father thank you for your word thank you that it is truth thank you that you love us more than we love ourselves we pray that you'd help us to tap into these systems that you've put in your word to apply them to our lives and to follow the patterns and to believe the promises and to activate the principles and we give you praise for the work that you will do through Us by Your Word in the name of Yeshua amen all right so um I want to read a story to you this is so I
want to read a story to you from from Mark chapter 5. so when you read the Bible Matthew Mark Luke and John have you anybody ever wondered why are they different right why is why why are they giving different accounts Okay the reason they're different given the reason they're giving different accounts is because they're presenting Christ from a different perspective so Matthew presents Jesus as the king right Mark presents Jesus as the servant Luke presents Jesus as the son of man John presents Jesus as the Son of God and so they're showing that aspect now
what's really interesting is um if you look at the genealogy of Christ in Matthew I think it goes back to David right but if you look at the genie because he's showing him as the King David was the King right and Jesus is in David's kingly Royal lineage if you look at Luke his genealogy goes back to Adam because he's showing him as the Son of God if you look at John and John it goes all the way back to God in the beginning was the word the Word was God and the Word was with
God because it's showing him as the Son of God so they're showing his genealogy from his father's side in the beginning was the word the Word was God the word was with God and the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him without him it was not anything made that was made but in Mark there's no genealogy why is there no genealogy in mark because it's showing him as a servant and it doesn't matter where a servant came from right and so when you're reading mark one of the things you'll
notice is you'll notice that it's very fast pace you'll see the word immediately in straight way and fourth width and the next thing and the next thing and it's always like it's like it's like it's like you can't catch your breath right when you're reading the book of Mark and that's where we find ourselves in this story and it says and when Jesus passed over again this is Mark chapter 5 verse 21 and when Jesus passed over again by ship unto the other side much people gathered unto him and he was nigh unto the sea
and so if if you ever have an opportunity to go to Israel like that opportunity presents itself again like you you do not want to miss that like it's mind-blowing because like when I read this I can see the place where he in my mind where he stood by the Sea of Galileo on this hill it's just it's it it's just another level anyway so um he was nigh unto the sea and behold there cometh unto him one of the rulers of the synagogue Jairus by name and when he saw him he fell at his
feet and besought him greatly saying my little daughter lieth at the point of death I pray thee calm lay thy hands on her that she may be healed and she shall live now you gotta understand this is one of the rules of synagogue the rulers of the synagogue were not fans of Jesus they were not fans of Christ they were not followers of Christ so so but when you find yourself in a desperate situation and somebody that you love who depends on you like needs a miracle you care more about that than you do about
Saving Face amongst your friends amongst your colleagues you don't care about what people think about you you don't care if you're going to get excommunicated you don't care if people are going to talk bad about you say what you have to say about me but my daughter's dying okay and um he asked Jesus to come and lay hands on her that she may be healed and Jesus went with him and much people followed him and thronged him so throng means it means they were so crowded around it was hard for him to move they were
like everybody was trying to get close to him and they were they thronged him and a certain woman would have which had an issue of blood 12 years I probably shouldn't go into all the details but I'm going to so when you understand so when it says there are a certain woman had an issue of blood 12 years that that is significant why is that significant because every number has significance and 12 is the number of perfect government that's why there were 12 tribes in Israel that's why there are 12 disciples Apostles and so 12
is the number of perfect government anyway um which is why um when a child turns 12 in the Hebrew culture they get bar mitzvahed because now they are of the age where they should be able to govern themselves the whole idea of adolescence is a man is a concept that was manufactured by people who wanted to keep people as children longer so because they know that the two people you can count on consuming more than is necessary are children and addicts and so the longer we can keep them children the more stuff we can get
them addicted to and so like in the early 1900s even the United States of America people would graduate from the eighth grade right and they would go to work as an adult this whole idea of adolescence and teenage is is a man is like a manufactured construct anyway I diversed anyway 12 years 12 years she had an issue of blood now she had an issue of blood for 12 years an issue of blood meant like her menstrual cycle never stopped for 12 years now you got to understand so this is not just a physical ailment
this is a social like disgrace because in the Old Testament and when when a woman when a woman was menstruating she wasn't allowed to touch anyone and no one was allowed to touch her because they would be ceremonially unclean until the evening if she sat on something and somebody else sat on it they would be unclean until the evening so so like you're not allowed to have any physical contact with anybody for 12 years so she's an outcast and she's sick and she's exhausted and she has all of the stuff that goes with that right
and um and it also says Not only was she does she have an issue of blood 12 years she had suffered many things of many Physicians and it spent all that she had and was nothing better but rather grew worse so now she said she's at a level of desperation that a few of us can imagine 12 years of trying to solve this crazy problem that shouldn't be happening as nothing fixes it and not only is it not getting better it's getting worse and I spent all my money okay so and the reason I'm I'm
emphasizing this is because these were real people just like we are they were going through real things and feeling real pain and real anxiety just like we do and it says um when she had heard of Jesus what did she hear I don't know maybe she heard about the fact he opened somebody's blind eyes maybe she heard that he healed a leper that had never been done before maybe she heard that he raised up Lazarus maybe she heard that he walked on the water maybe she heard that he fed five thousand men with uh fish
and bread not even including the women and children I don't know what she heard but she heard something that caused her to say if I can just get to him I think everything is going to be okay and it's the fact that she had this disease 12 years is showing us that this situation in her life had perfect control over her how many of you ever been in a situation where you feel like that situation has had perfect control over her and by the way what's really interesting the story even though it's not even about
her she's an interruption Jesus is on his way to heal this man's daughter who's sick who also happens to be 12 years old okay now watch what it says it says she has suffered many things in many Physicians but um and had spent all that she had was nothing better but rather grew worse and when she had heard of Jesus she came in the press behind and touched His Garment and and so you've seen Jewish people wear tallites right to leech are these things that are hanging off okay so she touched his tallit you know
the the verse in the Old Testament where it says that he will have healing in his wings that wings are the tallits that's how she knew like if I if I if I touch his delete I know I'll be healed and so she's Cheryl G's she said if I may but touch his clothes I will be whole and straightway the Fountain of her blood I I skip okay when she had heard of Jesus she came behind the press and touched His Garment for she said if I'm able to touch his clothes I shall be whole
and straightway the Fountain of her blood was dried up and she fell and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague and Jesus immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him turned about in the press and said who touched my clothes and his disciples said unto him thou sees that the multitude thronging thee and thou sayest who touched me what's he saying this disciple he said who touched me this time you say what do you mean who touched you everybody touched you like everybody wants to touch you oh
oh oh oh if it was now can I take it for selfie right right everybody wanted to touch it what do you what do you they're like what do you mean who touched you everybody touched you and he looked around about to see her that had done this thing but the woman fearing and trembling knowing what was done in her came and fell down before him and told him all the truth told him what all went through well I've been sick for 12 years and I've not been able to touch anybody and nobody's been able
to touch me I've not been able like so now she's going into a story let's don't forget this for her is her Miracle but for Jairus the ruler of the synagogue this is the disruption that followed his intention he's like he's like I I can't imagine I can't imagine because I'm a father and I've got a daughter and there's nothing a father wants to do more than protect his daughter fathers want to protect their sons too but not as much as they want to protect their daughters I'm just telling you how it works right my
son would fall down above his knee he'd Cry he's supposed to bump his knee stop crying you're supposed to bump your knee right my daughter fall down and bumper and he come here baby right so it's different right I'm sure that won't be my daughter's version when she watches this video um anyway all right so anyway so so Jairus is thinking Jairus is thinking why are you stomping okay she touched you she got healed can we go why are you letting why are you taking all this time to let her tell you this big long
drawn-out story my daughter is dying are y'all seeing it now and his disciples said okay uh verse 32 you look around here verse 33 the woman fearing what trembling was done knowing what was done in her came and fell down before him and told him all the truth and he said unto her daughter thy faith hath made thee whole daughter thy faith hath made the whole daughter thy faith hath made thee whole go in peace and be whole of thy plague and while he yet spake while he's saying this to this woman there came from
the ruler of the synagogue's house certain which said thy daughter is dead why troubles thou the master any further it's too late it's too late she's already died there's nothing we can do because we all know the death is final and I can imagine the thoughts going through jairus's mind if if if this woman wouldn't have just if she wouldn't have touched him if he wouldn't have stopped to ask her the question if if if if if if my daughters did okay what's Jesus going to say about this verse 36. as soon as Jesus heard
the word that was spoken spoken he saith unto her unto the ruler of the synagogue Be not Afraid only believe what okay can you imagine a situation more dire can you imagine a situation more traumatic than while the only hope you have is on the way to fix the problem your daughter's sick you get news but she's dead and Jesus doesn't say oh you poor thing he says Be not Afraid only believe now I was thinking about this this morning he didn't say fear not only believe because fear is something that we do like fearing
is something that we do he didn't say don't fear he said don't be afraid Be not Afraid watch this part now only believe oh that's a master key that's a master class that is masterful be not afraid only believe see one of the things that we have to do as followers of Christ we have to learn how to be not afraid and how to only believe it's giving me chills it's literally making the hair stand up on my arm be not afraid of what people are going to think about you when you're following Christ only
believe be not afraid of the bad news that has come and the bad news that will come only believe yeah but Myron you don't understand you don't understand inflation's at an all-time high Be not Afraid only believe but but man you don't understand I lost my job I'm about to lose my home Be not Afraid only believe how do you do that how do you only believe like what does only believing look like here's what it doesn't look like it doesn't look like Lord I believe help thou mind unbelief see this is not a lord
I believe help thou mind unbelief situation this is a Be not Afraid only believe situation and I am going to tell you one of the most under exercise spiritual muscles that we all possess is the muscle of being Not Afraid and only believing we don't we very rarely have faith that is not mixed with doubt can I get a witness but one of the things we have to learn how to do when God says something we have to know that it's more than just true it is truth and because it's truth it cannot change and
Jesus said to this woman what he would like to say to you in your situation and me and my situation be not afraid only belief think about the times that Jesus told people to believe think about the times that Jesus asked people if they believed oh that reminds me of another story Mary and Martha they come to Jesus he gets word Lazarus your friend Lazarus is sick and when he heard it he tarried for four more days he said oh he's sick let me take my time let me show folk that I don't just have
victory over the devil I don't just have victory over disease I am victory over death and and Martha said if if you had only been here my brother wouldn't have died she said I am the resurrection and the life he that believeth in me shall never die and who's I mean whosoever believeth in me though he were dead yet shall they live and whosoever lived and believeth in me shall never die and then he said after that believeth thou that believeth thou this do you believe that can you believe what God Said in your ears
when what you see with your eyes is telling you the exact opposite maybe that's why the scripture tells us that we're supposed to walk by faith and not by sight because doubt is created in the eyes and faith is created in the ears Be not Afraid only believe and he suffered no man to follow him save Peter and James and John the brother of James and he come and he cometh into the house of the ruler of the synagogue and you see at the Tom the tumult and them that wept and wailed greatly because when
you love somebody and they die that's how you cry and when you're a mourner in the Hebrew culture when somebody else Mourns you mourn with them and you mourn like They Mourn and he cometh into the house of the ruler of the synagogue and you see at the Tomo and then that wept and weld greatly and when he was come in he saith unto them why make ye this Ado why y'all acting like this and wheat the damsel is not dead but sleepeth now the next part really tricks me out and they laughed him to
scorn they went from did you hear what he just said so most of them were fake crying anyway you don't go from that to that they were put on they were putting on performance the damn's not dead but sleepeth and they laughed him to scorn and when he had put them all out he'd taketh the father and the mother of the damsel and them that were with him who Peter and James and John the brother of James he took them the damsel's parents and um he took the damsel by the hand and said unto her
talitha Kumai which is being interpreted damsel I say unto thee arise and straightway which means immediately the damsel arose and walked for she was the age of 12 years old and they were astounded with great astonishment and he charged them straightly that no man should know it and he commanded that something should be given her to eat what in the world just happened I mean just reading it took me long enough well we see a couple things happen one we see all of the obstacles that Jesus had to go through well we didn't even see
all of them we saw some of them because if you read chapter four Jesus passes over he passed over to the first side of the see and when he passed over he's felt he was so exhausted he fell asleep on the boat and he was asleep I love this on a pillow the scripture says a great storm came and the waves beat into the ship so that it was now full the ship is full of water and Jesus is asleep on a pillow why does it why does it say this I believe it's showing us
that Jesus is both calm and comfortable in the midst of the storm and they woke him up and said Master Carousel not that we perish and hear Rose and he looked up the heavens and said Peace looked down at the waves and said be still and with the right arm of deity iron the wrinkles out of the waters drove them across the seas until they barreled their head buried their head on some distant Shore like a whip puppy and they said what manner of man is this that even the wind and the waves obey him
I love the fact that it says it actually says it says he rebuked the wind but he said unto the sea peace be still isn't that interesting he didn't rebuke to see but he rebuked the wind why because when in the scripture is a picture of false Doctrine and false Doctrine must be rebuked waves in scripture are a picture of false doubt Christ doesn't rebuke our doubts he speaks to our doubts because faith is created in the ears Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God but he went over the sea calm
storm then there meets him a man who's like possessed to the devils and he he does a miracle for that man and he and he and then he does whatever work he's doing over there in chapter four and then he gets back and the ship goes back to the other side and then the ruler of synagogue meets him like this is like what like what is going on talk about an action-packed Thriller so Jesus passed over the adversity of danger he prevailed over the adversity of the devil he preserved a woman through the adversity of
her disease and now he prevailed over death what do we learn from this I'm going to write something on I'm going to write something on the board oops what is that word everybody what's the word be leaving okay I'm gonna write something else let me see um what's that word Come on talk to me my peeps where you at y'all sleep you should have done a cold plunge this morning I'll be awake okay what's that word believing let's read all three of them believing believing believing one more time believing believing believing what do we learn
from this you will be living what you're believing even though you'd be lying what does that mean it means anything I tell myself about a future outcome I made it up unless I'm telling myself the same thing that God has already told me then I don't need to make it up [Laughter] believing believing believing do you understand that everything in your life flows out of your beliefs your beliefs create your belief you're believing creates your believing maybe that's why Jesus said be not afraid because if you will be afraid then you're going to do what
afraid people do you're going to say what afraid people say you're going to act like afraid people act don't be afraid be Not Afraid only believe I think it's really fascinating because he's not only telling us not to be afraid he's telling us how not to be afraid how do I not be afraid only believe never give energy to outcomes you desire by the way fearing not and only believing doesn't make every situation better because sometimes you'll believe something that you it won't happen you'll believe that a family member is going to be healed someone
you love is going to be healed and they're going to die anyway so so well Myron why should I believe because believing makes you better why it shows that you trust God more than you trust your own understanding which by the way is always going to be limited my understanding is always going to be limited see we have to get to the place where we fear not anything in the temporal world because we only believe in we only believe in and the words of the Eternal God we have to believe the words of God so
much and who he is and his nature and his character and his intention so much that we don't be afraid we only believe I've heard people ask the question what would you attempt if you knew you could not fail is that a good question what would you like what would you attempt if you knew you couldn't fail well you'd you'd probably attempt more than you're attempting right now right like what would you attempt to make your your family like if you knew it wouldn't fail what would you attempt to make your business like if you
knew you couldn't fail we we approach everything we do worrying about what if it doesn't work that is such a terrible question to ask it's a terrible question to ask all this it's almost always if you're embarking on a new endeavor asking what if it doesn't work is always a bad question a better question is how awesome is this going to be when it works now if you're evaluating whether or not you should be doing something perhaps what if this doesn't work is okay because we the scripture says the foolish believe every word right I'm
sorry the wise uh the symbol believe with every word but the wise man looketh well to is going right so we want we like skepticism is good but don't mistake your negativism with skepticism skepticism says I've already I don't think this is going to work and I don't want to be confused by the facts negativism says I mean I'm sorry negativism says negativism says I don't believe this is can happen and I don't want to be confused with the fact skepticism says I don't believe this is going to work but I'll give you an opportunity
to prove to me I can right so skepticism is good negativism is bad so in conclusion here's what we know Jesus told this man Be not Afraid only believe when he went into the man's house and everybody else was crying I don't think the man was crying because he had already heard Jesus say Be not Afraid only believe he put everybody out but the man and his wife why and Peter and James and John why because he knew they were the ones who could only believe when you are working on something in your life and
in your business the thing that you cannot afford to have in your environment is people who don't only believe faith will cause you to ask for things doubt won't let you ask for faith will give you access to what doubt won't let you access and faith will cause you to act and ways doubt would never let you ask reminds me of James chapter 2. where it says faith without works is dead see people misinterpret James chapter James chapter 2 and they think that James is saying that faith that works helps help Works help Faith save
you that's not what it's saying in James chapter two there are three different types of faith there is um demonic faith say demonic Faith what's that the scripture says you believe in God you do well but the Devils also believe and tremble so what's demonic faith faith that makes you afraid that makes you aware enough to be afraid but not aware enough to change that's demonic faith there's dead faith Faith dead faith is Faith where you have where you believe it intellectually but you don't believe it enough to implement it I believe it in my
intellect but I don't believe it in my implementation it's dead faith and then there's Dynamic faith and dynamic Faith gives us what I call the I can't help its when you actively have Dynamic Faith it's not only that not only can you do something you can't not do something about it that's Dynamic faith and here's what Jesus said I mean not Jesus here's what James said he said you see then so he said well first he said show me your faith without your works that's a challenge you know why because you can't show somebody your
faith without your works somebody tells you what they believe that does not show you what they believe you don't know what somebody believes just because they tell you you know what somebody believes when you watch what they do not when you listen to what they say how many all track and wave at me so so um then he said show me your faith by your works I mean without your works I'll show you my faith by my works but he also said you see then how faith alone doesn't save someone what he's saying is you
can't see somebody's faith if they don't do something about it he's not saying faith God man looks only outward appearance God looks on the heart so I show people what I believe by what I do God knows what I believe by looking at my heart so the best advice I can give you in the the mission that you are called on the mission that you are called to the purpose for your life which is to yield your life to God as The Sovereign king of your life to rule over your assignment as a sovereign king
or queen of your assignment and to use the assignment that you rule over to serve every human being you come in contact with the best advice I can give you is this be not afraid only belief let's walk in that hope this blesses you um if you want to watch another great video that we did I would recommend highly that you walk watch the video on No Limits absolutely absolutely we'll take you to another level stay blessed by the best and thank you for liking commenting sharing subscribing and all that other cool YouTube stuff you
do and in the meantime in between time peace out Cub Scouts