13 AI Tools I Use to Make $480,000/Month

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Liam Ottley
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Video Transcript:
last month my AI businesses made me $480,000 and this month they're on track to do even more and two years ago those same businesses were making me a total of $0 per month so in this video I wanted to reveiew the exact 13 AI tools that I've used to take my business from 0 to $480,000 per month in Just 2 years so whether you're an established business owner looking to scale your business while doing less work and getting AI to do more of the leg work for you or you're an aspiring entrepreneur who's ready to
start building your Empire these are the exact AI tools that I'd wish I'd been using from day one and by the way none of these are sponsored tools I haven't been paid to promote these I I genuinely just want to put you guys onto some game as to what's really helped me in my business so none of these are sponsored there's not going to be any affiliate links I don't need to make money from affiliate links or any of that stuff so I hope that just to clarify that before we move any further so to
keep things nice and simple I'm going to be breaking this video up into four different sections and they're going to be based around the tools that I use for the different businesses that I run so if you're new to the channel and don't know who I am or what I do uh my name is Liam Motley and I run three different AI businesses and have been for the past two years and the first one is Morningside AI my AI automation agency where we build and sell AI solutions to businesses secondly I have my education business
the AAA accelerator and also my free school Community um and I also have my AI SAS agentive where we help people to build and sell AI agents without needing to know how to code so those are my three main businesses but of course there's also another big chunk and area that is content production which is kind of the engine that powers all of my businesses making videos like this is of course part of that so I'm going to be revealing the exact tools that are used on the content side which I think you guys are
going to be very interested to hear we've really innovated a lot on that side um over the past 6 months and then all the other businesses that I run the different tools that I'm using there so that's a bit of a breakdown let's get stuck into it okay so starting off with morning side AI there are four different tools that I've actually there's a lot more that we use but I've tried to pick the four most important ones um to feature in this so if you guys want to integrate them into your own AI automation
agency but to kick things off tool number one is called prompt tus and this has been a uh a fairly well-guided secret of myself and the team at warning side for our prompt Engineering Process uh prompt tieus is a prompt IDE uh like an integrated development environment just like you have if you're familiar with vs code um and and other ones like curs which I'm about to go into um when you are developing and building software you have a software on your computer that's called an IDE or an integrated development environment that basically combines all
the all the necessary tools to allow you to be as efficient as possible when programming so you've got your terminal you you've got your different file management um everything that you need to uh build software is integrated into one one software so what prom metheus does for prompt engineering which I think is when I first played around with it I was like man this is fantastic because uh it takes the prompt Engineering Process and makes it like an Engineering Process and we were able to build at Morningside a very robust process for prompt engineering that
I can sort of pass out to my team and make sure that they're able to to write prompts that are all online because you'll notice with an agency as you start to add more more and more devs in everyone's got their own way of doing prompt engineering maybe they just randomly throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks um or they they take a very clinical approach but everyone can be running in the different directions and so what prompt meus allowed us to do is for me to come in and create our prompt Engineering
Process and to pass it off to our Dev so that everyone and we can consistently deliver high quality prompts without new devs coming in and not really knowing how we do things at morning side AI so um I can do a whole video on this I actually have planned one but I I never really got around to to filming it um where breakdown of the entire prompt Engineering Process we use at morning side AI to make sure that we get quick deliveries and we get satisfactory results even when we're onboarding new dibs so um really
awesome tool and I highly recommend you guys check it out because in my experience prompt metheus allows you to really chunk The Prompt into different sections rapidly test it and grade the outputs and yeah I I should probably do a whole video on it at some point but comment down below if you want me to do that so prompt metheus that is number one a prompt engineering IDE now the second tool is called cursor and you guys may have heard some of the hype that's been buzzing around in the development World about cursor basically it's
an AI enhanced code editor so you can use natural language to rapidly speed up your your coding process and and workflow so this has been as I mean as someone who's is paying the bills and paying paying developers to to work on projects if I can make them work two to three times faster by allowing them to use tools like cursor to write the code faster and and test it and analyze it much better then that's something that I very much want to have included in my business so cursor it's allowed our developers to do
more with less um and be a lot more productive so it's basically mandatory by this point the majority of developers in the AI space are using cursor because it's so good um and it's just been a really massive help for us to to get more done in less time um with our development team and the exciting thing about cursor and other AI assisted development programs is that it's really just getting started and these developers are going to continue to get more and more tools baked into programs like cursor and other uh that allow them to
do more with less uh and and be extremely productive far more than they than they were over the past few years tool number three is an AI voice agent platform called vapy and it allows us at morning site AI to not only build things for our clients I I tried to make this entire list of uh of softwares and tools that I use not necessarily related to product and Service delivery for our clients and that's an entirely different video um but these are specifically tools that we use in our kind of operations to allow us
to do more with less so vapy while we do use it for client deliveries um for certain voice agent use cases uh it is more so for us on the HR side when we're hiring um we do a lot of hiring and when you put up a job post on something like LinkedIn and then you put a bit of spend behind it and you pay some money to LinkedIn to try get more applicants you can have 1 to 2,000 people who apply for that role and that's that's something that we don't have time to work
through manually and find the best applicants so what we do is we send out a a phone number to them and it's connected to a voice agent on vapy and they basically get to call up at their own time and at their own Leisure and answer a bunch of questions and then we analyze that transcript and use that to short list applicants and then we go and actually book and and interviews with them after so that's a cool lot of use case for HR and for hiring um that we use at morning just for the
that I mean Talent is so important for especially in this space at the moment finding the best AI development talent and and in other areas so that's been really helpful for us so that we can get as many applicants through the door and then not have to short list them all ourselves and the final tool for morning sart AI is our fourth tool which is Google Gemini deep research and this is one that we've started using very recently um for our Consulting side of the business so we've recently set up our morning side AI Consulting
Division and we've done a our first project was a 8we AI audit for a $200 million a year Steel company based here in New Zealand and that was a really big sucess success for us and as we've scaled up that Consulting team we've got five people working for us now on that side and as we continue to expand that this year there's been a lot of really cool tools like Google gini deep research which has come out and I'm not sure if you guys have a chance to play around with that yet but basically it
can go and research using Google's incredible search capabilities like 160 different articles and like pull those all in it might take 5 or 10 minutes but you give it to say like can you write me a report on the productivity Trends in New Zealand within the XYZ industry and it will go and researches like hundreds and hundreds of of of websites and then it will use that and just repeatedly go over and over and over using multi-step reasoning similar to the 01 model that we've seen from open AI where it goes to multi-steps of reasoning
and it's kind of Chain of Thought and looking back and forth and and breaking things down step by step and then eventually it gives you this huge report which you can immediately put into Google Docs um and that's been great for us to rapidly do research instead of having to have a whole bunch of people spending time going and finding all of this information um for Consulting use case it's been very helpful for us to be able to just bang in a question and let this deep research agent go out and find all this information
give it back to us and a nice report exactly how we need it to to provide value to our clients so that's been a massive help for us on the Consulting side now getting into the second section of this video breaking down the tools used in my education business the AAA accelerator and my free school Community as well um so the first tool which you guys will be familiar with is fireflies which is basically just a uh a call recording software but fireflies also has a lot of great AI features built into it that allows
you to rapidly analyze and break down the different core recordings so for us taking a lot of call volume it's really important for us to keep tabs on what's Happening and all the calls going on um in the business and being able to break that down and analyze okay what are the objections what are the reasons people are are not buying Etc so that's been an incredibly helpful tool and and my my sales manager constantly just going through the recordings on fireflies and it saved them so much time by not having to sit there and
listen to a 45 minute recording and then another one and then another one you can very quickly skim through that and it's got some incredible tools so if you have any kind of sales team and you want to be able to analyze those call recordings much faster highly recommend plugging in fireflies and then getting your sales manager to have a process for going through those each day the other AI tool that we use extensively at my education business is air table AI now many of you may be familiar with air table um and they've recently
released I think late last year their AI features which have been um really really helpful for us overall um being able to run AI columns and do things like uh extracting information being like reformatting and and putting them into label columns Etc so this has been particularly helpful for us and two different ways firstly in our Solutions database which is a a database of all the best AI solutions that are selling in the in the the market currently and that breaks down the things like their price um things like the the niche that they run
there's a lot of classification that I have to do to in order to make that data actually useful so we as as part of our value to our members is pull in as much information as we can on what's actually working and selling and then for it all into different categories and making it easy to consume that information has all been done through air table Ai and that's been extremely extremely valuable for us in that case and another way we're using this air table AI feature is for uh on mass analysis of transcripts and tagging
and classification and stuff like that so fireflies is good for the individual core recording we can go through and rapidly dig through and figure out what went on in the call that's great for individual analysis but if you're looking to have all of your calls broken down and and classified and tagged a table AI has been much more useful for us and that because you can write a lot of prompt like hey take this transcript and tell me uh roughly what ICP they fit into or like what category or Persona do they fit into okay
what objections came up during the call you can do a lot of cool tagging and classification and extracting General notes on the call can be very helpful because you can write a prompt once and click generate and it'll just go through the entire list so air table AI has been really helpful for that kind of on mass analysis of transcripts and picking out key things that we want to do with labels and categories and stuff like that the third section of this video is on the AI tools used to build and manage my AI SAS
agentive um and this is actually pretty simple because aside from cursor which I've already mentioned for our development team to use in order to build agentive um and also the projects at morning side the main AI tool that we use for agentive is agentive itself so we use an agentive um web chat widget on agentive for customer support So aside from using cursive development the main AI tool we're using to help manage the SAS um is aent of itself where you can go on and build a without coding this is kind of the whole point
of the app is that you can go on there without coding use the uh use our interface to create an AI agent and put it on your website and you can put it on WhatsApp and Telegram and other platforms as well so we've been using agenta for our customer support and that hugs directly into our slack for notifications and stuff like that the fourth and final part of this video is focused on the AI tools used in my content creation process which is something that I know a lot of you are very interested in learning
more about so I'm really excited to be sharing the exact tools that I'm using in my workflow order to grow my channel so fast and to consistently put out content on uh on multiple platforms so the first one is one that probably won't shock you that much and that's Claude so Claud is if you're not familiar anthropics kind of competitive to chat gbt and uh many of you have probably noticed as well that claude's writing is is much better than than chat gbts chat gbt can be very good for um analysis and using Code interpreter
and and image generation and and web search and stuff like that but Claude has been at least in my experience much much better at writing so when I'm trying to uh tighten up a hook or or or an introduction for a video or I'm trying to better structure my ideas Claude is my go-to writing assistant and I use it all the time all the time for throwing in hey like here's this cool YouTube video I found here's this cool interview I found throw it all in as as context and then I get to right from
there and say hey let's let's pluck these different ideas and Concepts out of this and then can you give me a plan and sort of Bon into something and then let's expand out so overall Claude is one of the things that I use most often in my workflow the second AI tool that I use in my content workflow is lexity this is one that I've been picking up more recently and I I don't know why I wasn't using it more earlier but I use it particularly in my research and and uh and writing process for
YouTube videos and other content that I make um in order to rapidly find uh research and and stats to back things up and things like quotes Etc and this is particularly important because you guys will realize as you start to create content anyone can just have a take on something like particularly if you're not an established person with like some incredible results that give you Authority behind andc ility behind the things you say you can't just make claims and say stuff people will just call you out of and then people have called me out of
earlier in my in my uh YouTube career when I would just kind of making statements and stuff and say like well how do you know that and so that's really forced me to be okay well how do I know that and come up with research and and provide quotes and pulling in other people's Authority and credibility and research and work that they've done in order to to back up the points that you make and that's so important you guys will see basically I'm always using quotes I'm always using stats and research and this this is
what really separates the the the Crea you've never heard of from the guys who do well is because they can back up their points with research so complexity has been great for me because I can say hey can you please find me some research related to this assist or some stats and what it does it's basically like chat GPT but connect to the internet much better um it's fairly similar to to Google Gemini deep research now um they've got a bit of competition there uh but perplexity is great because it will find all this information
on the internet and then provide references as well so I can I can get those exact sources and use them in in my writing the third AI tool in my content workflow is called recraft now recraft is another new one that we've added pretty recently but it's been very helpful for us in generating consistent images and icons for videos so even in this video you're watching right now I'm not sure if we'll have some icons popping up but if we do they're definitely made on recraft this has been really helpful for us to uh increase
a production quality of our video without having to bring on more people into the team so we can very rapidly spin up new icons just literally write in a prompt and it'll do it in our style which has been very helpful for us and improving the quality of our content consistently it can be pretty tricky to get working correctly so again if you guys want me to do a deep dive on any of the tools I've cover here then just comment down below and I'll see if I can get a video whipped up for you
so the fourth tool is called Runway and you guys may have heard of this it's similar to Sora open AI Sora which has just been released for AI video generation but Runway is great for uh generating b-roll a significant part of making an engaging YouTube video that isn't just me standing here waving my hands around um is having b-roll and that's when say we'll do it right now boom cuts a b roll this is what you call b roll this is when there's the stuff that's not the a roll so the a roll is me
standing in front of the camera the b-roll is stuff that you chop in and out of and kind of put over um to keep things interesting and to mix it up so when I'm talking about uh counting all this money and then you can put b-roll about counting this money so the the tricky thing about b-roll is that you have to go Ahad and find it right you have to either go to stock footage sites you have to go to we've been using a lot of movie clips in my videos recently because it's more kind
of relatable and recognizable um or you need to go and find like articles and and all sorts of stuff it can take quite a long time and speeding up this b-roll process using Runway has been super helpful for us we we're still really figuring out the best workflow for it but it has allowed us to do things like uh rapidly generate b-roll that can be fit into an appropriate part and and keep it interesting without having to do a lot of work and it's also been extremely helpful for us in animating some of the bits
that you've seen in my AI agents video as well so we're building out new workflows for this at the moment and it's really something I'm excited to keep exploring in 2025 another key tool on my content creation workflow is a one called replicate which is what we use for my AI generated thumbnail so a lot of you may not realize but probably on this video or on I mean you can go and look I'll put up a couple of them on screen one of the biggest pain in the butts as a Creator is to have
nice images for thumbnails and I did this when I first started I went to a studio um in Dubai and I got to these photos taken that was really big cuz that immediately elevated my channel from some of these hideous thumbnails at my competitors other people in the space were doing uh thumbnails are such an important part of The Branding and and the effectiveness of your content as well um and so for me it's been really helpful to not have to keep going and shooting video I used to have to sit here and make all
these stupid faces and now what we've done is if I put enough photos of myself um like we we take stills from videos and we use replicate to train our own image generation model on myself and so then my my creative director Shan when it comes to creating the thumbnails he can just write a picture of Liam holding his finger up like this and you can even look at some my recent videoos it it's got a video of me going like this and I didn't have to take that photo so it's allowed us to get
the exact pose we want with this really nice lighting and everything and not have to worry about continually having to go to a studio or taking new thumbnail photos as well so that's been a game changer for us um and again if you guys want me to break down how to actually do that um I can definitely cook up some resources for you guys on on how to do that as well and the final AI tool that I use in my content creation workflow is relevant AI for Content repurposing so I take a lot of
my YouTube transcripts my my whole workflow and content creation process primarily is based on ideation up the top and then I'll create YouTube videos off of it and bake all of my put a lot of work into structuring the ideas and putting information into that and then from that we can repurpose out of that for uh LinkedIn or Twitter content or for or for things on my email Etc so I basically bake all of my brain into these YouTube videos and then we use that information and say hey to an llm using relevance AI I
can use the workflow typically prompt metheus first so I'll go into prompt metheus and write up a prompt and and use it as my engineering environment to really dial in that prompt and get it converting the YouTube transcript into a say a tweet or something and then what I'll do is take that prompt that I've written in prompt tThe and put it into relevance Ai and then I make a nice little tool out of it that I can either use myself or I can give to other members of my team so that they can take
a transcript put it in there and hit hit repurpose or hit generate and it's going to give them out the content they need and they can start scheduling it so creating these content repurposing tools on relevance AI has been a great way for me to to uh scale up my content production without having to do way more work so I can just really focus on making good YouTube videos really putting all of my my brain power into into structuring the ideas right and including the right research and then that just gets sort of carried Downstream
to these different types of content that I put out on other platforms so that's been 13 AI tools that help me make $480,000 a month um maybe in a few months I'll be making even more and I can do this again if I've made any changes um but I'll leave links to all of them down below guys again no no affiliate no I don't I don't need I don't need to make a few thousand a month EXT from Affiliates um thankfully but yeah I appreciate you all for watching I hope this been helpful um there's
really some bangers in there the content workflow has been uh it does take a while to get to the point where you can Implement all of those tools I will say um but easy ones like prompt metheus and your AI automation agency cursor if your devs are not already using it I'd be surprised if they're not um and some of those ones like air table AI has been really really helpful for us in a number of ways so um yeah all there that all be linked down below if you are interested in starting an AI
business and you're not entirely sure which one to start I've got a really good video for beginners to get into the space on that um so that you can start your own AI business because the space really is taken off um and I'm pretty sure you don't need me to tell you that but yeah thanks so much for watching and I will see you on the next one
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