how I made $13.5M dropshipping so you can just copy me

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revealing how i made $13.5 million with Shopify dropshipping online. Copy and paste my whole strateg...
Video Transcript:
so look I've made over $10 million Drop Shipping product online in the last few years and I'm still doing Millions every single year with the exact same business model and what I'm going to do in this video is just basically give away the entire blueprint so you can literally just copy and paste what I'm about to show you into your business and hopefully you can get the same results so without out of the way make sure of course you subscribe if you like money let's hop into the computer and let's jump into it so of
course any claim online that is made should be backed up with a proof so I'm just going to show you a few stores right just to back up the claims that I'm that I'm making so you can see here that this store has actually done close to $10 million on this one single store and these are just some stores that I actually still have access to there's quite a few that actually closed down but I'll show you these ones that we have access to so I'll do a quick refresh so you can see on this
one here and let me show you another one so here's another one that done close to Mill in a short period of time it was a trending product so let's just do a Refresh on this one here there you can see numbers stayed exactly the same and let's jump into the final one so here's a recent one because I know there's going to be people oh those are old numbers and whatever so let's just Refresh on this one so you can see see this one's done a million today and is averaging around about to 300K
every single month so I'm going to be breaking down absolutely everything from the store to how and where to find winning products how to build a high convert in product page how to increase your average order value via upses and down sales how to then do the marketing which platform you should use how to test and how to scale and then the back end side of things so that everything is running smoothly and how you can build a team so make sure you get a notepad like I mentioned we've got quite a lot to actually
get through but I can guarantee that this will be one of the most valuable videos that you will watch today so let's just jump straight into it and we're going to start first and foremost with the Shopify store okay so the actual platform that you're going to be running where your website is going to be hosted on is going to be called Shopify it's the best platform that's out there I don't get ultimately paid to say this but in terms of Shopify woocommerce and Wix and other platforms that are out there Shopify is the easiest
and best platform to use so I recommend you use that now you're going to be using and creating what's called a concept store it's not a one product store it's not a niche store it's not a general store which used to work back in 2017 basically when you look at the product pages a little later in this video we basically build out a concept store to prove validity of a product it gives us the flexibility to test multiple different products while still locking on brand and that will be make be made a little bit more
clearer as we go through the video so in order first and foremost you need to come up with a brand name now there's two free websites that I like to use for this the first one is called name ql and with this website you can basically just type in a root keyword which can be basically anything and what it's going to do is it's going to throw up suggestions that you can ultimately use for your domain name and this actually I believe it is available or not available to register which means it very easily
gives you a visual on if you can register domain if it's available or not and you can play around with these keywords another one is namel now namelix is another one but it also gives you ideas for your logo which is also good to give you inspiration one thing I will say at this point is you don't want to over complicate your name and personally with the concept store strategy that we personally use you want something which sounds brandable and catchy but means absolutely nothing if you look at a lot of big Brands out there
their names are brandable and catchy for example Nike Balenciaga Bose like apple they all mean absolutely nothing on the surface of things but they all brandable could be applied to any single product now moving on when it comes to themes a lot of people always ask me you know do you need a paid theme is a paid theme better but to be honest I've ran up multiple Millions on just a free sense theme with a little bit of custom coding here and there but sense if you're getting up and running the sense theme is one
that is hosted by Shopify so they've actually built it themselves it's very responsive very fast and has some customizability with it and you can make it look very very professional by using the sense theme so we always recommend that one if you are just getting started out another option in terms of the paid route again I don't recommend that you go down this route to start off with you always want to save your money and that money is best spend on ad spend but Shrine is another one that is used I mean it's being used
by a lot of stores So eventually you know the the sophistication levels of the consumer will start to realize and pattern recognize that all of these stores kind of looking the same I'm not sure of the price of the shrine theme but if you're just starting out it's best to go with the sense theme to be honest now the next ultimately you need to come up with a logo again you don't need to overthink this in terms of softwares that you can use to create your logo it depends on your ability uh your creative abilities
on which platform that you use there's canva of course which is 100% free and has 10 plates and text involve there is Photoshop which is my personal favorite I'm not a Photoshop wizard but I am proficient to be able to create a logo at least and then there's photop P or photopia depending on how you want to say it and this is basically a carbon copy of Photoshop but it's an online version of Photoshop so if you want to use Photoshop and you don't want to pay for it you know then you can just use
fop below here are some examples of logos these are all brands that are running it up and I think at Le at least these two I think are Drop Shipping Bam's pretty pretty much more of a brand but you can see how easy these logos are and very simplistic you don't want to over complicate it it's very much just a text type font find a font that you like the look of you can go on to the font to find some sort of fonts that you like the look of and then you can literally just
create the logo with whatever the name of your store that you've came up with if you want to add on an icon like these guys have chyro laabs then you can come up with that as well another thing is relating to the name also you know you can see that bleam or Bley depending on how you want to pronounce it chyro laabs and acen they mean absolutely nothing and they can be applied to pretty much any single product right now moving on when it comes down to the apps that you should use now there's about
8,000 plus different apps on the Shopify store a lot of them are a massive waste of time there are some here that are a little bit that are missing that you could not missing but you could interchange with depending on your level of skills right and we'll talk about those especially this one here there's some of the Fulfillment ones we'll talk about that a little later in the video but these ones are very safe to use I've used these and these apps will even make you more money or save you time the majority of these
will obviously make you more money so there's vitals kaching bundles DS's which is fulfillment so I'll probably talk through these so vitals has things such as product reviews and it's about 30 different apps Allin one kaching bundles is a way to increase your average order value by designing different bundles on your product page DS's is one which is fulfillment after sale is for increasing your average order value which again I'm going to go through a powerful strategy that you can use in this video when we talk about how to increase your average order value using
apps like after sell and basically going to give you a strategy that you can use that will almost make you extra money overnight if you implement it correctly and then finally we have clavio and clavio is basically probably pronounce I probably spelled that wrong but clavio is a email marketing software and you can if you do it correctly like abandoned cart and welcome Series and win back series and all these kind of things you can very very much adding an additional 20% more revenue for your stores now in terms of payments okay this very much
depends on the country that you are targeting there are some different ones that you may want to add on these depending on the country that you are targeting but for the most part especially if you are targeting the top four countries Shopify payments is going to be the one that you're going to try and get first because the fees when you're using Shopify they obviously push you to use Shopify payments because of the cheaper fees and PayPal is obviously is just I absolutely hate PayPal I can't stand it it does my head in but unfortunately
the Monopoly that they have on the people out there it's just one of those things that you have to have on your store in order to increase your conversion rate and again it's very dependent upon the country that you target so to give you a liveed example people in Germany you can't really run without PayPal they 80% 80 to 90% prefer to use PayPal whereas in you know let's say United Kingdom or you know Australia or United States it may be 50/50 split between card and PayPal now some other ones which are missing on here
which again I'm not going to go into but clana if you were targeting to Sweden there's Bank contact and ideal if you were targeting like Belgium and Netherlands so with that out the way we've kind of already gone through the store side of things next we're going to move on to the product which is one of the things where a lot of people kind of especially in newbies they they fail at this part they they can't seem to find winning products and you've probably heard of the term winning products at some point in your Drop
Shipping journey and I'm going to break it down as best as I possibly can on you know the different methods and the preferred methods that I personally like to use in order to find these and consistently find six and seven figure winning products that make money okay so first and foremost the criteria now there's a a very strict criteria that I like to go off because without a criteria what happens is you just end up throwing at the wall and if you are throwing at the wall you will very much lose money it just burns
a hole in your pocket whereas if you have a framework or a criteria that you run potential products through you will be eliminating products and testing less products but you will ultimately have more higher chance of success because you're not just throwing stick at the wall hoping that something sticks and you know a lot of people talk about test three products a day bro and all this kind of stuff until you find a winner it's the the fastest way to go broke so ignore those kind of gurus so talking through the criteria first and foremost
you want to sell something which is already selling it's the easiest thing to do is to find something which is already selling you don't want to reinvent the wheel it makes zero sense trying to find a needle in a hay stack and try and test something that you know no one else is selling you always want to sell into existing demand because it's harder to create demand you know from a product which no one else has heard of next you want to try to make sure that it either solves a problem or is unique enough
that has a wow effect if something solves a problem it's very easy to show the transformation of going from a bad state to a desired State and again like stuff such as cleaning products or back related products health related products beauty products kind of most of the time fall into this solves a problem so I personally try to stick to problem solving products but on the flip side a winning product can still be something which is just wow quirky cool and unique a lot of those products you will see on Tik Tok you know a
lot of these people like gimmick gimmicky toys and stuff like that that people sell that ultimately do go viral but when it comes to scripting and stuff like that I personally just just prefer to sell problem solving products the next step in the criteria is can it be sourced so you may find a product online but if you can't actually Source it on and we'll talk about where you can actually Source Products but if you can't find it on places like AliExpress or actually get a supplier for it then it makes no sense in you
trying to you know if it's already branded or it's patent patented then again just eliminate it cuz there's thousands and thousands of products that are out there the next one and probably one of the most important parts of this criteria is that it has enough margin now in today's society well not so much Society in today's ecosystem you need to make sure especially if you're using paid ads that at a minimum you are 3x in the cost of goods so if you're getting it for example for $10 which is the product and the shipping cost
you need to make sure that you are selling it for a minimum of 30 and that's a that's a bare minimum ideally you want to be selling it for four to 5x especially if you're targeting the higher country the the higher like where there's more competition such as the top four especially in United States because the costs and cpms are a lot higher and you want to be selling a product ideally for over $30 so that you have enough margin to actually make money when you scale and that's one of the biggest things that I
see a lot of newbies miss out on like their Break Even R will be like two 0 or something and it it's just incredbly incredibly difficult to make money at scale because your costs are always going to increase when you start to scale and you push more money push more money into the Facebook system or whatever advertising system that you're using now the final one is existing content online now when you're testing out again I'm going to talk about creating ads and all that kind of stuff a little later in the video but you want
to make sure that there is at least some existing some element of existing content online so that you can use use that to at least test the concepts of the products and you know a lot of people are like oh you can't steal product you can't steal content but there is no efficient way to do it without doing that what you going to do you know order the product from Amazon shoot your own content and or send it out to an influencer just to testing it for fail makes zero sense so you always want to
make sure that there's some existing content I'm going to talk about like where you should check for existing content a little later in the video when we get on to the marketing side of things but just as a a rule of these are the five things that I like to go into and if you literally take anything away from this video If you literally just take and apply this alone you will make more money and and stop losing a lot more money you will stop losing money essentially if you just apply this one thing here
now scrolling down to the actual method so now we've covered like what to go over you want to obviously Now find the actual products where do you find these things well there's free methods and there's pay methods both work equally as well now some people have preference on some pay tools than others but to be honest you can still use this method and this is the My ultimate go-to method which is Facebook ads library and again Facebook ads Library if you don't know what it is it's basically where every single adver on Facebook that is
currently running or active is on there so all of your competitors ads are on there all of the biggest brands that are running ads in the world are all on there everything is all on there and you can filter on a few things so what I personally like to filter on to nail down where what to to know what I'm essentially looking for is these are the filters here I'm not sure if you can see them but I'll zoom in a little bit you can see here we've got active ads and if you click on
this button here where it says filter I like to filter on active ads videos and on impression date what I like to do is go back a a few like days so usually like seven or 10 days because if it's been running for seven or 10 days then nine times out of 10 is making some sort of money for that person and what you're going to be looking for ultimately well before we look at that is you want to make in terms of the keywords that you want to be putting in the search you want
to be searching for keywords that other drop shippers are using or other people are frequently using in their adverts things like sell lens soon free shipping Limited stock sell lens soon a percentage off so any discount number get yours here order now neck pain for a specific if you're looking for pain related products you could put in neck pain or relieves pain or foot pain whatever it may be you can add those in now if you scroll down ultimately you what what essentially what you're looking for once you put in these keywords is you're looking
for Brands like like like like these mini brands that ultimately have a lot of ads running because it's a very much of a good sign you can see here rise super Fus these are not a a drop shipper but they obviously do a a lot of direct response ads and do a lot of creative testing testing so the more ads the more active ads that they have the good the better you know that's a good sign because they're actively testing out different stuff which is obviously something which is working for them and another Telltale sign
is how long has it been running for so if you look here right you can see here what I've circled I probably should put another arrow there but you can see here it Facebook will also tell you the time at when it actually started running so this ad is active we're in July at the moment in time and it's been running since the 26th of November which tells me obviously this advert and this product is working for this person because there's no way that someone's going to keep an ad running for x amount of months
if it isn't bringing in some sort of sales and some sort of results so there are the two telltale signs especially with the free paid method Facebook ads library that you can use now moving on you have the paid side of things now there's two tools there's in fact to be honest there is so many tools out there that you could use but like a lot of them are a waste of time a lot of them don't actually work or they're trash and they just show repeated products but these are the ones that and it's
Chang es over time but these are the two that I use I probably use winning Hunter a little bit more than Mana but I use them pretty much for different reasons which we'll show a little later in the video as well so winning Hunter is one that also if you are targeting EU it shows you ad spend which is another great leading metric on how much a person has actually spent on an ad creative and the more that they spent on an ad creative then they good right well at least you would assume so and
then Mana is another one that I like to use cuz it has you can see here I've looked at this this brand here and I can see all of their creatives uh which ones have got the best which ones have got the best likes the engagement and stuff like that so that I know that I can take something like this model Des script and reverse engineer it from there so these two that I like to use another one is called foreplay and not the type of foreplay that you're probably wonder wondering about or thinking about
you dirty-minded animalss but yeah this is another good good one it's like Facebook ads library but loads of people save the videos you can also filter based on you know how long an advert has been running which is also another fantastic Telltale sign that you can use and then there is the creative inspo that you can use to find creatives that you like to look of and send them on either replicate them yourself or send them on to your create your your video editor to recreate something similar now another great tool another great pay tool
that I like to use is one called shop Hunter now there are some other ones out there as well but shop Hunter is kind of like my go-to it helps you track store sales so you can put in a URL of a store like this one here for example you can pull up on estimates of how much they're doing on a daily weekly and monthly basis and you can find their best winning products it shows you the theme that they're using and apps and a few other things now is it completely accurate probably not it's
probably off a few thousand but at least it gives you an idea of whether or not a the store is actually making some money which is obviously going to be a good sign so I like to use this again it's just all of this all of these pay tools are just data points that you are taking to make an informed decision on whether or not you should test out our products now the final one is one that I recently added into my Arsenal which is one called tick star and if you've unless you've been under
a rock you probably know that Tik Tok shop at the moment in time is absolutely blowing up with Affiliates and one little bit of ala that you can use and take away from this video is taking Tik Tok shop winners and running Facebook ads to them and not a lot of people are doing it at the moment in time so that is some Alpha that you can use and you can sort by Creator video Shop product hashtag and a few other things in different categories there's another recent one that I've been using especially for the
video side of things because it shows all of the videos which people have made for a specific product so that ultimately gives you a ton of content to use for your ads okay now the next part in the system is ultimately the product page because you're going to need to Drive traffic to a product page you know people are going to see your ad they're going to land on a product page and they're either going to you know abandon and dip off and do whatever it is continue on with their daily life or they're going
to click this add to cart button and your main goal as a marketer is to do whatever it is in your power to get them to click this add to cart button now there's obviously above the fold and there's below the fold this is obviously desktop and what I would say as a little tip is you always want to optimize for mobile first because 80 to 90% of your traffic will come from mobile so always make sure that it looks good on mobile before you start wondering about what it actually looks like on desktop so
that's one thing that I would always recommend and above the fold is basically everything that someone sees before they have to scroll down okay so everything up to this section is above the fold and then we've got some stuff below the fold down here now the hero section is this part here and we've got here is the social proof so this is I I'll zoom in a little bit more so to break this down the product page should consist of these elements how you have them it's up to you but this is the best layout
that I've seen or I've seen variations of these across different brands so first and foremost social proof which is usually just a testimonial from the customer and then you have some reviews which is the stars and then you have benefit bullet points and then from there you have the bundles as well to increase your average order value to get people to buy more we got your add to cart button and if you scroll down you also have additional benefits here and some drop downs cuz you got to remember that most people won't scroll any further
than this so another thing and another little bit of alpha tip that I would recommend to you guys is your high quality images with benefits so if you scroll through these which you obviously can't but the images want to sell you want to sell in the images because remember most people are not going to go all the way down and read all of your copy but they will scroll through your pictures and the benefits that you have here the main overarching big idea that you have that your product Pro that your product solves you want
to make sure that you put that inside of these images whether that be before and afters you know benefits testimonials easy to install how to use it and all those kind of things in your images because most people will go through those and won't scroll any further down now if we continue to scroll down we have below the fold now below the fold we like to have three to four benefit sections I've only just put one here but I'm just doing this for demonstration purposes and you want to make sure that your titles are ultimately
like benefit driven you always want to make sure that your titles are benefit D driven because again people will only read these titles and very rarely read this copy copy is extremely important by the way so I wouldn't skimp on the copy but you always want to make sure that your titles are your main goal of this title is to get people to lure them into reading this copy here and vice and you know so on and so on if we keep scrolling down you want to make sure that you have testimonials primarily with images
because it's always again people are visual people so you want to make sure that these are images and again you want to have some what I like to call power testimonials on your page then if you keep scrolling down a comparison chart is always good to include showing you why you are better than other products because you got to remember when you are selling some sort of product most people have tried different things you know that like if you got for back pain for example a lot of people have probably tried different products and you
want to be able to show them that you are superior or what you're selling is superior because you for whatever reasons it is which you can detail here one main copyrighting key is that if you can convince the person that the only way they can solve their problem is through purchasing your product nine times out of 10 they will buy so if we keep scrolling down we have the guarantee to remove any friction that people may have so a 30-day money back guarantee some people have 60 and 90 I personally just think that a 30-day
works fine across the board and then finally some FAQs because people are going to have frequently asked questions and you know rather than them going elsewhere if you can answer what these are on the actual page then it doesn't give them a reason to go elsewhere and if you keep scrolling down I always like to include a second call to action because again most people can you can have a sticky ad to car which we also do like to have but if you have a second call to action which just mics top part it just
makes things a lot more easier to for the person to click add to car right it's like the second here we've give you all of the benefits here go ahead and purchase now again final to wrap that part up is revenue is is is reviews sorry and you can use multiple different apps for this vitols the one that I mentioned before has this built in so you can use vitols for that and that's pretty much it for the product page and this product page layout works extremely well like the industry standard is around about I
believe it's around about 2% but we implement this and again it comes down to your offer and and what you're selling in and stuff like that but we typically see around about a 3 to 4% sometimes 5% on some products across the board on these in in multiple different countries as well in different niches utilizing this layout so it's definitely worth testing if you don't have something which looks like this now to move on to the other side of things we're going to go a little bit deeper into the upsell and downsell side of things
so and the reason why we do upsells and down selles is because it lets us increase our average order value and the reason why we want to increase our average order value is so that we can basically afford to profitably scale more on Facebook it gives us more room to play with with our paid ads the whole goal of increasing average order value is to try and squeeze as much money as possible out of every single customer who purchased from you now there's pre purchase UPS sales and there's postp purchase upses postp purchase is the
one that I personally like to use and I'll explain like the entire process and the whole strategy a postp purchase upsid basically shows Once someone has already gave us some money now this works extremely effective because first and foremost they've already committed to giving us some money all we got to do is just throw in a related upsell and you know we make extra money and most of it there's more profit inside of this because we've already acquired the customer they've already gave gave us some money so first and foremost I'm going to talk you
through the strategy customer places an order what happens then upsell one pops up I'll talk about what app that you can use for this the app that I personally like to use is after sell there's after sell and ocu one click up sell these are the main two ones and this strategy will work across any of them to be fair so cuz I'm places the order and there's upsell one you know and what they then see is the customer has then unlocked a special offer and I personally like to offer to be honest the same
product with 40% off now this very much can depend on what sort of product that you are selling but for the nine times out of 10 what's worked based on countless of split tests is basically just offering them the exact same product that they just purchased but for a different for but for a discounted price and typically 40% works extremely well now at this point they can either say yes or no if they say no then they are going to go to a down sell and this down sell is typically usually just another sale at
what you just showed them so the exact same product but this time it's for 50% off and you kind of frame it as like a last chance or last warning if they say yes then they go to upsell 2 and upsell 2 is going to be a complimentary product and I typically like to give 50% off for this one as well and if they say no or yes to this down sell over here then they go directly to the ch check out and again if they purchase this they go directly to the the thank you
page sorry and what you can do and what you can offer is a upsell thank you page upsell now I think this is this is optional and I think Shopify at the moment in time are potentially changing this because they changed the check out something to do with scripts so sometimes this may not be available depending on the age of your Shopify store it may be that you can do this with these apps and or maybe that you can't but you know if you can then obviously you can offer an optional thank you page up
sell as well right now if we continue to move on the main important part is obviously now is the marketing side of things you know we've got our product page we've got everything we're increasing our average order value how are we actually getting traffic to our store camera battery died we are back so as I was previously saying marketing is one of the most important parts of the process and it's a part where a lot of people actually mess up and and just can't seem to make it work now I'm going to talk about the
platform that I like to use how to use it how to test how to scale now there's many different platforms out there traffic is the lifeblood of any online store without it you won't make any sales and everything house is pretty much redundant the platform that I personally like to use is Facebook ads or meta ads whatever you want to call them and just want a quick note obviously you know the glow up of Mark Zuckerberg has been mad you know you need to you need some this needs to be studied because this guy went
from Steel stealing data to stealing girls I mean look at him looking rocking balain or Balman depending on how you want to say it so you know yeah I like the platform it works very very well now the platform itself is driven by creatives in fact I go as far as saying any advertising platform is now driven by creatives because the algorithm does a lot of the heavy lifting in showing it to people who are more likely to take the action the desired action that it is that you are trying to achieve so that's why
content is very very important it's one of the key criterias if you would have remembered earlier in a video about the product selection the more content that there is that you have to work with the better and easier it is your job is to create ads now in order to find content I personally like to use Tik Tok it's the kind of like the go-to place because it looks native and you'll just do a simple search of the name of the product that you're selling or variations of it another place is obviously YouTube that you
can check out but another another competitors but nine times out of 10 Tik Tok will have a lot of content now in order to download the content without the watermark you can use a tool called Snap tick again 100% free you put in the URL of the video itself click download and press though you will have the link you will have the video downloaded in MP4 format so that you can use in your editing software if we keep scrolling down the most important part is scripting and this is why copyrighting is such a massive key
in the entire part like it's in it's a a very important skill to have when when you're drop shipping because it transcends into so many different parts of the business especially the advert side of things because you're going to need to script video ads you know the days of ripping one for one videos can still work but if you want to take it to the next level and you want to kind of like scale further you will need to learn how to put together ads by yourself now in order to do that the process that
we go through is using two tools you would have remembered Mana from the product research side of things and also for play so these two are very good to use so what I would do is you can find winning ads okay winning ads to me are ones with a lot of Engagement likes comments shares and those kind of things because it shows it that they've been running for a significant period of time and on four player you can also search for ones that have been running for a long period of time and the goal is
to find winning viral scripts and angles that you can use then what I like to do is you can download the video using whatever tool that you want to use and then transcribe it for free using riverside. riverside. FM or is it Riverside or whatever it is you can just type in Riverside and you'll find it and then what you're going to do is you're going to rewrite the ad right you had a winning script here template templated you can just work your product change the captions around a little bit and fit your product
into this winning script that's basically how you do it again you're not trying to reinvent the wheel here and you can get very far just doing what I'm about to show you now in terms of creating the actual ad itself personally like to use AI voiceovers and 11 Labs is the best at doing that so it is free up to a certain period and then if you generate loads of characters you will need to pay but for the most part you can generate quite a lot of stuff for free and also in different languages as
well so if you are targeting an EU country German France Swedish Denmark Danish same thing you know you can put scripts in there in that language and it will come out sounding like it'll have that kind of like Twang and accent to it which is pretty cool in terms of actually creating the ad itself now you can hire a video editor I personally don't recommend you do it until you're at scale or until you are at a point whereby you can't do it yourself TimeWise but capcut is the best out there I mean there is
premere pro there's a few of the tools that are out there but capcut it's almost illegal that capcut is free at least what I think from my experience there's so many different they make it so easy for you to put together video ads that you know you'd be a dummy not to use it especially if you are a beginner so cut is going to want to be the one that you're going to use in terms of testing now I'm probably going to do a an entire video on Facebook ads and testing and all that kind
of stuff if you do want that then let me know in the comments down below and I'll put together a full video just based on you know testing scaling and all and creative testing and all that kind of stuff but I'm just going to kind of like go over it in the more Mo most raw and simplistic ter simplistic format so there's two kind of testing structures it will depend on which country we are targeting on and which where the store is based on which structure on one on which structure we will use to test
out our product but you have the which is all these adsets some of these are broad some of these are interesting inside of them we have you know three to four different like creatives in there and in these creatives most of the part they are exactly the same body of the video but the only difference is the creatives itself so the I mean not the creative the first 3 seconds which is the hook the variation of the hook and you usually have three to six to eight of these okay now the structure is just one
large broad CBO here three to four different ads again same thing variation of the visual of the first 3 seconds and that's a broad CBO just broad like the demographic 25 to 65 year olds completely open now in terms of scaling what's working at the moment in time again this always changes if if you have a look at some of my older videos you'll see that the strategy that I've been using previously are no longer the strategy that I use now and I'm not no Maxi at all you have these dos on Twitter always arguing
which strategy is the best can you use cost caps is it is it CBO no you're wrong you're not doing it correctly and all this BS I generally don't give a you know if it puts money in my bank I'll use anything but what's working for me and in our businesses right now is cost cap abos okay adset the best adsets obviously multiple with the best creatives and cost cap Advantage shopping campaigns one broad ad set with you know a cost cap set on that along with the best creatives in there as well and again
if you want me to do a video just purely focused on Facebook ads let me know and I will drop that I I'll bring one of those out now final part is the back end side of things now it's all well and good scaling of course but if your back end is absolutely trash then you're just it's just like a house of cars it's eventually going to collapse on yourself so you need to have a solid you know fulfillment and back end in order to sustain the scale and at least grow and move forward the
first part is ultimately the Fulfillment side of things so there's two things there's the beginner which is your testing and then there's the advance which is obviously scaling further so to test you can use AliExpress and DS's now I see a lot of people especially gurus here on here saying don't use AliExpress you can't use it shipping days of 30 days and and all this crap but to be honest they only really do that so that they can push you know some sort of other platform whereby they get commission from I'm just being straight up
with you that's most of the time what they do but you can still test from AliExpress you just want to connect DS's which is going to be the Fulfillment and if you have a look right shipping if you it depends on the country that you're shipping to of course and the product that you're selling but most things will AR arrive using AliExpress shipping fairly quickly you can see here to United Kingdom we've got seven day here and to Germany we've got 8 day here sh free shipping and shipping will only get faster and cheaper from
China it's just the way the world is going if you look at big Brands like Sheen and timu that ship from China like people don't really mind waiting 14 days max you know and personal experience if I've shipped some stuff from if I buy some stuff from United States or from a United States brand nine times in 10 for it to get to me in the UK it will take about 2 weeks so providing that your product is good quality then is totally fine trust me now of course you can't scale with AliExpress you're going
to scale with a private agent and private agents are going to give you faster shipping better prices and more reliability now instead of DS's you're going to use an app called Dian xami and or or sometimes the private agent will have their own custom Erp uh but Dian xami is the one that I personally use across our stores and you can see here we're getting around about 8 Days delivery to Germany and we're getting around 6 days Liberty United Kingdom and that's using Shipping Lines like yanwen and 4px and usually again it's maximum around about
14 days of what we're seeing to the main countries in terms of another thing I just want to touch on is like where to actually get a filment agent from well it's best to go off recommendation of course A lot of these now are hopping on social media like Twitter and inside of Discord groups but it's always best to go off recommendations just so that you have that kind of stamp stamp of approval approval and you know you're not getting burned the next part is ultimately hiring now at first you can also you it's fine
to be a onean band I was a oneman ban for a many for quite a while for at least for my first year and you know it was difficult it gets to the point whereby you can't handle you can't do the customer service yourself you can't do the emails and stuff like that because you then can't dedicate your time to the money-making tasks such as doing new creatives creating new scripts finding new products launching products building out product pages and all this kind of stuff so you will at some point need to Outsource the mundane
jobs like answering and replying to emails the two places where you want to do that is and upwork upwork is a little bit more expensive in terms of the people who you who apply on there and there's more fees involved to be honest for both you and the worker but the quality is a little bit higher online jobs the quality is in terms of like you have to very very much filter for gold on online jobs you'll get a lot of applicants and there are some absolute killers on here I found some some very
solid people on but it takes some time to go through the process and actually find them and filter them through to get them on board now the process itself my process looks like this again most people will have different processes but this is just one that's worked for me you have the job advert that you put out you will shortless People based on their previous work you always want to ask for some sort of previous work or examples that you can go from and then you prelim and what I mean by prelim is basically
just reaching out to them once they on a short list so you short list maybe 10 people you reach out to all of them and just ask them a few questions like how many hours they currently working at the moment in time do they have existing clients what's their internet like and from there you will ultimately maybe get rid of a few people in that short list from there then you will have a trial task like I like to set people a trial task and say you know this is what I want you to do
and you should pay them for this part you know I very much value people's time so depending on the task I like to give people a task to do and nine times out of 10 I I will pay them for that as well you can interview them after if you really want to and then hire them and again on just like a probation period if they're good great get them fulltime if not then sack them off and go back to someone in your short list now team wise this is what the current team looks like
so you have the CEO you have the supplier which is you you must have that to scale and then you have customer service reps which you will have those from different stores they depending on how much volume you're doing you may need to have different sets of customer reps so that you have two on one store two on another store uh to start out with you run in multiple stores you may just have one person who handles all emails across all of the stores and then I personally have a video editor at the moment in
time to do the creatives because I just focus on the main money-making skills and the main moneymaking skills for me is Media buying first and foremost so actually doing ads so scaling testing and stuff like that that I mean I keep it lean so I still do the copyrighting cuz I'm I'm fairly good at copyrighting so I haven't hired a copywriter you can also and I don't recommend anything some people will say that you can you can hire a a product uploader or a product finder realistically I've done those in the past and there were
a massive way of time because they first and foremost can't find products and it's only going to work if you are doing the volume game which is you know spam testing a bunch of products you know three to five a day hoping to find that gold that's not the approach that I personally take and that we personally a take we would rather do quality over quantity and test less products so I still do the product research s and do the copyrighting okay so that is pretty much it and and you know going forward in terms
of the next steps like I mentioned earlier in the video if you want the free course we've got a free course you can check it out the link for it will be down below pretty much you got 40 to 50 I think videos inside of it you can go through and check that out if you are someone who wants more one-on-one help from myself from my brother the econ wizard then feel free to book a call again the link for that will be down below as well so you can test that out but so you
can click that and book a time for us to hop on chat and see where you're at see if you're a good fit for the program the mentorship 101 and yeah there's two options that you have there to move forward in terms of next steps but what I've basically given you here is everything and it's a high level overview and if you want me to do a specific video on any of these things then please do let me know in the comments it would be very helpful for me I'm trying to jump back on YouTube
and be more consistent with the content so if you enjoyed it and you got some value from it let me know in the comments it would be much appreciated make sure you subscribe if you like money that's what it actually says on the back of this thing here subscribe if you like money and I'll see you in the next video take care
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