This is what Revelation 6 has been talking about all along! WORST JUDGMENTS!

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the three worst judgments in the Book of Revelation the first is the Judgment of the seals the mere mention of the Book of Revelation can send shivers down your spine not because it is a horror story but because it depicts the ultimate battle between good and evil marking the end of the human Journey Revelation chapters 6-6 addresses Satan on Earth the Seven Seals are part of God's final judgments on the world Revelation 6: 1 to 17 details the seals the action begins in chapter 5 of Revelation with the search for someone in heaven and on
Earth Someone worthy to break the seals and open the scroll the importance of the scroll becomes clear in light of the events it must contain the program that will bring an end to the Earthly historical era we live in the Seven Seals in heaven according to John's Vision hold a scroll and as each seal is broken a new judgment is unle leashed on the world the judgments of the trumpets and the judgments of the bowls or vials follow the judgments of the seals the search for someone worthy to open the celestial scroll in Revelation 5
is the Prelude to the opening of The Seven Seals in John's Vision John writes I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll written inside and on the back sealed with Seven Seals this scroll includes God's judgment no one one was found worthy to break the seals and unlock the scroll which saddened John if the scroll could not be opened evil would not be judged and would continue to plague the Earth as John wept over the unopened scroll and the intact Seven Seals he receives excellent news the lion of
the tribe of Judah the root of David has triumphed he is able to open the scroll and the Seven Seals this is a representation of Jesus Christ the sacrificial l who is also the lion of judgment as Jesus Takes the scroll to open the seals and pronounce judgment on the unbelieving world beings in heaven glorify him with a new song and they sang a new song of Glorious Redemption saying worthy and deserving are you to take the scroll and break its seals for you were sacrificed and with your blood you purchased for God people from
every tribe language people and Nation you have made them to be a kingdom of Royal subjects and Priests to our God and they will reign over the Earth in Chapter 5 Verse 22 of John for the father judges no one but has given all judgment that is the privilege of judging to the son putting it entirely in his hands the lamb begins to open the seals amidst the worship due to him the scroll can be unrolled a bit more with each opened seal exposing the judgments God has reserved for the time of tribulation bit by
bit the first four of the Seven Seals open releasing what are known as The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because the judgments appear metaphorically As A Horse and Rider bringing destruction in their path the first seal introduces the Antichrist Revelation 6: 1 and two then I saw when the lamb broke one of the Seven Seals of the scroll initiating the judgments and I heard one of the four living creatures calling out as with a voice of thunder come I looked and behold a White Horse of Victory whose Rider carried a bow and a victory Crown
was given to him he rode out conquering and to conquer various details are obtained from the biblical account he rides a white horse which represents peace at the beginning of tribulation the Antichrist will appear under the guise of bringing World Peace the Antichrist receives a crown indicating that he will wield enormous power he advances as a conqueror destined for Conquest while holding a bow revealing his true intentions the second Seal A great battle breaks out in the world when the lamb releases the second seal this is represented by a rider on a fiery red horse
wielding a huge sword Revelation 6: 3 and 4 when he the lamb broke the second seal I heard the second living creature calling out loudly come then there appeared a fiery red horse of Bloodshed and its Rider was empowered to take peace from the earth causing men to slay each other and a great Sword of War and violent death was given to him the fiery red horse of the second seal represents the chaos that follows the initial period of peace that precedes the tribulation the world will degenerate into violence with people attempting to destroy each
other the third seal famine results from the breaking of the third of the Seven Seals the rider seen by John is on a black horse and carries a set of scales in his hand then John hears a proclamation that people will have to work all day for a small amount of food Revelation 6: 5 and 6 when he the lamb opened the third seal I heard the third living creature calling out loudly come I looked and behold a black horse of famine and the rider had a pair of scales in his hand and I heard
something like a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying a quart of wheat for a Denarius a day's wages and three quarts of barley for a Denarius and do not damage the oil and wine the fourth seal when the fourth seal is broken Jon sees a Pale Horse and the name of its rider was death and Hades followed him closely as a result of the fourth seal a quarter of the world's population is killed by sword famine and pestilence as well as by the wild beasts of of the earth Revelation 6: 7
and 8 when he the lamb opened the fourth seal I heard the voice of the fourth living creature calling come then I looked and behold a pale greenish gray horse like a corpse representing death and pestilence and the name of its rider was death and Hades the realm of the Dead was following with him they were given Authority and power over a quarter of the earth to kill with sword with famine and with plague disease and by the wild beasts of the Earth the fifth seal the fifth seal of the scroll indicates those who would
be martyred during the tribulation for their faith in Christ Revelation 6: 99-1 when he the lamb opened the fifth seal I saw under the altar The Souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and because of the testimony they maintained loyal to Christ they cried out in a loud voice saying saying oh Lord holy and true how long before you judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth and are unregenerate then each was dressed in a white robe and they were told to rest and wait quietly
for a little longer until the number of their fellow servants and their brothers and sisters who would be killed as they were was completed the Sixth Seal when the Lamb of God breaks the Sixth Seal a great earthquake occurs causing massive destruction and extraordinary astronomical phenomena the sun turns black the Moon Turns blood red and the heavens recede like a scroll being rolled up and every mountain and Island was moved from its place Revelation chapter 6: 12 to4 I looked when he the lamb opened the six seal and there was a great earthquake and the
sun became black as a sackcloth made of hair and the entire Moon turned like blood and the stars of the sky fell to the Earth like a fig tree dropping its late summer figs when shaken by a strong wind the sky was split apart separated from the earth and rolled up like a scroll and every mountain and Island were moved and shifted from their places survivors of the Sixth Seal regardless of their social status seek shelter in caves and cry out to the mountains and rocks for help fall on us and hide us from the
face of him who sits on the throne and from the Wrath of the lamb for the great day of his wrath has come and who can withstand it an intermission in the Book of Revelation follows the opening of the sixth of the Seven Seals the strange seal Revelation 8 verse one when he the lamb opened the seventh seal there was silence in heaven for about half an hour in awe of God's impending judgment the judgments that will lead to the end of the tribulation are now evid on the scroll and they are so severe that
all of Heaven Falls silent the seventh seal clearly announces the beginning of the next round of judgments as John immediately sees seven angels holding seven trumpets ready to sound an eighth Angel takes a sensor and burns much incense signifying the petitions of God's people Revelation 8: 5 then the angel took the sensor filled it with fire from The Altar and hurled it to the Earth resulting in Thunder loud Rumblings noises and lightning and an earthquake when the judgments of the Seven Seals are completed the second phase of the tribulation which includes the seven trumpet judgments
will begin in Revelation chapters 8 and 9 John describes a Time near the end of the world when Angels sound seven trumpets each trumpet Heralds a new round of judgment upon the people of the Earth the seven trumpets are also described in Revelation 11: 15 to1 19 the trumpets represent disasters and the judgments announced by the seven trumpets occur during the period of tribulation at the end of the world seven angels who stand in the presence of God receive seven trumpets which will be used to trigger another round of judgments the first trumpet Revelation 8:7
the first Angel blew his trumpet and there came hail and fire mixed with blood and it was hurled to the earth a third of the Earth was burned up a third of the trees were burned and all the green grass was burned this plague destroys a third of the world's trees and consumes all the grass this judgment Bears some resemblance to the seventh plague of Egypt the second trumpet Revelation 8: 8 to9 the second Angel blew and something like a great Mountain burning with fire was hurled into the sea and a third of the sea
turned into blood and a third of the living creatures in the sea died and a third of the ships were destroyed in the sky a second Angel blows a trumpet the result is that something like a huge mountain all Ablaze is thrown into the sea a third of the sea turns into blood a third of the ships sink and a third of oceanic life dies the third trumpet Revelation 8: 10 10 to 11 the third Angel blew and a great star blazing like a torch fell from the sky onto a third of the rivers and
on the Springs of water the star is called wormwood and a third of the waters turned into wormwood and many people died from the waters because they were made bitter the Judgment of the third trumpet is similar to the second except it affects the world's freshwater lakes and rivers instead of the oceans specifically a great star shining like a torch falls from the sky and poisons a third of the water supply the fourth trumpet Revelation 8: 12-13 the fourth Angel blew and a third of the Sun a third of the Moon and a third of
the stars were struck so that a third of them were darkened and the day did not Shine for a third of it and the night likewise then I looked and heard an eagle flying in mid Heaven saying with a loud voice woe W woe woe to the inhabitants of the Earth because of the other trumpet blasts of the Three Angels who are about to sound the fourth of the seven trumpets causes changes in the heavens a third of the sun was struck a third of the Moon and a third of the Stars so that a
third of them darkened a third of the day was without light as was a third of the night as per Revelation 8:12 after the Judgment of the fourth trumpet John notes a special warning given by an eagle flying through the air this Eagle Cries Out loudly wo wo wo to the inhabitants of the Earth because of the sound of the trumpet that is about to be blown by the other three Angels Revelation 8:3 for this reason the fifth sixth and seventh trumpets are referred to as the three woes the fifth trumpet Revelation 9: 1:5 then
the fifth angel blew his trumpet and I saw a star fallen from Heaven to Earth and the key to the shaft of the Abyss was given to him he opened the shaft of the abyss and smoke Rose from the shaft like the smoke of a great furnace the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the shaft out of the smoke locusts Came Upon the Earth and they were given power like the power of the Scorpions of the earth they were told not to harm the grass of the earth nor any green thing
nor any tree but only those people who do not have the Seal of God on their foreheads and they were not allowed to kill anyone but only to torment for 5 months and the torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it strikes a person the angel of the Abyss serves as king over these demonic locusts in Hebrew he is known as abadan and in Greek as apolon meaning the Destroyer the locusts themselves are described in unusual terms they resemble horses prepared for battle are adorned with what appear to be golden crowns and their
faces are vaguely human they have hair like that of women and teeth like those of lions their wings sound like the Thundering of many horses and chariots rushing into battle and they wear iron breastplates they have stingers in their tails like scorpions these beings were given authority to torment anyone who does not have the Seal of God the pain they cause is so excruciating that that the sufferers would wish to Die the sixth trumpet the second woe Heralds the arrival of another demonic horde when the sixth trumpet sounds a voice from the altar of God
calls for the release of Four Angels who AB bound at the great river Euphrates Revelation 9: 13 to15 then the sixth Angel blew and I Heard a Voice from the four horns of the golden altar that is before God saying to the sixth Angel who had the trumpet released the Four Angels who abound at the great river Euphrates and the Four Angels who had been prepared for the hour day month and year were released to kill a third of mankind these four evil angels command a supernatural Cavalry of thousands upon thousands to Massacre a third
of humanity the horsemen wear red dark blue and yellow breastplates their horses have lion heads and from their mouths issue fire smoke smoke and sulfur and their tals are like serpents they use their mouths and their tals to kill despite the severity and horror of these plagues the survivors on Earth still refuse to repent they continue in their idolatry their murders their sorcery their sexual immorality and their thefts the seventh trumpet the Third Woe sounds and loud voices in heaven Proclaim that the kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of
his Messiah and he will reign forever and ever Revelation 11:15 the 24 Elders say the time has come to destroy those who destroy the Earth God is about to finalize everything once and for all at the sound of the seventh trumpet the temple of God is opened in heaven and inside his Temple the Ark of his Covenant was seen accompanied by lightning thunder an earthquake and a great hail storm verse 19 the judgments of the seven trumpets of come to an end and everything is set for the seven angels with the seven bowls of God's
Wrath these angels are now inside the now open Temple ready to move forward and bring the final judgments upon the Earth Revelation 15 number three the seven bowls of Revelation the concept of the bowls often referred to as the bowls of Wrath or vials of Wrath is found in the Book of Revelation which is the last book of the Bible essentially these bowls are like containers of God's Wrath by this point people had already committed many evil acts especially under the leadership of someone called the Antichrist before the seven bowls are poured out a series
of other events and judgments occur the first Bowl Revelation 16: 1-2 then I heard a loud voice from the temple telling the seven angels go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of God's Wrath so the first Angel went and poured poured out his bowl on the earth and a painful and harmful soar Afflicted the people who had the mark of the beast and who worshiped His Image the first angel carrying his bowl approached the Earth and emptied its contents immediately a terrible change occurred Those Who Bore the mark of the beast and
worshiped its image the very emblem of their Rebellion against the Creator were suddenly Afflicted a festering and repulsive soar appeared on their bodies people who once proudly displayed their Mark now suffered from painful Soares on their skin marks that had now become wounds the second bowl following the first which brought painful sores to those bearing the mark of the beast the heavens prepared for another significant act the angel Advanced holding the bowl filled with a mysterious liquid Revelation chapter 16:3 recounts the moment the second Angel poured out his bowl into the sea and it turned
into blood like that of a dead man and every living thing in the sea died as the contents of the bowl touched the Waters of the earth a chilling transformation began the Clear Blue Ocean teeming with life began to change into a deep thick red color it resembled the dark thick blood one would see from a dead body this change was not merely symbolic or superficial the transformation was profound altering the very essence of the waters the third Bowl the rivers and springs of water were not spared either they too were turned into blood the
very essence of life was transformed into a symbol of death Revelation 16:4 then the third Angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and the Springs of water and they became blood this complete contamination contrasts with the partial pollution of a third of the fresh water shown in Revelation 8 in the face of such terrible judgments John's Vision serves as a Stern warning urging us to heed the words of the almighty to turn away from wickedness and to seek Refuge only in God's grace the fourth Bowl the time for the fourth Bowl had come an
angel Advanced holding the next vessel of judgment the target of this bowl was neither land nor water but the very Sun that illuminates the sky revelation 16:8 and the fourth Angel poured out his bowl on the sun and it was allowed to Scorch people with fire suddenly things began to change the sun which had always been a source of light warmth and sustenance was given a new and terrible power it began to burn the Earth with an intensity never seen before it was unbearable everywhere people felt as if they were trapped in an oven their
skin crackling under the Relentless fire from above the pain was intense burning every bone every fiber of their beings and as they were burned by the great Heat their hearts instead of turning to God for Mercy hardened they shook their fists at the sky not asking for help but showing anger and disrespect towards God the fifth bowl by the command of the heavens the fifth angel Advanced directing his bowl not at the Seas mountains or Rivers but directly at the very Throne of the Beast the epicenter of evil Revelation 16:10 and the fifth angel poured
out his bowl on the throne of the Beast and his kingdom was plunged Into Darkness and they gwed their tongues in pain when this bowl was poured out it caused the sun to disappear turning the realm of the Beast completely dark imagine a world without any light at all where it is so dark that you cannot see anything this Darkness was not calm or comforting it felt heavy and made people extremely uncomfortable the profound Darkness however was just the beginning of their torment the darkness of the fifth bowl is a foretaste of Hell itself those
under the Judgment of this fifth Bowl are so to speak on the shores of the Lake of Fire you might think that in the midst of such suffering people might fall to their knees crying out for Mercy or forgiveness even as they suffered but instead of seeking forgiveness they chose to Res resist God's warnings instead of crying out for help or praying they spoke with disrespect the sixth Bowl in the hands of the sixth Angel held a bowl filled with God's judgment it was clear that this vessel had a Divine Purpose and the angel understood
the gravity of its contents the whole Cosmos seemed to pause in anticipation of what was about to happen the angel poured his bowl over the expanse of the great river Euphrates an event of such magnitude that it could only be best described by John who witnessed it Revelation chapter 16:2 the angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the Kings from the East as the Waters of the great river Euphrates receded what once blocked the path now became a clear way the Euphrates
River an extensive part of the Fertile Crescent area is a significant landmark in scripture and a valuable resource in the Middle East as it flows through turkey Syria and Iraq the seventh Bowl in the heavens the scene was dramatic the seventh angel with the final bowl of God's punishment was ready to pour it out this was not just any Bowl it was like the last chapter of all the judgments that came before it truly showing how severe and final God's decision was Revelation 16 ver1 177 then the seventh angel poured out his bowl into the
air and a loud voice came out of the temple from the throne saying it is done this Proclamation was not just an announcement but an affirmation of the completion of God's definitive judgment on Earth after this the sky reacted strongly Revelation 16:18 and there were flashes of lightning Rumblings peels of thunder and there was a great earthquake such as there had never been since mankind was on the earth so great was the quake and so mighty this was not a common storm it was the most powerful the world had ever seen the intense earthquake was
a testament to how serious God's final decision was and nature was Disturbed in the spiritual world because of it as the dust settled another profound Revelation emerged Babylon that great City representing human Pride Disobedience and Decay was remembered before God and in that remembrance she received the cup of his Fierce wrath a once formidable and dominant City now split and fractured into three distinct parts and its destruction was not an isolated event around the globe other cities bastions of human civilization crumbled and collapsed in Rapid succession the great year of human achievements was being rapidly
reduced to ruins this announcement coming from the throne at itself tells us that there will be no more delay in mercy God extended this scene as far as possible the seals were followed by Trumpets the trumpets were followed by bowls but there will be no more judgments on Earth after this it is done in these final judgments God shakes the Earth with a tremendous earthquake in the chaos it is natural to wonder how Humanity reacted ideally we would hope for repentance or an acknowledgment of the Divine hand at work however even as huge hailstones fell
from the sky the human Spirit remained stubborn instead of seeking forgiveness or understanding people cursed God Revelation 16: 21 huge hailstones about the weight of a talent each fell from heaven onto people and people blasphemed against God because of the plague of the hail because the plague was extremely severe their hearts hardened by years of rebell could not comprehend the magnitude of their error thus the seventh Bowl was not merely a demonstration of God's power but a clear indication of human fragility and the consequences of persistent Disobedience the story serves as a somber reminder that
while God is patient and merciful there comes a time when Justice must Prevail The Book of Revelation speaks about the end of the world and God's ultimate plan with each Bowl poured out the urgency and gravity of God's judgment become clearer the purpose of the events described Is Not to cause fear but rather to emphasize the significant consequences of a society that rejects its creator The Narrative presents the wrath of God the judgments serve as a profound testament to God's righteous indignation against the wickedness and rebellion of humanity as each bowl is poured out the
Earth experiences unprecedented calamities from painful sores afflicting people Revelation 16:2 to the sun scorching the Earth with intense heat Revelation 16:8 it is crucial to understand why these events are significant according to the Bible they are like puzzle pieces that fit into a larger picture these events are part of God's grand plan serving as a reminder that God is in control of everything leave your opinion about the video Topic in the com comments always respecting the opinions of others I hope you enjoyed the video if you found this content valuable please support me by subscribing
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