Gods MAKE Their Own “Synchronicities”

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Nero Knowledge
You can’t be a God until you redefine the meanings of what happens in your reality. You can make yo...
Video Transcript:
make your own angel numbers now this video might be slightly controversial for the mere fact that a lot of spiritual love the idea of angel numbers but until you make your own angel numbers you cannot be the god of your life now as you can see we have our lovely angel over our lovely angel over here and I'm laughing because AJ said that if this popped up he'd be himself now this is an angel and you guys need to stop making fun of my drawings I'm not an artist I'm here to give knowledge so we
are going to help you create your own angel numbers for the mere fact that until you redefine the meaning of your reality you aren't the god of your life that's make sure to write that down now you already know how we do start taking notes and make sure you're writing them down let's get to it somebody commented can you give your subscribers the nword pass have you lost your mind have you gone Bonkers have you lost your marbles I don't know what you think this is I don't know what you think this is how do
you even have the audacity to ask me that anyways let's get to it nonetheless oh guys there is also a job um position opening up up to be my whiteboard wiper um the criteria is you have to be jobless enough to actually complain about my whiteboard and how I clean it now all jokes side Focus now the first thing that I have to tell you and this is slightly controversial but just let me land you're going to get some you're going to get some somebody actually said I should say pause after that I don't think
I'm going to say a pause for that one now here's the controversial thing but it's so controversial that it should give you a particular light board moment when I fully explained what it is so just stay with me now life has no meaning now at first glance this sounds almost athetic and atheistic in its conception but this is actually the best thing ever this is the best thing ever for the alist who has the ability to transmute their reality to however they want life has no meaning now don't get me wrong I'm not saying life
has no value because life does have value but life has no meaning and it's not until we fully deconstruct the sentence that's in front of you that you're going to be in a position to properly transmute your reality because whether you realize this or not you the world has given you meanings of so many things that doesn't even make sense for example if it's raining people are upset and they're like oh it's raining if you allow the rain the external to dictate your internal that's a very very small that's a very very small microcosm of
an entire macrocosm of what happens on a large scale if you're allowing something as small as the rain to be able to dictate your internal State then how many things that you're unaware of are dictating your internal State pause on the dictating now when I say life has no meaning what I'm saying is this and this actually Taps into one of the most ancient laws in a sense one of the ancient hermetic laws and if you guys ever realize you know when I'm doing these kind of little breakdowns I always revert back to these seven
hermetic principles because guys one thing that I want to reiterate please do not get caught up in strategies and techniques are always saying hey this is the best way to do Vision Wars this is the affirmation that will change everything oh this is the secret protocol that you need to do this and what you need to realize is that techniques and strategies are things that it's almost equivalent to building a house on Sand it's not going to help you what you need to focus on are the core principles that govern the universe and that's always
going to be the seven hermetic principles so what was I saying to more explain to explain more sorry the statement that I said earlier that life has no meaning I'm I'm going to have to take you to the Hermetic law of polarity now looking at polarity you have to understand another way of conceptualizing polarity is Duality but a much simpler way of conceptualizing this is what is called separation now you have to understand that within our third dimensional realm we are constrained by a group set of particular Illusions one of them being separation separation is
the idea that things are separate to you whether that's people whether that's conditions whether that's circumstances that play out in your life you have to understand because we operate within the physical plane and the physical plane is directly prone to the illusion of Separation your mind your ego has been conceptualized to perceive things as separate to it but this is one of the deadliest Illusions probably the deadliest illusion throughout the entire universe because the moment that you see yourself as separate from people you don't understand how you co-create people you don't understand how the masks
that people show you the masks that you've given them and I'll spend an entire video breaking that down you don't understand the conditions that you go through in your life because you see them as separate to you you don't see the circumstances that go on in your life and I said this in my last video there's nothing more dangerous than seeing separation between your mind and reality because they are one but but when I say your reality I don't think it's really hit your mind to the extent that I'm talking about I'm talking about the
people that you come across the circumstances that play out in your life the events that play out in your life every single thing is directly interconnected to your mind now going back to my statement above of Life having no meaning what you have to understand is this the meaning that we often give things is through labels we say Hey you know this is good this is bad we say hey this is positive this this is negative but what you have to understand is our conception of good or bad is directly interconnected to the law of
polarity and Duality and here's the thing about polarity polarity only exists within the third dimension row what I'm saying is separation doesn't exist as you ascend to the high planes of existence so as we transcend the third dimensional realm our physical plane our reality there is zero separation which means nothing can be labeled the fact that we can label things as good or bad saying something is you know good bad positive negative that is directly interconnected to split that is directly interconnected to separation if separation doesn't exist outside our third dimensional realm then that means
our conception of life our ego's desire to categorize and give qualities to things that happen in our lives is nothing more than it exercising the illusion that it's fallen into which is separation make sure you write that down I say all of that to say polarity Duality separation the fact that we give life meaning and we say this this is good this is bad the moment that you begin to splitting things into two you're fallen into separation once you understand that separation doesn't exist outside our third dimensional realm then the things that we give meaning
to inherently have no meaning because everything is one now most people live their lives like I said seeing rain and being like Oh it's going to be a bad day they see Mondays and they're like oh Mondays are going to be a bad day without realizing that through labels in particular labels are extremely dangerous and they're extremely dangerous because typically when we give things labels there is an inherent level of emotion in there and that emotion is energy emotion which gives off a free a vibration which then multiplies and gains energetic momentum to become a
frequency which then becomes a reality so walking around in your life and giving meaning to things and saying something is good or bad you're falling for an illusion because there is no good or bad unfortunately and yes that is something that's going to take your mind a while to get into the swing of understanding because it's it's spent so long characterizing things as separate you know there is no such thing as rich or poor so on and so forth these are things that only exist within our third dimensional realm and so long as you're stepping
by eyesight and not mindsight you're falling for the same illusion that religions attempt to convey esoterically right if we take the devil for example the devil right the world around the devil the illusion is what he's fallen into it's what he believes ought to be that matters that's what happens when you step by eyesight and not mindsight this is what the Bible talks about when it says to absent from the body to be absent from the conceptions of being trapped and confined by the third dimensional realm and to be present with the Lord to elevate
yourself above the illusions of reality there is no separation there's no separation between me and AJ our separation only exists within this third dimensional realm where he is a Jamaican guy who wants to be a Zimbabwean and I'm a Zimbabwean that loves being Zimbabwe and so on and so forth now I say all of that to say this sentence should start to make more sense now he's giving me death stairs this sentence should make more sense now the meaning that we give to life the labels that we give to life is nothing more than the
ego wanting to exercise and make sense of things that unfortunately it can't make sense of because these are things that go outside our third dimensional realm our reality anything that you give meaning to really and trity has zero meaning it's just Oneness it's just Oneness that's it nothing more nothing less so bear in mind mind I'm not saying life is valueless I'm saying life has no meaning but that's not entirely true that's not entirely true you're going to get some just wait let me explain now I know you lot think AJ is fake and he's
not real but as you can see he bought me a um new whiteboard eraser now I know there's going to be some funny in the comment who's like oh he bought that for himself no he literally bought it for me now can't lie this this Angel Number stuff makes me sick somebody said why do you hate spiritual so much since you want to know why I hate spiritual so much let me tell you actually I hate anybody that makes anything their personality period and a lot of spiritual people make spirituality their personality but that's an
illusion in of itself because the word personality comes from the word Persona the eological origins of the word Persona is mask so these spiritual that you see you know lotioning themselves in sheer butter and putting sea m in their face and being plant-based and walking on grass Barefoot and Su gazing and saying Grand Rising Goddess watermelon MTH and and whatever it's just the personality and you can judge the extent of their spirituality by their reality you should always pay attention to that as opposed to what they're showing you CU a lot of can talk a
good game trust me the reason why I still say niggaer and I still say pause and all of this stuff is because I don't care how you perceive me I truly don't what I care for is that you're taking this information to be able to practically use it in your life because as I always say spirituality without the ability to control your reality is vanity it's just it's just a personality like come on man like like come on man just be normal man now I said to you earlier that I slightly lied when I said
life has no meaning so let me explain what I meant life has no meaning other than then the meaning you give it and that's the truth of the situation and the reason for this is because one of the most unrecognized Tools in Your Arsenal as an alchemist somebody seeking to enter their desired reality is your perception now now the way the world gets away with keeping people trapped mentally so they trap themselves mentally and then they self justify it is by making sure that their perception is always working against them and I say that to
say if your perception doesn't serve you it's just there to control you I'll give you an example rain means it's a bad day how the hell does that serve you it does nothing more than control you because once you take on the idea which bear in mind there are no truth in reality other than what the subconscious mind accepts as truth I repeat there are no truths in reality other than what the subconscious mind accepts as truth and the reason for that is because you're you don't how do I say this H there's 8 billion
people on the planet but there's 8 billion worlds one planet 8 billion worlds because the world that you live in is completely determined by the frequency you're in are worried about the CIA and FBI hiding things from them you should be worried about what your mind is hiding from you based upon the frequency you're in that's a bar right that down for the mere fact that your perception creates what I call the perception projection Loop your projection which then leads back into this now what do I mean by that take the concept that I just
spoke about somebody seeing that a Monday oh Mondays are the worst love saying that I never understood it I never understood it but Mondays are the worst so Monday comes with this preconceived pause Monday comes again pause with this preconceived notion that it's inherently going to be a bad day the day is going to drag things are going to go wrong it's just going to drain you and it's just not going to be a good day so you wake up on Monday you go about your day starts going left starts going left things are terrible
things are dragging you're watching the time you're like Monday is at the worst why because the way that you perceive something feeds into the projection and when I say projection I mean projected into your reality and this is how they get people trapped in a loop because now it's a loop and you know the way the loop keeps you sustained by giving you a drug that are high as hell you're right love being told they're right some stupid will put in my comments watch when Jesus comes back and I'm like you're right man and he's
like a now yeah I think I like you yeah I can see that you see sense J ain't coming back Christ is in fact Christ ain't coming back Christ is already here Philippians chap 2 5 to1 let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus who found it not robbery to be one with God to be equal with God but that's for another topic anyways but this is the drug that you get hooked on because when that Monday comes around pause again and it's a terrible day you're like see I just knew
Monday was going to be a bad day you want to be right so bad that you're destroying yourself I want you to think about that because once again if your perception doesn't serve you then the one thing that he wants to do my friend is control you like Neo said in closer she wants to own me and that's what it is quite literally let's take another example of perception rain raining is going to be a terrible day believe that rain is inherently bad because they've given meaning to something that has no meaning remember meanings only
exist within our third dimensional realm but if you want to live on an elevated plane right if you want to be able to transform your reality then you can't live in the same world as everybody else make sure you write that down for the mere fact that you need to be absent from the body and present with the Lord to be living by mind sight and not eyesight and I know there's going to be one stupid who's going to screenshot me doing that it's going to say a he's Illuminati confirmed anyways anyways rain starts raining
people are like oh man this is terrible this is terrible they're driving they're like this is terrible they're getting rain on they're like oh this is terrible now they've attributed meaning to something and remember what labels have labels have an inherent level of emotion emotion is energy emotion energy emotion has a energetic vibration that vibration compounds eventually and turns into a frequency that frequency then turns into a reality that reality turns into something that is accepted and then they're told you're right you're right you're right you're right you're right and I'll show you how this
perception projection Loop you know gets you down more more than you even realize you know somebody said that something that I recommended that really healed their anxiety so I only think it's right that I share it with you guys too you know if that's something you're dealing with and that is Bobby Schmurda and Ry Rebel computers it's a song that song that song might even heal you it might even heal you so I suggest you go listen to that I actually made AJ listen to that just now you know when I say this it makes
it sound like I'm really just like I'm just playing it by myself and Y show them someone's exist you yeah guys he got a trim just for you l of course it did so you see that he's real this ain't AI they're going to be like oh he made it it's AI he paid me to be I'm not really AJ what your name is like Anton or some Joseph Dell oh all right cool so the example that I was just giving about how your perception is altered and I think it's imperative that I keep this
particular diagram up so you can kind of keep it in mind remember your perception your perception equals your projection and when I say perception I'm talking about the way you look at life and here's the thing until you change the way you look at life life ain't going to change the way it looks at you that's a bar write that down the the way you look at life but more importantly the meaning you give to life because remember meanings the meanings that we give to things have emotion and if I can control your emotion emotion
sorry then I can control your energy emotion if I can control your energy emotion then I can control your vibration a singular point of energy then that vibration eventually compounds into a frequency and if I can control your frequency get that on my knees pause that will turn into a reality so simple example let's say let's say Jeff let's say this is Jeff going to give Jeff some muscles Jeff is currently unemployed Jeff wants to apply for a job so because he's unemployed he has this he he was recently fired from his job so he
recently you know has this idea that it's going to be hard to get a job he's not going to be able to get a job in this particular economy in the world you know they're not hiring anybody they're not giving jobs so what happens so Jeff applies for a job he applies for a job with this preconceived notion that you know due to the economy and just the way the world is going on and all the layoffs and so on and so forth and recession this and all of that he applies for a job with
his perception with that level of perception what happens he gets he he gets denied then what happens he applies for another one while still thinking oh man you know see like it's just so hard to get a job it's just it's so it's just so hard pause so then he goes for an interview and then what happens he gets denied again without realizing it Jeff has entered the perception projection Loop and what is that sustained by ladies and gentlemen remember it is sustained by you being right that feeling there is nothing more addictive than the
feeling of you being right the artificial ego boost that the ego takes on from the idea that it believes it's right without realizing that it's right only because it believes it's right once again if your perception doesn't serve you it's not it's just there to control you so I want you to analyze the way you look at things the way you look at your life for example and this is crazy because you know I was talking to a recently new client shout out Julie it's pleasure having you and you know we were talking and her
perception towards her business by the way if you're an entrepreneur who's stuck at a revenue and you're on a break out on 2 to 5 exra Revenue in the next s weeks Link in the description but now me and Julie were talking and she had this perception that because of her business's performance it's because of you know the economy in a sense to simplify it right because of the economy she had that level of perception so then when things would happen in her business and she would see a decline the projection of that reality would
then lead to her being like see the economy is just people aren't just buying anymore people aren't doing this what we had to do was to completely my pens pushing PE we had to completely sever that Loop for the mere fact that that perception was just like Jeff that perception was controlling you and here's the thing about these ideas you don't have ideas ideas have you an idea is an entity that exists once it's accepted in the mind it recreates that particular idea to make your mind think it's a truth so that when it happens
in your reality you sustain it from the feeling of being right once again you don't have ideas ideas have you you're not broke broke has you quite literally and until you're able to analyze your perception to analyze the way that you're looking at something to decide if the way that you're looking at it is benefiting you you will remain trapped in this Loop gassed up by your own BS quite literally you want to be so right you love the feeling of being right so much that you're willing to destroy and limit your potentiality what's it
all worth you need need to be able to analyze the building blocks of your mind because those building blocks have an architect and that architect is going to build those blocks into the world around you and you have to understand you have to be able to analyze the way that you're looking at things so and this ties in lovely with angel numbers don't worry this ties in lovely I'm going to break that down but for for now I just really want you to understand how a lot of people are trapped in this Loop for example
here's the here's the black curse the curse of being black the biggest curse of being black is that life is going to be hard because you're black that no one wants to give you a job because you're black that you need to work twice as hard as everybody else because you're black that no one is going to take you serious because you're black no one is going to respect you because you're black because guess what happens with that level of perception that feeds into the projection of your reality so then you actually do have to
work twice as hard as everybody else to get half the results because you're black you come across people that don't take you serious because you're black you have to work harder than everybody else because you're black the only privilege you ever needed in your life was being a manifestation the physical expression of God and you can extrapolate this to whatever you may be women deal with the same thing a lot of my clients are women and I'm talking seven figure and eight figure entrepreneurs that are still dealing with the curses of what is perceived as
to be a woman because then they think oh they're not going to take me serious in this meeting that level of perception feeds into the projection of that reality and then the guy makes a weird comment about taking a route and then they're like I was right see that desire to be right is very very dangerous do you want to be right or in the right reality he's not in his head that means that was a b he's like that means it was a bar that means it was a bar that was a bar a
it was a it was a boss though no let's take this to angel numbers now because I told you that I'm going to help you make your own angel numbers and not be given these angel numbers by these that have 10 different meanings for one number how the hell does that even make sense but anyway is somebody commented Nero was a cleaner in a past life you know actually on the topic of past lives on the topic of past lives here's one thing that I want you guys to understand I don't want you guys to
get caught up in the idea of past lives for the mere fact that there's a complete contradiction when these so-called spiritual people talk about past lives they'll tell you that oh maybe in a past life this or past life that I don't know why past looks that crazy but it says Past come on don't me that guy they'll say past life but then in the same sentence they'll say time doesn't exist how can time not exist but then you say past life it's for the mere fact that there are no past lives there are only
parallel lives and as you go into the realm of quantum mechanics this is what's obviously discussed as the parallel universe theory in Marvel they show it to you as the Multiverse it's the idea that there are multiple universes concurrently existing at once if you think about a highway and you know cars are moving down a highway each lane is side by side all cars are moving down all at the same time they're side by side though different Lanes though that's the same concept of parallel lives so technically there is no past lives there are only
parallel lives there's a version of you right now that is under a bridge homeless there's a version of you that is a billionaire there's a version of you that's a chef there's a version of you that's a teacher teacher there's a version of you that is Nero in your own respective way all happening at the same time so that's just a little side note now back on topic and yes I have to wipe this before I start talking about what I'm talking about and no I don't have o OCD like mother's milk in the boys
have you watched the boys no you need to watch it man watch two EP now you need to watch it you need to watch it on the topic of angel numbers so if we pull up our lovely understanding of our perception and projection Loop here's how angel numbers truly work you have this preconceived notion that because of this angel number if you see this number the way you're looking at the number and the meaning you've attributed to it which remember has no meaning other than the meaning that you give it because the meaning that you
give it has an underlying emotion which then seeks to materialize that underlying thought of what that angel number means so angel numbers mean nothing they mean nothing zilch as say nothing except the meaning you give it because through that meaning has that emotion that energy emotion which turns into a vibration which compiles into a frequency which compiles into a reality once again I want you to understand before anything exist physically it first must exist vibrationally before anything can materialize on the physical plane it first exists on the mental plane before a shadow can be cast
there has to be somebody stood there when it comes to angel numbers which is a real craze you know people messaging me be like hey Nero I keep seeing 444 does that mean my life is going to do this and that's going to do this no but it will if you believe it and here's the thing until you redefine the meaning of your reality you cannot be the god of your reality because you're growing off the meanings that the world has given you but the world what the world gives you isn't enough for you to
materialize your reality you need to give yourself from above this is what the Bible talks about when it says You must be born from above this is what John says in chapter three when he says a man can receive nothing unless it's given to him from Heaven this is the understanding that angel numbers mean nothing except the meaning that you give it for the mere fact that you believe in that meaning but here's the thing it's not even about belief because you know because whoever is telling you this has a certain level of authority clearly
in your mind it's a placebo reality is the biggest Placebo are talking about placebos when it comes to physiological and biological instances but what are talk what about physical placebos reality the entire Physical Realm is a placebo effect and if you believe that because this Angel Number means this or you know that it's going to know this it becomes it these are the meanings that I've seen as to what this number means of itself so what I did I went on like 10 different websites just to see what everybody said 444 meant 444 yeah and
these had different meanings I thought this was spiritual how is there different meaning for all of these different things how can 444 mean three different things across different websites it's because this means nothing it means nothing but if you believe that it means that you're protected by Angels then you will experience a particular reality that reinforces the idea that An Occurrence happens that gets you to say oh wow look at that I'm protected something happened but I was protected oh it means guidance believe yeah yeah yeah I just saw 444 look at the time right
now it's 444 oh that means that means I'm being guided and then you receive an intuition that compels you to do something that leads to the materialization of your desired reality why are you allowing people to give you meanings why don't you give them to yourself and this is the entire point of what I mean when I say you can make your own angel numbers I was recently told that I'm a psychopath because I listen to 90s R&B in the gym like I'm literally in the gym like listening to you know my days are I
don't know it just makes sense in the gym I'm either listening to audio books or 9s R&B there's no in between am I am I a psychopath you guys let me know man I'm doing shoulder press while listening to Candy all right cool now when I'm talking about making your own angel numbers this ties into the base premise of this entire video which is the idea that there is no meaning in reality other than the meaning you give it but because you're unaware of the things you've attributed meaning to you think that this is what
it is but no it's simply what it is because you believe that's what it is and it's also interl to the idea which was actually something I heard years ago from Dr Delbert Blair which is the idea that there is no truth reality other than what the subconscious mind accepts as truth and I know you guys have asked me before who are some people that you've learned from and and I and I said you know homelanders my spiritual teacher or Franklin Saint you know when he became a crackhead or you know tyrian Lannister but to
actually give you some actual people that I've learned from over the years of course I've read hundreds of books I mean if you go on my insta you'll see my bookshelf and you know you'll see that there but actual people C Freeman L these are real OG's C Freeman l Dr Delbert Blair brother Panic Bobby Hamet um Dr Phil Valentine feel like I'm missing some too but those are the just those are the ones that are coming off top of my mind now when I'm talking about making your own Angel Number like I said it
ties into the idea that there is no meaning other than the meaning you give to your reality but you're unaware of it and there's no truth other than what the subconscious man sees as truth so let's say you see 111 and I don't know what that means because I never fell for that anyways but let's say 111 has a particular meaning I want you to redefine it I want you to redefine it in a manner that directly references your desired reality and like I said whenever I read upon these angel numbers it seems extremely arbitrary
it seems very vague no Crystal Clear Clarity is extremely necessary it is a complete necessity for the materialization of your desired reality you can't just be like you're loved what the hell does that mean what the hell does that mean it just makes you feel good but my purpose is to get you to create your desired reality so that's the only thing I'm focusing on so when like when you see this number you need to redefine it so it reinforces your desired reality now for most people who aren't bullshitting themselves one thing people are trying
to do is to become wealthy now if you're one of them spiritual who wants to live in the Amazon forest eating berries and that's you cool but it ain't me like I'm not doing that now when I see 111 because this is interconnected directly to my desired reality that is an idea that I reinforce into my mind I've taken something that had a meaning re altered it to direct that energy from that belief towards my desired reality so when I see 1111 I'm like oh money's about to come in simple why because this is one
of the particular goals I have now of course extrapolate this to any other thing whether it's business whether you want a partner whether you want a personal characteristics whether you want a job whether you want to just materialize something in your life make sure it is always interconnected to your desired reality because Crystal Clear Clarity is a necessity because if we understand that before you can materialize anything you first need to be the vibrational alignment of it you need to be a resonant of that particular frequency that particular frequency is in the word that I
just said particular there's a level of specificity that you have to have when it comes to your desired reality so what often happens is people aren't crystal clear on what they want and that sends out a weak signal to the universe because it's can't really pick up what it is that you want but when you know exactly what you want how you want it so on and so forth and reference your desired reality to that and you can do this with all types of and this doesn't just stop our angel numbers you can do this
when you see a pair of shoes you're like ah this means this when you see a car this means this anything that equates to your desired reality the meaning that you give behind to things that have no meaning when it rains that means money is about to rain into my account extrapolate this to every aspect because until you redefine your reality you can't be the god of your reality
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