how bad do you want it really how bad do you want it you've been told your whole life that you need to work hard that success is just around the corner if you keep grinding but I'm here to tell you that's all [ __ ] if you don't have the hunger the raw Primal hunger to win let's cut through the lies you tell yourself and ask the question that really matters are you willing to die for it think about your life right now think about all the things you say You Want Money Power Respect Freedom
you crave these things but how much are you actually willing to sacrifice how much pain are you ready to endure how much suffering can you withstand before you break because let me tell you something success isn't a game it's not easy it's not for the cowards success is war and in war Only the strongest survive imagine you're in a fight for your life it's Do or Die your opponent is stronger faster more skilled but you have something they don't you have a burning desire an unyielding hunger a willingness to go further than they ever will
you're willing to die on that Battlefield that's the mindset you need need because if you're not willing to die for your dreams you don't want them bad enough look around you look at the people in your life how many of them are truly happy how many of them are living the life they dreamed of probably not many most people settle they settle for a job they hate a life they despise a mediocre existence they do this because they're scared scared of failure scared of pain scared of the unknown but fear is a choice you can
either let it control you or you can use it as fuel you can let it drive you push you Propel you towards greatness but to truly succeed to truly reach the Pinnacle of your potential you have to be willing to risk everything you have to be willing to put your life on the line because success demands everything from you it demands your time your energy your soul it demands that you wake up every single day ready to fight ready to bleed ready to die are you willing to make that sacrifice think about it every morning
when that alarm goes off you have two choices you can either hit the snooze button roll over and fall back into the comfortable Embrace of your bed or you can get up get out and dominate the day it's a choice between comfort and success and if you consistently choose comfort you will never ever taste success and now I ask you do you want it that bad do you want it bad enough to make sacrifices to lose sleep To Lose Friends to be misunderstood to be ridiculed do you want it bad enough to keep pushing when
every muscle in your body is screaming at you to stop when your mind is begging you to give up because if you don't someone else does someone else is out there right now hungrier more desperate more ruthless than you you can have excuses or you can have results you can't have both every time you make an excuse every time you justify your lack of effort you are choosing to be mediocre you are choosing to be like everyone else you are choosing to fail and failure isn't an event it's a decision it's a series of small
decisions that you make every day decisions to be lazy to procrastinate to not give your all how many times have you said you're going to start tomorrow how many times have you promised yourself that this time you'll follow through and how many times have you let yourself down your word to yourself should be sacred when you make a promise to yourself it should be unbreakable but most of you your word means nothing you lie to yourself more than you lie to anyone else if you want to win you need to master your mind you need
to develop an iron will an un breakable Spirit you need to become the master of your own destiny and that means doing things you don't want to do that means pushing through the pain the discomfort the fear that means taking control of your life and refusing to let anything or anyone stand in your way so what's it going to be are you going to embrace the pain the struggle the uncertainty are you going to be relentless Unstoppable unbreakable are you willing to die for it because if you are there is nothing you cannot achieve there
is no limit to what you can become the world will bend to your will the universe will bow before your determination you will become a legend an icon a Titan but only if you're willing to pay the price only if you're willing to die for it