THIS IS SHOCKING! Use Your GOD Gifted Power Before It's TOO Late & Manipulate Reality Forever

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Soul Alchemy
You are NOT Human. You’re “GOD” Having a HUMAN Experience.. In this video, we explore the deeper nat...
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[Music] about 3,000 years ago ancient yogis achieved Mastery over reality itself their teachings are recorded in one of the most profound texts on yoga traditionally known as the yoga sutras this ancient work attributed to Paton describes the concept of ciis extraordinary abilities that can be unlocked through advanced yogic practices these powers are believed to arise from specific yogic techniques intense concentration meditation and the purification of the Mind and Body in Chapter 3 of The Yoga sutras patanjali describes various mystical Powers including Clairvoyance telepathy and levitation he also mentions the ability to manipulate the elements understand
the speech of All Creatures recall previous births become invisible and gain knowledge of different Realms of the universe cittis are often seen as natural byproducts of reaching Advanced States Of Consciousness through dedicated practice rather than the primary goal in fact attachment to cus can even become a distraction on the path to spiritual Evolution while these superpowers are not the main objective of spiritual practice but rather side effects they reveal that reality is much more expansive than we think far beyond what we have been taught reality is far more flexible than most of us realize it's
not a fixed rigid structure but something incredibly malleable a fluid field where everything begins with Our intention and the focused direction of our energy or Consciousness the boundaries we have been taught to accept aren't as solid as they seem in fact they shift and change based on our focus and awareness in this video we will explore this profound nature of reality and uncover the potential that lies beyond the surface of what we have been told is possible by the end I will guide you through a short practice a simple three-step method inspired by paton's ancient
teachings to help you Channel your energy and begin experiencing this deeper reality for yourself stay with us and discover how to unlock a reality that is far more fluid and responsive to you your intentions than you ever thought possible let's begin there is a continuous space of energy and the common human can only perceive a part of it the result of this process is what everyone understands as reality in this statement jacobo grinberg a Mexican neurophysicist and psychologist sought to give voice to Concepts such as reality psychic powers shamanism and Consciousness he was able to
demonstrate under the framework of science that human beings possess great psychic abilities limited only by our own understanding of reality grinberg manifested these abilities by altering his concept of what is possible yakobo grinberg's synergistic Theory aimed to explain how Consciousness interacts with reality he argued that the brain doesn't simply perceive an objective reality but constructs it through a synthesis of information from both the external world and inner Consciousness grinberg believed that this interaction creates a shared Matrix of reality where perception and Consciousness actively shape what we experience with all beings interconnected within this Matrix contributing
to a collective field of Consciousness he referred to this as the lattice of Consciousness attributing to it a pre-space non-local nature an interaction with the human brain this lattice generates our particular reality this lattice is not just what connects us all it is the basis of all that exists grinberg saw it as an energetic field connecting all living beings operating Beyond time and space he highlighted how our perceptions actively shape our reality showing that what we perceive as limitations are self-imposed boundaries created by our mind for grinberg a abilities like telepathy remote viewing influencing matter
with thought or healing were not Supernatural but dormant capacities of the human mind natural extensions of Consciousness often suppressed by rigid concepts of Reality by expanding our understanding of Consciousness he believed we could break through mental barriers interact more directly and deliberately with this energy field and unlock the latent abilities and deeper potential within us however just as jacobo grinberg was about to reveal his most groundbreaking discoveries about the nature of Consciousness and reality he mysteriously disappeared in 1994 his unexplained Vanishing has left a lingering mystery with his research pointing to a profound understanding of
reality that continues to challenge both scientific and spiritual perspectives today let me illustrate this with an analogy imagine watching a movie in a theater on the screen you see various characters and objects they may appear separate but they are all made of the same light coming from the projector at your very core you are that light as this light you remain Untouched by what appears on the screen but without this light the projection wouldn't be possible our brains filter reality creating the illusion of a limited separate self in a world of impermanent forms however our
true nature is EXP expansive we are the infinite light and there is only one source interestingly Andy Petro reached similar conclusions through a very different experience during his near-death encounter in 1955 he came to understand that the reality we perceive on Earth is an illusion a story We Live rather than the ultimate truth he realized that we are much more than our stories and reality is far more expansive than we can imagine we are far more than we perceive ourselves to be and our true potential far exceeds our current understanding Andy P's near-death experience occurred
in 1955 just before his high school graduation while swimming with friends he suffered severe cramps and began drowning in a lake as he sank deeper and struggled underwater a voice urged him to relax and let go and when he did everything changed he felt himself exit his body and enter a tunnel moving toward an incredibly bright powerful light but what happened next blew his mind he found himself in a space beyond physical density Beyond time and space in this Timeless realm as he describes it he could hear the light speaking and could communicate with it
not through his mouth because he no longer had one but in what he called a moment of no time I didn't have eyes her ears yet I could still see hear and communicate in ways Beyond physical senses as he relates suddenly he was drawn before the light which radiated warmth and love behind it he could see billions of other lights just like him welcoming him home he felt a deep sense of joy and belonging he was back home again then he became one with the light absorbed into it what happened next was beyond anything he
could have imagined he became the light and in that moment he felt as if he was everywhere he was ecstatic not greater or less than the light itself just a part of its vast wholeness and as he became one with it as he was everywhere and everything he suddenly knew everything he understood everything about existence knowledge that is beyond the grasp of our limited Earthly mind nearly impossible to put into words he knew everything absolutely everything it wasn't limited to what he had learned in his individual life or even in past lives in experiencing the
Oneness and connection with the entire light he grasped the entirety of existence there was no question he could not answer it was pure unconditional love that enveloped him absorbing him completely in that that state there were no opposites no highs or lows no fat or thin no day or night there was no judgment no opinions nothing to limit the infinite everything he came to understand that everything on the planet is an illusion not the true and Ultimate Reality as we often believe and have been taught our lives are narratives stories that form part of something
much larger true reality exists IST beyond the physical world being on Earth is like performing in a Broadway play with 8 billion actors each playing their part yet none of this reflects the real essence of existence in an instant he realized that our world isn't real it's more like a hologram the true reality was in that light where everything made sense where all the answers existed in the light he felt a deep sense of Oneness complete peace and conditional love there was no time no separation No Boundaries just pure existence the light wasn't just a
place it was home the ultimate source of all that is Andy didn't want to leave but the light told him it wasn't his time and in the blink of an eye he was back on the beach gasping for air he returned with a profound understanding and the unfor forgettable experience of truly living in the Eternal Embrace of this divine presence Andy did everything he could to understand his experience it wasn't until he read Dr Raymond Moody's book Life After Life that he realized what he had experienced it took him nearly 30 years to identify his
near-death experience a term that didn't even exist when it occurred for almost 40 years he kept it to himself before finally beginning to share his story in his two books remembering the light and alive in the light Andy P recounts his near-death experience sharing memories of drowning entering the light and returning to life on [Music] Earth why do I suddenly understand all this I wanted to know who's giving me this information is it God Krishna Buddha Jesus then I was overwhelmed by the realization that God isn't a being but a state of being and I
was now in that state of being these profound words were spoken by Anita morani after her life transforming near-death experience since then she has dedicated herself to revealing the mysteries of Life Death and the Unseen Realms that lie beyond our physical existence Anita Mor johny's near-death experience in 20 0 6 forever altered her understanding of reality after a 4-year battle with terminal cancer her body had reached the final stages and she slipped into a coma it was during this moment on the edge of death that Anita experienced something extraordinary in her near-death experience she felt
her Consciousness expand far beyond the limits of her physical body free from Pain and fear she entered a state of pure awareness where time space and matter no longer existed Anita described being surrounded by an overwhelming sense of Joy unconditional love and peace it was as if she had awakened from a bad dream finally realizing her true magnificence in this expansive State she experienced love like never before pure and undiscriminating needing no proof of worthiness she saw her body body from above observing the Frantic efforts of doctors and the sorrow of her family yet her
perception expanded beyond the physical world she connected with higher dimensions of existence where she met beings of light including her deceased father in this realm Anita realized that her illness was rooted in the fear and self-denial she had carried throughout her life she saw clearly how her lack of self-love had created blockages in her energy ultimately leading to cancer she understood that her illness was not a punishment or a result of negative Karma but rather a manifestation of her fears and a reflection of her immense power the culmination of all her life's choices and thoughts
most remarkably she realized that she had the power to heal herself not through external treatments but by fully opening herself to the boundless love she was experiencing she learned that the true nature of reality is not the material world but the infinite interconnected energy of love that underlies everything Anita was given the choice to remain in this state or return to her body knowing that her life's purpose was not yet fulfilled she chose to return bringing with her a deep understanding of how fear distorts our reality and how love can transform it upon Awakening doctors
were astonished to see her body rapidly heal within weeks her tumors had disappeared defying medical explanation Anita's near-death experience taught her that the reality we experience is far more expansive than we realize the true essence of life is rooted in love and when we free ourselves from what limits our true self and embrace our divine nature anything is possible her experience challenges conventional Notions of life and death showing that reality is not what we have been taught it is far deeper more fluid and connected than we can imagine Anita a more Johnny story and her
best-selling book dying to be me help us realize that our fears often make us feel more dead than alive in the present moment these fears can paralyze us preventing us from fully experiencing life however it is during our lives that we have the opportunity to awake into our full potential through true unconditional love for ourselves all the exciting Concepts and stories presented in this video demonstrate that our understanding of reality and our true nature extends far beyond what we know and have been taught they illustrate the immense potential within each of us to raise our
Consciousness and awaken to our authentic selves an opportunity that is Central to our purpose in this lifetime time patanjali's three-step technique as described in jacobo grinberg's book meditation guides us to move beyond our physical senses and access pure Consciousness this Consciousness is the essence of God whole complete and indestructible the samyama practice consists of three steps that can be applied to any object of meditation with concentration on a specific object as the focal point it involves focusing and directing the Mind energy and awareness in highly refined ways potentially Awakening latent potentials within oneself patan jali
suggests starting with objects of high density progressively moving toward more subtle ones until the final object is peria or the self however he warns that becoming attached to or overly fascinated with these powers can hinder one's spiritual progress samyama is the simultaneous practice of concentration meditation and Union the three steps of samyama are one focusing on an object directing focus and attention to a chosen object two sustained observation maintaining observation until the object fully occupies the entire field of Consciousness excluding all others three fusion with the object merging with the object where it ceases to
be separate and reveals its true Essence start by selecting a tangible object like a flower and focus all your attention on it observe the flower closely taking in even the smallest details keep your focus until the flower fills your entire Consciousness eventually you will merge with the flower becoming one with it and in that Unity you will understand its deeper meaning you can choose any object a flower a color a point on the wall or something more abstract like an emotion or even the soul begin with something tangible and as your practice deepens you can
move toward more abstract Concepts such as space and eventually focus on the self achieving a deep Unity with the object of your meditation fix your attention on that object maintain your observation until it occupies your whole awareness and then go deeper let it cease to be just an object and feel it merge with your Consciousness As You observe let go of all labels and names if you are focusing on a flower don't think of it as a flower anymore just let it be what it is simply observe without judgment or labels and keep your attent
ention on it until it completely fills your awareness as you do this you might begin to feel a sense of strangeness or something unfamiliar arising this is part of the process stay with it in time the true nature of the object will be revealed to you the samyama method is a technique for gaining direct knowledge as it allows the practitioner to understand the essence or inner nature of the object they are observing samyama can be used used to attain direct knowledge of any living being entity or object chosen for observation when the practitioner focuses on
perusia the eternal spirit or Soul they apply the three steps of samyama in meditation on the self the pure self or their true identity through this exercise they gain direct knowledge of their own Essence the fusion between the Observer and the object of observation dissolves the separation between external and etal subject and object or self and other leading to a state of unity according to pangali achieving silence is essential for the union of the individual self with the unified self in totality the union of the individual soul with the universal soul for this Union to
happen it is necessary to still the fluctuations of the mind until they are silenced the Mind as a part of perceiving reality distorts it when it is not silent when memory is active and conditioned thinking confuses reality with a personal interpretation of it in other words mental activity according to pangel is like a filter or obstructing screen that colors reality with its own texture and tone only when these filters disappear does a union occur where reality can perceive itself I hope this information helps you and always remember you hold immense power within far beyond the
physical world you are here to awaken to it thank you for listening
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