Clients Say, “I Have To Talk To My Spouse” And You Say...

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Jeremy Miner
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how many sales do you lose on a weekly basis when the prospect says this sounds great but I need to talk with my spouse I'll get back to you later if you lose deals like that come over here my vibe board and I'm going to show you exactly how to prevent that objection from happening in your prospect's mind what I'm going to show you today is an example of what's called objection prevention all right now let me show you how to do this okay so how can you preframe at the beginning of a sales convers
ation okay we call that neq pre framing how do you pre-frame to really help prevent the objection of I just need to talk with my spouse from even happening in the prospect's mind that is a technique called objection prevention you see top 1% salespeople when I was in the trenches like you every day I wasn't necessarily focusing on the latest greatest rebuttal to this objection or any objection I was more concerned with preventing the objection from happening in the prospect's mind now you want to start making a lot more sales than you are now increasing
your closing percentages you want to focus on objection prevention now that doesn't mean you're never going to get the objection again but what what if we could reduce the spouse objection by let's say 50 to 70% how many more sales would you possibly make at that point that's what we're going to talk about today now maybe another training we're going to show you how to overcome the objection if you you still get it but if I can reduce it even by 50% think about how many more deals you actually get okay now I'm going to
show you to do this now what I'm going to do as well is I'm going to show you uh a generic example of a few of these questions and then I'm going to give you an examples of like three four five different industry specific examples so you can see that format and try to apply to what you sell your industry all right so typically when I'm in that conversation and once again there's no great jacket interpretation on when I'm going to ask this question so if I'm selling business to a consumer I've got that spouse
objection that could be there okay so somewhere in that conversation now I'm probably not going to say it in the first two minutes but probably let's say a third of the way in or maybe half of the wayin okay I'm not going to say it at the very end unless I need to again but typically I'm going to set it maybe 25 30% into that conversation okay whether it's in person on the phone or virtual or I might say it ask the question halfway in somewhere in that range usually 25 to 50% and I'm just
simply going to lean how does your spouse feel about you and then I'm going to repeat back the end result that they want does that make sense all right now how does your spouse feel about and I'm going to repeat back the end result or I can also repeat back the pain that they feel from the problem okay and the end result there's different tweaks I'm going to show you how to do this now let me give you a few different industry specific examples let's say you sell uh some type of Fitness uh or weight
loss you could be uh a gym owner you could be a personal trainer you could be selling uh health or or vitamins or anything weight loss there's a lot of different examples and let's say the prospect says that the reason why they're talking with you or you find out that they want to lose 108 pounds okay now Fitness uh this industry is a huge industry we train we train 161 different Industries including yours watching me in this what I got a salmon shirt on today hug go boss I know everybody's laughing me in here but
I want to get specific numbers if a prospect says in this industry oh I want to lose weight I want to know specifically how much weight to get them really thinking the end result so let's say 25% of the way in there a after I ask them like how much do you feel like you you really need to lose oh man if I could lose 75 pounds that'd be amazing okay lose 75 but what do you really want to lose if you could oh man if I could lose 105 110 that'd even better so then
I'm going to turn and ask the question right after that well how do your spouse feel about you losing the 108 lbs so you're able to walk your daughter down the aisle in 10 to 15 years now am I going to bring up walking the daughter down the aisle in 10 to 15 years if they didn't tell me that's the reason why they want to lose weight no that would be weird and manipulated right so after I asked that question that first question like what do you really want to lose if you could and they
say 108 pounds I'm simply going to say so losing that weight why why so important to you now though and then they're going to tell me the reason behind losing the weight okay that's where the salees made all right so if I say how does your spouse feel about you losing the 105 pounds so you're able to walk your your daughters down the aisle when they get married it's going to be hard let's say if I'm talking to a male here okay it could be a female it doesn't matter uh it's going to be hard
for that Dad to be like no she wouldn't want me to lose 108 lbs so I can't walk my daughter's down the aisle of course he like oh she would really like that of course she'd want me to lose weight now this is how I'm starting to pre-frame where they don't necessarily need to go and talk with the spouse do you see what I'm doing now that's not it I have to pre-frame this better but I'm doing that how does your spouse feel about you losing the 108 lounds so you're you're able to take all
that pressure off your heart and prevent heart attacks like your grandpa had if that's why he told me he wanted to lose weight see how I'm applying that in there I'm repeating back what they want losing the weight because of in result they want to walk the daughters down the aisle and I'm asking them how their spouse feels about it it's hard for them to say my spouse wouldn't want me to do that okay now let me show you other examples let's say if you sell life insurance I can do this for every single industry
on the planet in fact we already do well how does your spouse feel about you having enough coverage so you know she can pay off the house and all the expenses when you pass away so she doesn't have to get a second job now do you see the same thing how does your spouse feel don't say what does your spouse think about why do I want to use the word feel instead of think in this context because feel keeps them on their emotional side of the brain whereas think puts them back over into their logical
side of the brain and do human beings make buying decisions on emotion or logic 100% logic Behavioral Science studies prove that there's no debate right like I feel like taking a drink of water like you feel right you feel like going to the bathroom you feel like watching me on this YouTube video right see we're starting every decision with our emotions all right so how does your spouse feel about you having you know the the right coverage to be able to pay off the house and and all the other expenses when you pass that way
she doesn't have to get a second job see I would have only found that out I would have only asked that question if they told me the reason behind them talking to me about more coverage if they already had an existing policy or a work policy is because they wanted to make sure the house and expenses were paid so the spouse didn't have to get a second job whatever they say I'm going to plug into that to preframe that their spouse already wants them to do that you see where we're going at this okay let
me show you some more examples here let's say if you sold Home Improvement this is a huge industry by the way life insurance is the largest industry we train now sometimes that fluctuates that's the largest industry we train we change tens of thousands in that space some companies that have 20 to 30,000 agents we train all right now let's keep going here let's say if I'm selling Home Improvement large industry R train and let's say that I'm selling cabinets I could be selling uh anything that I could be selling siding or or doors or Windows
or you know uh I could be selling awnings or decks or siding or I could be selling carpet or tile or countertops I mean it's all the same and let's say that they tell me the reason why they're looking at different cabinets is because want to feel comfortable inviting guests over for parties and events and right now their cabinets are like 50 years old or 30 years old they just look like old 80s stuff or 90s stuff well how does your spouse how does she feel about you know getting a a more Modern Cabinet so
you guys feel comfortable like inviting your family and friends over for like get togethers if that's why they said they're looking at that I'm just going to plug that in notice I'm already pre-framed that he or she says yeah my SP house feels like and I'm entering in the end result that they want I'm already pre-f Framing and preconditioning the prospect to say my spouse already wants me to do this male or female doesn't really matter okay now let me show you another example here okay this is pre framing here and then I'm going to
show you some other stuff on the next page let's say if I sold dental implants I mean we train huge company in Salt Lake City that does like 700 million a year in dental implants this is a huge industry well how does your spouse feel about about you getting implants look here how does your spouse feel about you getting implants so you can get rid of all that pain in your mouth see I'm just going to repeat back whatever they said now here I might be able to put just the negative result there okay if
they don't get implants the pain they have in their mouth will never go away let's say if they're missing teeth or you know they got some jaw issues or whatever or I might say a a uh I might repeat back what they really want how does your spouse feel about you getting implants so you're able to regain your confidence and go back out in the public if let's say some of their teeth rotted out or let's say if they had dentures that are really uncomfortable right or they don't look good and they feel uncomfortable being
out in public or speaking to people or maybe they feel uh like they're not getting promoted at their job because they have Jagged teeth or whatever how does your spouse feel about you getting implants so you get your confidence back when you're out in public again okay so I'm just repeating back how does your spouse feel it is very hard for them to say nope my I don't think she or he would want me to get my confidence with dental implants or nope I don't think they would want me to get rid of the pain
in my mouth see I'm setting it up where obviously what I'm asking they're like oh yeah of course they'd want me to do this now I will tell you I'm going to show you something there will be some people especially if you haven't really learned Advanced tonality like if you're one of our clients you're going through our virtual training courses right now and our group training with me and our trainers all over the world you're learning learning Advanced tonality so this is going to land well most of the time but if you don't understand tonality
you might not land some of this because it sounds awkward the way you're asking it okay so sometimes people will come back well I'm not really sure I'd have to ask them what do you do then well I'm not really sure I'd have to ask them now can I give you some advice if you want more training videos like this every month and you subscribe to this channel do not share this channel me with your competitors okay so especially if you got a friend or a neighbor or an associate that you know of that is
in the same industry who you might come up against in a deal you don't want them to know what I'm showing you here on these videos I can assure you now I'm okay if you want to share it with your friends and family who are in sales that maybe they sell life insurance and you sell cars or they sell something completely different where you're never going to compete with them totally okay but if you want to share this channel do not share it with your competitors or people who are friends who sell the same thing
cuz I can assure you you don't want them to learn what I'm going to show you here in this Channel all right let's get back to the training here so some will come back and say every once in a while okay very rare once you learn the right skills well I'm not really sure what they'd have to say I'd have to ask them you can't just be like okay because you might get that objection at the end more than likely you will so then I'm going to ask this is a generic version I mean does
she want you to and you're going to repeat back either the end result or the negative consequence if nothing changes well well would he want you to be able to and then you repeat back one of those others now let me show you how this looks let's go back to that Fitness weight loss category since I already showed you that example I mean does she want you to lose the 105 lbs so you don't keep putting all that pressure on your hard and end up having a heart attack see what I'm doing I'm repeating back
the end result he said he wanted to lose 105 lbs what's the consequence if he doesn't pressure on the heart could cause a heart attack right cuz if you got tons of pounds on your heart and your organs that's putting a lot of pressure that typically helps cause heart attacks not in all cases I'm not a doctor of course all right I mean does he does he want you to lose the 105 pounds so you don't keep putting all that pressure on your heart and possibly have a heart attack well no no no he wouldn't
want me to do that no he wouldn't want me to have a heart attack for sure see I see I'm getting them back in there where obviously she or he the spouse would want them to lose the weight so they don't put the pressure on their organs or heart that could possibly cause a heart attack see what we're doing there okay now let me show you what to do then because they're always going to come back and say no no no she would definitely want me to do that or no no no she wouldn't want
that to happen or no no no he wouldn't want that to happen or oh my gosh yes he definitely would want me to do this whatever the context is now right now I'm going to do what's called an npq identity frame okay now this is where I help the Prospect identif like basically tell themselves why they will want to solve this problem okay why them and their spouse will want to solve this okay and actually do something so you're going to say oh well good for you both notice I said both well good for you
both I mean you'd be surprised I mean I I talk to a lot of people and some of them you know they just Unfortunately they just keep pushing it down the road they never end up losing the weight and and then you know guess what ends up happening to them now notice how I said that in a concerned tone why would I use a concerned tone because my tone is how the prospect interprets the intention behind what I'm saying and asking if they feel I'm genuinely concerned they open up now notice why did I sigh
there rather than well good for you you'd be both you'd both be surprised I talked to a lot of people and some of them just keep pushing it down the road they never lose the weight and then up what's happening to them it sounds like a sales script it sounds unnatural it sounds like you're trying to manipulate them I mean I mean good for you because you know you'd be surprised I talked to a lot of people and man I mean some of them I don't know I mean they just keep pushing it down the
road procrastinating they never lose the weight and then what ends up happening to them Prospect oh yeah they get a heart attack or something happens they might have a stroke right now so now they're starting to think about the negative negative consequences if they don't change their situation see what I'm doing there now notice why that's why I said good for you both meaning them and the spouse okay that's what we're doing we're pre-framed that yeah I mean if that happened to you I mean what would be going on in your wife's mind knowing that
it it could have possibly been prevented by simply you know losing the weight and and going through a program where you actually lost the weight now the Prospect is thinking what oh yeah I mean he or she would be in a bad position knowing that it could possibly have been prevented we're can't guarantee it but if you lose weight more than likely going to help you not have as many heart attacks if you're way overweight right but simply by going through our training program so you actually lost 105 pounds now I'm not saying this in
the first two minutes because I have no credibility yet I'm saying this 25% to 50% of the way once I've started to build a gap and have trust all right I mean yeah I mean if that happened you what would be going on in his mind knowing that it it could have been you know possibly prevented if You' just gone through some type of training and and accountability and exercise and nutrition to really lose that weight oh man she would be really disappointed that you know and they're going to start thinking that it's hard for
them to go back well I need to talk with her or him about losing the weight so I don't pass away early right it's really hard for them to do that now now I'm going to show you a few more things here let's say you're an affiliate marketer or you sell network marketing this is a big RW train as well I mean does she want you to have your own business where you can make more money or just keep commuting back and forth to work every single day missing the kids' activities if that's what they
said earlier the reason why they might be looking to start a business is because they wanted to make some extra money but more importantly they wanted to have more time with their kids okay that's why people sometimes start their own business I mean does he want you to have your own business where you can make you know an extra income and and stop having to commute back and forth and you have more time with the kids or what would he want you to do it's hard for him or her to be like nope he doesn't
want me to make extra income and nope he doesn't want me to have more time with my kids notice I'm repeating back what they said though and when they say that I'm going to do the identity frame as well well I mean good for you because I I mean good for the both of you you you'd be surprised I mean I talk to a lot of people and some of them you know they just they just keep pushing it down the road and they they're never able to leave their job so they just they just
keep missing that time with their family I mean for you and your spouse why why is doing this so important to you now though see how I'm including the spouse in every question I mean for you and your spouse why is doing this so important to you now know or I could say this for you and your spouse starting your own business why so important to you now though and now I'm focused either on this or the word now though okay if I'm focused on the word now though it's a timing thing why why do
it now start your own business if I'm focus on this it's why are you wanting to start your own business now notice I'm including the spous so I mean for you and your spouse why is this why is starting a business so important to you now though okay that's an neq probing question all right hope that helped you today learn how to preframe much better and your sales conversations 25 to maybe 50% of the way whether you're meeting in person whether you're meeting virtually or whether you're on the phone to help prevent the spouse objection
from even happening in their mind now if you want to learn a lot more because a lot of you have been asking me on YouTube like hey Jeremy I love your YouTube videos but as you know on YouTube we keep them pretty basic right we're they're basic trainings you don't know what happens before you don't know what happens after what if the prospect says this what if they ask that you don't understand the nuances right because you're just getting little tips if you want to make more sales if you want to get the skill level
you've been asking text this number right now okay so we made a number available for you you can text this number 602 962 4271 you're going to type in the words text the words in or the letters in epq that stands for neuro emotional persuasion questions so text inq to that phone number and AI will text you back some different options that you might look at if you want to sell more of your products and services because it requires what to do that a much higher level of sales ability than what you've currently been trained
so far hope that helped you today stay out of trouble text that number if you want far more advanced training than what I show you here on the basic uh training with YouTube see you then
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