The Most REALISTIC Path to $10k Per Month with Amazon KDP (2025)

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Sean Dollwet
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Video Transcript:
in this video I'm going to show you the most realistic way to make 10K per month with Amazon KDP now this absolutely works because I've done it myself as well as I've taught over 1,400 students of mine make money with KDP now this is not a gich quick scheme it's going to take some time and effort because this is a real business but if you're watching this and you're one of the few people that can actually stick to something for a consistent period of time then this can absolutely change your life so let's get started
and real quick I've created a 7-Day challenge where I'll walk you through the brainstorming writing and Publishing your very first book in just 7 days it is an amazing challenge everyone whove gone through it is absolutely loving it and at the moment it is completely free now I will charge for this in the future very very soon in fact so if you want to grab this while it's free then check out the link in the description below all right so first I want to quickly go over who I am because you know if you're trying
to do something you should be learning from someone who's done it before right so I built my first Amazon KDP account to multiple six figures a year I ran up for multiple years made a lot of money with it and I eventually sold that first account for $820,000 this is a screenshot of that account that you can see here for proof okay I then started another KDP account which already hit 20K per month and it's growing from there that is cool that I'm getting results myself but more importantly I've helped over 1,400 members do the
same this is a recent Amazon KDP Meetup that I've done in Bangkok Thailand not every single person here is my student but the majority of them are and crazy enough over half of this table is doing at least 10K per month some of them are even doing over $50,000 in a month and I have many more students that are doing that in my program so hopefully that shows you that if you stick to the plan it works right so now let's get into the most realistic path to 10K a month with Amazon KDP now this
is going to be an absolute nobs video it's not going to be one of those YouTube fake Guru you know hype videos where it's like you can make 10K per month easy in 3 minutes a day or something right it is not going to be the complete free way of doing this it's also not going to be the easiest way okay I'm going to show you the most realistic way to make money with Amazon KDP this is the path that has the highest chance of success okay now if you follow this plan at the end
of it you will have a sixf figure KDP brand that is built to last you will have something that's not just going to make money shortterm but a real business that's going to make your money for years and years to come because there are a lot of changes happening in the Amazon space that we need to adapt to right AI is Chang in the game there's a shift happening from publishing a lot of BS you know from quantity to Quality Focus right and the Amazon algorithm is constantly changing so with these changes in mind this
is how you win in KDP right now so first I want to start with what I call phase zero this is the reality check and I'm going to be absolute no BS with you here okay if you have no money to invest in a business everybody says they don't have any money to invest right absolutely zero money honestly guys you should get a job instead of trying to do this for free because yes you can build Amazon KDP for absolutely zero money by doing everything yourself it is not the ideal way it is not the
fastest way and quite frankly I've never met anyone who came in not wanting to risk any of their money right trying to do everything for free and became successful at least if you're talking you know 10K a month as a success metric like if you want to just make 10 bucks a month 100 bucks a month then you can probably do it for free right but if we're talking big success lifechanging income right replacing your job you really have to be okay with inves money into your business so what we recommend is to aim to
have a minimum of $2 to $55,000 to invest in number one education right courses program coaching producing these books and also marketing obviously if you have more that's great but it's not necessary okay now if you're watching this and you're saying oh my God Sean that is so much money right I don't have that kind of money to invest and you live in the first world country then you have a problem because if you live in the first world country and you don't have this money you have absolutely zero excuses your issue is not the
fact that you don't have the money your issue is most likely priorities not income when I was 21 and I started this business I was living with five roommates I had this super tiny room that I was renting in Hawaii one of the most expensive place to live in the US right I think it's like the third most expensive after New York and California and I was making $1,800 a month working my full-time job and yet I was saving about $800 a month which means I was living off of $11,000 a month with rent Transportation
food everything included I was living like complete crap so that I can save as much money as possible to invest in my business I picked up extra shifts I worked two job one full-time one part-time you know I literally didn't take a day off for like 17 days straight I worked every single holidays Thanksgiving Christmas you know New Year's anything the thing is too many people want a certain result without the sacrifice that comes with it right if you don't live in the first world country then I understand a little more on you know why
money is tight and you want to try doing everything for free like my friend who lives in India he was making $150 a month working a full-time job in India so what he did is he spent an year and a half writing his book because he absolutely didn't have the money he spent a year and a half writing the book right himself and he spent his entire month's salary $150 on a book cover just for that book to flop so after a year and a half that book didn't make any money but he kept going
he didn't quit and now he's making over $50,000 a month living in India he's like killing it so bottom line is it's possible to do everything for free but it's not ideal especially if you live in the first world country just get a job make some extra money so that you can invest in the business and grow this faster and if this is too much for you if you can't even find couple thousand building a business is probably not for you like I said guys this video is the most no BS me just being completely
real with you guys next let's talk about time commitment so you need at least 1 to two hours per day consistently to build a business obviously if you have more that's great but at minimum 1 hour a day is what I want okay if you don't have the time please look at your social media screen time like how much you're on social media every single day I guarantee you it's more than an hour okay so can you just cut one hour of your social media usage to invest in a business and you need to stick
to this for at least 6 months ideally a year right but at minimum 1 hour a day for 6 months straight once again if you're watching this and you think this is too much you should probably reconsider building a business because I really do not think you're cut out for building a business if you think this is too much because all I'm asking here is just one hour a day right of maybe waking up 1 hour earlier staying up an hour later or just cutting out social media you know everybody has an hour extra time
right so it's not that hard guys and if you think KDP is the issue if you're watching this and you're like oh my God you know it's because KDP as a business model is flawed that the fact that you got to you know have some money to start and invest an hour a day maybe other businesses will require you know no money and no time to grow this that's not going to be the case Okay KDP is actually one of the cheapest business to start one of the most passive you know low investment business to
start one of the most beginner friendly business so I guarantee you if you try and hop around different business models to seek something better you're not going to find it so you got to stop with the excuses okay KDP is once again one of the easiest business for anyone when I say easiest I'm not saying it's easy I'm saying compared to other businesses it is the easiest okay it doesn't matter if English is not your first language because English is not my first language as well Japanese is my first language okay if you're scared to
spend 30 bucks on a book cover this honestly isn't for you you do not need prior experience or skills just the willingness to learn just like how I had no skills prior to this right and I made it a success a lot of my students made this a success my friend in India had no skills prior experience making 150 bucks a month but he was willing to learn he was willing to invest in the business and now doing 50k a month crushing it right so like it's possible if you're just willing to stick to it
and willing to learn so the expectations you should have is you want to reinvest all your profits for the first six plus months if you want to scale okay you don't have to do this if you don't want to make 10K a month if you're just happy with 100 bucks a month 1,000 bucks a month that's fine but if you start taking out profits really early in the business it's going to be really hard to grow the business because you don't have any Capital to reinvest right so the longer you can delay gratification and the
longer you can put things back into the business the faster you can get to 10K a month then you can start taking out more money right from that so that's exactly what I've done as well I've reinvested everything for the first whole year you know I wasn't taking any profits okay and the first few books that you publish will suck no matter what and instead of quitting there because most people will approach this business saying oh let's just try with one book when their first book is going to be the worst book that they're ever
going to be publishing right and they're not going to make any money from it and they just quit when you should be taking the first couple books as a learning experience and then move forward you want to fail forward right and the last thing is your friends and family is not going to support you and who cares like who gives a right like you're doing this for you not for them so don't try to seek validation from your friends and family don't even tell them that you're building a business don't tell them what you're about
to do tell them what you've done after you've done it okay after you make 10K a month go back and tell them hey look I made 10K a month okay don't go and say oh look I'm going to start this new business I'm going to make this much money cuz they're just going to drag you down so I just wanted to make this mindset set before we go into the real meat of the tutorial because I am so sick and tired of all the BS excuses that I'm hearing and if you're watching this and you're
not making any of these excuses good for you you're going to be successful because most people are and that's why they don't see any results so if you're willing to go through this you will do very well like many of my students all right guys with that being said let's go into phase one which are the foundations typically this is the first three months of your business so you want to focus on learning the skills not making money expecting to make money in the first one 3 months I mean you will make money but you're
going to be reinvesting it so technically you're not taking any profits and that is normal okay you're out of your mind if you think you can get the 10K a month in three months or something like that it's that's just crazy not just in KDP once again in every single business model okay now you want to get a course or a coaching program I got a coaching program obviously I make these videos to promote that if you don't want to join the program if you don't like me go join somebody else's okay because obviously I
want to work with someone that likes me like my Approach and and you know who's willing to learn and stuff but either way it's super important to follow a step-by-step program have some kind of mentorship I honestly do not know anyone who've never taken any coaching program any courses and became super successful like we're talking 10K or more right once again you can probably make hundred bucks a month you know maybe ,000 a month without taking any coaching program but if you want to do more than that I really don't know anybody if you want
to prove me wrong you can comment below in this video and say you've done it without any program but you know please let me know even my friend in India making 150 bucks a month bought a course and then he became successful okay so reinvest all your profits into producing more books do not take any profits out for the first 6 months so the first skill you have to learn is keyword research this is the most important skill this skill is going to make or break your business okay so you want to validate an idea
first then create a book not the opposite this is where everyone messes up okay when they enter the business people have so many ideas of the type of books they can publish right so many different topics but they never go and check if that topic is profitable so people make a book first then they try and find people who want the book and that is the complete opposite okay you want to check if anybody even wants that book first right then you go and make a book on it because you know that people are buying
it so there are two tools that I recommend number one this is a free one called DS Amazon quick viw look it up in the Google Chrome Store okay it is completely free now if you want to save some time there's a paid version called Katy spy so this is DS Amazon quick view once again it is free just look it up in the Chrome Store maybe I'll leave a link in the description and this is KD spy so this is a paid tool it is $79 one time so it's just a onetime payment you
don't have to pay any more than that but it will save some time now what they do is show you the best sellers rank of the book a lot easier so normally you have to click around to find this number but just by having a uh the DS Amazon quick view it'll start pulling this number right on the search results so I looked up decluttering these are decluttering books and you can see that this book is 3,438 in the bookstore this one is 92,000 this one is 4,900 and this is from the free one DS
Amazon quick viiew now what this number is is called the best sellers rank best sellers rank is Amazon telling you how well this book is selling compared to other books okay so if this is number one in the entire bookstore it is basically the number one bestselling book in the entire bookstore this is 3,400 uh bestselling book right this one uh in the entire bookstore so in terms of this number the lower the better now with these Amazon quick view you have to go and check each one one by one like this if you have
KD spy then you can just click on it and you can get the data of entire page one as well as the audiobooks and the Kindle format as well so you can kind of instantly see the data which is just going to save you even more time so in terms of the criteria you're looking for books that has less than 880,000 BSR in the entire bookstore which if it's around 80,000 BSR it's making around $500 a month so if it's a lot lower than 80,000 it's doing a lot more okay if other books are selling
well on the topic it is proving to you that the topic is in demand so we're essentially looking for proof of concept here so going back to decluttering right so I have this idea of writing a book on decluttering okay so I will look up the keyboard so in my case decluttering if you have a book on keto diet then you'll look up keto diet right and then you start looking at other books on it that are profitable so like this one 3,000 so this book is doing thousands of dollars a day right like you
know tens of thousands a month it's extremely successful okay so if if this number is below 80,000 that is a good sign okay so we have one book below 80,000 this one is right above 80,000 so we're not going to count it but you know pretty close this one's way below 80,000 this one's way below 80,000 so a lot of books on decluttering is making a ton of money which is telling us that decluttering is a profitable topic and you absolutely have to do this first because if you don't check the profitability and you spend
all the time writing the book publishing it if no one wants the book you're not going to make any sales all right so these are the types of books that you can publish essentially pretty much anything uh but we categorize in three sections low content medium content and high content okay so low content is the journals planners notebooks you know any kind of books that has very little content medium content is something that has a little more text A Little More Design so we're talking coloring books activity books uh and you know puzzle books those
kind of things high content is usually non-fiction full you know text books and also fiction books like romance mystery those kind of things now why I recommend you to skip low content and go straight into medium or high content is because obviously it has more text it has more designs which means it takes a little more time little more money a little more effort to create these books which is a higher barrier of Entry right which means not a lot of people want to make these books because people are lazy 99% of the population wants
to take the easy way okay so if you can be the 1% that says hey I'm willing to put a little more work into this right make up a book that's good then now you have a lot less competition because most people complaining about saturation and you know competition are doing the bare minimum and most people are doing the bare minimum so now you're competing with most people okay so that's what I mean is go for the higher bare entry it's better now you also have higher profit margins because usually with low content books you
can only sell it for $5.99 $6.99 you're barely making a dollar per sale you know with let's say high content non-fiction books which are the books that I'm mainly publish in you know you can sell it for 18 bucks you know 19 bucks sometimes even 20 and you're making $8 to $10 per sale right so you're making 10 times more money and even though you're making 10 times more money per sale compared to a low content book it's not 10 times harder to sell the book okay so that's why going higher ticket is better now
it also has high demand obviously you know a lot of these niches are very profitable and also lower compet comptition because less people are trying to publish these books and the biggest thing with high content books that nobody talks about is that you can sell it in multiple formats ebook print and audiobook audiobook is just taking off and you really should be taking advantage of this right most low content medium content books like colum books journals you can only publish it as a paperback so you can only make money in one format you're missing out
on the ebook you're missing out on the audiobook those are super profitable now if you need ideas on what kind of books you can publish you want to go to the Amazon best sellers Rank and just go off of each categories just check each category and see what books you're selling right so you can Niche down into business and money arts and photography uh cookbooks food and wine so I'm just going to do like um let's say Health Fitness and dieting and you just want to start seeing what kind of books are out there so
you know like you want to kind of extract topics like ask yourself what is this book about right so we have good energy so it's some kind of like um self-help book and this is a habit book so a book on habit is you know doing really well right a book on I guess like overthinking is doing really well so you know you can start listing down ideas right we have a Barbara O'Neal Natural Herbal Remedies book that's doing really well I don't know if this is trademarks so you want to check the trademark as
well uh but that's what I mean is just getting a ton of ideas from this bestsellers category and you can Niche down even more if you want to so what I recommend is you find a topic that you are interested in you're passionate in that is also profitable you want both you don't want to just publish a book just because it's profitable you know but you have zero interest in it because it's going to be hard to keep going and keep building this business because you know you're going to get burnt out but you also
don't want to just publish a book that you're passionate about but nobody's interested in because you're not going to make any money so you need that balance so this is the game plan don't publish just one book and see how it goes like I said earlier your first book is going to be your worst book so don't determine your success based on your first book okay publish multiple books in the same Niche you want to build a brand you want to build a series okay so you want to publish multiple books in the same Niche
now keep in mind that your book is a solution to the customer's problems this is the biggest thing to understand people buy books because they got a problem that they want to solve okay when they buy non-fiction books when they buy a book on habits as an example they probably suck at you know productivity maybe they're procrastinating right so that's why that's the the problem that they have and they want to fix it by reading the Habit book okay if they buy a weight loss book most likely because they're struggling with overweight right no one
who's skinny is going to buy a weight loss book so you got to identify what is the problem that people are facing and then try and solve that inside your book once you solve one problem then you want to think what problem can I solve next that'll be your book number two then after that what other problem that is related to this can I solve next that would be your book number three as an example book number one could be weight loss but after you successfully help the person lose weight what's the next challenge right
not rebounding back so you know book number two could be about how to maintain weight loss or how to make it more of a lifestyle rather than a you know quick diet plan right so book number two could be like maintaining the new weight right and after that what would that person want to do next maybe build muscle so book number three could be on building muscle so that's what I mean is solve related problems one after another this is an example of someone who's doing that so this is a productivity series number one first
book is on dopamine detox right so it's helping people to pretty much like rewire their brain and not be so addicted to dopamine then then the second one is a 7-Day plan to overcome procrastination uh taking more action the third one is to help them focus better and then the fourth one is kind of a mindset related to productivity I guess but you know you see how it's related but slightly different so the same person will be interested in buying all four of the books so once again you want to publish at least three books
in The Niche and keep in mind that you do not have to spend thousands of dollars per book there are many ways to cut costs especially with AI right book cover I highly recommend you Outsource you know you can spend $100 $200 but if you're just getting started you can spend a little less although I do recommend you don't skimp out on your book cover right but just like my friend in India who wrote a book you know by himself there are many ways to cut cost if you don't have the money you can write
the book yourself if you know how to do that if you do not know how to do that though you can hire ghost riters which is what I do and the good news is Ghost riters don't have to be super super expensive you can hire them between $2 to $3 per 100 wordss so what you want to do is you want want to aim to get to $500 to $11,000 per month with these three books and before you freak out and say that making $11,000 with three books that is super unrealistic please understand that that
is your reality not mine and this is a high content book example right so we're talking $300 per book you know that includes the ebook paperback and audiobook format okay we're not talking low content medium content book that's another reason why I think high content is better and I'm also not talking about pure profit here right we want to be spending someone on ads to Market it but you know it's okay because later on we're going to be talking about optimizing so we can make more profit right now I just want to see some sales
coming in and again if you think this is unrealistic that is your reality not ours right this is one of our coaching program student Randy so he published his first book and in the first 10 days he's made over $568 so it is possible and this is another one of our students you know in the program I'm bluring the face in the name because I don't want a crap down of people to DM my students and bother them but this person made 9 $3,000 in a single month with just 27 books okay so that is
a lot more than $3 to $500 per book so it is definitely possible so with that being said phase two is optimization so this is months 4 to 6 so now that we published a couple books right we are going to analyze what worked and what didn't and we want to improve our book quality so we want to get better covers on our books we want to get better Interiors we also want to work on getting more professional formatting and slowly improving our book quality both both the existing books that we have but also future
books that we are going to publish right and we also want to start building our launch system so we want to find out a way to get consistent reviews not relying on luck now we have a system that we can rely on and get predictable reviews we also want to get better at Amazon as this is something that you tweak over time and you want to start building your audience whether on social media or through email list so that you can get once again consistent sales and reviews every time you publish a new book so
you want to read your reviews that you're getting from your books since see what you can improve because they're going to tell you what they like what they didn't like so improve that in your book you want to fix your existing books based on the problems you identified make sure that the new book you launched do not have the same problems and you want to consistently get better at getting reviews and also running as and most importantly I still recommend you do not take profits out you want to keep reinvesting it back into your business
building the business producing more books you know marketing it better and just keep growing it I hit $5,000 a month in 5 months and I did not take a single penny I reinvested everything back into the business while I was working a full-time job so I was living off the full-time job and my business income although I could have quit my job and live off of that I knew that I wanted to grow it even bigger so I didn't you know quit my job so soon right I reinvested everything kept growing my business until I
hit 10K a month then I quit finally right but a lot of people just quit way too soon I don't know why maybe they hate their job but you have to practice delayed gratification all right so you're publishing a couple books all all in the same Niche you're doing a good job at solving people's problems and you're improving your book quality if you do this right you're going to start getting raving fans right these are the repeat customers these are the people that's going to buy all of your books and they will leave a review
on every single one over time you're going to start noticing the same people are leaving reviews on your books right same people are emailing you saying hey I love this book and I love this book and I bought all your books you're going to get a lot more people like that okay your goal is to get as many of these people as possible this is how you increase lifetime value as an example some of you watching this video may watch every single one of my videos maybe you've been watching all my videos for the past
you know months or even years which I highly appreciate so you are essentially my raving fan and because of people like you every single video that I post I can almost guarantee that I'm going to get a certain amount of views well you can do the same thing with KDP the bigger the fan base you know that every time you launch a book you're going to get a certain amount minimum of sales and reviews and that makes it way easier for you to rank your books this is why the longer you stay in the game
the easier it gets because you're building your audience right when you just quit after your first book of course it's the hardest but the longer you're in this business the longer you keep publishing You're Building these fan base more and more and more and it gets easier and easier and easier and you're essentially building a competitive advantage that none of your competitors have no one can compete with you because you have the audience that no one else has all right so for the goal of this phase you want to get to $3 to $55,000 per
per month please do not beat yourself up if you're making less than this once again this is just a goal you know everybody has different speed different Journey right so you know just go at your own pace but uh this is a good Benchmark to aim all right so phase three is scaling okay and this is typically months 7 to 12 and the cool thing is it's more of the same thing you know publishing is not a complicated business model there's not a lot of things you have to learn it's just repeating the same step
over and over and over and that's why this is one of the most beginer friendly business model out there but you essentially just do less of what's not working and do more of what's working it's as simple as that so how do you know which one should you be doing and which one should you not do right well just let the data tell you so which books are you selling the most how can you replicate your best sellers right which ad campaigns are converting the most how can you replicate that what review Gathering method is
working well we just do more of that and stop doing the ones that are not working so focus on identifying what's working and figure out how you can do more of that so if you think about it in a nutshell optimizing your business is not that complicated all you have to do is take a step back and just think you know for a little bit saying what task that I'm doing is producing the most amount of results and what task that I'm spending a lot of time on is not really producing a ton of results
right just stop doing the ones that are not really working and do more of what's working right instead of burying your head in the sand and just publishing as many books as you can without stepping back analyzing the results and you know just optimizing from there so your goal is to increase your lifetime value okay you want to make as much money as you can from the same customer and there's nothing scammy about this okay essentially the customers will keep buying from you if you keep serving them they're going to stop buying from you if
you stop serving them you will stop watching my videos if I stop making good videos right and you're just going to go somewhere else so I have to keep giving you good value for you to keep coming back it's the same thing in your books as well so number one you want to build out a series okay the more series you have the more books people can buy which means you make more money from the same person okay number two expand on new formats such as audiobooks some people buy multiple formats of the same book
right and that is exactly why you should probably do high content books number three you can do additional products like you can sell physical products as a backend I got some students doing like Amazon FBA in the backend you know to increase lifetime value even more uh you can do courses and coaching as well right this is something I teach in the program as well uh affiliate marketing is the easiest and that's what I teach mainly is to is to find some affiliate programs that you can promote uh so that you can instantly increase your
lifetime value let me give you some example this is a fiction uh Niche example but this person JD Rob very very famous author right but it doesn't matter you know the point that I'm trying to make is she has a 60 book series this is book 60 of 60 okay so her indepth series is 60 book series so imagine this right you hook people in to your writing style they like the writing style they like the story and they go and buy all 60 of her books imagine how much money she can make from the
same person you know because she has so many products that the same person can buy and you on the other hand you just have one notebook as an example so the max amount of money you can make from the same person is just a dollar cuz you make a dollar or less you know for a sale on a notebook so that's the difference in how the pros are playing this game and how you're playing this game okay so try and increase your lifetime value as much as possible just as a reference this person right JD
Rob for the first 40 books she has a lot more than 40 books but for the first 40 books she's doing over $100,000 a month this is not even counting the Kemp re uh which is where fiction authors makes most of their money so I mean hundreds of thousands of dollars maybe even a million dollars a month right just from this brand which is insane this is another example this is more in the journal space so if you're doing low content medium content this is for you so they started off with this Shadow work Journal
that took off this book just blew up right so they published a couple new books as well but on top of that she's expanding into different products mainly uh their app so they have a app right now right this one download the app so now they're making money from more stuff right so more than just books so in the end scaling is about leverage okay how can you do the same work but get 10 times the results it takes the exact same amount of work to make a sale but by building out a series or
backend offers now you're making 10 times the money right now you went from you know just being able to to make two bucks per customer to 20 30 50 bucks maybe $100 per person or even more like JD Robb here and the amount of effort it takes to make a sale for her is the same as for you too so you want to build systems right you cannot be a solopreneur to scale you can definitely start as a solo preneur no one's expecting you to hire a bunch of people in the beginning right but eventually
if you want to scale to 10K a month or more you have to build a team you have to create Sops for people to follow you want to act like a CEO not an employee employees do all the work CEO just tells the team what to do and they're overseeing things but they're not actually doing the work themselves so I spend very little time on my KDP business because my team handles it same as my students right because I teach automations and systems in my course so that my students also makes multiple six figures a
lot of them make multiple six figures obviously not every single one but you know the top ones make that much and many of them you know barely work you know a couple hours a week maybe because they have a system so this is how you can get the 10K a month so realistically you don't even have to have a crazy system you don't even have to have a super sophisticated team of people like honestly you can get 10K a month just by taking massive action and have a couple of your books take off but overall
this is a good overview of what you should be focusing on now if you made it this far you're obviously serious about building a KDP business so if you're ready to take your KDP business to the next level then I want you to click on the first link in the description below and learn more about my coaching program it is definitely not for everyone we certainly do not want to work with you uh if you're going to make excuses but if you're willing to take action you know if you're willing to apply what we teach
you we do have a pretty great track record of producing success so if you click on the first link in the description it'll take you to this page and if you scroll down you will see all the testimonials of real students right so we have Adara making $40 in her first day after publishing her first book Josiah's doing $33,000 in a month you know we have a lot of students here like $58,000 you know bestselling 77 000 BSR 10K in a month $1,000 $5,000 10K you know 2500 in a month from one book 1K you
know $ 9,000 so much right a lot so you can just check it out a lot of testimonials here and once again guys if you don't want to work with us if you if you don't like me no problem you know just go and join somebody else's course I do think investing in coaching and mentoring is super important so if you're serious about this that's what I recommend but either way hope you enjoyed this video if you want me to do more absolute no BS advice like this video then let me know in the comments
type no BS and I will do more of this okay absolute no fluff exactly what you need to know uh when it comes to you know making money online so if you enjoyed the video leave a like subscribe if you haven't yet thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one
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