so yesterday I made a Google search that made me make a video for the first time in I don't even know how long uh YouTube a little bit over a year ago that's how long ago it was so I had just been to my new apartment where I'd made a bunch of measurements for all the dimensions and whatnot because I want to like plan for furniture and I also made a 3D scan of the place so I was just doing that using my phone this 3D scan could only be exported in a single format let
me see if I can show you see that's an apartment right there it's got the hole in the wall and everything so I scanned this using Polycam I'm not sponsored by Polycam so if I go to the download section, the only format that it exports here is called .gltf and it just so happens that I am also working on a 3D modeling tool called half-edge I figured this is the perfect moment to take that 3D scan, make an importer, so that I could import this file and then and basically see the new apartment in half-edge
cuz that that's like a really good excuse for me to implement importing right? so I downloaded the file from the app and I got a zip file you know that's not a .gltf but when I extracted the file I got a .glb file a lot of 3D modeling formats have a text based version and then they also have a binary version where it's not readable if you open it in a text editor but you can parse it just with code .glb is the binary version of .gltf, the file format I want to import this into
half-edge in order to do that I need to make an an importer I need to write the code that imports .glb files and obviously I don't know like the layout of this file at all and so I just need that information and so I go to Google and so here's what I did yesterday I searched for "glb file format" I just wanted to show you what all of this is okay this is a snippet from a website apparently called What is a .glb file? Learn how to use .glb file formats files formats okay so
here's the snippet that Google caught it's a little bit awkwardly cropping out that parenthesis over there but that's okay a .glb file which stands for GL transmission format binary file uh that's not what it stands for but I mean that's what it *is* but, that's not, whatever anyway which stands for GL transmission format binary file is a,, what is this sentence is a standardized file format used to share 3D data precisely, it can contain information about 3D models, scenes, models lighting, materials node hierarchy, and animations when you open a .glb file format I don't open
formats I open files but okay when you open a .glb file format, you are able to visualize and interact with a complete 3D scene well it depends on why you open it in but okay this is why it's also known as the .jpeg of the 3D asset world so far we're not off to a good start on this article right like there's grammar issues I'm not entirely sure what's going on here okay so let's keep on reading a little bit what is a .glb file used for? the .glb file format is a relatively new format
introduced in 2015 as a binary format for representing .gltf files as opposed to the JSON format this format is commonly used for mobile and web applications, as well as graphical games as well as graphical games video games (presumably non-graphical) VR and AR applications so this is this reads a little bit weird there's a kernel of useful information here because the comparison here it says "as opposed to the JSON format" and the thing is that like the .gltf file is in JSON um but they haven't actually established that that's the case right the readers don't know
what the JSON format even refers to here like this kind of makes you think like maybe .gltf is is an alternative to JSON right? but that is not at all what that is right? so this is just a really confusing sentence um with visao's web platform you can create an online 3D viewer from a single file allowing you to showcase your products in a new and interactive way for interactive websites you already said that it was interactive like obviously that would be interactive but whatever okay most of you at this point probably know that this
is likely AI generated right? like you can tell, I hope it sort of has facts, but it doesn't know how to connect them in a way that like narratively makes sense right? I'm pretty confident that the text here, is not written by a human how can I open a .glb file extension like you don't open an extension, the extension is like the part of the name of the file that says "glb", you don't, obviously you would say: "how can I open a .glb file" right? I'm nitpicking, you get the idea Step 1: locate the .glb
file. start by locating the .glb file you want to open on your computer. ensure you know it's exact location for easy access nobody writes like this! if you're genuinely going to write a guide, you wouldn't say that step 1 is to "locate the file" that you want to open "on your computer" and make sure you "know the location" for "easy access" maybe I'd say something like "open the folder containing your .glb file" Step 2: right click to open. once you found the .glb file right click- click on its full file name very very important, this
action will open a context menu with various options. select open in the context menu, select the open option, this will initiate the process of opening the .glb file it's *so much text* for something that is *so* simple and even if this was supposed to be designed for someone who's like never used a computer before, which it kind of reads like, I don't think they are ever going to open a .glb file Step 4: choose your 3D modeling program (windows) uh if you're using a Windows computer and have a 3D modeling software installed you should see
a list of available 3D modeling programs. click on the one you prefer to use Step 5 .glb file opens automatically We were done on step 5 that this is not step 6 why would they call it a step? what free program opens .glb files? so we got some great choices we have Microsoft 3D viewer on Windows 10 okay we have blender, blender is a robust open-source 3D editing software that supports .glb files. it's not only free but also packed with powerful features for editing and manipulating 3D models, whether you're a beginner or a Pro, Blender
has something to offer! okay we're just doing an ad for blender? like this sounds like a marketing blurb web-based 3D viewers such as visao and remember that is the website that we're on we're on for a hassle-free experience, consider web-based 3D viewers like visao they support it should be "we support" we're on right? they support .glb files and allow you to view and share 3D models directly through your web browser, no software installation required! except for your browser of course with these options at your fingertips, you can dive into the world of 3D
modeling and exploration what? without any cost concerns! exploration? what does that mean? okay what is a computer aided design? sure I don't know if I'm like being overly judgy of this cuz I now know that this is like, it reads so AI generated and I'm just like so primed, to like read into it maybe it's just me I don't know but like when I read this, it's like okay, so this sentence says: "the process involves consolidating all the external files of the necessary models lighting materials node hierarchy animations etc. into a single project file" if
you want to talk about how to create a .glb file, why would you talk about consolidating external files the necessary models lighting materials, node hierarchy which is like not something you generally talk about as something you have in an external file right if you want to, if you actually want to learn how to create a .glb file, create, not convert, like you would create it in blender like why are they talking about consolidating external files? the thing is that like .gltf does have the feature that it can take a bunch of like different files, reference
those files within a single .gltf file or a .glb file right? so like, it is sort of talking about a feature of .glb but the process of creating a .glb file inside of like any of these like 3D modeling tools. you don't consolidate external files unless you're specifically converting right it's just it's just weird! some older versions of 3D modeling programs may require additional software like substance painter to export a .glb file. which 3D modeling program requires substance painter in order for you to export a .glb file, in that 3D modeling program? what is the
structure of the .glb file format? 1. the JSON data part. this portion contains essential information extracted from the original .gltf file which original .gltf file?? I guess we're talking about converting now? again like they just segwayed into talking about converting from .gltf to a .glb file I guess right. how to convert .glb files. it is possible to convert a .glb file into specific formats below is a list of the most common conversions for external support files I think external support files refers to files external to the .glb file itself that the .glb file can reference
but that's that's not what like that's not converting the .glb file once you have your .glb ready you can use a free online resource that can convert a .glb file in seconds to an fbx how to convert .glb to obj once you have your Open .glb files ready you can use the now they're open okay you can use a free online resource that can convert the .glb file in seconds to an opj file oh in seconds damn okay both of these in seconds that's amazing how do I convert a .glb file to STL once you
have your .glb ready okay now we're back to one file not not not multiple files you can use a free online resource still free holy [ __ ] that can convert the .glb file in seconds to an to a to a STL file how to convert .glb to .gltf once you have your .glb ready we're getting so many .glbs ready you can use a free online resource that can convert the file in seconds to a .gltf file it is important to mention that this will increase the file size of your file okay now we have
certain caveats here I don't know if they know but .obj is also a text format and so if you convert .glb to .obj this very same caveat would apply but they don't mention that because they don't know that because nobody wrote this because nobody cares about this who made this website they don't care about informing people about .glb files they don't care about people like me that actually want to learn about .glb files and how to like use them how to convert .glb to .png .glb is a 3D format, .png is a decidedly two-dimensional format.
I don't know where they're going with this if it was .glb to .gif I would sort of get it because .gif is three-dimensional right? it is not possible to perform this conversion on the web oh really? what what happened to all my free online resources? I want free online resources to convert my .glb models to .png images however it is possible to easily convert a .png to a .glb online I'm sorry what okay is this like, I do not consent. convert .png to binary .gltf and many other formats I'm going to try this let's try
it let's just see what happens did we do it? is that it? did they spend time implementing all of these formats? you can convert your .png file to a PowerPoint presentation wouldn't you want to do that? okay let's convert it to .glb all right let's let's import we got a mesh and I think this mesh is actually the same aspect ratio as the texture there we go it did work! that's great! we converted a .png to .glb I'm actually surprised it managed to do this what are the advantages and disadvantages of using .glb files? how
.glb files are changing the game for PBR shaders .glb files are not changing the game for PBR shaders .glb files support PBR material definitions but they're not changing the game in that way unlock the potential of your .glb files elevate your .glb and .gltf files to the next level by harnessing the power of visao's web-based platform don't let your .glb files remain untapped I'm sorry this is just very it's just very funny and sad at the same time. don't let your .glb files remain untapped resources it's time to explore the boundless possibilities they hold it's
like people are sitting on this untapped potential on their hard drives. if you don't let those .glb files spread their wings, you're going to miss out! embark on a journey of digital innovation that will set you apart from the rest and reshape the way you engage with your audience your .glb files have never had this much potential. unlock it with visao! so I have a few questions about this article it looks like it's trying to be kind of for almost everyone who has a very shallow question about .glb files? I'm not entirely sure who that
would be. maybe some like executive who's doing like architectural visualization? and then someone from Tech is like "we're using .glb now" but if you're in a work environment you would just ask the engineer or whoever it is and they would tell you maybe you're like doing 3D modeling and you're scroll- you're looking through the export list and you found .glb files and you're like "oh what's that?" and then you search for it and then you get largely incorrect information about this but partially true okay and then it's sort of an ad for how to visualize
things on their platform that they want to like sell I'm guessing selling to like business customers? it said pricing but there's no pricing you search for the "glb file format" and the first thing that comes up is a likely AI generated throwaway blog post there are a few snippets of useful information, but I think that's only useful because I already know something about .gltf as a file format. if I knew nothing about it, I wouldn't be able to tell what in here is like garbage or not, except for the like weird like sentence structures but
you know what? everybody talks about how Google is deteriorating you know? it's not as good as it used to be, sometimes you do get AI results on Google, sure so here's why I wanted to talk about this today, because I started going through everything on the first page everything What program opens .glb files? that is a quote from how to open .glb file, a step-by-step guide so you've come across a .glb file and you're not sure how to open it? don't worry we've got you covered! .glb files also known as the binary version of
the .gltf graphics Library transmission format file are commonly used for 3D modeling and rendering understand the .glb file format to open a .glb file you will need to use a 3D modeling software that supports the .gltf format. there are several software options available including blender Autodesk Maya and unity Unity is not a 3D modeling tool anyway once you've successfully opened the .glb file in a 3D modeling software, you can explore and manipulate the 3D model as desired. this may include rotating, scaling, or adding textures to the model rotating and scaling? that's a very peculiar choice.
what about translation? can we not translate objects now? is it just rotation and scaling? in conclusion opening and viewing .glb files is a straightforward process, especially if you have the right tools and resources by following the steps outlined in this article, you can confidently navigate .glb files and enhance your 3D modeling and rendering experience take me to Modelo so Modelo- what. okay, we, they, want me to join. that's what happens when I do "take me to modelo" recommend and here's a list of, recommend and they have a thing up here that says AI generation just
like straight up on their website so let's ask, who wrote this? one has a date attached to it, so this was written in 2024 this sure explains what to do when you just happen to stumble upon a .glb file, and super helpfully, this article tells you that, actually, you need to use 3D modeling software to open it. wild. in the end you're going to be able to confidently navigate .glb files and enhance your 3D modeling and rendering experience! this is not written for anyone. this is an ad for Modelo. this is an AI generated article,
whose sole purpose is to advertise their product right? I'm going to start marking which ones are AI generated here. so this one the first result very likely AI generated. okay, then we had "What program opens .glb files?" I don't believe anyone wrote this, I'm going to mark this one as AI generated What software supports the .glb format? uh so this one is from once again we get this marketing speak, it sounds like a corporation trying to market .glb files, but it's not their file format we have a PowerPoint slide! Cloudinary Glossary. How can you
prevent compression artifacts? Adjust compression settings. Choose the right compression format. Utilize modern codex. Stress testing. The bottom line compression artifacts are an essential consideration for anyone working with digital media. they result from the trade-off between file size reduction and visual quality. despite their tiny size they pack a big punch! I don't know if I don't know if I've ever heard anyone describe compression artifacts as "tiny"? with the right knowledge and tools like cloudinary- oh so here it's plugging cloudinary! -utilizing advanced algorithms, cloudinary automates your optimization process- cloudinary analyzes the content- cloudinary fast and secure CDN-
we create manage and deliver engaging experiences at scale- performance uh shirts guess selling products? this is merch this you can make your T-shirt merch you can transform you can crop, crop your face uh you can sell products with personalized experiences products for people to consume just just travel to various places and just consume more content from other websites and you can you can watch your the game and you can you can just like generate that on every screen okay and engagement and revenue goes up so this is all about delivering experiences at scale so I'm
going to say that cloudinary- they also do AI generated blogs I'm going to mark that one as AI generated okay next one is: "What is .glb versus obj?" um that's also from Modelo so okay there we go that one is also AI generated "How do I create a .glb file?" this one is at a website called pixcap! .glb file: what is it, how to create, and open it there are several ways to create .glb files depending on your specific needs and level of expertise. here are a few methods commonly used by 3D artists and developers
so I think one of the things that strike me with all of these is that they are very wordy. it's so um, in case you've heard about the concept of a signal to noise ratio - I feel like all of these articles have a really bad signal to noise. sometimes you can use like words that are not like strictly necessary to like build a narrative uh but they don't do that, there's no narrative, every sentence is like twice as long as it has to be doesn't add anything, it just makes it longer they- just so
happens that pixcap is web based! and you can open .glb files online and edit them directly in your browser! they say that it's a great option for beginners and non-technical users since it requires no software installation or prior knowledge of 3D modeling like why add this? why do they add this part "since it requires no software installation or prior knowledge of 3D modeling" they've already said this, they've said "directly in your browser" they don't have to advertise browser based apps beyond that, they've said "in your browser". it's just filler and now, we're once again talking
about converting between different file types the benefits of using these conclusion .glb files are becoming increasingly popular due to their compatibility with various platforms now you're selling .glb files? but you're not the creator of .glb files. you want to sell pixcap so start exploring this versatile file format, and see what you can create. happy modeling! this is not a guide on how to model .glb files it's the exact same vibe their tools Best AI tools AI 3D model generator AI girl generator so all of those are AI generated okay CAD exchanger. "What is .glb file
type and extension?" uh okay got some products here, we got the conversion stuff going again and holy [ __ ] we have so many articles about converting all of this text, is specifically converting from .gltf to .fbx, and it lists support, pros and cons, history of .gltf, history of- nobody wrote this. nobody wrote this. there's no name, there's no nothing. supposed people/customers have things to say about this. nobody wrote all of this garbage, this is AI generated then we have cloudinary, that one we already know that's AI garbage uh pixcap we just saw that one
as well that's AI generated and then we have Wikipedia <3 Wikipedia, on this Google page, is the first non-AI generated thing. it's a real website written by real people who actually care about what they're writing about isn't that like super cool? Pixcap again we have a file format docs so this one actually seems pretty concise, this actually tells me information that I can use to actually start implementing this right? see also .docx? okay so all of a sudden we have .docx okay about .glb to .3ds .3ds on the other hand represents 3D sudio? (DOS) mesh
file format used used by Autodesk 3D Studio wouldn't you say 3D Studio Max? what why is it 3D Sudio? if you're an application developer who would like to add the functionality of .glb to .3ds in his .NET or Java- his .NET or Java? uh you can use the aspose.3d API to eh to et ah aeh "achive" this so now we got a product all of a sudden it looks like aspose 3D conversion app I'm getting the same AI generated vibes About .fbx to .obj .fbx to .obj is not an item, it's a, it's a
thing you do! okay I had high hopes for a FileFormat uh but I'm sorry file format. you are almost certainly full of AI generated garbage. I'm sorry Next up we have videos, let's see Welcome to another 3D comparison video we are going to discuss .glb files so this is a standardized file format used to share 3D data okay and it has some advantages over other models okay we got a source Khronos Group, that's good, okay, SketchFab, that's a legit website okay so they're interacting with other websites, it doesn't seem like it's an obvious ad for-
OOoh hold on hold hold on what is this hold on "website where we can obtain .glb files is CSM" uh benefits of .glb files they are smaller and more efficient than other 3D file formats that's not true like that that's not the point they are smaller and more efficient than .gltf it doesn't compare to other formats. maybe if you use the compression thing you could make that argument? this description? I don't buy that being written by a human AI voiceovers have become really good and this is like, monotonous enough and there's an accent. I can't
tell if it's a real person, it's very monotonous but some people are monotonous, so this one is it's it's harder for me to tell with this one, but the way this is phrased- there's an AI thing by the end, this is a weird slide, you don't really make slides like this. but I mean some people just are just bad at making slides? they recommend blender in a comment okay that seems like a little bit more of a human thing to do this seems like low effort content where the script and maybe even the slides were
AI generated, but I don't think the person is. but but may maybe? okay so this one, I'm that, it's, I can't tell. I'm not sure if that's real or not hello guys this is Yan from kroscloud and in this tutorial I'm going to show you how to easily- .gltf is a future of on the web okay so that that, that did not sound believable I mean they've censored like their project files and whatnot which that makes sense that you would do if you're a person doing this this one is also a little bit a borderline
for me but I think this is real it's a little bit weird to start out by saying it's a future of 3D modeling which I mean maybe you believe that or maybe you just talk like marketing speak. I don't know. I can't tell. I'm not I'm not that good at knowing for sure. hello this is a quick video to show how to export Blender 3D object to .glb file format okay I feel like AI generating this entire process seems really- I'm pretty sure this one is real. I'm going to I'm going to say this one
is real next up we have Which format is right for your 3D projects? immediately we have a weird perspective viewport here demystifying .gltf and GBL okay? human readable versus machine readable true again weird overlay perspective stuff. reduced file size they already talked about this binary can be more secure- choosing between- we experts in .gltf and .glb at and it's in 2024 and they probably have a platform! are they advertising their platform? it's labeled in every single image this is their platform um it's again, interactive 3D content on the web and AI generated garbage
3D Ace Studio .glb files about the format and how to use it for your business okay already off to a businessy vibe technological advancements often hinge on introducing innovative products or methods that revolutionize existing markets we're already off to the most AI sounding start such is the case in 3D design file formats where the .glb file format has emerged as a pivotal player this format has swiftly demonstrated its superiority and efficiency, becoming a new benchmark in the industry what is .glb and how does it work? how does it compare to other formats? what is the
difference between .glb and .gltf? where can you use .glb- popular use cases e-commerce presentations education games and entertainment how are they created? step by step expert tip - choosing the right software our company has worked with a wide range of software that supports the .glb format and identified one program that is superior Blender we found major issues and lack of support in all the other programs we tried for example, making the files in Maya requires a special script, while Blender is designed to support this format by default a special script! not a plugin or anything
or okay tailored menu- how to convert- understanding the- preparing your source file- exporting using the results- how can you use .glb for your business? I love using .glb for my business this is just scratching the surface of all the possibilities available 5/5. 66 votes. these images are definitely AI generated it's blog posts, written by nobody, and the pros and the cons and the history- no author on this article, nothing. it is just, on this website and it spawned into existence in 2024 I would say that 3D Ace is probably a real company. I think many
of these are actual real companies, but they use AI to generate blog posts, in order to get traffic, and clearly it's gotten at least one person highly interested in all of their stuff so both of these are AI blog posts and then we have 3D viewer Max already we're talking about viewing, opening, and editing, and converting in one blog post written by nobody they have a guide for different software on how to open it okay why are they telling us about this? how to create them okay converting inside of their creating section advantages and disadvantages
takeaways as usual so you've got a .glb file and need to open it up but which program should you use? well, try 3D Viewer Max which is the best option that is actually their own software that is amazing that, that happens to be the best one definitely AI generated blog posts so of the entire first page of Google, two non-AI results, and then additional two that may or may not be AI generated they might be I don't know I don't even know anymore but the entire first page of Google is almost all AI when I
saw this I was kind of like, okay what if this is the thing that people have been talking about? this is the downfall of Google you know? everybody's been talking about how Google has become less useful and it just turns up garbage results and so I'm thinking okay, we should just not use Google anymore for search so I've heard a lot of good things about Duck Duck Go "glb file format" the first one, the first result, on Duck Duck Go? AI generated blog then we got visao. this one? also AI generated, this was the first
one on Google FileFormatDocs? AI generated Pixcap? AI generated Cloudinary? AI generated 3D Ace? AI generated Selteco is also an AI generated blog post CAD Exchanger, this one is AI generated uh so this one is a little bit strange to me this is a website called, just, straight up, there's very similar things as these websites but it's a little bit more concise? it says Zoo Cyber cyberpunk Zoo NFT I'm going to call this one AI generated. I don't think someone would get just to dump an AI generated looking thing unless they're just looking
to make ad money down the line seeing if it works this leaves us with one,, on Duck Duck Go I'm pretty sure this is a real website. we can see that it actually extends far beyond the AI bubble The AI bubble started in 2021, I think uh that's when ChatGPT started coming out this page has been around for a while, and as far as I can tell, when I dug into the about page and the company it looks like it's a real website they may or may not use AI. maybe they've started doing that
I don't know, but it reads legit to me on Duck Duck Go, we have, one, probably human written result everything else AI generated okay but surely I just, I must have just stumbled upon this right? like clearly, clearly not every search engine is like this "glb file format" 3D Graphics format .glb is a 3D Graphics format this is true, but this summary was generated using AI based on multiple online sources to view the original source information, use the learn more links and the learn more links have let's just like let's just zoom
out a little bit here so, Microsoft has their AI, and the sources it's using, are AI generated. okay. maybe it's not the whole page? maybe it's just the start? okay so here we have an AI generated summary quoting AI generated articles uh so that is- that's not super good I think "people also ask" uh 3D viewer max, this is AI generated this is AI generated 3D viewer? this is AI generated 3D viewer max? this is AI visao? this is AI this one, these were the weird, like middle ground ones, I have a hard time
telling them apart here these two I think are real pixcap? that's AI I think is legit cloudinary? AI generated FileFormatDocs? AI generated Icarus 3D? AI generated Selteco? AI generated 3D ace? AI generated probably also AI generated this one is AI generated, we've seen that one already Marxent Labs? AI generated this image from an AI generated article this is the entire first page, on Microsoft Bing I think you can see my point here it's insane, how bad it's gotten I sort of thought that, this is just a Google problem and I just keep using
Google because it's convenient, and I'll try the other browsers when it's like so bad that I have to go to other browsers or other um search engines this is not a Google problem, this is an AI problem which like, obviously yesterday, finding out that all of these are AI generated, it just became so emblematic of the problem and I feel like when I talk about this, when I talk to people about the problems with AI, I feel like nobody really like actually realizes the sheer scale of this problem like we can't search the internet anymore
and find content written by humans unless we filter through all of this and like, if you are someone who actually don't know that much about .gltf files? you will be reading AI generated articles you might even get answers to your question about like, what are .glb files? from AI generated articles and that is just so sad to me. like what are we doing here? like who benefits from this? is it the like, 3D viewers online that are free and their corporation can make some ad money they can probably sell an idea to people who are
not very like- they can't tell what's [ __ ] and what's not um the only reason I can do this, is because I know a little bit about .glb files and .gltf files. not even that much! and I know how you would communicate if you write a blog post and how communication in general works when you want to do something educational and this is so far away from that this is alien. this is like, the average of humanity with all the personality taken out of it and all you have is this fake cheerful blog post
that just like answers every question, and nothing at the same time this is bizarre to me. I don't understand how people can think this is okay to even do? like to generate AI articles like this. like it feels like it's just a bunch of business people who see the internet as a money generator and they're like "oh I heard about this cool AI thing and you know you can like generate blog posts on your website for your company and like you can get clicks from that because like people just search for things and then they
find your website and then you get money from the ads! and maybe they're going to use your product we can even make it so that the AI will try to guide users into using your product in this article but in a subtle way! and so it looks natural right we can even tell the AI to include like two typos? just tell the AI to do two typos, in the article so it's a little bit more believable but otherwise like give them information they might be looking for about .glb files and then generate that article, and
make it sound like our product is the best one you know I'm frustrated with how people are absolutely littering the internet with garbage and if you're someone- I guess someone like me who grew up on the internet who likes to spend time on the internet and I like looking things up I like learning I really value learning and knowledge it's just so hard to find, actual intelligence, out there of people who wrote things, people who care about the things they write about rather than this corporate slop it is- this is worse than nothing I would
rather have empty slots here that I have to scroll by than to be misled by all of this and even the Microsoft AI thinks that these are legitimate sources it cites them, straight up, as if those are real sources but they are not sources, they're just another AI and it's just, feeding into itself at this point I don't honestly know what to do about this I don't know like- the incentives for companies is to make money they just want to Create Content™ as quickly as possible to make as much money as possible for like ads,
or, guiding them to their product and like sure. that, to some extent, that's always been a thing SEO has always been a thing companies want to make money, obviously has always been a thing but the thing that is new here the thing that makes me frustrated is that these are deceptive this is deception they're using an AI, to create what looks like a blog post written by a human and yet, it's not and so it's just- it's just a bunch of lies [Hot Take Alert] I don't like it, when people lie I think that's a
shitty thing to do! and when you fill search engines to the brim with lies and just misinformation like the the sum total of knowledge is getting absolutely poisoned by this and the better this gets, the harder it's going to be to tell them apart from real human written content I just don't see a benefit to this the only thing that I have found to be beneficial with AI? I found ChatGPT to be useful as a search engine to avoid finding all the [ _____ ] AI generated articles that other people used the AI to write
like it is so, dumb it is just so dumb I get so many people asking me, what do you think about AI? isn't it cool that you can generate a whole article by just a short prompt? you can be like "write an article about lerp smoothing" and then you can publish the blog post and then pretend you wrote it? and, and I'm just like what? okay so, why are we doing this? why, what, are we just lying now? is that just fine? I think when the internet started out I thought it was a super cool
place where you could find information about things that you previously had to talk to someone about, someone knowledgeable or find books, um, and all of a sudden, you can just search for anything, and you can read about, "How does a diversion valve work?" in plumbing. you could find some obscure forum, or some like weird blog written by someone who's like super passionate about diversion valves and just has a whole website dedicated to like, plumbing mechanics and you can like tell, how passionate they are about everything related to diversion valves and plumbing, and you can be
like, holy [ __ ] this person knows their stuff and you can tell that they're excited to write about this and you just find these fascinating people who have passion projects that they love to talk about. and that, I find that kind of stuff, really contagious I love reading about people, who are super knowledgeable and super passionate about something and just kind of, delivering it to you in a in a nice nicely presented format I think that's super cool and I think that is like, that is one of my favorite things about the internet that
type of like- it feels weird to call it communication but, it is, storytelling between us, right? we tell stories about things that we're interested in we share that with people and that's fundamentally a human experience it is human communication and whenever I see things in the world when I see art created by people like illustrations, 3D modeling, level design, level art, user interfaces, it could even be real life objects, like if I look at a mouse, like here, here's a Logitech mouse. or, here's a like a microphone something I think is really cool, is that
I can take objects that are around me even the cat tree behind me where my son is sleeping that's Salad this cat tree was probably designed by someone, someone cared to make that cat tree someone designed this microphone someone cared about the finish, the look, the technical details, all of the constraints, that they had, maybe some time limitations? and then we have this shock mount here it has a very like, peculiar design? which I think is kind of cool it's solid, it doesn't have rubber bands, this was designed by people who wanted to find an
alternate solution for shock mounts then you have the weird XLR cable this is like a 7-pin XLR and I kind of hate it because it's proprietary for this microphone but in this tiny space, next to me, there are so many stories about people who made decisions about every part of this every single part of all of this? has a story there's so much history and I love I love that about humanity that you can take, any object, you can zoom into it, and there's stories there that's so cool to me, that is so cool! I
just love exploring that that space of ideas and information and the process that people have gone through to make anything so contrast that, with something like, nature, okay? so with nature, none of us made that that is not human designed, it is not really- well, we affect nature and we're part of nature but, so much of nature has been created by mechanical processes. like it's just the laws of physics, have eventually created this super complex universe or at the very least our corner is complex, according to us and here, all of the mountains all of
the rivers all of the animals all of the ecosystems the the way, a frog jumps, has, so much interesting, fascinating complexity, all the way up to the human brain which we still don't fully understand in terms of where certain things are it's still kind of a mystery this is the inner universe every part of nature, also tells a story for most of history, that story does not involve humans and yet we see so much beauty, so much color, species interacting and they're all so different, and that is so cool, that like, this is an emergent
property of the laws of physics? that seems really cool, that is like wild! that we actually happen to live in this universe, where all of these cool things are happening, that's amazing! and now where does AI fit into this? so we have nature, it's emergent from simple rules and then we have the human side which is not emergent from simple rules- well, unless- you could be reductive and say everything is emergent from simple rules but whatever~ and then on the human side, those are stories where we have had a hand in every part of that
we create art, we tell stories we experience things together we go through hardship together all of these things are human communication and interaction and the same thing goes for even like, chatting online or writing blog posts this is human communication this is telling the world: I love this thing and I want to talk to you about it because this thing is really cool I really- I would love, to spend a year researching splines, for no other reason because it seems cool that process of curiosity and learning and communicating, storytelling, all of that, I think is
part of what I value in life, in humanity in everything I've never been religious at all I don't have any kind of like, you know meaning of life I've never had a thing handed to me by some religion or whatever I don't think there is- I don't think there is a like- an object objective meaning of life in that sense? and so we create our own meaning but I must say, I am a little bit jealous of religion right now because if you have a sense of purpose that you derive from a religion or any
kind of belief really, it doesn't even have to be religious if you get a sense of purpose from that and you feel that life has meaning and it's worth being here even if that belief is based on conjecture, or it might even be false but if you believe that you will have hope and you might actually live a good life even if it's based off of a falsehood but in my case? I found meaning in life through creativity and through knowledge and learning I love these things it's super super fun for me to learn stuff
to read about stuff to see things to create art to see other people's art to take part in playing games made by people who care about the things they make it- that's- that means, so much to me and I think for the first time I've been worried that this is about to be taken away from me it's about to be taken away from humanity and, I did have a period in my life where I lost a lot of hope for- for this right? for everything we do, because of AI I don't know- I don't really
know how to talk about this, in a way that like, gets across, the amount of dread I feel over this? um it used to be the case that anytime I looked at a piece of art and I could tell that it was made by someone there's story in that piece of art I see what types of lines they like to draw I see what types of art styles they enjoy I see what types of characters they like to design maybe the types of environments they like to draw people draw from their childhood experiences, in the
art that they create and I think that's beautiful! I think that is so cool! but if the future of art if the future of content online is to generate it with AI I think that is a significant loss to humanity the thing with generative AI is that they have none of the humanity of the human stories that we tell of all of our personality quirks, our flaws, our desires it has none of that but at the same time some people talk about it as if it's this nature thing "isn't it cool that we just have
this AI and then it's just this emergent property that it seems to behave like some kind of intelligent thing"? to me, it's not emergent because, it's based off of training data that is human and sure, there's fascinating research that's been done in the field of AI there's there's a kind of ingenuity in research for finding out algorithms like stable diffusion like the human story of someone coming up with those algorithms to solve that problem that is fascinating to me but the output of these models? AI generated art is made by everyone but also made by
nobody and it's like you're commissioning an artist who doesn't exist but you're also commissioning every artist at the same time because that's the training data and it's just so soulless to me I think these past few years have been pretty rough for artists especially I have seen multiple artists have their work stolen and an AI model trained on their stuff and it's trying to recreate their style I have seen multiple artists feel, a lack of hope that there's no future for the craft of illustration and art and I have seen a lot of people especially
in tech, especially in games who embrace AI solely because, it's kind of cool and I think to some extent, it is pretty cool that it's possible, that you can make models like this but I don't think it is pretty cool when people use AI to spread misinformation like all the blog posts that we read and what I find especially egregious is that in AI models the core metric of what makes a good AI is how well it impersonates us how well did it fool you? that is a metric for how good an AI is and
I think that developing this kind of technology and just making it easily accessible I think that is doing demonstrable harm like it has never been easier to scam people than it is now you can AI generate LinkedIn profiles you can AI generate a company website you can AI generate a product that barely exists you can AI generate social media accounts that interact with each other there's even tools to create fake personalities on websites this has arguably already affected the US election the amount of harmful misinformation and distrust, that we are creating right now I think
is a net bad for society I don't think anything good will come from this we are making it easier and easier to tell lies to each other and then we're working on making those lies harder and harder to detect we're making the lie machine better and better why? like why- who- why are we doing this? this even before we get into anything related to AGI that people love to talk about the harms have already started happening we don't need AGI to like face a kind of doomsday scenario in terms of misinformation I don't know where
this is going I don't know how bad it's going to get but it's already really really bad and I don't know don't know exactly how to push back against this because unlike crypto and NFTs which is purely a grift I think AI actually does make you more productive if your goal is to create products I think it is useful for that if you want to create soulless garbage that has no humanity attached to it you just want to get a product out that you can sell to Consumers™ for them to Consume™ then AI is really
good for you like there is- there are so many upsides for companies embracing this technology if their their goal is to make money which it is I think we- I think we have to have a cultural push back against AI I don't see legal processes moving quickly enough AI is moving faster it's going to take huge bodies like the EU it's going to take so long, to regulate this kind of thing I sometimes hear people say that we should make these things open source we shouldn't let the big companies hold on to these things and
I get the sentiment that we don't trust the big corporations that are only there to make money we don't trust them to deal with this technology well but in my mind, making it open source or making it available to everyone to me that's kind of like you're going to a kindergarten and you just pour a bucket of (loaded) guns into the kindergarten because the teacher might actually enjoy going to the gun range every now and then we are killing our creative industries one by one I think we need more humanity in the art that we
create we need more humanity in the communication that we have online I think this environment of not trusting that an image was hand-drawn of not trusting that a reply on social media was actually a human writing a reply to you I think we have to do something about this I think we have to we have to do whatever we can to discourage this type of garbage when radio was new, people were scared of that and people said that "oh this new technology is bad and everybody's going to going to turn into devil worshippers" or whatever
and then you had the TV and then the TV was bad and "it's going to ruin the kids and everybody's just going to be stuck in front of the TV all the time" then video games came along "oh video games are bad everybody's going to be stuck in front of it all the time" some people have this attitude that, because this has happened, over and over again, that: "Thing Seems Bad But Then We Realize It's Not That Bad Actually" and we just get used to it I don't think AI is in this category at all
it is a new technology, but it is not a new medium for humans to communicate it is not a new medium for humans to create art it is not a new medium for storytelling it is not a new medium for any of those things it is the first one, out of all of these that is designed to deceive it is explicitly deceptive like people always bring up photography of how photography would ruin art forever because people only painted realism but then when photography came along people realized that you can do stylized art and the advent
of Photography was actually the birth of all sorts of new art that people have never made before cuz everybody just did realism before then I don't even know if this is actually true or if this is just a very like, western centric- "we used to do renaissance paintings" photography exists today, in very healthy forms someone can still make hyper-realistic paintings and people are still going to appreciate them for the the actual artistic skill and human effort that goes into that kind of thing and that matters but I don't know if corporations agree that it matters
whether someone spent you know weeks drawing a picture this is not a case of "technology is just neutral" "it's just a tool" technology has consequences sometimes these consequences are bad for humanity sometimes we discover things around biotechnology engineered bacteria and viruses that could legitimately start a pandemic that could wipe out the human race these kinds of research fields of research? nuclear weapons? these are regulated for good reason because they legitimately pose a threat to humanity but with AI, because it's digital I think there are so many people that just don't live in the digital space
that just see AI as a cool thing "I could just like type whatever I wanted and just gave me a picture and it was nice and then I sent it to Jake!" and they don't think beyond that meanwhile AI is destroying search engines it's destroying social media it is so hard to know now whether or not someone is an actual real person it's getting more and more difficult to tell we're just eroding, all of the internet to remove the human from the equation that's like removing the heart of why I care about the things that
I see and take part in as a person I thought- I thought art and creativity were these like fields that were untouchable it was always the story of you know AI and robots might help us do the menial tasks and then we can do the fun things like engage in art and writing stories now we have AI that does art and writes stories so that we can focus on the fun parts of life maybe like working a job that you don't enjoy we have completely gotten this backwards and somehow people are excited about this and
a few years ago when this boom started there was, Unity, Adobe Art station, I think Microsoft all of them, almost on the same week announced their new AI technology that they were venturing into this field of generative AI I think that was the first time in my field of game development I felt surrounded by people welcoming in something destructive and being excited about it it's really hard to describe depression to someone who hasn't gone through it themselves people think that it's just like "oh you're just sad about something" or "you're just feeling a little depressed"
but depression is incredibly foundational it is the thing you stand on in order to feel things about your situation if you don't think that anything is worth doing why would you do it? why- there's no- if you don't see any kind of future that is worth spending time in? why would you why would you go there? why would you go to the future if you don't see that, as something you want? and when all of this- all of this happened and it became so much more popular um that- that was the first time in my
life where I had lost hope I lost hope that my future would be as interesting as my life had been up until that point and losing hope is a very very scary thing and then at the same time you have all of these people online who embrace it "it's just a really cool and fun thing" and they say "adapt or die" and that that was very uncomfortable to hear during my period of my worst depression directly related to all of this I eventually just- I just had to mute every single AI related word I had
to just mute it on social media any post including AI or ChatGPT or midjourney or all of that stuff I just couldn't stand seeing it over and over again. and um yeah I think we should take this seriously I think this is why I'm a little bit jealous of people who can derive meaning in life from something that is unshakable if you have a belief that is not justified in any kind of reality and that belief gives you hope? then nobody can shake that and if that makes you happy if that gives you reason to
be here and continue living and waking up day? I'm jealous of people who can do that because the meaning of life for me has just been shaken and eroded by something I consider to be a parasitic cancerous technology I think some people are probably going to take issue with me using those words so I just wanted to clarify a little bit what I mean I'm using them in a pretty precise way generative AI depends on human communication and creativity for its training data and that is also the very thing it is eroding and destroying and
that, is the behavior of a parasite it depends on the very thing it drains resources from in order to survive without giving any benefits back to its host it might give benefits to other people but it certainly doesn't give benefits back to its host [Salad meows in the background] okay salad generative AI is also explicitly designed to deceive us a core metric of what makes a good AI is the degree to which it fooled you by design, we're not supposed to tell whether it's human just like a cancer, it is a malignant growth flying under
the radar by mimicking healthy cells in order to trick your body into perpetuating the cancer and unfortunately, much like chemotherapy treating this will be ugly I suspect that it will inadvertently target some healthy cells too so that's why I'm using those words to describe generative AI I just wanted to clarify that, in case people take issue with the title of this video uh yeah [Toast unplugs my monitor] and my son just unplugged my monitor thanks toast hey no I think the the only way that I've been able to cope with this and move on is
to believe that it's going to get better even though I have no reason to believe so and as long as I believe that I feel like I can keep on living life and creating things that I enjoy creating and just kind of ignoring all the bad stuff happening and that legitimately helps even though it is definitely me sticking my head in the sand and not engaging with a lot of these things that are happening I have to, to keep on going to be happy to enjoy the stuff that I enjoy doing and that's about as
much as I can do right now I think apart from making a YouTube video because I wanted to read about a file format for my 3D modeling tool it just it just felt so emblematic, you know? it was just like- this is so stupid I don't really know how to end this video I didn't want to end on such a depressing note but I've been thinking about making a video about my thoughts about AI in a lot more detail than just this dumb video but it's really taxing for me to think about these things and
I don't want to more than necessary I have a lot of notes for videos that never make it out, and one of them is about AI and I had actually written a kind of ending to that video that video is probably never going to happen so I'm just going to- I'm not even going to pretend to know this off hand I'm just going to read what I wrote but at least I wrote it you know? this is me just reading me, not some AI trash I didn't think I would ever advocate for faith a blind
trust, a conviction without proof but I think we legitimately have to try to be stupidly optimistic based on nothing but the fact that we probably feel better if we do so no matter how good AI will become no matter what industry they will destroy nothing can destroy my faith that creativity will survive we will always be able to create things with meaning a type of meaning an AI will never be able to draw from because an AI hasn't ever lived has never experienced life and the things that inspire us to create as long as AIs
don't live among us people they will never know a human story on a personal level they can only ever imitate it our story, humanity's story? should be in our hands my mom's passion for dogs my sister's passion for art my dad's passion for film or I suppose my passion for everything I've done from level design, level art environment art, programming technical art, teaching writing, music production everything else I love sharing and learning about it matters that we were there to create it it matters that we care about the things we create I intend to stay
for at least 60 more years on this planet no matter how many people are going to tell me I'm a luddite that I'm holding on to old ideas that this video is pretentious and cringe that I'm going to fall behind on the Productivity Ladder™ that I'm holding progress back you'll only ever make make me more certain in my blind, perhaps stupid faith, that a doodle on a napkin by your child will always be more valuable and meaningful than an AI generated poster for the latest blockbuster even if the entire world disagrees with me art created
by people people with real lives people like you will always matter there was one more thing that I found that was kind of the cherry on top the moment I figured I would make this video was when I found this article STEP Files Simplified: How to open, convert, edit, and create here's what I found listen to a discussion to learn all about step files we draw on our deep knowledge and experience in helping manufacturers with 3D files to explain the advantages and disadvantages of .step files we'll cover why people use .step files frequently and which
programs you use to open, view and convert .step files so this is a discussion do you think this is a discussion between real people? or is this a discussion generated by an AI? I have listened to the first minute of this and I just want to share this with you let's listen to this [YouTube's AI transcript] okay so ready to unlock the secrets of Step files? we're about to dive deep into this essential file format and discover why it's a total GameChanger for anyone working with 3D designs imagine you've poured your heart into creating an
intricate 3D model only to find out your collaborator can't even open the file talk about frustrating right that's where step Files come in what's fascinating about step files is they act like a universal translator for the 3D World they allow you to share designs between different software programs no matter how different they are without losing those critical details that you know you worked so hard to perfect that's like a dream come true for anyone who's ever struggled with file compatibility issues but what exactly makes a step file tick a step file also known as an
STP file is a standardized CAD file format it allows for the exchange of 3D design data between different Cad and cam software think of it as a common language that all these different programs can understand so it's like as Bronto for the 3D design world but why is this standardization so important that's a great question imagine trying to build a house where everyone speaks a different language chaos right well in the world of 3D design that lack of a common language used to be a huge problem different software programs had their own uh proprietary file
formats making it a nightmare to share designs between teams or companies step files came along and said enough with the confusion they provided a standardized way to exchange 3D data ensuring that everyone is quite literally on the same page okay I'm starting to see why step files are such a big deal but let's talk advantages what makes them so much better than just sticking with the program's native file they one of the biggest advantages is accuracy step files retain an incredibly high level of data fidelity meaning that they preserve all the intricate details of your
design even after multiple edits and transs between different programs you can be confident that the final design will stay true to your original Vision that's a huge relief no more worrying about designs getting distorted or losing important details during the handoff what else makes step files so powerful their versatility is another major advantage St files are used in a wide range of indust she's louder from architecture and Manufacturing to 3D printing and even product design this is because AIO glit complex geometries and surfaces with a level of detail that other formats simply can't match so
they're like the Swiss army knife of 3D file formats you can use them for pretty much anything that's a great analogy they're incredibly flexible and adaptable making them ideal for a WI wide range of applications and of course we can't forget about collaboration step files make it so much easier for teams to work together even if they're using different software programs everyone can access and contribute to the design using the same file format and using different software programs software programs okay uring that everyone stays in sync okay I'm totally sold on the benefits of Step
files but let's get practical how can someone actually view these files are we talking about some super expensive specialized software here not at all there are actually a ton of options for viewing step files catering to different budgets and Technical expertise for simple viewing there are plenty of free and paid software options available like freead or a viewer these programs let you open the file rotate it zoom in and out you know all the basics you need to get a good look at the design so you don't need to be a cad expert to open
and view a step file not at all these viewers are designed to be userfriendly even for those who are new to 3D design and for those who need to collaborate on designs there are also cloud-based viewers like e- machine shop and share CAD you can access the step files from anywhere share them with others and even get feedback uh right within the platform that's super convenient especially for teams working remotely or across different locations okay viewing is covered what about editing step files is that a whole other level of complexity it can be but there
are options for that too depending on your needs and Technical Comfort level many of the viewers we mentioned like freead actually have basic editing capabilities built in you can make simple modifications to the design such as resizing objects or changing their position so you can do more than just look at the design you can actually tweak it if you need to exactly and for those who need more advanced editing features there are dedicated 3D editing programs such as Autodesk Fusion 360 or solid works these programs offer a full Suite of tools for modifying and refining
3D models so for those who are really serious about 3D design there are professional grade tools available that can handle even the most complex edits absolutely and those who are comfortable working with code can actually edit a step file directly in a text editor like notepad++A as they're stored in plain text ascii format this allows for precise and granular modifications but it's definitely more of an advanced technique Okay so we've got a whole spectrum of options from simple viewers to powerful editing software it sounds like there's a tool out there for everyone no matter their
technical skill level exactly and the best part is you don't need to break the bank to get started there are plenty of free and affordable options available making step files accessible to everyone that's fantastic okay we've covered a lot of ground already we know what step files are why they're so beneficial and how to view and edit them but before we dive deeper into the world of Step files I want to touch on something you mentioned earlier the fact that step files can be edited directly in a text editor can you elaborate on that a
bit it sounds pretty technical we are 5 minutes and 26 seconds into this podcast it's 41 minutes long [YouTube's AI transcript] it is a bit more technical but I think it highlights something really interesting about step files while they're used to represent complex 3D designs they're ultimately based on a plain text format this means that if you're comfortable with code you can actually open a step file in a text editor and see all the underlying dat that defines the shapes curves and surfaces of your model wow so it's like peeking behind the curtain of the
digital world seeing the raw code that makes up a 3D object exactly and while most people will never need to edit a step file in this way I think it's a testament to their openness and transparency unlike some proprietary file formats I was considering, maybe I'll just listen through the entire thing at the end of the video but I don't think I can do it's like; imagine if this is the future of podcasts this is the future of YouTube this is the future of streaming we just, AI generate our favorite streamer and then we have
the most engaging streamer to listen to every day and we don't have to have any shared experiences with other people and now you never have to step outside you never have to talk to anyone ever again you can just- you can just generate your own world make your own experience machine and then as long as you're hooked up to the nutrient machine? you will experience your favorite TV shows your favorite video games you don't have to deal with other people ever again and all of their problems you don't have to listen to their issues you
can just have fun and enjoy Content™ for as long as you like for only $99-