How To Make Windows 11 Better

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CyberCPU Tech
Today I'm going to give you several tips to make Windows 11 much more usable. This should make Windo...
Video Transcript:
did you just get Windows 11 and you're worried because everyone says it sucks if so today I'm going to show you how to make it better and regardless of the comments below it's not going to be by installing Windows 10. stay tuned [Music] so you just got a new computer with Windows 11 or you upgraded an old system what should you do now today I'll show you how to make your windows 11 experience a little bit more bearable and we're going to do it without any third-party software at all in reality Windows 11 is a lot better now than it was when it was first released also if you watched my video a few weeks ago the next update to Windows 11 looks pretty good either way there's coming a time when we're all going to have to upgrade to Windows 11. unless of course Windows 12 comes out and it turns out being way better than Windows 11.
but we'll just have to wait and see on that so when that time comes it'll be nice to know a quick and easy way to make Windows 11 more usable and that's what we're going to talk about today but first we got to pay some bills so check out today's sponsor is your copy of Windows 10 unactivated well it doesn't have to be because with today's sponsor VIP SCD key you can get a valid Windows 10 license for under 20 stop dealing with that stupid watermark on the desktop the valid license for Windows 10. also with an activated copy of Windows 10 you can upgrade to Windows 11 for free just go to the link in the description below and pick up a valid Windows 10 license key during checkout use the code cyber CPU for a 25 discount once you have your key go to your activation settings in Windows 10 and click on the link that says change product key enter the product key you just purchased and hit activate now you don't have to deal with that stupid Watermark that come with running an unactivated copy of Windows 10. now on with the video so with that said let's jump on the computer here and I'll show you how to make Windows 11 better okay so here we are in Windows 11 and for the first step it's obviously to get rid of some of this garbage that Microsoft includes with their Windows 11 installs now I did a video a while back where I show how to install Windows 11 without all this junk on it right from the factory and you can follow that video if you want but if you didn't then you can always go through and whenever you see any of this bloatware on here like Disney plus and stuff like that just click uninstall and you can go through and uninstall all of these programs just like that and essentially all you do is just continue to repeat this until you get all of the apps out that you don't want and for the most part it is pretty simple you just go through right click and hit uninstall and you can get rid of all of these programs right here and essentially just continue to repeat that until all the programs are gone that you don't want on the system now you can also go into all apps right here you can go down the list this way to remove them that way as well however it's nice that they are fairly easy to remove now like I said you can check out a video that I did a few weeks ago that shows how to install Windows 10 without all this crap on it in the first place and that's a really good video to follow and it's really simple to follow too so if you're setting Windows 11 up for the first time then I highly recommend watching that video so you can skip this step right here but if you didn't it's not really that hard of a step so you can do it this way as well so the next thing I recommend doing and this one here is more of a personal preference thing but it's something that you can definitely make use of is disabling notifications now I like to disable all notifications let me show you how to do it you can disable the ones that you don't want so you click on the start button go ahead and click on settings and then from the settings menu right here you want to go into system and then you want to go into notifications right here and there's two different sections that you want to look at first off you want to go right here to where it says notifications and if you click on this it'll drop down it'll give you all the different kinds of notifications like a lot of notifications to play sounds show no notifications on the lock screen and show reminders and incoming vop calls you can uncheck all these if you want or you can just flip the entire thing off altogether but you can also scroll all the way down to the bottom here and if you see where it says additional settings these are the ones right here that are I think are the most important to turn off and one of them is get tips and suggestions when using Windows I would turn that off suggest ways to get the most of the windows and finish setting up this device now this one right here is an important one this middle one right here if you notice that every once in a while when you go to Startup Windows it wants you to finish setting up your device and create a Microsoft account well this is what's causing that right there so if you uncheck this it won't bug you anymore so I typically uncheck all three of these you can also alternatively go through and you can disable notifications for specific programs if you wanted to or if you want to skip all that you can just come up here turn it all off and then be free of notifications altogether now the notification subsystem inside of Windows 11 is just annoying and it's one of those situations to where the vast majority of notifications that I get in fact I can't even recall if there's a notification that I've gotten that was useful in the first place so I always turn all of my notifications off but primarily that one setting down at the bottom where it says finish setting up this device that's the one that I highly recommend turning off because if you set up your computer without a Microsoft account and you don't turn that off it's going to bug you to create a Microsoft account probably every three or four days you turn your computer on and to be honest with you it's really aggravating so let's get back to it okay so the next one we're going to look at right here we're going to go ahead and close settings and the next one we're going to look at right here is when it comes to all the different things that you have on your taskbar right here now this one right here is is a somewhat stock taskbar it's going to look similar to this when you start using your system so if you want to modify the configuration of this taskbar all you do is you right click and go to taskbar settings now the first thing that I typically do on my own computers is turn all four of these top ones off you turn off chat widgets and taskbar that's going to get rid of most of the junk that Microsoft has running on the taskbar you can also turn off the search box by going here and just going hide that'll get rid of the search box altogether now if you're like a lot of Windows users and you don't like the center start button like this then what you can do is go into taskbar behaviors and then right here where it says taskbar alignment instead of Center just go left and it'll throw your start menu over to the left like it's been in traditional versions of windows in the past now these settings right here you've probably seen a hundred times before these are the ones that most people cover when they show you how to set up a Windows 11 system however we still got to include them because it's part of setting up a Windows 11 system so let's get back to it and I'll show you the next one now the next one I recommend is kind of tweaking your power settings a little bit in order to do that go back over to the system tab then from the system tab you want to go down into the power tab right here and then from the power tab as you can see my power mode is currently set to balanced what I recommend doing is changing the power mode to best performance also while you're in this section right here you can also click on the screen and sleep settings right here and see on mine I have mine set to never and the reason being is because I'm using this system to record videos so what I don't want it to do is go to sleep while I'm filming before I go to screen capture so anyway at a necessity for the way I use my system I turn these to never all the time however you can set these to anything you want you can make your system so it doesn't go to sleep for five hours if you wanted to or you can make it so it never goes to sleep at all and you can also change how the screen itself turns on or off so so depending on your use case you can change these accordingly so in regards to power mode I've had a lot of people claim that if you change your system from a balanced power mode to a high performance power mode that it's somehow going to stop your CPU from throttling and it's going to run it at top speed all the time and unfortunately that's simply not true your CPU is still designed to have a variable clock speed and that variable clock speed is still going to function even in the high performance power mode so if you're worried about your CPU not lasting as long by changing it to high performance don't worry about it it's going to be just fine let's move on okay so the next section we want to look at is we're going to stay in settings here but now we're going to go down to apps and we're going to go down to default apps now right here I'm going to show you how to manually change your default browser and to do this essentially what you need to do is scroll down to your browser this is a lot different than previous versions of Windows and it's still a major complaint that I have with Windows 11.
it shouldn't be this difficult but in this case I I'm going to use Chrome as my default browser so if I click on Chrome as you can see at the top they did include this in Windows 11. they actually have a button now that just says set to default however when you do that as you notice it only changes your default browser it doesn't change like for instance your PDF reader or all these other functions down here are still opening within Microsoft Edge so if you want to change different aspects of your defaults within Chrome like for instance say I want to open PDFs in Chrome and not Edge but what you would do is just go down to the PDF file extension click here and then select what the app is that you want to set for your default in regards to Chrome itself now this one here is a massive pet peeve of mine and I really wish Microsoft would change this but I don't see that happening essentially what they've done is they've made default apps or setting default apps more complicated intentionally just so you'll use Microsoft apps instead of other third-party apps at least that's the only explanation I have with that I think they should change it back to one of the systems we had before to make it much easier to change our defaults but it is what it is okay so the next setting we're going to look at is we're going to have to go down to the account setting right here and then from accounts we want to go to into sign in options right here and then from sign in options you'll notice that right here it says automatically save my restartable apps and restart them when I sign back in I highly recommend turning this off essentially what this does is it restarts apps that we're running when you shut your system down kind of similar to the way that Apple does it I turn this off just to make my boot ups a little bit faster and most of the time I don't want those apps to open up again I turn the computer off because I didn't want to use it anymore and I'd rather not have those apps start back up unless I click on the icon to start the app up the next setting we're going to change is virtualization based security and to do that we're going to go ahead and close settings we're going to click on our start menu and we're going to search for core isolation and once it comes up you just click on it right here and it should or open this up now as you can see mine is already turned off and the reason mine is turned off is because I have an incompatibility with memory Integrity so if I try to turn this off you'll see if I hit yes here you'll see that I have a driver that's incompatible but by default this is typically turned on and when this is turned on I recommend turning it off especially if you're running a lot of games because this is known to slow down gaming performance on a Windows 11 system so in my case I can't even turn on the memory Integrity of core isolation because I have an incompatible driver and the driver is actually from a Logitech webcam that I have hidden behind my monitor that I essentially just use as a microphone while I'm screen recording to make it a little bit easier to synchronize my audio when I go to edit this video however in your case if you do have core isolation turned on if you turn it off you can help to improve your gaming performance a little bit so if you're playing a lot of games that's a good setting to turn off to give yourself a little bit more performance however if you're not really playing any games then it might be a good security feature to keep turned on you know it's up to you I turn it off on mine because well I play a lot of games let's get back to it okay speaking of gaming the next thing we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and close this we're going to go back into settings and then once we launch settings here we're going to go to gaming and then from gaming we're going to go on game mode now you would think well of course we want to leave game mode on right no we really don't we want to flip this off game mode is known to cause slowdowns in gaming so this is a good one to turn off and while you're in the gaming section it might be a good idea to go into the Xbox game bar and turn that off as well and then since you're here you can go and turn captures off too because what this does is it essentially automatically captures screen recordings while you're playing games well what if you don't want to waste the CPU Cycles to do that so you can go ahead and turn that off also and you can kind of help speed your games up a little bit so the next setting that I want to talk about isn't really a setting but if you bought your computer new especially if you bought it at a big box store it probably came with a third-party antivirus installed on it this could be Norton or McAfee or any numerous other third-party antivirus that happens to pay the Big Box store the most amount of commission to install it on your computer well typically all third-party antiviruses are normally not necessary especially in Windows 11 you know actually all the way back since Windows 7 you could run Microsoft Security Essentials which today is simply known as Windows security Now this comes built in with Windows 11 and for the most part is probably good enough for the vast majority of people on a Windows system so my next recommendation is to uninstall any third-party antivirus that you have on your system and just use the one that came with Windows 11. works pretty good okay so for the next tip we're going to go ahead and close this right here and this tip I think is probably one of the most important things to do on a Windows 11 system and that is turning off this stupid context menu if you guys have watched a lot of my videos you know that I absolutely despise this menu right here and luckily it's really easy to turn off let me show you how to do it so go ahead and click the start button and from there just type reg get it and then once your registry editor opens you want to go to current user and this is going to be a setting you're going to have to change for each user so it's kind of a drag you can't do it system wide however at least show you how to do it this way and then you can copy it for other users and then from there you want to go into software and then go into classes and then from classes you want to scroll all the way down until you find CLS ID and it's essentially going to be alphabetical so we want to go all the way down to the C's and then once we find it CLS ID right here and as you can see you got a couple of settings in here so what we want to do is we want to create a new key so from here we're going to create a new key and that key is going to be named this long string of characters that I just happen to have in my clipboard and then once you do that and I'll go ahead and leave the string of characters in the description below so you can just copy it there and then from here you want to create another key and this key is going to be another thing I have stored in my clipboard and this one's in Pro server 32 and you want to make sure to spell that correctly but again I'll go ahead and have this down in the settings below now the last thing you want to do is right here where it says default now this is the thing that a lot of people forget about and this is really important right here where it says default you'll see that it says value not set however that's not good enough you want to open it make sure there's nothing in this box and then hit OK and as you can see the data is now nothing it doesn't say value not set so at this point you can go ahead and close your registry editor and in some cases you right click and you'll just it'll be disabled but in this case it wasn't so what we're going to do is right click on the task bar we're going to go into task manager and then from task manager we want to scroll down until task manager crashes okay let's try to do this again and see if we can get this to actually work all right and no we can't okay for some reason task manager keeps crashing on me and I don't know why another fun bug with Windows 11 obviously so I'm gonna scroll down and nope not luck lucky enough it looks like it might crash again well maybe not okay I'm gonna scroll up this time and essentially we're looking for Windows Explorer there we go we're going to restart task and then from this point we should have the old-fashioned context menu and if you go into any folder or whatnot like for instance let's go into our pictures folder and you right click on a file you have the old-fashioned context menu there okay Microsoft I don't know what the deal with task manager was right there but that was a bug that didn't happen when I was testing for this video but of course it happens while I'm filming that's just the way it goes with Windows 11 sometimes now this is just a surface level Improvement to Windows 11.
we really haven't done anything other than change some settings to make the system a little bit less bloated and a little bit more responsive unfortunately not less buggy obviously there are however many more things that you can do to make Windows 11 a much more bearable operating system some of the other things that I didn't include would be staying up to date on Windows updates believe it or not Windows 11 seems to be getting better as more updates come out so I would make sure to upgrade Windows 11 often especially when 23h2 comes out I'm really looking forward to that update and hopefully bugs like the task manager not working there for a little while would have been fixed as well but if you just can't handle the look of Windows 11 but you have no other choice than to run it I've done an entire series on how to make Windows 11 look like several other previous Windows operating systems and you can check out that playlist here you can make Windows 11 look like anything from Windows 98 all the way to Windows 10. now I haven't done one yet for Windows 3.
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