HUGE Business Trip To Germany For SMMA Client Vlog

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Iman Gadzhi
How to start your profitable agency: ___ Six Figure SMMA, Ope...
Video Transcript:
so guys today's trip I am to Berlin off to see one of my clients we are building out their auto webinar funnel well actually just redoing their webinar they've already done I don't know if I'm allowed to say but already done a considerable number multiple five figures coming close to six figures within their first four to five webinars live webinars that we did together this is overexposed so yeah now I'm just coming in already help them build out their live webinar funnel before help them launch it etc etc now if we're just going back to
kind of construct and get this the the auto version of it set up so they can just focus on their business and their agency so who gonna call the uber and head off Natasha says hi anything else no mmm any words the motivation for you for that for them go crush it guys yeah I heard it here first yeah guys here once a man in Germany trying to stay light on my toes just ran a light in the Rose tell me I'm looking exhausted you hit it right on the nose come all of these [
__ ] I'm tired all of these hoes worried about taking my life so guys let me give you all a little tour of the room first thing I need to say is this place is kind of the interior and stuff like that is super super cool I'll see if I can get some clips later or something like that I'll probably forget but there's just like cheetah like cool like cheetah prints everywhere the photos are like super saucy I mean offers this place is called Hotel Zoo so yeah the room is like pretty standard honestly but
um I was just cool to like I don't know the thing I like about hotel rooms compared to like say like Airbnb and stuff like that you know when I was in Rome with with Natasha my girlfriend it was really nice to have like it was really nice to like feel as though we were properly like in Rome get the wrong experience but when I am kind of like a wave for example on business or I am away for example in a place like Tenerife honestly I don't really want to like I don't want to
clean my own [ __ ] up I like to have in the morning when I wake up I like to have more coffee there for me I like to have the you know just the fact that you get your bed made you don't have to deal with any of it so yeah just some general guys like it's pretty standard room I don't see nothing special but the hotel is really really cool as it said it's got some okay it just got like a cool vibe you know even like the the telephone and stuff like that
find that pretty dope I'm said I'm kind of looking forward to first of all I like this I love this [ __ ] huge full-length mirror I wish I had someone like this in my house and yeah guys I'm super excited to sleep in that bed because who doesn't just like waking up the next day and having everything taken care of so yeah that's one reasons I still like hotel so I am gonna rest up it is now it is now is that as I can show 9/10 obviously Germany time is one hour ahead for
me okay you are really not wanting to focus here okay whatever you can see it's like 910 for me though it is like 8:10 in terms of like how tired I'm feeling in something now but I'm gonna try to wake up early thing I like about this place 24-hour gym which is so good so I can wake up I can go you know crank out a workout crush it and then I can eat straight after which I don't normally do for some reason when I'm on holiday you know I kind of skipped my intermittent fasting
especially because I know it's gonna be really hectic date tomorrow I don't really know what I can have my lunch I don't know what I'm having for lunch I don't wanna have my dinner what am I having for dinner so I like to just what am i holiday or abroad if there's breakfast I usually just like to have it so you guys I'm gonna unwind and then I'll catch up with you tomorrow so guys it is now around 6 o'clock here in Germany I woke up around 20 25 minutes ago just kind of chilled meditated
took some time to get up here is actually um don't usually do this but here's actually how I'm currently looking because I'm sure that a lot of you guys saw on my Instagram and I think I emailed out put on my Facebook group that I was looking for a personal trainer so this is how I'm currently looking morning so I'm looking like ridiculously flat I'm looking like decently lean the lighting is good found a personal trainer starting to work with him from Friday once I get back from this trip I'll let you know how that
guy's how that goes guys you guys know I like to just literally dish off any thing that I would rather not matter to myself and that includes you know figure out my workout plan actually just like getting motivated and 6:00 in the morning especially because I do in a minute fasting I just don't enjoy training when I'm fasted I actually just don't enjoy it at all whereas if I have food in my stomach I love it like it's my favorite thing so um yeah just having someone there I think will really help you hit the
gym as I said they have a 24-hour gym which is amazing so they're gonna hit the gym I'm gonna go at the gym now I'm gonna go ahead the gym and then I'm gonna eat breakfast then I have to come here and then I have a ridiculous backlog of Facebook ads to do so I have to edit some of the creatives first they can get going with ads so guys I said really same day with AJ smart we are doing 10 to 6 o'clock training a team and I asked them if we could do a
live webinar today I do a little live webinar today at 8:00 so I can be there with them train them through it every live webinar that they usually do they do around 20,000 euros from the webinar and they maybe have like you know like 80 to 100 attendees so that's a ridiculous conversion rate as you can imagine usually they get like all usually on the live webinars they get like anywhere from 25 to 35 percent conversion rate their twenty to thirty five percent conversion rate so some pretty ridiculous numbers now it's just time to like
ramp up the traffic and really just hang up the webinar which is what I'm here to do after already building out their first webinar funnel so exciting stuff we also have the live webinar at 8 o'clock as I said which is gonna be really interesting looking forward to the numbers after that hit a push session right before we head off to AJ smart not the biggest Jim but honestly just as long as we have like a decent set of dumbbells and we can make it work all cleaned up time to head off to the Klan
being design sprints we haven't you know we haven't really talked business around this mm-hmm that's cute that's cute we really can't give up like we have well well we have the problem of like so got the webinar all set up pretty cool pretty cool set up right in the middle of the office you excited I'm a bit nervous I'll give you my honest feelings I'm a tiny bit nervous what you have you've completely changed the web class that we were going to do to something very different to what I'm normally comfortable with so I have
no idea if it's gonna work or not but you've been right so far there you go so obviously from the last webinar last web class that we set up change things a little bit change things a little bit I mean there's almost like fine-tuning that we can do in terms the weather our slides set up the backend emails so have all that set up and then now we're just launching it to like a group of like a test group members and then hopefully we'll not hopefully definitely will this will convert and then once it converts
well and we know it converts well then we can start to fill out the auto webinar funnel and so they don't have to do a live webinar every single time but yeah really excited as Jonathan said completely changed the webinar because the issues the last one was great knowledge great information but like there's still so many like holes in the in a sales process like there's so many limiting beliefs to get to the sale that it's just like it doesn't matter after like this golden nugget of information there's a wall in front of it you
know this is golden opportunity which is you know you've seen the huge [ __ ] office they have 20 employees this incredible thing that you know their passion mile which is design Sprint's now which we worked really hard to bring in bringing new customers and new clients of there's huge clients Airbnb slack UEFA like just ridiculous clients like we've worked hard to do that now they want to share that and move into the info product space which they've already done we've already done that over the last three months and done it extremely well but now
it's time to take things to the next level so I said completely stripped away the you know the webinar made it more about putting people to ease breaking the eliminate beliefs you know the good old saying like facts tell stories sell SMS all people it's time to break the limiting beliefs so they can get exposed to all the stuff that they execute on and you know what it is that they're passionate about so really excited we have around 18 minutes until alive and so I'll just tell you what now what no wait what just happened
is we just finished the web class it when a webinar it went really really well but I actually didn't think it was going to go very well and like don't look too good right now wow I really didn't think it was gonna go well but a man kind of gave gave us the confidence to give it a go and yeah [ __ ] you were right I don't know I was I was wrong you were right but that's actually that's why we paid now so that is day two of the workshop here in Germany I'm
not actually gonna record today so I want to end off the vlog here and I went I went it I want to end it off with a a bit of a message and that is there is a huge difference between formal education and self education right and I know some people look at for example me coming down to Germany you know it's amazing you know having flying business class staying in a five-star hotel having all of that paid for on top of that getting paid daily probably double the same amount or double what most people
make in a month they get paid in a day for my you know for my knowledge and expertise and that is sort of the funniest thing about the entire situation is it's like expertise now don't get me wrong with AJ smart I I don't actually know what Jonathan said when you took the camera away etc etc but like I think he said something along the lines of you man is literally delivered a 10x return on investment and I actually think that is an understatement it's probably closer to like 15 20 X but point is it's
definitely 10x right so don't get me wrong like AG smart right the company the company I work with in all my clients they get a huge return on investment but as I said you know I get paid this amount from my expertise but this is sort of really what I want to dive into in this last final segment of the video is expertise I am coming here in June I did not I ran my first-ever Facebook ad in August I didn't even start learning it properly until last September and the stuff I'm teaching them here
today I only learned in January okay so this expertise I haven't even know like I've only known about it for nine months I've only you've been implementing it for nine months and that's really the difference between someone who goes as a formal education system learns from four for four years and this isn't like gonna be another College rant or anything like that it's more to do about like marketing in business you know that's the difference between when you go learn for four years and then have a degree and then now you feel entitled compared to
you go straight to the source no matter how much it costs you know to acquire all this information that I got it took me a while or let's day take me long oh wow it cost me a lot of money right it cost me a lot of and I just like I saw my resources are in front of me and I just do straight into it and as I said in the space of nine months I went from having zero knowledge about paid traffic funnels any sort of webinar anything to do with back-end emails anything
to do with retargeting ads the entire for example you know with this particular client we're building out the webinar photo right there tweaking it making it even better I had not a single clue how to execute on any of this nine months ago and then I said you know nine months later I'm getting paid double what someone gets paid a month for a day's work and I'm coming in for multiple days and on top of that my agency gets a retainer from them so it's like like it's just so cool and you know I always
say it's like you know if it's too good to be true that probably is and this is sounding too good to be true but once again the reason I said the big difference is other people will listen to like people will learn something and unfortunately I listen to people who aren't qualified to speak about it okay if you go straight to the source if you commit to something if you learn something and then implement it you know one of the reasons that I'm able to come here and do this is because one of the reasons
I'm able to do this is because I implemented all myself with multi six-figure results so like I know how to do this then I went I went to a couple of my clients before AJ and when guys have made multi six figures from web power funnels like can I like I'll teach you guys and mix is the first time I'm teaching you or this because the first time my agency is gonna handle this sort of client I'll do it for half price for the first two months I've got some results and then there you go
and you for example with AJ smart because I got them such good results they literally introduced me to four or five people now you know so if you're worried about like the whole yeah but what if I [ __ ] up etc etc just get a client for free or get Clan for half price you know or test it out on yourself first you know as I said confidence comes from competence and you know really the entire thing to kind of like all encompass this message is it's it's not gonna take as long as you
think to become an expert in something okay just find who is doing amazing at it it goes straight to the [ __ ] source learn from the source and then implement it and if need be implemented for free or a reduced fee and then there you go then you can use that as social proof and leverage to any other client you ever have for example with AJ smart or any of my other clients and I have all these like case studies and pitch decks with like I let that do the talking I'm really you know
I don't need to do the talking when I have these people all without reinventing for me wait and as I said it didn't take me that long to learn it it didn't take me that long to learn it I I complete you know a lot of you guys have seen and you've heard me talk a lot about like the concept of just by success it's not that hard you just find someone who has success you buy it and I you know I know what that cross is like I know that steams right and every single
month I spend quite a bit of money April's eighteen thousand dollars last month was ten thousand dollars this month I think I've actually spent nothing on the self education but you know I know what it's like to spend a lot of money on self education it stings right it stings because you don't know what it's gonna work out but it's just like I don't know I'm doing this sort of stuff like especially when I work face to face with my clients cuz most of my clients I call over zoom I call over Skype I barely
ever see them even the ones in London I don't see them I don't see a point in wasting my time to go travel to their officer for them for us to meet somewhere and they're the same if we can get the same outcome we'd rather just do it over zoom or Skype okay but when I do see my clients for example here where I fly out and see one of my clients like it just reminds me it's just like it's so cool like honestly it's so cool because yeah like kind of like lost for words
and stuff because you hear I am like an 18 year old kid you know an 18 year old kid I have no formal degree whatsoever like a litter dropped out of high school and like these big businesses are vying for my attention and you're paying a huge amount to you know fur for them to work with my agency and I said the only reason that is is because I found something I found something I found a high income producing skill which I found something where if I learned this skill I am worth a lot of
money I'm worth a lot of money to other people and when I am worse let's let's just say a hundred units to someone and I will I will I can get you a hundred units of value and I will charge twenty units now just multiply that by whatever I find worth a hundred grand to you and I charge you 20 grand does that sound good look what your [ __ ] yeah so as I said learn some high income producing skills it's not gonna take as long as you think you will and you know once
you learn what you learn logically you know learn the resources and learn all the information just multiply it straightaway don't buy it straight away and I guess the last thing I can say is learn to sell okay I like it pretty much in all of entrepreneurship you know there's things that you can kind of like outsource and you can kind of like like for example with me most of my stuff I have I call them contractors but then pretty much because they work with me so much but they pretty much have full time employee wages
but like they're part of my team you know they have business email we have team meetings none of them are actually only two of them live in London but we never have like physical meetings once again everything is remote so I don't have to waste any time so my point is with pretty much all of business I say guys just outsource it you know I called the Expedia business model you know I loose it to contractors trained contractors and let them do the stuff that you don't know handle the only thing that I will honestly
tell you you gotta learn is sales you know that's the only one where I won't [ __ ] you and that doesn't mean to be this like wolf of wallstreet cold caller stuff like that that just means when you get face to face with someone are you able to show them why your service or your product or your whatever is worth more than what they're paid right and once again this type of sales is nothing like the wolf of Wall Street stuff it's not high pressure it's not this or it's not that it's just making
it very clear what's in it for them so that's pretty much the only last thing that I think you need to learn and I think it's important because everything in life is sales everything is persuasion you and your girlfriend are deciding what movie to watch persuasion you and your you're trying to sign a client persuading you're trying to let's say you skip in front of line because you're five minutes late to a meeting or something that then you have to persuade the person in the front of line persuade her you're late to your flight and
you gotta skip to the front of line so you don't miss your flight persuasion okay everything in life is persuasion so guys baby actually not big yeah I mean you can see my mind's like super scattered up right now book big rant to finish off the vlog and yeah guys it's been incredible trip I am off for the last day here in Germany and then I'm back to London see I guess really appreciate you watching and I will see you in the next video
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