I encourage you to do three things if you are to overcome the enemy firstly take your eyes off the problem and focus your eyes on God's promises magnify God instead of your problems secondly change your words from talking about defeat and begin to speak God's word over your situation begin to speak God's promises over your situation and finally call on the power that the name of Jesus Christ offers loving Jesus Christ living for Jesus Christ doesn't mean you'll have a life free from any problems equally when You Face challenges or pain this doesn't mean the
lord loves you any less than someone else you see God doesn't promise us a life devoid of suffering pain problems or difficult situations as a matter of fact he tells us the opposite in John 16:33 Jesus tells us that in the world we will have troubles or tribulation and in many other passages throughout scripture we are reminded by the apostles as well as Jesus himself that Christians will suffer be persecuted face many trials and so on they don't tell us this so that we could be miserable or feel anxious but to remind us of our
reality and to encourage us to stay strong in our faith in Exodus 14:14 the Bible says the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace this is a promise for us a promise of safety God will fight your battles he will fight our battles and we need to only hold our peace and so there is no need to go back and forth trying to fight here and there and everywhere instead let God work on your behalf because we have a promise that the battle you face Belongs to the Lord the Bible in
Philippians 4: 19 says and my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches and Glory by Christ Jesus this is a promise for provision if you have a need God can meet that need this doesn't mean you will have everything you want but in Jesus Christ you will have everything that you can ever need so I encourage you to get to know God's promises get to know them and hold on to his promise [Music] promises trouble falls on the righteous and the Wicked on the rich and the poor trouble falls on everyone regardless
of skin color or religion even no one is exempt from trouble sickness and disease don't care about how good you are tornadoes earthquakes and hurricanes all don't care about your list of good deeds we will all face problems the question then is not how can we avoid trouble and issues in our lives but how can we better deal with them the first thing we need to note is that you are not your issues we are obsessed particularly in Western culture with labels we feel the pressure the need to put labels on everything however sometimes our
labels attach identities to People based on their struggles for example someone that struggles with addiction is an addict someone that struggles with alcohol is an alcoholic someone that has fallen into adultery is an adulterer someone that wrestles with fornication is labeled a fornicator do you see the problem with this it's marrying a person's issues and struggles with their very beings and identities this is a violation of the image of God in human beings so I want to tell you today that this is not how God sees us God does not see us for our issues
the Lord does not see us for our struggles but God sees us for who we are in him we are created for a purpose we are created with gifts and a calling experiencing a problem or an issue in this journey of life should not be your identity you are so much more in Jesus we will all go through Seasons where we will have more questions than answers Seasons where it appears as though you have more prayer requests than answered prayers and I don't know about you but have you ever gotten to the point where all
you can do is just ask God questions questions like Lord what should I do how should I handle this God how will my family be restored father when will I be healed well here's what you can do should you find yourself in such a place rather than look for all of the details or answers rather than examine plan a and revise Plan B rather than Panic or scratch your head about it simply invite God into your situation invite him into that problem invite him to be the judge the jury the prosecutor and defense for the
case that's in front of you what I'm trying to tell you is that there will be situations where we simply won't have the answers when we want them there will be certain events that will occur and simply not make sense and we need to come to terms with that because it's only once you accept this that you can function through these difficult moments in life remember that our lord Jesus said in Matthew 11:28 come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest let me clarify one thing this verse
is not saying come to me and I'll give you every detail to what's going on in your life it's not saying come to me so that you can see the whole picture no Jesus is saying come to me with all that burdens you with all that gives you sleepless nights with all that worries you and when you come to me when you give me those burdens those problems may still be there but I'll give you peace that situation may still be unclear but I'll give you rest Matthew 11:29 mind goes on to say take my
yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls twice in these verses Jesus mentions rest in him and by rest we're literally being told to relax refrain from worrying about it stop stressing out about or trying to fix it it's literally giving it all to the Lord so think about this for a moment could it be that God's letting you face this trial so that you can reach a deeper level of trust in him could it be that God is letting you
face this trial so that you can learn to let go and stop trying to control every single aspect every single detail of your life just think about it could it be that God's letting you face this test so that he can humble you because maybe you're too self-reliant you see always invite God into the midst of your situation because you cannot do it alone you certainly don't have all the answers you need but should you go to the Lord should you take it to Jesus you can surely have peace you can surely have rest Lord
Jesus Christ hear our prayer today father I pray for the person who is in the middle of a tough situation today I pray for the one who's listening and is currently facing a trial strengthen them Lord Jesus though they may be pressed on every Side by their troubles Lord may they know that you will not allow them to be crushed by their burdens father help us to see that although we may be perplexed we are not driven to despair in Jesus name though we are hunted down we are never abandoned by God although we may
get knocked down we are not destroyed father we know that if you have allowed us to face any kind of difficulty in our lives you will help us to go through it with Grace Lord help us to grow in faith even while we go through the challenge above all master may we draw nearer to you help us to draw nearer to your word and to hold on to your promises like Philippians 4: 6-7 it says be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God
and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and Minds through Christ Jesus Lord we have faith and we believe that there is absolutely nothing for us to fear with you on our side because of this we will be strong and courageous even in hard times we will not be terrified we will not be discouraged because you oh Lord you are our Rock our Shield our strength and our hope we place our faith in you God and we believe that you will see us through every Valley experience God We Trust in
your ability and not our own even as we go through painful experiences and moments of life God help us to grow and mature as Christians help us to develop our faith and even if our emotions try and get the best of us we will remain steadfast knowing that you will never leave us or forsake us Lord help us to focus on you and your power instead of the problems that we face give us the strength to focus on you even in hard circumstances May the Holy Ghost guide us to carefully read trust and be obedient
to your word we choose to have faith father we choose to have faith in your ability to break through every obstacle that we face in agreement with everyone listening to this prayer we declare Deuteronomy 31 verse 6 be strong and courageous do not fear or be in dread of them for it is the Lord your God who goes with you he will not leave you or forsake you in you Lord we trust in you we have courage and strength Lord I pray that you will give us the strength not to fear because we know that
you will help us Lord help us to trust you in each and every situation we Face we confess that our trust and our faith is in your word and in your ability to fulfill your promises be with us Lord regardless of what we're going through fight for us stand beside us stand with us as we Face the trials of this life God I bless your name for listening to this prayer Lord you're mighty you're powerful you're righteous and you're true father we thank you and we bless you in Jesus name amen God's promises are what
you and I should depend on because God is a faithful God he's a God who keeps his word because he is truth now I pray that this message will serve as a reminder to each and every believer listening I want you to know that when you begin to trust in God's promises you'll realize that you are well taken care of you will lack for nothing and for those who may be wondering what are these promises allow me to remind you what the Bible says in Isaiah 41: 13 for I the Lord your God hold your
right hand it is I who say to you fear not I am the one who helps you this is a promise a promise for those seasons in life when you feel as though you can't get a break it's a promise that God Almighty will help you the Lord will come to your Aid he will be your support he will be your Pillar of Strength when you fully trust God he becomes your strength when the situation ahead looks dim and Bleak when the mountain ahead looks to be too great for you I want to encourage you
to place your trust in Jesus put your hope in the Lord we have a God who can make a way where there seems to be no way we should be placing Our Hope and Faith not in the promises of man not in the resources or abilities of man but in the promises of an everlasting God so child of God sing if you have to but put your trust in God raise your hands and worship if you need to but make sure that you're trusting in the lord lock yourself in a closet to pray do whatever
you need to when things get tough just make sure you're trusting in Jesus God can hear your cry even in the midst of adversity hold on to his unchanging word Isaiah 40:31 says those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength they shall Mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint there is strength in waiting on the Lord and if you're asking asking the question how do I find my strength the answer is right here wait on God you can wait in worship you
can wait in prayer you can wait by meditating on God's word but the one thing we must never do is give up never stop waiting on God never give up on waiting on God he will give you that blessing in his perfect timing he will bring you that opportunity in his perfect timing Isaiah 40:31 is a promise that tells us we will be stronger when we wait on God we will renew our strength only if we wait we will run and not be weary only if we wait we will walk and not faint only through
waiting so press on press on through your struggle press on in Waiting for God and the Lord will be sure to meet you at your point of need you and I are called to trust God now my own perspective on trusting the Lord is that I don't need to have all the answers because I know the one who knows all the answers I don't need to know what the plan is because I know the planner I don't need to know the why if I know the one I don't need need to know the how because
I trust him the Bible says in Psalm 37: 3-6 trust in the Lord and do good then you will live safely in the land and prosper take Delight in the Lord and He will give you your heart's desires commit everything you do to the Lord trust him and he will help you he will make your innocence radiate like the Dawn and the justice of your cause will shine like the Noonday Sun I believe that God is pleased when we trust him to such an extent that we can say whatever awaits me in the future I'm
facing it with Jesus whatever comes against me I'll be protected by Jesus and here's the thing about faith and trust in the Lord a lot of times you'll have to walk with god without knowing in fact faith can be summed up in the following way Faith is doing your part which is trusting God to do his part your part is to believe that's all you need to do and then you leave God to do his part your part is to stand on God's word his word says that nothing is impossible with God let me ask
you are you doing your part are you believing and standing on God's word faith is not necessarily something tangible it's not something you can put your hands on and control faith is the substance of Hope and the evidence of the Unseen this means to me that if you can see it it isn't faith if you can explain it or control it it isn't Faith many of us try to orchestrate and control everything in our lives until one day we're faced with things that are outside of our control and the truth is the most important things
in life are out of our control you can exercise and diet all you want but disease can still come knocking on your door we can build magnificent buildings and structures but we must still bow to the power of a tornado a hurricane or an earthquake these things remind us that we are not in control but I want you to understand that it's during Times Like These when we feel out of control that we are reminded of the purpose of faith faith enables us to be comfortably out of control even though we cannot control things like
disease nature or death we have faith that God has a plan and that God will will have the last word let us ask God to help us to move into a space where we are comfortable without knowing ask him to move us to a place where we can be comfortable not because we have all the answers but because we know who our answer is his name is Jesus the Bible says in Hebrews 11:1 now Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen you see faith is necessary for every believer
because it's only when you have faith that you can please God now let me ask you do you really have faith or do you rely on your own judgment your reasoning or what your eyes can see are you living by faith are you walking by faith when you think about some of the Heroes of Faith in the Bible and all of the trials they went through you'll see that they had one thing in common they kept believing in God they had unwavering trust in the Lord and they were strong in faith and let me tell
you something it takes Faith to follow Jesus Christ it takes Faith to continue pushing and standing for the gospel by faith the walls of Jericho fell down by faith Paul and Silas were beaten chained up and imprisoned but they still praised God the three Hebrew boys refused to bow down to King Nebuchadnezzar all because they had such strong faith these are all great examples of people who stood their ground and trusted in the Lord even when all the odds were against them their faith was not shaken their faith was not broken because they knew that
the god whom they served is bigger greater and more powerful than anything or anyone else who they could come up against here's what the Bible says about the Holy Spirit in John chter 14 from verse 15 to 18 the word of God says if you love me keep my Commandments and I will pray the father and he will give you another helper that he may abide with you forever the spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him but you know him for he dwells with you and will
be in you I will not leave you orphans I will come to you and then verse 26 says but the helper the Holy Spirit whom the father will send in my name he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you the role of the spirit in US is to remind us of the words of Christ he is actively doing the work of Christ and was sent by Christ to dwell in Believers indeed God the holy spirit is a wonderful helper he helps us in our weakness the
Bible says that the spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words and the fruits of the spirit the fruits of the spirit that we should desire and Chase are for love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control your entire life as a believer is determined influenced Guided by the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit convicts you to change your life and turn away from sin and that's only the beginning so to the one who asks how will I walk in wisdom and not fall back into my old ways the holy spirit will
help you do this how can I remove this desire of sin the holy spirit will help you walk in the spirit and he will give you the strength to fight those tempting desires of the flesh how do I live with boldness as a Fearless Christian in these evil days the holy spirit will give you power and authority he will be your helper it's the Holy Spirit who will help you to understand and discover God's will for your life the key for us is willingness are you willing to be absorbed to be filled by the Holy
Spirit furthermore the Holy Spirit challenges you he challenges you to do right I've too often heard that still Small Voice Within me saying you need to pray today have you read God's word this isn't something you should be listening to the Holy Spirit challenges you to live right to examine yourself even and to see all that's hindering you it's a a beautiful thing to have the Holy Spirit and welcome him into your life don't ever underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit don't underestimate the influence of the holy spirit it's through the power of the
holy spirit that we are convicted of sin and as Believers we ought to desire to be filled sealed and Sanctified by the Holy Spirit it's the holy spirit that reveals God's will for our lives it's the holy spirit that teaches us the ways of God his principles and his precepts it's the holy spirit that reveals the Deep Revelations of God to us it's the holy spirit that guides Believers into all truth it's the holy spirit that helps us in our weakness and intercedes for us so make no mistake we need the Holy Spirit we must
have him to lead us how do I know if I have the Holy Spirit or rather the question should be what are the effects of the holy spirit in my life what are the signs that I am indeed living under the influence of the Holy Spirit now have you ever noticed that the best preacher in the world the most dynamic the most charismatic minister in the world cannot get you to change your life they cannot change your heart they cannot preach they cannot teach they cannot reveal to you anything new that will change your life
and why do I say that I say that because for someone to change their life there needs to be a conviction a persuasion has to take place inside of you it's deeper than simply being told to change a doctor for example can tell you that you need to change your diet but it's the pain in your body that makes you that convicts you to make the change and listen to the doctor in the same way all a preacher can do is tell you to change your diet of sin to a diet of righteousness and then
it's the holy spirit that convicts and twists and turns your heart and soul to repentance all that an evangelist can do is speak the gospel all they can do is preach Jesus Christ all they can do is preach repentance but it's the holy spirit that convicts you to change it's the holy spirit that moves within you and persuades you to change your life another man another woman standing on a pool pit with a microphone can never lead you to make a change in your heart and in your life the Holy Spirit can however lead you
to change your heart a pastor a bishop none of these people under their own skills or abilities can lead you to make a change and recognize that the hidden things in your life are sin it's only through the Holy Ghost now when you and I confess that Jesus Christ is our personal Lord and Savior when we received Christ in our hearts we received the Holy Spirit by faith and it's interesting that there are so many layers to the Holy Ghost in Galatians 5 between verse 16 and 25 we're told in several different ways how our
conduct should be how our lives should be as believers who are filled with the Holy Spirit take note of these statements verse 16 walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh Verse 18 but if you are led by the spirit you are not under the law verse 22 but the fruit of the spirit is and the Bible lists them verse 25 if we live in the spirit let us also walk in the spirit four different statements here walk in the spirit be led by the spirit bear the fruit of
the SP spirit and live in the spirit your entire life as a Believer is determined influenced Guided by the Holy Spirit and so going back to my initial point that the Holy Spirit not the pastor or the preacher the Holy Spirit convicts you to change your life and turn away from sin and that's only the beginning so to the one who asks how will I walk in wisdom and not fall back back into my old ways the holy spirit will help you do this how can I remove this desire of sin the holy spirit will
help you walk in the spirit and he will give you the strength to fight those tempting desires of the flesh how do I live with boldness as a Fearless Christian in these evil days the holy spirit will give you power and authority he will be your helper it's the Holy Spirit who will help you to understand and discover God's will for your life the key for us is willingness are you willing to be absorbed to be filled by the holy spirit will you let him walk in you and through you furthermore the Holy Spirit challenges
you he challenges you to do right I've too often heard that still Small Voice Within me saying you need to pray to today have you read God's word this isn't something you should be listening to the Holy Spirit challenges you to live right to examine yourself even and to see all that's hindering you it's a beautiful thing to have the Holy Spirit and welcome him into your life the Bible says in Ephesians 1: 13 and 14 in you also when you heard the word of Truth The Gospel of your salvation and believed in him were
sealed with the promised Holy Spirit who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it to the praise of his glory you see the holy spirit is our helper the holy spirit is our comforter the Holy Spirit has sealed us he has sealed us as belonging to God we are marked by the Holy Ghost so to the one who asks how will I walk in wisdom and not fall back into my old sinful ways the holy spirit will help you do this the holy spirit will be the one to strengthen you someone
may be asking how can I remove this desire of sin within me how do I break this cycle well it's the holy spirit that will help you walk in purity it's the holy spirit that will give you the power to overcome those tempting desires of the flesh someone might be asking how do I live with boldness how do I live as a Fearless Christian in these evil days well Saints the holy spirit will give you power and authority he will be your helper it's the Holy Spirit who will help you to understand and discover God's
will will for your life but the key for us is willingness are you willing for your heart to be invaded by the Holy Spirit are you willing to be filled by the Holy Spirit to be led by him counseled by him will you allow him to work in you and through you I encourage you to open up your heart open yourself up to the Holy Spirit [Music]