A Habit That Will Make You Reach Your Goals | Bob Proctor

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Proctor Gallagher Institute
Bob Proctor explains ONE idea that if you turn to habit, will make you reach your goals. Napoleon Hi...
Video Transcript:
this lesson is without question the most important lesson that you'll ever get without goals you go nowhere with goals you can go anywhere now look it I mentioned before I carry a go card in my pocket and it's got what I want written on it when I wrote it out I painted a picture with words I got a picture in my mind and I wrote it out now that picture was impregnated into a group of cells in my brain when I put my hand in my pocket put it in your purse of your pocket when
I put my hand in my pocket and touch this go card a sensory Factor touch is affected a light message goes rifle firing through the central nervous system and it resonates with that group of cells in my brain they increase an amplitude of vibration and the picture that's written on the card flashes on the screen of my mind now you cannot be thinking of bad things and thinking of your goal at the same time it's very important you think of what you want now I'm going to flip over and look at the um pad here
for a few minutes Scott you're going to this is a little drawing represent your mind and of course this is your body now here's what we want to get really straight mind expresses itself with and through the body if you want to know what's going on in a person's mind watch their behavior patterns take a look at the results they're getting it's an expression of what's going on here that's is it's always the way it is and it's never any different and that's true for everyone so let's look at it again here we are here
I don't like that Circle here's the body now you have sensory factors hooked up here you can see here smell taste and touch and information is begging your conscious attention this is your conscious mind here okay information is begging your conscious attention from outside it's it never stops it's it's uh it's always like that you want to take control of your mind and you want to be thinking of what you want want to think now we're going to go through this on slides I want to show it to you here you impress that idea of
what you want upon your subconscious mind now here's the tricky part of this the subconscious mind is universal intelligence the subconscious mind is omnipresent now think of this for a moment let's suppose I phone you and you could be in Singapore and I'm in Toronto I get you on the other end of the line now it looks like we're a long ways apart that's an illusion we are both on the same frequency and so we can send pictures we can look at each other we can carry on a conversation understand that everything is in Universal
intelligence everything all knowledge all the power all the money everything and when you impress that idea upon subconscious mind you attract everything that's in harmony with it just the same as if you got the other person on the other end of the line with your telephone does it affect somebody in Singapore in Shanghai in bueras if you're in Toronto absolutely it does because you're tapping into to everything now think stay with me here for a moment when you impress that idea and you stay emotionally involved with that idea that idea changes everything in your physical
world your physical vibration changes you change what you attract into your life you change your behavior ultimately you change the result okay now we're going to go back to the slides okay now think I've been playing with this for 60 years I'm really good at this I'm not much good at anything else but I don't want to do anything else this I love this I fell in love with this I'm going to go back I'm going to reiterate something I already told you I was sitting with Earl nighale in 1966 now I had already been
studying his material I was already carrying a gold card I had on the back of the card at that time this great dream this surging Dynamic thing invisible to all the world except to the person who holds it is responsible for every great advancement of man Earl Nale wrote that I had the that on the back of gold cards and I've had it on the back of gold cards for years years he not on the back of this one right now I you were born rich on the back of this one and everybody is born
rich most people are just a little short of money but I was sitting in his office I had been with him for about an hour it was just a phenomenal experience for me because I'd been studying his material for a long time and I was leaving after the hour and I asked him I said Earl what's the big deal I mean what is the big secret and uh he said there is no secret Bob he said simple a matter of sitting down deciding what you want and um make up your mind you're going to get
it he's decide what you love doing and commit to do it for the rest of your life he said the problem with most people is they don't know what they love doing they never think of it well God I'm going to tell you I got charged right there yeah I can still see myself sitting in his office it was at 3:33 North Michigan and I knew exactly what I want I want to do what he was doing I want to do it with him and I made up my mind I was going to do it
with him few years later I'll uh I'll bring up a slide in another in another Presentation tomorrow and I was as Vice President of Sales I have a picture of myself Earl uh Nill and Lloyd Kad his business partner the three of us it was it was one of the happiest times of my life I mean I just absolutely loved it well I've been doing this for a long long time and as I say I'm really good at it and I I want to get better at it and that's because I've been doing the same
thing all my adult life I was very fortunate I figured out what I absolutely loved and I cut everything else off and I dedicated myself to what I love doing now that's a long time you have paradigms we talked about them yesterday a paradigm is a mental program that has almost exclusive control over our habitual behavior and almost all of our behavior is Habitual okay I'll think of that for a moment paradigms literally control people's lives to an enormous degree I want you to change that okay now look it success is 5% strategy 95% mindset
I was sitting in a room with kaser and W Shel um an absolutely brilliant lady in Germany Gina was sitting there with me she was my assistant she was taking notes and I was talking to these various consultants in our company she's one of the top and um she said that she really believes success was 5% strategy 95 and I got her to repeat it I had never heard that before but intuitively I knew she was right I just knew she was right so don't get hung up in strategies it's mindset all right most people
are extras in their own movie they don't even know who the director of their life is I want to suggest you become your director you decide exactly what it is you want and I'm going to show you how to get it now look at this Scott decide what kind of a life you actually want then say no to everything that isn't that write that down decide what kind of a life you actually want then say no to everything that isn't that okay now we're talking about the mind your marvelous mind now let's look here there's
the mind and the body now I'm going to be going over things two three times different way so I want you to read really pay attention Okay we're going to take the mind now and divide it into two parts the conscious mind and the subconscious mind now you have hooked up to you sensory factors you can see here smell taste and touch and they are like little antenna that are hooked up to your conscious mind and I'm going to tell you they're super sensitive they pick up everything that's going on around and I'm going to
tell you the outside world is begging for your conscious attention and unfortunately most people's Paradigm has them paying attention to what's going on outside that's too bad okay now the conscious mind is also the intellectual mind okay the emotional mind is where the Paradigm is you have hooked up in your intellectual mind higher faculties and these are what separate you from all the rest of the animal kingdom now I'm going to tell you this is really a sort of a sad story you go and ask 10 people today what their higher faculties are what their
intellectual factors are and I'm going to tell you they don't know because we've never been taught how to utilize these this is really sad most people don't even know they have them oh you'll hear people talk about leave that up Scott you'll hear people talk about their imagination you'll hear people talk about memory or reason but they don't really understand these are higher faculties these are what separate us from all of the rest of the animal kingdom the rest of the animal kingdom alterat by instinct which is perfect we had Instinct removed and these putting
in place and they're sitting right here in our conscious mind now you're going to use these working towards your goal you're going to use these to change the Paradigm they have the ability to say to the Paradigm get out of town that's right your higher faculties have the ability to change the Paradigm and build a new paradigm that's what proor gallager institute is all about and it's the vibration that dictates what comes into your life it also dictates what you do this is so important now look here for a moment we're going to jump this
around different ways because I want you to see it from different P points of view there's a power flowing into your Consciousness religion calls it spirit science calls it theology call it whatever you want it's a power it's infinite in its capacity and it flows into your conscious mind and you can take and create thoughts out of that power you can literally create thoughts out of that power now with those thoughts you're going to impress them upon your subjective mind you're also going to send them off out into the universe the ones you impress upon
the subjective mind are going to cause you to feel the way you feel now those feelings are expressed with and through the body but they're also sent out into the universe you see and when those feelings are impressed upon the body it causes the body to act the way it acts now you look at this one 2 3 results see what you're talking about is your attitude your attitude is the composite of your thoughts your feelings and your actions now you choose your thoughts or you're going to accept the thoughts of somebody else that come
in through your sensory factors so your thoughts then cause your feelings if you find a person says they're feeling bad you know that person is entertaining negative thoughts now it's rather sad but that's the way it is and those feelings and are expressed with and through the body and produce the results it's one two three attitude now let's look here now here we're talking about what we want we're talking about wants okay those wants will turn into a desire desire is the effort of the unexpressed possibility the want within it's the expression of the UN
unexpressed possibility within seeking expression with through your action you see if you want to build a desire you the desire by holding the picture of what you want and letting yourself get emotionally involved in it this this is critical information should be taught in kindergarten should be taught at home before the child goes to school children will understand this listen think of it this way for a moment you have little children little children and they're talking they're carrying on a conversation with you they may be speaking in two or three languages at the same time
but we think well they can't understand this and yet they can learn languages they can understand this trust me now watch here real carefully there's the heart now remember what I told you the heart is the Divine side of your personality this is where the wants originate this is where wants what watch this really carefully it's the spirit it's the dynamic power within you that's going to cause you to activate your imagination you see the wants come from inside the wants come from the Divine side of our nature your spiritual DNA is perfect there's Perfection
within you that's why all the great leaders all down through history have always said all things are POS possible the want comes from the heart from the spiritual essence of who you are and it Jabs you in the Consciousness it activates your imagination and that want grows in your Consciousness then you take that want and you turn it back over to the heart you turn that want back over to the infinite power within you now put the screen on for a moment Scott okay here we go remember what I said watch here for a moment
you got your want and here you have the hurt and you're impressing that upon the heart now what did we tell you earlier we pointed anote that the heart is universal intelligence now here's the trick Universal intelligence operates by law this is pure unadulterated Spirit one of the first laws of the universe is the Perpetual transmutation of energy energy is always moving into form through form and back into form go on outside and look outside you'll see cloud formation come the cloud will start to get dark and out of it will come water that it
comes from no thing from the nonphysical it moves into form the leaves come on the tree they fall off the tree they go into the earth goes back into the tree leaves come back on the tree they fall off the tree it's the Perpetual transmutation of energy that idea must move into physical form it absolutely must move into physical form with and through you see it puts you in a vibration that sets up attraction and you attract from where from everywhere because you're tapping into Universal intelligence okay come back to the screen Scott as you
impress that idea the want then turns into desire the desire Alters the vibration you're in the vibration causes the action the action causes a reaction that changes the conditions the circumstance and environment or if we put them all together you can say in the vernacular it changes the results this is is not a game we're playing this is serious business this is your life you're dealing with and most people are going around they can't even tell you what they want so what's happening to them well let's come back to the screen for a minute Scott
I'll show you what's happening to them see these little sensory factors whatever is going on in their outside world is coming in through their senses it's fpp in here they impress it upon here and that causes the result what is this idea God knows it's just it's just an idea it comes from other people comes from the newspaper most of those ideas are negative they're negative and so the results are negative now you've got a choice you can choose the positive you don't need to accept the negative see how that goes okay go back to
the screen PA SC please now look it let's back that up the heart is in the subjective mind that's the universal side of your personality wants come from the heart spirit is always for expansion and Fuller expression you've got to let the want inside come to you the problem is the want come the consciousness of person thinks I can't do that they've got poor opinion of themsel we're going to be talking about that later on in the week that's called a self-image the image you have of yourself now the want comes from the heart and
it boom it goes into your Consciousness and activates your imagination and it gets you to hold the picture on your conscious mind of the good that you desire you turn that back over to Spirit and through the reciprocal law of spirit it gives it back to you in physical form this is magnificent how this happens and it all happens by law not sometimes all the time thanks God now look it here's the ABC of goals and there's another way of teaching it most people when they think of what they want they think of something they
already know how to do I use an example I've been using it for for 25 50 years young guy in the seminar came to me and he said could I talk to you about my goal and I said sure what do you want he said I want to get a new car I said okay well go and get a new car I said what kind of a car do you want he's a new Pontiac I said well they're pretty nice I've had a Pontiac um I said what are you driving now he said Pontiac I
said and I said how long have you had it he said four years I said how old is the car he said four years old I said then you're telling me you got a new Pontiac four years ago is that correct yeah but he says it's old I need to get another one well you see there's nothing wrong getting wrong with him getting another Pontiac but that would not constitute a goal he has demonstrated by results in his own life that he's known how to get a new Pontiac for four years goals are not to
get things that's a side benefit goals are to grow you got to be going after things you don't know how to get that wouldn't qualify if your goal is an A type goal something you've already done in the past won't qualify well where do you go then well you go up here what do you think you can do or whaton we come in there well I don't know any one of a number of things see sit and you're really thinking what do I think I could do first of all if Harry give me the money
he owed me and if Betty says what she's going to do she does it and if that other group over there if they if they come through then I think I could do this whatever this might be see they've got it planned out they actually can see how it could happen they know how it could happen that is isn't a good goal there's no growth in that you already know how to do it see there's growth in every goal I set and there has been ever since I was given this book I set goals to
do things I don't know how to do it's the desire that causes you to want to do it you see you got to get up here of what you want but if you're going to go up there you got to fantasize and that's kept for little kids you were taught not to do that when you're just a young person that's for little kids you don't fantasize so what do you do well because you accepted the wrong information you're going to go from what you know how to do over here to what you think you can
do and pretty soon there's no motivation there so you quit you come back here and you'll do what you know how to do and then you go up here again what do you think you can do here's the problem here when you're doing either what you know or what you think you're not getting support from anybody around you you're not because they probably don't want you to get it oh they may say they do but they probably don't because they're probably competing with you and you're competing with them you see that's what people do they
go back and forth forth and back and forth and back and forth and pretty soon they just finish now here's the three-step process for goals remember we said over here you go to fantasize well fantasy is the first step then Theory then fact if you're going to get what you want you're going to have to fantasize how do you do that you do that with your imagination you do it with your imagination you build a fantasy you see yourself with what you want this studio was a fantasy of mine this company was a fantasy of
mine it started out as a fantasy but I understand the process and you can understand it really pay attention here you go from fantasy to Theory this is where you go from using the imagination remember the imagination is one of the higher faculties then you flip over to reason and you start thinking about it now before you can turn the theory into a goal you got to pass a couple of tests you got to say am I able to do this well the truth is you're able to do anything you're God's highest form of creation
you're able to do anything that's the beautiful part about it okay then you have to ask am I willing am I willing you know I talk to a rash a rash and I become very good friends and rash is a great salesperson great part of this company um talk to Tommy and Mikey Sandy you know talking to the different people in the company and um everything in me has told me to quit this I don't know how many times over the past 50 or 60 years but I absolutely refused to quit I had this idea
in my mind and I had fallen in love with it if you're going after what you really want you're not going to quit it's when you manufacture something because you think you should have a goal and you write it on a card but it's not the real thing you go back and you say am I able of course I'm able I have infinite power locked up within me am I willing I am willing to pay the price whatever the price is at that moment your fantasy turned into a goal and that goal was impressed upon
Universal intelligence and when that happens it begins to move into physical form you go from fantasy to Theory to fact that's when you're able to build bigger and better fantasies that is called a creative process you're a creative being you've been created created in God's image you have creative faculties you're able to do magnificent things when Warner Von Brun was asked by President John Kennedy what it would take to build a mo rocket that'll carry a man to the moon and bring him back safely to Earth he said the will to do it that's all
it'll take and that's how it'll take you to get to where you're going the will to do it you have to know where you're going you have to know you're going to get there see it's an attitude that's really what it is now let's take a look at what attitude is okay it's our wants it's our feelings and it's our actions this is what attitude is you see when a person really locks into what they want they get emotionally involved in it all kinds of good things start to happen now go back to the screen
please Paul there's SC let's take a look you've got this marvelous mind you know if you just look at your body it's mindboggling when you think of what's going on in your body but then when you start to think of the mind and you start to think of the phenomenal power that you've got locked up in your mind you're capable of doing whatever you want listen pay attention to what's going on in your outside world through your senses I want you to really begin to think really begin to think do you know no one knows
what you're capable of doing you see you think with a reasoning Factor remember I said you have all these higher faculties here in your Consciousness you have perception you've got the will you've got reason you got imagination you've got memory and you have intuition those higher faculties will enable you to take this power that's flowing into you there's a power flowing into you it knows no limits okay and you put these higher faculties to work you can build anything you want in your conscious mind now just think what kind of a picture do you want
to build you see I firmly believe your heart is jabbing you right now I think your heart is jabbing you in the Consciousness right now there's something you really want quit denying it now you're thinking well I I don't know where the money is going to come from here I tell a story in this book if you don't have it you can go to our site go to Proctor Gallagher Institute you can download it we'll give it to you there's a story in here about a couple it's on page wait a minute page 101 St
page 101 they wanted to buy a house and I said go buy one they said we can't buy a house we haven't got any money and I said you don't need any money they said what do you mean we don't need any money I said you haven't made the decision to buy the house what do you need the money for now there's another story in here on page 186 a group of people raised 3 million in 3 hours 3 days after they thought of it see all things are possible all things it's up here you've
got to decide what do you want understand wants come from the Divine side of your personality yet comes from the higher side of of who you are and these this Divine sight is jabbing you into Consciousness all the time want this that's because Spirit wants you to grow say I don't know if it's God's purpose it's God's purpose I'll tell you what God's purpose is greater good where in everything and we see it everywhere we look we see greater good except where we're in charge let's see it where we're in charge I don't care what
you've been thinking in the past I don't care what you've done in the past listen I started out I had two months high school I had no formal education absolutely no business experience you know I think it's almost comical at time Sandy Gallagher my business partner she'll be reading books on algebraic equations what are you doing she's solving problems in this book I have no idea how to do it any of that but I'll tell you what I do know how to do I know how to build a picture in my mind of what I
want and I know how to hold that picture until that picture um turns into a desire right here because that's what happens to it when you impress that picture upon the subconscious mind over and over and over it becomes a desire desire is the effort of the unexpressed possibility within seeking expression without through your action it comes the Latin deire to give birth to the children that's the child you're giving birth to the children your ideas your creative being no one knows what you're capable of doing there's no one alive that knows what you're capable
of doing you've got to sit down and say what do I really want I'm going to tell you something you stick to to what we teach you you'll get everything you want I've heard millions of dollars you're going to hear from a couple of ladies early on in the week started with nothing they were they were nurses nurses don't earn a lot of money they do very important work they don't earn a lot of money both of these ladies have earned Millions following what we're teaching no one knows what you're capable of doing here's what
you want to do look it this is so important you're going to get some instructions in a few minutes and the instructions are going to come to you from the people that really know what the hell they're talking about I'm going to tell you anybody in this company they really know what they're talking about they practice what we practice what we preach we teach it you got to ask yourself what do you want there's a power within you that power is not only within you it's omnipresent it is omnipresent if it's a part of everything
in the whole universe and that power within you will give you everything you want it's absolutely magnificent when you think about it and it'll give to you in physical form it's such a beautiful concept and most people don't understand it they go right through their life and don't understand it this should be taught in school but it's not you see you can actually teach your kids to take the report card write the report card before school starts and then they only think of how they can and they don't spend any time thinking of why they
can't the same power that flows to and through you is Flowing to and through them we're all playing with exactly the same rules this is so important don't get caught up in A or B A or B is what you've already learned how to do what you know you can do because you thought it through I want you to gra something you have no idea how it's going to happen what do you really want this is so important goals are without question one of the most important subjects you'll ever study now I've given it to
you very fast here a number of different ways and I did it like that because I want you to really understand this you're working with a power that's infinite you're you're an expression of that power yourself there is only one power everything is an expression of the same thing everything if I took everything in this studio on litter on fire it would all be reduced to the same form of substance what we call space this is energy you pump more of this energy into the room and don't let any out what'll happen you'll blow the
room up you'll say what you don't know can what you don't know won't hurt you what you don't know can kill you we've got to start knowing let's understand who we are what we're capable of doing let's understand how those higher faculties work
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