I entered my cup position, here is the wing, because I have a pain in the sciatica, how can I improve it? There are exercises, be careful, but I will help you at my best. So already click on like and subscribe here on the channel, because the sciatica pain can have a reason, but sometimes it seems that we can’t identify and you say: it ’s out of nowhere.
Well, nothing is out of the blue, usually everything has a reason, even if we ca n't explain it, but the important thing is that we woke up, everything is sore, and then normally people will look for what? Let's try to take an anti-inflammatory. Look, I would need to be a doctor, and your doctor, to be able to say exactly what dosage, which anti-inflammatory, whether it is necessary or not and so on.
This sciatica pain can take a few days to pass, so you can go to a doctor and he will give you some anti-inflammatory, as well as pass it on to you, some manipulated by Oficial Farma, the best manipulation pharmacy in Brazil, which I I don't have a coupon, but I recommend that you pick it up if you need anything. Only this pain is going to be recurring. I go to the doctor, I go there, I take my manipulation from the Officer, I take my anti-inflammatory, but it doesn't solve it.
What can we do? Well, the first step, guys, is simply to detect what causes this pain in the sciatica, so I opened the video talking about it. Sometimes it 's difficult, sometimes we don't know, but try to understand, I do n't know, there are people who want to drive a lot, there are people who want to sit for a long time , there are people who want to stay for a long time , there are people who want to stay doing it squatting knee extension and flexion, I don't know, everyone will have a sciatica for some reason.
So first of all find out, and try to avoid this in the work we have been doing to improve. Let's start a little further back, what is a sciatic nerve? The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in our body, it starts at your sacrum lumbar spine , passes through the lower part, buttocks, thigh and calf, and it goes up to the toes or soles, so it is really huge.
Sciatica can then appear in any of these regions, posterior thigh, buttocks, back, it is usually more in the back, but as I said, it can happen in any part of the nerve. And the pain can be very intense, that thing that gives you a sting, gives you that heat, stings, so it's very unpleasant. And you may be feeling it .
. . because I drive a lot.
Yes, but there are people who drive a lot and feel nothing, so what can cause sciatica pain? Now talking about the biological part. Can herniations of lumbar discs cause?
It can. Injury or some pelvic fracture, contractures in the peniform muscle. If you play on Google it will also point you out , tumor on the sciatic nerve.
Guys, let's not exaggerate. Could it be? You can, but calm down, let's investigate.
Bad postural habits, which can suddenly come in, you are in a position that is not appropriate, diabetes itself can cause this too, few people know, and obviously, sedentary lifestyle and being overweight. When you feel this acute pain, usually step by step, this is not my step by step for you, it is usually what I observe is: go to the doctor, he will pass anti-inflammatory and analgesic, he will wait to deflate a little, and then you do some physiotherapy sessions. Are some cases surgical?
Yes, normally we are talking about 1/4 of the cases, it is high, but that is what we are talking about, very regular people. When you talk about a person who is committed to reducing weight, improving flexibility, improving strength, improving your posture where you are making mistakes, we are talking about an individual who has a high chance of not needing surgery, that is all logical, added to a work of some exercises that can help: simply lying on the floor in the supine position. What is supine position?
Dorsal decubitus, that is, with the belly towards the ceiling, this in a very straight plane, simply lying on a rigid and straight plane with the belly up, can already improve, then give great relief. We can do a hip extension. How do I do the hip extension, Leandrão?
You are in supine position, the way you were, with your belly up, and you do a "tuck-in" of the ceiling. Then you will say: Leandrão, you are a teacher, are you not ashamed to speak like that? Didn't you understand?
My commitment is with you to understand, whether you think me polite or not, that's your concept. So you're going to "pinch" the ceiling, then you're going to lift your pelvis, you're going to lift your butt off the floor and you're going to bring it up, you're going to do a pelvic lift, weightless, and you're going to hold it there in the upper part of the exercise , this movement must be done without weight, because it is sore, and slowly. So do it very slowly, put it up there, hold it, give that "stuck" on the ceiling, hold it a little and come back, then throw it up there , hold it, come down slowly, do it three, four, five times, take a rest , and then you can move on to a third exercise which is: lying on your back, hugging your knees and holding there, trying to throw your torso forward, so that you can really stretch that part, it can also generate good relief.
This type of exercise can do for about thirty seconds, you don't need more than that, and then you rest and do it again. Why? The flexibility work, the first series, you can stretch this far, if you stay here thirty seconds, or one minute, you will stay here.
When you rest, it shortens a little, but when you come back it doesn’t go back to what it was in the stretching work, it goes a little longer. That is why, you do five minutes of stretching in a row, or you do five sets of one minute, five sets of one minute is better. So when you go stretching, you can limit yourself to thirty seconds, which is excellent, you don't need more than that normally.
If everything is going well, you can go to our fourth exercise, which is nothing more than: trying to take the tip of the hands and put on the tip of the feet without flexing the knee, this is very important. If you flex the knee, you shorten the posterior kinetic chain and you remove the flexibility process, then you leave the knee straight and come down with your hand as far as you can. Leandrão, it was only here, just up to the knee, I am very short.
It is, but that's where it ends. Are you feeling the back of the thigh tearing back ? So that's right, just be careful with this exercise because if it hurts a lot, it can get worse, so normally when you are in a crisis, you don't do it with such intensity.
If everything is fine, do the thirty seconds there, remember what I explained, rest, do it again and you will notice that each time you go down a little more. And our last exercise which is to stretch the peniform muscles, you will take your left leg, still lying down and hold it with both hands, then you will take the right ankle and place it on top of the knee. So you're going to cross your leg, only you're going to cross your leg lying down, so you leave it here for thirty seconds, invert, do the other side, and do a few sessions.
Usually these are five jobs that basically will involve flexibility, so that you can start to have some dignity, but you need a muscle strengthening job and this you will do with weight training. Obviously you are not going to get there and you are going to roll it up, because otherwise you will not be able to handle it. Now, that you must take care of the bodybuilding work, for sure yes.
Leandro, but how do I have a pain, be it that is to say articulate, and I'm going to train? Because exercise will help me to have less pain, only that it causes pain, can I or cannot I do it? Well, so take a look here that I made a video about limited motor conditions and weight training, check it out.