one up off the color of the water indicates that this is not a mountain stream in fact it's a mud flow these tourists in the Andes risk their lives trying to use this shortcut but luckily they had time to react to the incoming flow of rocks this Landslide happened in the city of bondy Po in [Music] Nepal man oh man in the summer of 2024 a tornado formed right above a Russian airport the damage was estimated to be at least $2.4 [Music] million and from the ground it looked even more terrifying hail is a motorist's
worst enemy each Hailstone is a hit not only to the car but also to the owner's wallet subzero temperatures are rare in Baku aeran on this day local divers weren't ready for the ice and of course no one had winter tires [Applause] [Music] me sound a binocular Co [Applause] even from this angle this video gives us chills we can't imagine what the people on the boats experienced we better get out of here hang your BTY something [Music] [Music] when you think of destructive natural events fog probably doesn't come to mind but check this out in
New Orleans fog caused a pile up on a bridge involving over 40 cars six accidents in total the cars were a mess but luckily no one got seriously hurt [Music] [Music] some people dedicate their lives to chasing tornadoes in this video an amateur stormchaser managed to capture the birth of a new tornado w w oh my God yeah I will see check out this devastating flood in the Indian state of carola it looks like there was never a house [Music] there sometimes Nature's Fury is a response to human actions that's what happened in Myanmar in
2024 the water reservoir at the top was used for water storage from Jade mining but an accident caused it to rupture in the contents cascaded down the mountain causing a terrible flood not many people understand the destructive power of water like Sailors do just look at what they have to deal with during storms back you might think this incident in Terin Italy was due to human error but no a strong current ripped the two boats away and carried them towards the bridge [Music] as soon as these Italian workers saw signs of a collapse they made
a run for it probably the best decision of their lives just seconds later 350 cubic met of rock Came Crashing Down for [Music] [Applause] having a house by a river sounds great as long as it doesn't turn turn into a house in a river that's crazy how much stuff is just built up right there oh my this lava flow might not be moving fast but it's destroying everything in its path back in 2018 this eruption in Hawaii had residents watching in horror as the lava crept closer to their homes [Applause] [Music] in 2011 the people
of Genoa Italy experienced the Wrath of the Mediterranean Sea due to the non-stop rain most of the city was flooded the total damage was estimated to be over a billion dollar oh de de de de dis [Applause] in 2023 heavy rains in India caused rivers to overflow on fortunately nature didn't hold back and many houses paid the price being an Antarctic researcher is a challenging job and this is just just a simple walk from one module to another the weather had a surprise in store for the French Riviera just before the 63rd cans Film Festival
now in this case here's another example of what nature can do to a car the freezing winds in Detroit caused water pipes to burst and the cars left on the street ended up frozen solid she's thankful for in Dearborn Heights today this team from the city digging salting cold weather crew showing off its teamwork that is making the dream work for Cheryl Fritz that crew was pushing water and ice off the street it is so cold covering the cars instantly as Sher tried to get out there to move them make no mistake no defroster no
ice scraper was going to help free these vehicles from this ice deborn Heights God bro this is freaking cool dude wow this is actually dumb oh you might think an artist created an entire ice City but no these are real houses covered in ice the strong winds that brought water from the nearby lake are to blame this is crazy their windows are screwed look at this Jesus wow oh my God sorry for being like this is unbelievable keep this tsunami that hit California was caused by an earthquake off the coast of Japan the water level
Rose by almost a meter even though the tsunami had weakened by the time it reached this port it still caused $26 million in damage holy oh no wow uhoh that's going to come whacking right back up here if it [Music] get oh down [Music] the sound of this Landslide is so intense that it reminds me of a raging River [Applause] when the people of mallia India saw that their Bridge was a goner they decided to make a spectacle out of its destruction it rained nonstop for 3 days and in the end nature won this is
our house please give us before we float away the only thing worse than a flood is a flood in Winter the water not only filled the houses but also covered everything with ice that's exactly what happened in Boston in 2018 some locals found their cars turned into ice sculptures this guy's going to get stuck what are you [Applause] doing this terrifying nighttime flood happened in Scotland sometimes it's best to admire the SE from a safe distance it's probably better if customers don't know their cars were shipped by sea you're feel me you guys fore what
[Music] thec just Absolut incredible this [Applause] these windows were Shattered by a massive hail storm that hit Denver in [Applause] 2017 in this crazy video nature decided to mess with some tourists while they were climbing the KY men volcano in Russia a powerful rockfall started check out this insane footage from the 2011 eruption of Shima volcano it was filmed 9 km away from the crater but even from that distance the ashcloud was enormous it was so bad that it forced railway lines to close in several flights to be canceled hurricane Dolores hit Uruguay in 2016
it Remains the most destructive hurricane to ever hit the country it's still there and yeah on average Wyoming sees about 12 storms each year and the tornado season peaks in June this thing but yeah anybody that knows me knows that this was going to happen my mom sent me texts going you left me with a freaking out child get your ass back you have another the last tornado I saw was on your farm y I know this is awesome I know I've got the camera on it oh my God it's a phing fu front of
us I know if if it starts getting too close we need back off yeah these images were filmed in brisban Australia in 2014 it almost looked like nature wanted to wipe this city off the face of the Earth I if you underestimate how thick the ice is you might end up having to pull your car out like this [Music] [Music] [Music] feel like I'm on [Music] [Music]