Deus Existe?

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[COMPILATION] God. What is your relationship with that word? For some it is the source of an existential purpose, for others an unfathomable mystery.
Regardless of beliefs or doubts, all of us, at some point, looking at the starry sky, have asked ourselves: ''Is there something beyond what my eyes can see? '' Some conclude that yes, but others. .
. Fábio Porchat explains why is an atheist: "God is your mother's 'why'" Some argue that if God is omnipotent, omniscient, and benevolent, then why is there evil in the world? If He is able to stop evil and wants to do it, why does evil persist?
Psalm 73:3-17 - "For I was envious of the arrogant, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. [. .
. ] Until I entered the sanctuary of God, and then I understood the fate of the wicked. " The Drgon in the Tavern For thousands of years, philosophers and thinkers have used allegories to communicate complex ideas.
Proposed by renowned writer Carl Sagan, the allegory of the dragon in the garage highlights the importance of skepticism and critical thinking in evaluating claims that lack empirical evidence. I decided to transport the essence of the allegory to a mystical time, where sands in the wind carry secrets from the past. In ancient Jerusalem, under the heat of the desert, stories circulated like the wind.
In a market square outside a tavern, a young man named Elizar loudly proclaims, ''There is a dragon in my tavern''. People drop whatever they were doing. Some look on with disdain, others with curiosity.
The children approach eagerly to see the creature. Elizar, noticing the growing crowd, opens the tavern's wooden doors. Even without believing everyone looks attentive, But of course, there was no dragon.
''Oh, I forgot to tell you, he's invisible'' Says elizar An elder suggests throwing salt on the ground to see the dragon's footprints. ''That won't work because he might float,'' replies the young man. The elder retorts by suggesting pouring wine on the dragon to reveal its shape.
''Good idea,'' says Elizar. ''I mean, it would be a great idea if he wasn't incorporeal. The crowd murmurs, torn between skepticism and curiosity.
But A local thinker steps up and proclaims: "If an invisible dragon cannot be proved, what is the difference between it existing or not existing? ", " Is not the absence of evidence evidence of absence? " This leads us to a deeper reflection: As much as the wise man's questioning is reasonable, why then, in all the history of the world, in all cultures, all creeds and ethnicities, human beings believed in a superior entity?
Where does this universal belief come from? " This inclination to believe in the intangible, in the invisible, cannot be a mere coincidence. I decided to look for the answer, after all are there logical ways to prove the existence of God?
Hermetic Principle of Correspondence Romans 1:20: "For since the creation of the world the invisible attributes of God, his eternal power and his divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through the things created, so that such men are without excuse" Hebrews 8:5: "They serve in a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in the heavens". This is a defense cell chasing a bacteria inside a blood vessel. .
Just as the simplistic vision of an invisible bearded man controlling our existence is hard to believe, so too It's hard to say that such complexity, intelligence and synergy between the components that make life possible arose by mere chance. During my search for answers, I came across a video from the owl channel where he philosophized on the subject. Intrigued, I decided to contact him so that he could send me materials that could shed light on this issue.
When I started studying I found myself facing an extremely interesting principle revealed by the Hermetic philosophy of ancient Egypt and Greece. What is above is like what is below; What is below is like what is above'. This is the Hermetic Principle of Correspondence.
This simple sentence carries a depth capable of answering life's great mysteries. Do not understand anything? Maybe this will help: This is a brain cell seen through microscopic technology.
And this one, good. this is a cosmic web of galaxies photographed through a telescope. This is the birth of a cell at the time of cell multiplication.
And that is the death of a star. This is obviously an eye, and this is a nebula, better known as cosmic dust. Same pattern, same shape, different scales of magnitude.
Perhaps you think this is mere coincidence, but we can still find countless examples of coincidences like this in nature. Not too many coincidences to be called a coincidence? I mean, stop to think about the immensity of the universe, with trillions of galaxies, stars and planets.
Now think of cells in the human body. Both, although different in scale, are complex, orderly and interconnected systems. The Correspondence Principle suggests that If this correspondence exists in physical reality, could it also exist in an immaterial plane?
If what is above is like what is below, there are not two separate things the only difference that separates the two things are degrees of greatness, or of evolution. For example, cold and heat are not two separate things. They are extremes of a whole called temperature.
The only thing that differentiates cold and heat is the degrees. This means that it is possible to transition between cold and hot with the mere rise or fall in temperature. If this is universally true, it means that our degree of evolution is what determines the degree of density of our material form.
In this case, it would be possible to conclude that all beings aspire to transmutation in order to be part of something bigger and more evolved than us. Ahh. .
wait, it's confusing. . Let's start at the beginning.
Minerals, fundamental elements of the earth. These are probably the most basic substances present in the food chain. Their main purpose is only one: To be absorbed by the plants!
Plants, in turn, transform these minerals into energy through photosynthesis. They do not have the mobility or reasoning ability of animals, but here the first lapse of what could be called consciousness is manifested. Its higher purpose is perhaps to feed the herbivorous animals and thus become part of something larger.
These animals are consumed by carnivores. Predators like lion, wolf or hawk are more intelligent, have advanced hunting, strategy and survival skills. That is, they are more evolved, they represent a higher level in the evolutionary chain.
Now, consider the human being. One who is at the top of the food chain, has high reasoning ability, complex emotions and self-awareness. If the ultimate destiny of every life form is to become part of something greater, what is the next level?
You see, there is nothing that ceases to exist in the universe, everything transforms, transmutes into something else, the human body will be transmuted into organic matter, but then what happens to human consciousness after death? If nothing disappears, consciousness needs to transform, it needs to aspire to be consumed by something more evolved so that it fulfills its destiny and becomes part of something bigger. But of course, even though this is a great lead, I still wasn't satisfied, the concept was still very subjective.
. . I needed more tangible answers, something that would lead me to connect this discovery with concrete proof of the existence of god.
It was then that I found the work of a great man. Thomas Aquinas THE MYSTERY OF THE 5 WAYS In the heart of the Middle Ages, at the height of religious turmoil and intellectual fervor, a thinker emerged ready to challenge the conventions of his time: Born into a noble family, Thomas Aquinas was initially destined for a simple life and religious. But the passion for knowledge spoke louder.
Tomás attended the most renowned universities in Europe, where he would find the texts of Greek philosophers. One in particular was about to change the course of Thomas Aquinas's thinking and life . Aristotle!
At the time, Tomás faced a dilemma: The passion for reason against the dogmas of the Christian faith. This tension was what propelled him to seek to prove the existence of god, and Aristotle had the first piece of the puzzle. In Metaphysics - Book 12 Aristotle describes the Unmoved Mover, which in short is the observation of the perfection of nature and the logical perception that such perfection could not have been originated by pure randomness: “It is necessary, therefore, that there be a beginning, and let it be immovable and devoid of magnitude; and as there is constant and simple motion in the celestial region, so there must also be something that moves in a simple and constant manner.
Aristotle ” These were probably the words that led Thomas Aquinas to reflect on 5 logical ways to affirm that God exists. The way the universe works could not be mere chance. There was an order, a pattern, therefore behind it a driving force.
This realization caused him to begin an intellectual journey in search of truth. The first route used by Thomas to prove the existence of God is movement: Since the beginning of time, the universe has been a dance. Every star, every planet, every atom is in constant motion.
This happens not only in the macrocosm, but also at the most fundamental level such as atoms and molecules. Remember? What is above is like what is below.
Now the pieces start to connect! Imagine the universe as an endless row of dominoes. Each falling piece moves the other in an endless sequence.
But who knocked over the first domino? Who gave the initial impulse? There must be a ''First Mover'', something or someone who started it all but was never moved.
For Tomás, that engine was God. The first way also revealed the second, which is proof by the Efficient cause. The conclusion that there must be a ''First Cause'', the origin of all others, but which itself was not caused by anything.
In the silence of the library, watching the candle flames casting shadows on the stone walls, Tomás entered a reflective state: As much as he had arguments to answer the mystery of movement and cause, another question occupied his mind: The nature of existence Why that some things exist and others don't? Why isn't the universe simply a void? If everything in the universe is temporary and can cease to exist, logically at some point there could be a scenario in which nothing exists.
But clearly this probability did not happen since things exist - the universe itself is proof of this. Therefore Thomas concluded that there must be something that is not temporary, something that is essential and ever-existing. This ''being'' is the reason why all other things exist.
He is not just another entity in the universe, but the very foundation of existence. He wasn't brought into existence by something; He simply IS! And so the third way is born.
Contingency proof. It was then that, contemplating nature, Tomás noticed the order, harmony and perfection of everything. At that moment he understood what Aristotle meant.
He noticed that in everything there are degrees of quality. Some trees are more prosperous than others, some animals are more agile, some stones shine brighter than others. But how do we know that one thing is more beautiful than another?
Where does this instinct come from? To recognize that something is hotter, colder, higher or lower, we need a reference point. Therefore, to recognize perfection there must be a supreme standard of perfection.
In other words, whenever you recognize beauty, goodness, or truth in the world, you are somehow seeing a reflection of the divine nature. It was at this point in my research that the most important question of this search arose: If there are ordered patterns that allow us to instinctively recognize what is beautiful and virtuous in the world, then, would these standards not be, in some way, portals to understanding the silent language with which the divine communicates with us? If my gut was right, it would mean that by deciphering this language we could reveal the deepest secrets of the universe.
I immediately changed the focus of the research and amazed. . .
My instinct [Drmatic pause] I was right! GEOMETRY THE LANGUAGE OF GOD Suddenly, I found myself immersed in knowledge lost in time. Through documents and records forgotten by modern society, patterns and shapes guided me through the history of creation and one truth seemed increasingly clear: There are patterns that govern absolutely everything in the universe, and the greatest thinkers in history have realized this.
There is a language capable of explaining the essence of all things. A language that somehow connects all the dots. From the flight of a butterfly to the movement of galaxies.
Can you tell? It's all around you, in every detail, in every moment. It is in the leaves of the trees, in the curves of the rivers, in the cars and in the stones.
It's in the intricate cobwebs and the palms of your hands. Do you realize now? there are mathematical and geometric patterns present in everything.
This is no mere coincidence. They are fundamental patterns in the fabric of the universe and reality. Since ancient times, great thinkers have sought answers to great mysteries through mathematics and geometry.
As the mathematician Euclides wrote in his work ''The laws of nature are nothing more than mathematical thoughts of god'' Not only he, but several other scientists, philosophers and thinkers believed that mathematics is a kind of language of the universe through which everything can be explained. Pythagoras, the mathematician and philosopher known for creating his theorem, was one of the first to recognize the connection between mathematics and metaphysical reality. In his words ''Numbers rule the universe''.
He believed that the universe is built on the foundation of mathematical principles. In Harmony of the Spheres, one of his most famous works he states: ''there is geometry in the humming of the strings, there is music in the spacing of the spheres'', in line with this statement the renowned scientist Nikola tesla states ''if you want to find the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. Anyone who studies the basics of music theory realizes that musical notes, melodies and harmonies are made up of pure mathematics.
And what does this have to do with geometric shapes? Well, it's easier to show than explain: The metal platter will vibrate using a tone generator. According to the sound frequency, complex geometric patterns begin to form with grains of salt.
Plato, a student of Pythagoras, later developed this idea in his theory of forms. According to him, the physical world is the mere shadow of a higher reality that governs the realm of abstract forms and concepts. These forms that are eternal and immutable.
They are the true object of knowledge. In his dialogue Timaeus, Plato explains how things are manifested in the universe through geometric shapes. In his words: ''The world is a living creature, endowed with soul and intelligence, and it arose according to geometric laws and principles.
'' Still according to Plato, the universe is not a mere collection of objects and randomness, but a carefully structured system that can be understood through mathematical language. Plato's conclusions begin influenced by the understanding of numerical archetypes created by Pythagoras: Imagine that each number is not simply an indicator of quantity, but a quality, an essence. Pythagoras not only recognized them as such, but also as keys to unlocking the mysteries of God.
Think of the origin of the universe. Before anything could exist, everything had to start somewhere. That's right.
A dot. A point takes up no space, has no dimensions, is so minuscule that it cannot be measured, and yet it compresses everything that will come into existence next. For Pythagoras, he represents zero, the unmanifested.
In order for something to manifest, that point must become conscious. 360 degrees of consciousness arise amid the void of space, thus forming the number One. The One represents unity, the origin of everything.
In Pythagoras' view, it was the essence from which everything originates. After becoming conscious what does the dot do within the confines of its awareness? Well.
. . the only thing I could do.
It moves! At the moment his consciousness only allows him to move to the limit of the circle, but nothing prevents him from becoming aware of a new space around him. This is how the number 2 is manifested .
the yin yang. Does this format remind you of anything? In Pythagorean thought, the two is the door to understanding the contrast that forms reality.
The conscious point will continue moving through the intersections and expanding its understanding, thus generating the representation of the number 3, the manifestation of totality. It represents the beginning, middle and end; The triad used by cultures and creeds throughout history to express the harmony resulting from the union of one and two. After 6 moves a geometric miracle is manifested.
We have a complete pattern that, for Pythagoras, symbolized perfection and divine harmony. The intersection between the divine (Three) and the human (Two times Three). Because it contains all the potential necessary for the creation of a form of life, the form generated by the number 6 is known as the seed of life.
Complete rotation around the seed of life creates a shape known as the egg of life. The number 12. A deeply symbolic number in all cultures and religions.
It is in the 12 apostles, in the signs of the zodiac, in the 12 hours that separate day and night. Your entire existence was created through this division. Through mitosis, each fertilized egg begins an expansion process identical to the one we are observing, until it forms the three-dimensional structure of the egg of life.
If the conscious point continues its journey for one more complete rotation, a shape that has been held sacred throughout the history of the world emerges. This form is known as the flower of life. This was the basis that Plato later used to connect dots and create three-dimensional shapes that would become the pillars to decipher the language of god: The Platonic solids.
Five perfect shapes, each with identical faces, edges and angles. Known as tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron, each of the solids represents one of the fundamental elements of existence: fire, earth, air, ether and water. Plato concluded that these forms were the pure manifestation of divinity, the building blocks of the universe.
They were the bridge between the physical world and the realm of ideas, the link between the finite and the infinite. Have you ever wondered how game developers manage to create such realistic settings, characters and worlds? What's behind such perfection?
The answer? the platonic solids! The same geometric shapes that create the world as we know it are used as the basis for 3D modeling used in games to create and simulate new realities.
From the movement of atoms, to the orbital movement of the solar system, EVERYTHING follows this system of geometric shapes. And yet, after all this journey of discovery, all the accumulated knowledge, all the presented logic, a doubt remains. Does this all prove the existence of god with absolute logical certainty?
John 14:6 - Jesus replied, ''I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Certainty Vs Belief The expression absolute logical certainty carries with it a contradiction.
After all, logic, by its very nature, investigates only the dimension of the possible, but not the dimension of the concrete fact. It serves to guide us through the paths of reason, but it can never deliver us the truth. absolute.
For example: Imagine you witnessed a crime, something really shocking that scarred you forever. You remember the entire event perfectly, you are able to relate this experience with absolute accuracy and richness of detail. There's only one problem.
You were the only witness. In the end, your experience can be used as evidence, but never as concrete and irrefutable evidence. I think that's what Jesus meant by the phrase 'I am the way, the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father, except through me. '' Despite having been raised in Christian values, I was never a religious person, at a time in my life I concluded that, if a dragon in the tavern cannot be tasted, it is because it probably doesn't exist. But everything changed with some personal experiences that made me feel unquestionably certain of the existence of a superior intelligence that governs our reality.
And this is the key word that answers our question. ''Experience''! The only way to be certain of the existence of god is to EXPERIENCE God in your life.
After all this journey that we walked together during this video, I could even say that if you still doubt it, you must be crazy, since logical arguments were presented. But that's as far as I can go. Just as I couldn't prove to you the existence of a dragon until you meet him personally, the existence of god also remains in the realm of reasonableness until you meet him.
Who knows the fact that this video reached you wasn't an invitation from superior intelligence itself for you to get to know it more closely? Who knows, maybe she's not communicating with you right now? Asking permission to enter your life and guide your paths?
In the end. . only you can recognize.
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Now, to understand why Brazil didn't work out, just click on this video on the screen. I am abraham, and that is my truth!
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