Champs most business owners use funnels and most business owners are broke as how do I know that because a year ago I was co-running an agency where we were running a standard marketing funnel we were making between 40 to 50K per month but despite that I was addicted to nicotine I was drinking alcohol every single night to try and forget about the stress I was feeling I was in the worst Shape of My Life fat overweight and the cherry on the show cake was the fact I cried in front of my business partners on Zoom
why because I was dead broke even though we were making 40 to 50K per month in the agency split between three founders our team and other expenses I found myself going to the shops most days to buy food knowing there was a good chance my card would get declined because I had less than 10 bucks in it and many days my card would get declined and as a 35-year-old who used to be cosmetic dentist 8 years ago I can assure you I did not ever expect to feel like I did a year ago for months
of my life it felt like a living hell and at times it got to the point where frankly I considered the option of just not being there anymore so I knew something had to change what was that change well turned out it was going all in on myself rolling the dice on me and doing things the opposite of how everyone else does things the good news things worked out and I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that you never have to experience what I went through so in the past 12 months
since quitting the agency I've coached and consulted hundreds of hours of sessions with my clients I've helped dozens hit record months quit their N9 to- fs and add an extra 10 20 30 40K in monthly profit so in today's video I'm going to show you exactly how in the space of 12 months I've gone from being dead broke back up to 50K per month which we pass last month in my micro education business Creator launch the key well instead of doing what everyone else does in the online space building a funnel that requires them to
hire a sales team run low profit margins work with awful headache causing clients and having prospects just fall straight out of the bottom of the funnel into a pile of dead leads never to be seen again I do things differently and instead I run a super lean lightweight business ultra high profit margins low stress low effort high impact because I only work with dream clients I call it marketing based conversion the opposite to sales-based conversion and it's based on one fundamental difference I run a flywheel not a funnel it's what allow me to close seven
new high ticket clients without sales calls last month so if you like the sound of ease flow profit and fun hit that damn subscribe button and let me show you how you can do it too right okay let's dive into [Music] CHS right guys so how did I manage to do this it actually starts with a big idea and this might be a big idea that you are either familiar or unfamiliar with if you've seen some of my content before you'll have heard me talk about this and this big idea is an idea based on
a research study done by one of the biggest company that's companies that's ever existed Google so Google did a research study earlier this year where they looked at 30 years of buying data that's a lot of data you know I don't know exactly how many dollars but we're talking probably trillion ions trillions and trillions and trillions of like liquidity flow over the last 30 years a ton of data and they came up with a rule and the rule is called the 7 11 4 Rule and this rule is really all about what it takes for
someone to build up enough trust to buy something from a strange online and the truth is is that if you're watching this for the first time you're watching my content for the first time I am a stranger to you now that doesn't mean I can't convince you of the benefits of working with me and I'm going to show you exactly how I've done it with my clients and how my clients are doing it too so what is the 7-Eleven 4 rule so the 7-14 rule is quite simple in order for someone to trust you enough
to buy from you they need to consume 7 hours of content across 11 different touch points and four different formats that is what it takes for someone to build up enough trust to pay you money online and so what I've done is I've built a simple collection of four systems that allows us to tick off all of these so that you feel confident enough to send me thousands of dollars which is what has happened with my clients and to get to the point where even last month I managed to close seven of my last seven
clients my last seven clients without sales calls so how does this work so just remember the big idea you need someone to spend seven hours with you across 11 11 different touch points across four different formats now 11 different touch points that refers 7 hours is obvious 11 touch points there 11 different instances where they see your face they see your brand they see whatever so think of a video uh you know a carousel post whatever 11 different touch points and four different formats we're going to go across what those formats are first it starts
with one system and that system is quite simple this is your offer you need a way to deliver value to someone so this is our value delivery system so our value delivery system is our first system that we need and excuse me if you can't read my writing I am a dentist and therefore I have Shi handwriting so we have our value delivery system and in my world I call this our one simple offer okay that's our value delivery system and this is a very a very elegant solution for delivering value because what we do
is we just have one offer but we just we have two different ways in which people can work with us so for me what that what that looks like is I have a I have a mentorship a one-on-one mentorship access here and a scalable Community Access here now the keys to this is that these are capped so for me this is 30 at one at one point 30 one on1 people at one point and my community I'm currently building up to a cap of 77 members now what this does is this this allows me to
calculate my target monthly income and so I know that to get my target monthly income which is 106,000 $329 per month that is generally what I need the numbers that I need at the price that I charge to make my target monthly income most people don't have a clue how much money they want to make per mon month and therefore they can't have a clear Target in mind of where they need to get to so for me it's super obvious I need that many people to be working with me at one point around 100 for
me to make my target monthly income so how much easier is that just knowing this stuff so that is our one simple offer that's our value delivery system so you've got a way in which you can help people very nice and nice and simple now the next part to this is we need to get eyeballs on our stuff so what do we need we need a leads a leads attraction system so that's the next thing we need so we need leads okay and we do this in a very simple way first we have a foundation
of organic content so we do this by posting content every day so we have a focus on a short form channel for me that's Instagram this system is an evergreen system that works on any any channel but it works absolutely exceptionally on Instagram so we have two ways in which we do do this so we have organic content and then we have are one simple ad so what I do is I run a super simple Instagram profile visit ad you can go check out my profile you can see them running you'll just see the ones
which are clearly ads because they're calling out my ideal person U my ideal future client and what that does is that this it does two things so it builds Pipeline and and audience at the same time it is super sick I've been doing it for a year and it works incredibly well so that's what we do we make an organic base of content of short form content so that's reals carousels whatever just go look at my Instagram and you can see what we do and then we run super simple Instagram profile visit ads to get
people to follow us the reason why this is really elegant and it works really well is because we're not going straight out the game and we're asking people to buy from us which is what typically people did buy this low ticket product buy this whatever and what we're doing instead is we're taking all the friction away and we're making it super simple for them to take the next step into our world which is to follow us so we want to bring people into our world so how do we do that we do that really simply
with content and one simple ad simple Okay cool so now we're getting people people into our world and it's very important to understand a concept a key concept that I talk about um with my clients is that we've entered a new realm in the in the high ticket space like trust is lower than it's ever ever been and so we need a very easy way to highlight who are the best prospects within our pool within our audience space and we do that by ascending them into being a paying customer so this is how this works
so we have leads and these are people that we are we have earned the right to communicate with so they've they've given us the their contact information either through a lead magnet um and we're able to contact them we can do it through email or by DMS what we then do is we want to get them to hold up their hand and say I'm actually pretty interested in what you do and so we give them opportunities to become customers so how I'm currently doing this is I'm doing this through workshops and products really simple I
call these BTC offers because they show people behind the curtains and the great thing about this is that this this introduces two awesome things cash flow which is amazing to see stripe payments coming in every day and it also allows you to reinvest straight back into ads and most importantly it tells you who are the hottest people in your pipeline really crucial part here so we have leads we turn them into customers then what we do is we turn them into clients High ticket clients through sales calls and our offer document which allows us to
close in the DMS and then we ultimately turn them into case studies and case studies are what makes us the real money because proof is everything that you need to be able to convince people they should work with you so that's why if you haven't got any proof you need to work on proof first so that's that is the customer that's the client Ascension journey and so what we need next is we need a place a way in which to do our customer offers our BTC offers and so what we have is we build a
community and so that is the next the next system is our community so if we go to our systems what we've got here is we've got our first is our value delivery system which is our offer then we've got our leads attraction system which is our one simple ad then we get our customer creation system which is our one simple community and then we'll get on to the final one but let's talk about our community so in my world a community really at its most fundamental level is a way to communicate with people on mass
and the way you do that is through email now there's a second layer to this in which you can have a closed community platform I have a school Community called Creator University that's where I host all of my resources as well as a private free private Community where people can can join link is down below if you're not a member and but the ultimately the most important thing is that my community is my biggest leagued magnet and it is how I get people onto my email list which is my community it's my place my location
where I can communicate with people so what I do is that every day I make offers to my community through email to ascend on the customer Journey Ascension or the client Ascension journey and so we make offers every day I make a I send an email out every day and I'm either making a BTC offer or a client offer core client offer and I'm never overlapping them at the same time it's either one or the other so that is our community we need a place to to a place and a location to communicate with people
and the most important thing is that we are getting people's addresses email addresses because that's the only thing you own as a Creator is an email list so super simple okay when once we've got our community our one simple Community then we need our final system and our final system is our final system is our video this is our client conversion system do you see how my uh my handwriting has got steadily worse so this is our one simple video breakdown and this is a critical critical component of our flywheel because that is what this
is this is a flywheel so our video what it does is it pre-cells our customers and our community on the benefits of working with us so what that means is they spend time with us in long form content which ticks off our 7 hours if you add up all the touch points across short form content across email content video content long for video content that gets us our 11 touch points and then our four formats we have again short form content we have our email we have our closed community so that's three and then our
fourth is our long form video so we have our four formats okay and what this builds is a flywheel not a funnel and this is my one simple flywheel which I've been running for a year now so instead of having a funnel what I have is I have an energy producing and energy storing flywheel that's what a flywheel is so a flywheel is something that takes linear energy and stores it into rotational energy and stores it within a system and that is what I've done and it's why my business has thrived over the last year
it's why my client's businesses have thrived over the last year and it's why yours can if you implement this approach so that is that's it that was sick I'll see you in the next one check out this video which goes through the entire one simple flywheel in tons of detail that's going to help you that's our video there actually over there that way okay that was sick see you in the next one