my girlfriend laughed loudly with her friends I'll brutally dump him after he proposes I calmly waited and 2 days later she was screaming into my intercom begging for forgiveness I 29m have been dating Patricia 27f for 3 years yesterday changed everything I thought I knew about our relationship and I'm still processing what happened I need to get this off my chest for context we met through mutual friends at a housewarming party moved in together last year and everything seemed perfect she'd been dropping hints about marriage for months showing me ring photos on Instagram talking about
wedding venue I was actually planning to propose next month yesterday morning I was at local beans our usual Coffee Spot I was in the back corner with my laptop wearing my earbuds but not playing anything just trying to focus on some work that's when I heard familiar laughter Patricia was there with her friends glattus and Mary they sat at the table right behind me didn't notice me because of the tall Booth divider at first I was just going to say hi but then I heard my name patri was talking about me and something in her
tone made me stay quiet so you're really going through with it glattus asked trying to keep her voice down but failing miserably Patricia's laugh was different than I'd ever heard before cold almost cruel of course Brent's so predictable he's been looking at rings online I saw his browser history God he's such a fool but 3 years Mary sounded uncertain that's a long time to fake it please Patricia scoffed the apartment's in his name I've barely paid for anything and Jason's place is twice as nice you should see his car my hands were shaking but I
kept perfectly still Jason her work friend who'd been showing up in her Instagram stories lately what if Brent doesn't propose when you expect glattus asked oh he will I've got him wrapped around my finger and when he does Patricia lowered her voice but I could still hear her clearly I'm going to let him do it in front of everyone get down on one knee make his little speech then I'll laugh in his face and tell him what a pathetic loser he is Jason's already got our Cabo trip booked for the next day they all giggled
and I heard face cubes clinking in glasses you're so bad Mary squealed what about all his friends your shared friends they'll get over it most of them are his friends anyway and I've got better options with Jason's crowd better parties better connections Brent's nice and all but he's just basic did you know he still uses a Timex watch in 2025 I sat there letting the rage build slowly controlling my breathing 3 years three years of my life and she'd been playing me the whole time when's dday glad asked he always does big things at giovan's
that Italian place he thinks is fancy more laughter I give him 2 weeks Max I've been sending him photos of that princess cut ring from Somerset Jewelers all week they talked more about Jason about their secret dates about how Patricia had been stashing away money from our joint account everything she said made me grip my phone tighter but I didn't move I just kept recording finally they left I watched through the window as they got into Patricia's car still laughing she had no idea I'd heard everything no idea IDE that I'd recorded her entire confession
on my phone I drove home in a days but my mind was already working on what to do next the apartment lease our shared accounts all the evidence I'd need the rage had turned into something cold and focused when Patricia came home that evening I acted completely asked about her day listened to her lies about lunch with the girls she kissed me and said she was thinking about giovan's for our anniversary next week great idea babe I said smiling I've been thinking we should do something special she beamed probably thinking her plan was working perfectly
if she only knew what I had planned for her instead I'll post updates as things develop right now I need to make some calls and set a few things in motion the next few days are going to be interesting update one quick recap overheard my GF Patricia 27 at a cafe telling her friend she was planning to humiliate me during my proposal and that she's been seeing some guy Jason from her office well buckle up because the last week has been absolutely insane after that day at the cafe I went into full Detective I know
it sounds dramatic but I needed solid proof before making any moves the first thing I did was create a fake Instagram account and started following Patricia's friends glattus and Mary these idiots post everything within two days I had dozens of screenshots of them at different bars and restaurants with Patricia and Jason the best part in several photos you can clearly see them making out while Patricia's wearing the promise ring I gave her last Christmas but here's where it gets better remember how Patricia always works late on Thursdays well I decided decided to grab dinner at
that small tie place near her office guess who I saw sharing pad tie and playing footsie under the table yep Patricia and Jason looking very much not like cowork I wasn't going to do anything stupid I just sat at the bar ordered a beer and recorded a few Clips on my phone the funny part is how they were so caught up in their little world they didn't even notice me Patricia was literally wiping sauce off his chin while wearing my hoodie The Audacity Of This Woman the next day I ran into glattus at the grocery
she looked like she'd seen a ghost I just smiled and asked her how the cafe Meetup was last week she started stammering about how she had to go but I kept her there by asking innocent questions about Patricia oh how's she doing with that big project at work must be stressful with all those late meetings glattus was sweating bullets I decided to really twist the knife I pulled out my phone and showed her the engagement ring I'd been planning to propose with it was just a photo from Google her face went through about five different
emotions in 3 seconds she immediately called Patricia after leaving the store I know because Patricia called me 5 minutes later being suspiciously sweet and asking about dinner plans for the next few weeks my friend Jacob helped me set up the next phase he works at the same company as Patricia and Jason but in a different department through him I learned that Jason isn't just some random guy he's actually in the middle of a divorce which Patricia had no clue about he's been feeding her lines about leaving his wife for months I've been playing at cool
acting extra loving and dropping hints about our future Patricia's been eating it up probably thinking her plan is working perfectly yesterday she even left her phone unlocked while taking a shower I didn't need to Sno her messages with glattus were right there on the screen he's totally going to propose soon everything's perfect Jason says we can go public right after I dump Brent here's the best part I've booked a table at that fancy Steakhouse downtown for next Saturday Patricia thinks it's for a proposal her friends all RSVP to come celebrate with us after even Jason's
planning to be at the bar coincidentally to watch the show little do they know I've got a whole different kind of show planned I've already lined up a new apartment my stuff's been slowly disappearing from our place nothing obvious just things she wouldn't immediately notice the ring boox I'm bringing to dinner it's got printouts of all their photos and Messages Plus a special note just for her the hardest part has been acting normal every time she kisses me or talks about our future I have to resist the urge to call her out right there but
watching her dig herself deeper planning my humiliation while I'm planning something much bigger it's almost poetic my hands are shaking just writing this but not from sadness from anticipation Saturday can't come fast enough I've got everything documented Witnesses lined up and an exit strategy ready Patricia thinks she's about to star in her own little romance movie but she has no idea she's actually in a tragedy of her own making I'll update again after Saturday and trust me you won't want to miss what happens next edit thank you all for the support and to those asking
yes I've got all the evidence backed up in multiple places I'm I'm not leaving anything to chance edit to a lot of you are asking about Jason's wife don't worry she's going to get all the evidence too I'm not the only one who deserves to know the truth update 2 everything went down last night and I'm still processing it all thanks for the support from my previous posts you guys helped me stay focused when I needed it most I made the reservation at Bell Rosa for 7:30 p.m. it's not some fancy 5Star place but it's
the nicest Italian restaurant in our area and Patricia had been dropping hints about it from months I knew her friends glattus and Mary would be there they'd been texting her all day about the special night little did they know I wore that blue suit Patricia always said to made me look handsome picked her up at 700 and she was practically glowing she kept checking her phone during the drive probably texting updates to her friends and Jason I just kept smiling remembering how she'd laughed about her plan to humiliate me the restaurant was busy perfect her
friends were already there phones ready to capture the moment I spotted Jacob sitting at the bar right where we planned Patricia was getting fidgety by dessert probably wondering when I'd get down on one knee that's when I did something she didn't expect I stood up but instead of reaching for my pocket I picked up my wine glass I'd like to make a toast I said loud enough for nearby tables to hear Patricia's face lit up glattus already had her phone out to Patricia I started who's been sharing my life for 3 years she was beaming
who's been sharing her life with Jason from accounting for the last 8 months the smile froze on her face I pulled pulled out my phone and played the recording from the cafe her voice filled our corner of the restaurant I'll brutally dump him after he proposes Jason and I already have plans for a weekend getaway to celebrate the color drained from her face glattus and Mary sat there with their mouths open what funny I continued keeping my voice steady is that Jason never told you he's married did he that's when Patricia lost it she jumped
up knocking over her wine glass you she screamed you set me up the restaurant went dead quiet no Patricia you set myself up I just decided not to be your punching bag I turned to Gladis and Mary did you know she was planning to humiliate me or were you just happy to play along Mary started crying glattus tried to stand up for Patricia you don't understand oh I understand perfectly I cut her off check your phones I just sent you both some interesting screenshots of Patricia's conversations with Jason specifically the ones where she brags about
playing both of us Patricia lunged for my phone but Jacob was already there stepping between us don't he said quietly that's when she really lost it you ruined everything she screamed mascara running down her face I had it all planned who the do you think you are the manager came over Patricia was still screaming about how I'd betrayed her ironic right Jacob helped me handle the bill while she was escorted out still yelling glattus followed her but Mary stayed behind I didn't know Mary said looking sick she told us you were controlling that she needed
a way out she showed me her phone Patricia had been spinning lies for months painting herself as the victim I walked out to find Patricia sitting on the curb sobbing into her phone probably calling Jason good luck with that his wife found out last week glattus was trying to comfort her but backed off when she saw me how could you do this to me Patricia whimpered the rage was gone replaced by something pathetic I loved you no I said you loved what I could give you there's a difference I got in my car and drove
away she kept calling and texting all night switching between threats and begging I blocked her number this morning my phone exploded with messages apparently Patricia showed up at Jason's house at midnight causing a scene his wife called the cops now Patricia's all over our friend group's group chats trying to spin the story her way but the screenshots and recording are already out there no one's buying her version anymore I should feel bad about how public it all got but you know what after hearing her laugh about planning to humiliate me in front of everyone this
feels like Karma Jacob's taking me out for drinks tonight said I need to decompress after all this he's right my hands are still shaking when I think about it not from sadness though for the first time in months I feel like I can breathe again edit someone asked in the comments yes I have her stuff from my apartment boxed up no I'm not dealing with her directly her sister's coming to pick it up tomorrow edit someone asked in the comments yes I have her stuff from my apartment boxed up no I'm not dealing with her
directly her sister's coming to pick it up tomorrow edit to thanks for all the support and no I'm not interested in your sister SL cousin slri who would never do something like this I need some time to myself finally update it's been 2 months since the restaurant incident and holy you guys won't believe how things have unfolded I've been getting tons of DMS asking for an update so here it is remember how Patricia was crying and begging outside my apartment that was just the beginning the next morning I woke up to 47 missed calls and
a flood of text messages she'd spent the entire night alternating between threatening me and begging for forgiveness classic but here's where it gets interesting remember Jason her side piece turns out his wife works at the same company just in a different department someone definitely not me sent their entire text history to her work the Fallout was nuclear Jason got fired because he was Patricia's supervisor and workplace relationships with subordinates were strictly against company policy Patricia got acts to but not before having a complete meltdown in the office my buddy Jacob who works in their building
told me she literally flipped a desk and started screaming about how I ruined her life security had to escort her out while she was yelling that she'd make me pay real classy Patricia but karma wasn't done with her yet remember those screenshots I collected the ones where she bragged to Gladis and Mary about playing me for a fool and planning to humiliate me well they somehow made their way to our entire friend circle group chat not saying it was me but hey my finger might have slipped the best part her friends turned on her hard
Mary actually came to my place to apologize saying she had no idea how deep Patricia's manipulation apparently Patricia had been spreading lies about me for months telling everyone I was controlling and borderline abusive the screenshots proved otherwise showing her bragging about how she could make that idiot buy me anything and how she was only with him for his money jokes on her I'm not even Rich Patricia tried damage control but it backfired spectacular she showed up at our favorite bar where everyone hangs out trying to tell her side but glattus who' been her best friend
for years just stood up and said you're pathetic and we all see it now Patricia threw her drink at her got banned from the bar and ended up crying in the parking lot while everyone watched yeah not her finest moment the apartment situation is what really got her though we lived separately but she'd been bragging to everyone about moving in with me after the proposal she'd already given notice at her place expecting to move in with me now she's crashing on her cousin's couch because no one else will take her in and with no job
she can't afford a new place last week she showed up at my job site causing a scene started screaming about how I owed her for 3 years of her life my crew just stood there filming while she had her meltdown that video's gotten quite a few views on our local Facebook not that I care but it's kind of satisfying but here's the real kicker remember the ring she thought she was getting I took that money and booked a solo trip instead posted some picks at this amazing Beach Place Patricia lost it when she saw them
sent me this long paragraph about how that should have been our vacation money oh and speaking of photos met someone Ramona she's nothing like Patricia actually has her own life own career doesn't play games we've been seeing each each other for a few weeks now she saw Patricia's latest social media rant about me yes she's still posting and just laughed saying sounds like someone needs a hobby besides stalking their ex Patricia found out about Ramona through Instagram and went nuclear started messaging Ramona with warnings about me Ramona just sent back that video of Patricia's parking
lot meltdown and blocked her God I love this woman the cherry on top Patricia's parents who always treated me like family called me last week they apologized for their daughter's behavior and said they raised her within this her mom was crying saying she's so ashamed must have been humiliating everyone in their church group seen the videos by now so yeah that's where we're at Patricia's jobless friendless and apparently moving back in with her parents Nick her reputation's shot and she did it all to herself meanwhile I'm doing better than ever karma's a but not as
much as Patricia edit thanks for all the awards and messages to answer some common questions yes I'm still with Ramona things are going great no I haven't heard from Jason's wife but apparently she took him for everything in the divorce and yes Patricia is still trying to contact me through fake accounts but at this point it's just sad edit 2 stop asking for the Meltdown videos I'm not sharing them this isn't about public humiliation even if she deserves it TLD drr X tried to play me ended up playing herself lost her job friends and dignity
I found someone better and couldn't be happier