before we pray I'd like to share a short message and then we'll pray together when you think about how to start your day ask yourself what did Jesus do if you reflect on the life of our Lord and savior you'll discover a profound truth Jesus prayed he prayed often and consistently Jesus didn't just pray in moments of need prayer was his lifestyle Mark 1:35 tells us very early in the morning while it was still dark Jesus got up left the house and went off to a solitary place where he prayed this was no occasional habit
it was a priority throughout his ministry Jesus demonstrated that prayer wasn't just about asking for things it was about aligning himself with the father's will Luke 5:16 says so he himself often withdrew Into the Wilderness and prayed notice the word often Jesus made it a point to retreat from the noise of the world and seek Solitude with his father he showed us that mornings with their Stillness and quiet are the perfect time to listen and speak to God not only did Jesus pray early but he also prayed persistently in Luke 6:12 we read one of
those days Jesus went out to a mountain side to pray and spent the night praying to God Jesus didn't limit prayer to specific times or occasions when you pray like Jesus you're not just following a ritual you're embracing a relationship Matthew 6: 9-13 gives you the Lord's Prayer as a model reminding you to honor God's name seek his will and rely on him for your daily needs start your mornings with gratitude surrender and a request for God's guidance these simple acts transform your mindset and prepare you to face whatever the day may bring and now
let us pray together heavenly father thank you for the gift of another day your word in Psalm 16:8 reassures me saying I have set the lord always before me because he is at my right hand I shall not be moved what a beautiful promise Lord that when I set my heart and mind on you I will not be shaken by the storms of life I pray Lord that I may always place you at the center of everything I do teach me to see you in every decision in every moment and in every step I take
let me always look to you first above my fears my plans and my desires Holy Spirit I ask that you continually remind me to prioritize King Jesus in all my ways when distractions come when worries cloud my mind and when the world World pulls me in different directions guide me back to the path where you Lord are always first Lord I long to grow in my prayer life help me to come to you often not just in times of need but in every moment whether joyful or sorrowful teach me to pray boldly with faith that
moves mountains and a heart that is earnest and sincere may my prayers be filled with trust in your goodness and confidence in your power I know Lord that through prayer I can experience spiritual Victory it is through prayer that chains are broken lives are transformed and hearts are drawn closer to you help me Holy Spirit to develop a prayer life that is Rich and deep even though I am undeserving Lord I come before you today asking for your grace Your Grace is a gift that I can never earn but it is what I need every
moment of my life I ask for your help in all my ways help me to navigate life's challenges with wisdom to face difficulties with courage and to walk in a way that honors you holy spirit guide me to set the lord always before me just as Pro Proverbs 1:7 reminds me the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge let me live a life that reflects holy reverence for you Lord and let that reverence shape my choices my actions and my character may my life be a testimony of Your Love a life where you
are the greatest Treasure of My Heart Lord I trust in you the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob you are the God who keeps promises The God Who is faithful through every generation I believe that you will shine light into every dark situation no matter how hopeless it may seem even when I don't understand what is happening I choose to lean on you and not on my own understanding your ways are higher than mine and your thoughts are beyond my comprehension I trust you to guide me to lead me and to make my path straight
thank you for being the unchanging Foundation I can rely on even in times of uncertainty you are the great I am the one who provides for all my needs you are Jehovah jira my provider and my sustainer in moments of lack I Look to You Lord to supply all that I need when I feel desperate and over overwhelmed you are my deliverer the one who Rescues Me and gives me hope when life feels heavy you are my light shining brightly in the darkness and reminding me that with you nothing is impossible help me Lord to
trust in your provision and to find peace in knowing that you are always faithful teach me Lord to surrender my burdens to you help me to let go of the things that weigh me down and watch as you work in ways that only you can when I am tempted to hold on to my worries remind me that you hear every cry and answer every prayer in your perfect timing give me a spirit of trust that allows me to step back and place everything in your hands as I wait on you renew my strength Lord when
I feel weak when my thoughts are scattered and when challenges seem insurmountable I claim the strength that comes from you alone help me to see beyond my current struggles and to recognize the power and Grace that you provide Lord I ask that you equip me with gifts that I can use to serve you and bless others whether it is the gift of faith to inspire those around me the gift of healing to bring Comfort the gift of wisdom to guide others or even the gift of speaking in tongues to glorify your name I pray that
you would give me the gift that is most fitting for my calling let these gifts not be for my glory but for yours alone Lord let them be tools to build your kingdom and to share your love with others I desire to Bear good fruit Lord fruit that reflects your character and brings glory to your name help me to be kind gentle loving joyful and peaceful let self-control and patience flow from my heart as I walk with you Holy Spirit I know that I cannot do this on my own but through your power I can
live a life that pleases God thank you for being my comforter my guide and my strength in times of weakness your word reminds me in Romans 8: 26 that when I don't know how to pray you intercede for me in moments of confusion or silence I invite you Holy Spirit to align my thoughts with God's Will and to pray on my behalf Lord I desire a closer walk with you a relationship that is deeper and more intimate let my life be a reflection of your love and a testimony of your grace thank you Lord for
hearing my prayer and for always being with me in the mighty and precious name of Jesus Christ I pray amen if this prayer has touched your heart please type amen as a sign of faith I pray that every blessing in this prayer is now upon you in the name of Jesus and if you need a special prayer feel free to let us know in the comments we would be honored to pray for you May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always