AI is making people rich and the crazy part I think is that most people have no idea how much money AI is printing for those who get in early and in this video I want to show you how to grab your cut think about this if you had started a YouTube channel in 2010 you'd be rich most likely or if you had jumped on crypto in 2013 you'd also probably be rich or if you had launched an online business in 2015 yeah you guessed it you'd be rich and right now ai is the next big
money wave but the question is how do you actually make money with AI like real money not just Theory right do you need to code no do you need a big audience no do you need a lot of money to start 0er in fact most people over complicate this the truth is that AI is making it easier than ever before to make money without working harder but the thing is that this won't last forever right now ai is still new enough that most people don't understand how to use it and that's your Edge but in
a year or two I believe that everyone's going to be doing this and the people who waited will be asking the exact same question that they asked about crypto YouTube and online businesses what if I had started earlier so let's get into these three of the easiest I believe AI side hustles that you can start now and we're starting with one of the fastest ways to make money businesses literally will pay you $500 $1,000 I don't know even $5,000 a month just to set these up for them how do I know well if you've watched
my previous videos you might know that my husband and I started this business about half a year ago do you need 20 years of tech experience like my husband has in order to do this no does it help of course but you can always start with easy scenarios that do not require you to have much Tech background and focus on mostly no code or low code work here we're talking about setting up no code AI agents and Automation in fact by the time you finish this video you will know exactly how to do this yourself
step by step and I'll even show you a way to turn one chatbot into 50 sales without extra work but first why are businesses even paying for this well imagine you're running a business and you're getting slammed with the same questions every single day what are your working hours do you take appointments how much does this cost I mean it's annoying it wastes a lot of time and worst of all when businesses don't respond fast enough they lose customers now obviously what if AI could answer all of those questions 24/7 without even taking a break
because that's exactly what AI chatbots do and business owners as I said will happily very gladly pay you $500 $1,000 maybe even more to have one set up for them because it saves them time and money every single day and as I said you don't need to know how to code you don't need to build anything from scratch all you need is bot press and by the way this is not sponsored and aside from bot press there are other platforms that do pretty much the same thing bpress is just the one that I'm most familiar
with and if you're wondering what it is well it's a no code chatbot Builder that makes this stupidly simple so how do you set up a chat bot in minutes well before I show you exactly how to build one of these AI bots in a couple minutes let me ask you this what is the easiest way to get a client who will actually pay you because it's a waste of time to know how to set up this chat bot but don't know the kind of businesses to sell it to so you also don't want to
waste time pitching businesses that don't need this so instead go after the low hanging fruit businesses that already get flooded with customer questions number one local service businesses look for salons for dentists for Mechanics for personal trainers in your area number two e-commerce stores anyone in your neighborhood who has an online brand selling some products online these are businesses that are losing money when they take too long to respond and AI fixes that so how do we build a chatbot don't worry this is so incredibly simple all you need to do is go to bot or if you choose you can go to flow wise that's also an option and you can sign up for a free account you can sign up as easily as using your Gmail or another type of account but you can also log in with any email address and the first time you will create that account they're going to ask you how you came to them how you found out about them so which platform you're coming from which Creator sent you they don't have our Channel there you don't need to say that you can just put
other I don't really care I don't get paid by them but all you need to do is make sure that you're set up and you're seeing your dashboard step number number two is you need to pick a chatbot template and luckily they already have pre-built ones for FAQs for lead capture for customer support a ton of them okay super easy just pick the one that is going to do customer support okay next step you need to train your Bot using the businesses most common questions obviously you can find that for most businesses on their website
they don't have an FAQ on their website you can simply give the link to the website to botpress and it's going to get all the information it needs sometimes it doesn't so you're going to need to add extra information just to make sure that it answers the most basic questions and when I say most basic questions obviously I'm thinking what are your hours do you accept walk-ins things like that and you can even connect it to either their website their Facebook Messenger or their WhatsApp so customers can chat with the AI anywhere it's so so
so stupidly simple now here's the key to selling it do not just explain what it does you need to let them try it so what you want to do is send the business owner a link to the bot and let them see their the chat bot answering real questions in real time about their business and here's where I believe things get interesting because at this point most business owners are going to say oh my God this is amazing or at least this is what they tell us when we do the demos how much does it
cost but here's the mistake that kills your profit most beginners undercharge so how much should you actually charge well it depends on the complexity of the agent and it depends on the business business that you're selling it to for a small business you could probably charge $500 maybe $1,000 per chat bot if you're talking to a larger business that wants more Integrations and more customization then they're the ones that are dealing with more customers and who are making also more profit so there you could probably charge I don't know $2,000 maybe $3,000 it depends a
lot on a case-by Case basis or you could also think of a subscription model you can also give your clients the option of choosing that subscription model that renews every month so you could charge them I don't know $99 month okay and if you're already thinking that this is not a good business to get into you should know that several companies have successfully integrated AI chat Bots to improve their customer interactions and here one of the probably best known ones is Alibaba they handle over 2 million daily customer service sessions using AI chat Bots and
they're managing more than 10 million lines of daily conversations so clearly they needed Bots otherwise they would have spent a fortune on customer support and their training bot is reducing that customer service Personnel training Time by more than 20% also intercom launched an AI customer service agent that they named Finn which has answered over 13 million questions for over 4,000 customers including firms like monzo and anthropic so let's talk about this next part because this is where things get really powerful once you built your chatbot you can sell the same setup to multiple businesses think
about it if you create a chatbot for I don't know a hair salon that or a nail salon right you can sell the same chatbot to 50 nail salons in your neighborhood because they basically have the same business model and for you there's no extra work all you need to do is tweak the details update The Branding and there you go you've automated another business that is how people are making thousands a month with AI chat Bots and as you can see there is no coding no team no crazy working hours literally businesses need Automation
and AI chat Bots can save them a lot of time a lot of money and bring them a lot of customer and I think the best part is that most of them don't even know this is possible so if you can set this up for them and make it stupidly simple you can print money with AI chat Bots and this is just one way to make money with AI let's move to the second one so look every day millions of people use AI but most of them don't really know how to ask the right questions
think about it business owners are struggling to automate work writers are battling creative blocks job Seekers are trying to craft the perfect resume but the problem is that AI is only as good as the prompts you get it right so that is where you can come in like a superhero because instead of letting people fumble around on their own you can sell them structured highquality prompt box ready to go and AI can do the heavy lifting for you I think that's the best part so how do I know that well because I've done it myself
I have been selling this ebook for over a year this has already been done by some other entrepreneurs as well so you can take it as a tried and tested model I know Paul Rose documented his experience of selling AI prompts over a 60-day period demonstrating that not only it is possible to generate income from this Venture even without existing follower base but it can become quite profitable so how do you turn this into a business that actually makes money well stay with me because not only am I going to break it down step by
step but also at the end I'm going to go through the biggest mistake that kills most people's success with this method okay so step number one pick a high demand Niche I have driven you guys crazy with this but it's that important so first of all you need to pick a niche where people are already using AI but they're struggling to get really good results so what are some hot niches for AI prompt books business and marketing you can think AI generated ads sales copy social media posts writers and creators you can think blog ideas
you can think storytelling uh job Seekers and resumés you can think of AI powered resume writing or interview prep or cover letter writing journaling and self-improvement you can think of AI driven reflection and goal setting or even education and learning because AI can create guides and coding prompts and there are many many others but these are the ones that I think are the lowest hanging fruit and here the most important part is to find your Niche where people are already searching for better prompts okay oh and there is one Niche that is exploding right now
hardly anyone is talking about and I'm going to come back to it in a bit first let's talk about the easiest part generating the prompts so how do you come up with with the prompts well all you need to do is go to Handy Dandy chat GPT okay so what do you want to do to get those prompts go to chat GPT and type this prompt I'm going to put it here on the screen so you can pause this video basically you just need to ask it give me 100 Advanced chat GPT prompts for blank
that's where your Niche goes you can say for uh social media creators that want to come up with um Instagram content or it can be for um marketing agency now once you got your prompts you want to refine and organize the best ones you want to categorize them for easy reading and you want to test them to make sure that they actually work well and there you got it you now have a full set of expert level prompts and it only took a few minutes but wait what if I told you that there is a
simple way to make your prompt book 10 times more valuable and I'm going to show you how to do it in a second so clearly you could sell a list of prompts in a plain Word document boring right you need to make it look professional and more valuable so how do you turn it into a sellable book well the next step is to use canva uh you can use canva AI or you could use just simple canva and you can design a very clean visually appealing ebook and then organize your ebook into sections I don't
know best prompts for marketing Advanced sales prompts and so forth once you're done you can export it as a PDF and you ready to go sell because now instead of a random list you have a beautiful polished digital product that looks premium but here's where most people mess it up they format it like a typical book and miss out on a key feature that could massively boost their sales I'll come back to this so where do you go and sell it because now your book is ready right so let's make some money you can first
go to Amazon KDP they have a huge audience you can generate nice passive income level um and it has great potential you can go to Etsy they're perfect for niches like journaling or self-improvement even marketing or you could go to gumroad they are very good if you're looking to have a personal brand or want to sell directly to an audience now in terms of how much you price that book it depends a lot on the value you're offering you can charge $5 for it if you want to have a low ticket passive sales overtime type
of product um you could charge $3 to $50 um if you want to sell a bundle of books or you could charge1 plus dollars like a Premium Edition where you can add extra templates or exclusive prompts or a membership or coaching I don't know it depends how else can you enrich the value of that book that you created and basically this means that you can wake up to sales every day people buy download and start using your book all while you're sleeping however most people are selling these books in the wrong way so in just
a moment I want to share with you a secret that gets you way more sales with way less effort so how do you scale these prompt book businesses because the best part is that you don't have to stop at one you can test different niches you can bundle multiple books into a mega pack or you can offer a subscription right new prompts every month the more books you create the more passive income you end up generating clearly but remember that secret Niche that I mentioned at the beginning well it's one of the fastest growing markets
for AI prompts and barely anyone is talking about it or capitalizing on it for that matter it is the horoscope Niche yeah you heard that right I mean ever wondered why horoscope content Never Dies it's everywhere literally Instagram Tik Tok YouTube blogs because people are obsessed with understanding themselves as well as others through their zodiac signs people turn to zodiac signs as a way to decode human behavior whether that's for relationships or friendships or careers I don't know self-growth you can see people looking at horoscopes and that's exactly why horoscope ebooks sell so well so
you can tap into that Curiosity into that self-awareness and the desire for deeper connections so if you can get into this Niche you will have buil an automated income stream using AI so you can look to create a book that provides prompts for people to know how to tap into this Niche and with AI doing 90% of the work this is one of the easiest ways to create a passive income stream that literally prints money and the craziest part I believe is that this is just the second way to use AI for digital products the
next side hustle it might even be easier so let's jump into it so look there is a secret that most businesses don't want to admit they need research but they don't have time to do it every single day millions of new reports white papers and Trend analysis are published and business owners don't have hours to sip through that data let's be honest so that is where you can come in like a night in shining armor on your notebook LM White Horse and you can change the game believe me because with AI you can take all
those complex research papers and you can package them into premium white papers and reports and summaries and then businesses are going to pay you quite a bit depends on how much value you offer again but easily $500 per project to save their time so how do you actually make money doing this let me break it down step by step because this is so simple number one you want to choose a high-paying industry because not all Industries need research in the same way but the ones that do they're ready to pay you big so here's where
you will find the easiest clients number one web three crypto and AI startups they need research on new trends on regulations on competitor analysis number two health and wellness industry think Brands coaches influencers they want summaries of scientific studies and every type of research that has come out recently number three digital marketing and e-commerce Brands business owners need Trend reports uh or SEO ads social media changes all of that good stuff next up green energy and sustainability you can think startups investors nonprofits they require government policy reports and funding insights like there's no tomorrow and
last but not least AI adoption for small businesses I mean there's a whole world there business owners want to understand AI but they don't have time to research it so whichever industry you pick you want to make sure that it's one where businesses are already spending money on consultants and reports or strategy guides so now let's turn AI into your research assistant because instead of you having to read through hundreds of pages notebook LM can summarize everything in a couple of minutes so here's what you do you want to go to notebook lm. and
create an account or you can log in with your Google account then you need to upload all the research papers Trend reports interviews or messy client notes I don't know and then you let a I generate whether it's executive summaries or key industry Trends or data driven insights or actionable recommendations of course if you have some knowledge in those Industries it's going to be even easier to sell and even better quality that you will be able to provide but regardless essentially now you have a fully structured ready to sell research report without spending weeks reading
so let's package it so people are willing to pay you top dollar because let's be honest nobody pays $1,000 for a plain Google dock but for a well-branded premium report that's a different story so here's how to turn AI Research into a high ticket product number one for crypto and AI startups you can offer investor Trend reports easily charged hundreds if not $1,000 per ort for wellness brands or influencers you can sell AI generated health and nutrition briefs again couple hundred quite easily for e-commerce and marketing agencies you can create SEO and social media Trend
analysis couple hundred easily as well also for green energy and sustainability companies you can provide Government funding and policy reports or if we're talking about small businesses looking into AI you can sell AI adoption for your industry guide for example now Pro tip like I mentioned before use canva or Google Docs canva is nicer and easier thing to format your reports because you want a clean professional design you want beautiful charts infographics even AI generated one and actionable takeaways because businesses love summaries over a ton of fluff now that your report looks premium it's time
to sell so where do you sell if you've chosen crypto and AI then go to X or Twitter investors and startups always need Market insights you could go to LinkedIn and do some Outreach you can message CEOs Founders marketeers who rely on Research you could go to freelance platforms and offer Research Services Fiverr upwork top top or you could go to business Facebook groups or coaches and entrepreneurs Facebook groups because they love industry reports and here is a FastTrack strategy you can offer one free summary to a potential client once they see the value you
can easily upsell them to a full report now let's put a pin in this and think about how do you scale this to a $10,000 a month with AI Research Services because once you land a few clients you need to think about how you grow that and it's pretty simple number one you can automate content creation you can repurpose reports into newsletters blog posts YouTube scripts even though I I don't believe AI is that good yet at writing scripts you can create a niche research subscription and then you can charge I don't know $100 a
month for ongoing insights you can sell AI generated reports as digital products like I mentioned before Etsy gumroad Shopify there's plenty of places now I want you to imagine getting paid while AI does 90% of the work because this is exactly going to be what will happen to you the demand for fast AI powered insights is growing daily so what is stopping you from starting that right now or any of the other businesses that I mentioned before by the way if you're interested in more ways to make money with notebook LM let me know in
the comments down below because I've got so many other ideas look you guys these three AI moneymaking methods are great for beginners but the truth is that people who truly dominate the AI economy are not just selling services they're disrupting entire Industries they're leveraging AI in ways that 99% of people don't even see yet I call them the fifth lever disruptors and if you want to go beyond freelancing and start playing in the next League where AI doesn't just make you money but it multiplies it then make sure you watch this video next until next
time thank you so so much for watching I'm so grateful that you took the time to watch this video till the end like it if you did be sure to subscribe if you haven't done so and also share it with anyone in your circle of friends or family who you think needs to watch this video thank you again and I'll see you soon bye