients that we worked with but just some of the few that we've worked with in the past so you can go ahead and click on that below if you like to work with myself and my team so apart from that I also have the distinct honor of running the most successful and the leading agency online education company great agency at home so that's a little bit about me let's get straight into this video so today I want to talk to you guys about the slingshot effect now I have achieved what to me is is a relatively decent amount of success at my age to what other people is an absolutely absurd ludicrous just you know people struggle to fathom the level of success that I've achieved in my age is that to me it's just kind of like normal and a lot of time people ask me that you know and you know what is one thing or what do you really what what can you attribute your success to and I never really had a name for it and never really knew what to call it until around a month and a half ago and this is when I actually created a presentation I've been super busy since then a month and a half ago I was actually taking two of my team members Kiran who's my product manager as well as a copywriter for ion's 4ig media and danny who is the media buyer for my advertising agency both full-time employees of mine taking them to iceland thought we'd do a little two three day iceland thought we did a little two three day iceland company trip and i was sitting on the plane looking out the window being introspective as usual and I quickly bus on my computer and I start putting this together presentation because I realized the reason that I am where I am in life is because of and once again I never really had a name for it I hadn't coined a term for it but I'd like to call it the slingshot effect and I don't know if this is actually a thing maybe like and that's the crazy thing sometimes you know I'll think of concepts and then I realized that no I was actually just from a book I read four years ago so I hope this is not some concept from four years ago but really the point that I was trying to get and the thing that was almost in my head might be were like okay why have you managed to achieve the level of success you achieved it's because of the level of sacrifice how much I need to sacrifice in order to propel myself forward and that was kind of where the analogy of a slingshot effect came from so ladies and gentleman let's jump into it so multi millionaire at age 19 as I said this is something that is just as crazy to people it's it's you know it blows people's minds the fact that I've been able to achieve this at the age of 19 and once again people ask me all the time you know how did I do it and I never knew what to call it until I said I started thinking I'm like look it's it's the fact that I took steps back or we'll look like steps back in order to take steps forward it's I'd you know I had all my private victories I had all my victories in private and no one knew about any of this stuff until I started getting all the success and then I got propelled forward and so limelight so let me explain how it works loading all right the loading phase the more you pull back the slingshot the more difficult it gets more tension is applied and this is where you're in control and you steer the ship now when you let go you know once you apply a certain amount of tension you let go you relax and you let things their course and this is quite simple formula you know the longer you pull back the sling the more effort you apply to pulling it back the farther it's going to go and this is really how this applies in the real world it's the exact same thing the more you can hold out the more mistyping there but the more effort you can put into the loading phase the father you'll go personally and this isn't all you know this is this might seem like a very obvious concept to you guys but I want this dissect it from a micro and macro level so for example if we look at a fourteen-day micro view right because we all understand oh you know we all understand a concept of like oh sacrifice you know we we all understand work hard sacrifice this you know these are very generic sort of term stuffs but if we bring this to a fourteen-day very tangible micro view let's look at it this way some people are letting go of the slingshot on a daily basis by having a drink at the end of day or having a call via catch up with a friend or maybe they're watching some sort of Netflix show you know that is them pulling back the slingshot maybe they've done you know of only 60 minutes of real actual deep focus work that day maybe four or five hours of like you know kind of half working half not work and then maybe at the end day they're watching cute wee hours of some Netflix show or maybe they're having a you know a glass of wine with their friend they're like a beer with their friend and that's them letting go of the slingshot now from a weekly perspective you know some other examples are they're loading the slingshot all week but then ruing and ruining about going out at night too much and some people load the slingshot all week but will ruin it by eating food on the weekend now from macro view I know a lot of entrepreneurs are up their growth because they travel way too much you know I've just come from a very long stint of traveling and never really to your schedule then there are people for example who go through months where they just don't push themselves enough and takes thing at take things easy so here's how it all makes sense from the age of 14 to 17 I read a book a week and that made it and and made that a huge priority while the rest of my friends were having fun on the weekend you know from the age of 14 I've religiously gone to the gym four to six times per week and made Fitness a huge priority of mine meditation once again for the last five years I've admitted ten minutes a day religiously even when the benefit / effects weren't apparent at all stacking from the age of 14 to 17 I was stacking all of these positive habits / attributes on top of each other and the result of that was a breakthrough year once I found the agency business model within a year of finding the agency model I was making multi six figures of your income because I set all the right foundations so ladies and gentlemen you know I have a lot of you guys for example who are frustrated you like look my parents did you know they don't let me move forward with my agency or I still have school or this or that and some of you guys are error situation in a university or like look my parents they pay for my university and like I have to make this party I understand and because of that your earning potential is lower I understand but one thing I can say is there are fundamentals and there are things there are their habits routines that if you stack those will carry those through you'll carry those through for the rest of your life so for example from the age of 14 to 17 let's just put this into perspective from the age of 14 to 17 I basically went from like and right at the beginning of 17 I started making some serious money with my agency once I found the agency business vulnerable from the age of like 14 to 17 like my best ever month I think was when I was flipping Instagram accounts and like one month I made like two and a half G's but like my like you know an average best month like if we look at three months sort of blended together maybe like 1500 you know from the age of 14 to 17 three years at it and then from 17 to 19 you know going from you know at the beginning of 17 making you know 1,500 a month to you know literally what a year and a half later a year and a half later two years later you know clocking in to $300,000 months can you know to go from zero to fifteen hundred a month 1,500 or was about three years and then to go from 1500 a month to three hundred two hundred fifty to three hundred thousand a month eighteen months can you kind of see the disconnect there the reason that is and the only the only way that those 18 months those 24 months those 12 month survey the breakthrough one or two years that I've had the only reason that that was possible was because as because as I said I had 36 months I had over three years of stacking those habits it was three years of me pulling back the slingshot it was three years of my friends going out on the weekends me being like no that I'm staying in I'm reading I'm going to gym I'm meditating I'm forced or focusing on me I'm pulling back my slingshot I'm stacking my private victories yeah that was my party that was my thing okay so as I said while everyone else you know they might do a little work and then reward themselves here's the thing guys I think we rewarding yourself and building a positive feedback loop around hard work is amazing like I think if you can muster up the ability to do even four hours of deep focus work which would by the way 99. 999 point five percent 99. 9% of entrepreneurs don't know how to do four hours a day of like actual deep work okay so if you can do four hours even just four hours of deep focused work in a day at the end of the day if you want to go reward yourself with a smoothie if you're gonna go reward yourself with like watching an hour of your favorite TV show I have no issues of that all I have no qualms with that at all but what I would say is if we look on sort of a more macro level view if you were looking at three months or six months or 12 months the person who pulls back the slingshot the most the person who says no to going out more times the person who says no to going to the cinema with a friend the person who says no to eating food the person who says no to a poor underachiever mindset the person has no to all those things and who pulls back the sleeves and the slingshot and it said if you think about pulling back a slingshot this it gets tough there's tension it gets tough there's tension that's built it's not pleasant it's kind of it feels very uncomfortable at certain point you know you feel as though everything's gonna snap everything's gonna break that is the exact same way that life goes alright so for those of you guys who want to know how to and how to win and how to win big as I said it is literally just that it's pulling back the slingshot it's pulling back the slingshot it's stacking all of those private victories for not just days for months for years for decades and then eventually they'll come into fruition because you need to understand that everything in your life now is not a direct correlation of what you did yesterday or three days ago or a week ago it's a direct correlation of what you did three years ago of what you did three months ago what you did sometimes some occasions three weeks ago you know you need to understand that you are the actions that you take today if you do thirty days of meditation if you do three days of go to the gym if you do thirty days of you know putting in at least and once again you know it shocks people when I tell people hey just do when you first start just do three or four hours of work a day and that's it and stop after them but I'm talking about deep focus work I'm talking about this sort of work where you have some binaural beats you've got brain fm playing you have some headphones on your head where I'm talking about the type of work where your phone is in the zone the other side of the house turned on and actually just turned off put in a vault I told him I the type of work where you got some incense sticks lit I'm talking about the type of work where you meditate it earlier that day you haven't checked social media at all you haven't even turned your phone on that day or maybe you have your phone on but it's on airplane mode see that way you can just listen to audiobooks come straight back home from the gym or go for a walk come home get straight to work I'm talking about that sort of work I don't talking about three or four hours of work where you wake up you immediately roll over you check your phone you might go to gym but you're still on your phone you come back you watch a YouTube video and then you get to work because I guarantee if you do that if you start your day that way you ain't getting done trust me so as I said if you can do even 30 days of go to the gym if you can do 30 days of meditating if you can do 30 days of doing four hours of just deep focused work you're not going to see those results in 30 days you're gonna see those results in six months in 12 months when you read a book you don't very rarely sometimes when you read that applies so has so much application to what's going on your life right now fair enough those are those are outliers sometimes you read books like that but most the time when you read books you won't reap the rewards of that for 3 years 5 years 17 months 23 months okay so let's get back into it I'm actually a place in my life and and it's actually when I when I made this presentation this is as I said as I said when I made this presentation it was around 45 days ago and 45 days ago I was actually a place in my life where I was letting go of the slingshock more you know for my personal happiness because for three years I literally sacrificed my entire life I put everything on the line and I just I you know I was just so it was just a monastic just obsession focus you know so I'm actually or at the time of making this slide you know which is around two months ago at this point I was actually at a point where I was spending three full months just kind of returning back to my personal happiness kind of just returning back to that childlike spirit in me now I said I haven't had a chance to record this figure for two months I've been so busy now I'm actually at a point in and you know you in your life you know the seasons always change and I'm not talking about like the literal scenes I'm talking about like low like legit seasons change you know things change focus change and now I'm at a point where once again I'm focused on loading that slingshot for the next four or five six months and just stacking more private victories okay so the way that I see it is I'm at a place right now where at the time reporting this I'm 19 years old you know I make a decent amount of money a couple mil a year and I'm I think about this law I think about what I could be like a 25 or 35 or 45 and different benchmarks but even if I think about roughly around five years from now when I'm 25 years old here's kind of the two tracks that I could go down income slash net worth I continue to make a respectable multi seven figures a year you know pretty similar to now you know to most people if they can make multi seven figures a year and you have that sort of spending power I mean honestly they'd go crazy like I get that I'm in a very very blessed position I work very hard to get here but also I've had some incredible circumstances the fact that I learned about the agency business more when I was 17 changed my life it changed everything for me but anyways my point is you know if I look at my income net worth you know I'm I can make a respectable Multi seven figures year as is now social events you know maybe a normal social event is going to a nice dinner with some friends and picking up the bill which which amounts to you know fit fifteen hundred you know let's say I go to like a let's say I go to Nobu with fifteen friends pay the bill fifteen hundred chill holiday you know once again let's say I go to holiday with some of my friends will pay for our own flights and split a dope mansion for a week total cost two thousand and partying let's say I go to a club and bring along fifteen twenty friends table bill is for K and I paid it to you my friends slash business associates so everyone has a more comfortable night like my point is what I'm trying to do here is I'm trying to make build an image of what I could be like a twenty five years old and to be honest actually meet this this image of twenty five years old is pretty much just kind of my life right now at nineteen you're not the specific nuances and picking up the bills and stuff like that but kind of what the sort of stuff that I can afford to do and and that I do do so that's me at twenty five years old if I don't stack my private victories or at twenty five years old I could be worth a hundred mil I could be making eight figures a year and funneling that aggressively into investments passive income from my investments pay for my lifestyle could be making eight figures a year following all of that to real estate the passive income from that pays for my lifestyle social events you know Monaco grumpy with my friends on orient rented yacht you know at 10k ten thousand pounds a day yearly social events include our basil Bowser rule Fashion Week Monaco GP etc etc holiday when I have a holiday I've flatted my three million pound more Bey of Villa that I rent out on Airbnb as an investment in other times on a private jet with my friends monthly partying I throw a monthly theme parties for three hundred four hundred friends this includes real estate moguls models artists Restaurant tours hotel owners nightlife industry tight ends these parties are highly coveted and cost twenty to thirty thousand per event what I'm trying to do here is I'm trying to depict you need to ask yourself what you actually want from life and then you need to have this idea of the slingshot effect and that needs to dictate every single one of your decisions you see I know that I'm at a point in my life where with the knowledge with the knowledge that I've acquired and I've gained I could continue making kind of like a couple million a year living an incredible accent you know I said I'm very blessed like I live absolutely incredible lifestyle and to be honest right now in my life like I don't spend anywhere near the amount of money I make anywhere near the amount of money I make but and here's another thing that I want to throw in there another track or another sort of broader could be philanthropy you know because this year in the last three months of donair roughly 150,000 pounds to charity to building schools in undeveloped countries that that I'm so proud of that but the fact that in 90 days I've been able to donate what equivalent to $200,000 to build schools to build three schools in Nepal like that's incredible and at 25 I might be at a point where I like once again it's its yearly tradition that I donated quarter-million dollars to charity and that could be me at 25 if I keep playing at the level and intensity I'm playing at now or I could be it could be a yearly ritual that I donate 1.
5 million dollars and every single year I can build 30 schools 15 schools 30 schools once again depends on the country right you know this year we've been building schools in Nepal and next year I love to build schools in Colombia and then build schools in Dagestan and Russia where I'm from so I got a look at these two things and yes it's one thing if you know it's one thing to say then look you want to make multi seven multi millions a year but you need to understand the debt that comes with that you need to understand the sacrifice that comes with that you need to understand the fact that you will need to release you'll need to pull back the slingshock much farther than the next who only wants to make multi six-figure zero or maybe even multi five figures a year you need to understand they're like you're gonna be sad next a guy who's making four hundred four hundred that mean once again these I know they seem like big numbers to you but guys look if you're watching this a channel and you apply these principles you're gonna be filthy rich like I've absolutely zero doubt about it because you're on this channel we talk about we don't talk about very fluffy concepts we talk about that actually works and I feel I've said this to you guys before like I feel so if you watch this channel you are so much you're so much more conscious you're so much more more quote-unquote woke then you know all the other channels out there like you know like I just get a feel for I've got a feel for you you know obviously I've met hundreds of you guys at this point you know through the glory agency parties through you know naturally agency community I've talked to thousands of you guys you know when you guys bum you know once or twice a day not it's super super cool you know someone will come up to me recognize me one of you guys on YouTube Instagram etc etc so anyways back to my point like if these numbers are scary you don't like don't let them scare you at all because I said you know you guys if you're watching this this stuff and you apply it and the stuff that I talk about on my channel I am absolutely zero doubt that within a 10-year slope every single one of you is gonna be not every single one because you know not everyone actually applies the stuff but I'm talking on the people who actually apply the knowledge within a ten year slope like I've absolute zero doubt that every single one of you has been making six figures once again the main caveat there being if you apply the knowledge so a person who wants to do multi a person who wants to make eight figures a year okay make 10 million dollars a year 10 million pounds ten million dollars whatever has to act very very differently to someone who wants to be making 100k here you know because even you know even with my mom sometimes my mom sometimes she's like amend your literally 19 years old you have a detox koji of a full-time health coach / personal trainer you have you know you've worked with meditation coaches energy coaches in the past you you like the fact that you have systemized in like you automated so many areas of your life you've worked relentlessly on on on every single part of your business you were to relentlessly on you know your not only your your business but your health your spirituality you know expanding your horizons really looking at what you're blind blind spots or etc etc she's like you know this all just seems so unlike especially the stuff like with like detox coach and like like for example recently I've started you know having a glass of wine or drinking again but like for a year and a half like I just if it was dinner like I remember even when me and my ex-girlfriend like we'd be at a dinner she'd want to have a glass of wine but and she you know she she asked about wall glass would you like no slang like some and you know obviously she always understood but there'd be some points where she'd be like look we're living on holiday like have a glass of wine I'm like no you know like for me it was like okay yeah I can have a glass of wine and yeah I might be able to do the stuff that more regular people do but then I don't get to build as many schools in the poll that I get to build you know I mean so really my point where this is and you know this point that I'm trying to make with these sort of you know this idea that I always have in my head of like who could I be at 35 who could I be at 45 who could it be at 25 it all has you know I'm always rejigging and I'm trying to recalibrate and think of like what sacrifice of them will am I willing to give like for example I can tell you guys right now that do I want to be in the top 100 richest people on earth if it happens it happens but I know the levels like for example Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk level of sacrifice am I willing to do it over my life no like I will tell you like you will get so many testosterone filled entrepreneurs trying to act macho who will be like yeah I'll I'll work everybody look for me no but am I willing to work am I willing to work literally disgusting like 14 15 hour I've done I've done that past weeks on end I know that's like am I willing to do that consistent no is that am I willing to have this sort of work ethic that Steve Jobs Elon Musk Jeff Bezos has a little you know in weekly or maybe potential even at some points in my life monthly bursts if I have to yeah for sure am I willing to have this sort of lifestyle no so my point is you need to understand what you are willing to put in to get out there's a lot of people I know who make you know even a lot of people in very agency who make 150 200 thousand dollars a year sometimes three four hundred thousand dollars a year and you know I'll talk to him I'm like dude you you know you very easily could get to 800 900 even a million a year why don't you like why would you not you know because that's kind of like my flaws anyway why would you not and they're like well because you know I make 150k a year but I also travel all around the world I don't ever work past 4:00 p. m. and give my guys it you don't just start off by making 150 K for no reason you know these people have worked their asses off to get the position they're at right now but they're at a very happy comfortable point and they're like look amen I love the fact that like I stopped working at 3:00 4:00 p.
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