4 Biblical Prophecies That Are Happening Right Now

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four strangest prophecies that are happening right now 2024 number one the restoration of the Dead Sea the Bible is a unique history book that covers events from the creation of the Earth to the end of the world unlike other history books it provides a comprehensive account of Earth's history no other book can offer such a broad range of events as no one was present at the beginning of the world to documented authoritatively we are privileged to have insight into how everything will conclude God shared this knowledge not just to satisfy curiosity but to help us
prepare for what lies ahead by knowing what to expect we can avoid being caught off guard and misinterpreting events we should be grateful for jesus' openness in revealing what awaits us in the future people often wonder are we living in the end days the Bible tells us about the last days and we've been living in these times for 2,000 years these days began at Pentecost a time when an important prophecy about the last days happened every person who follows Jesus should always be ready for when he comes back the Bible is a special book that
talks a lot about the future out of its many pages about 1/4 of them make predictions about what's going to happen although some parts talk about the future more than others the Bible has been accurate with its forecast with every prediction that should have occurred by now coming true most of the remaining predictions revolve around jesus' return and what will happen afterward we are waiting on around 20 forecast before Jesus comes back and we are keeping a close watch for these to unfold before expecting to see Jesus himself Jesus advised us to stay vigilant and
to pray although it may appear to be an ordinary body of water the Dead Sea is anything but that for centuries it has represented desolation a place so salty and Barren that no life could survive in its Waters however something extraordinary is now happening strange new life has emerged in its depths and the changes in the landscape are sparking awe and raising questions around the globe could this transformation be the Fulfillment of ancient biblical prophecy are we witnessing a miracle menant for our time what specific prophecies does the Bible mention some people who have traveled
to the Dead Sea have noted that it is the strangest Lake that they have ever seen located in the heart of the Middle East the Dead Sea is more than just a natural wonder it's of History mystery and Biblical significance although many locations from the Bible times might be lost the lake still stands in its original location It Is flanked by Israel to the west and Jordan to the east another interesting fact is that the Dead Sea has the lowest elevation and is the lowest body of water on the surface of Earth and thousands of
years ago a prediction was made about this Lake it was a prediction that seemed impossible until now the Dead Sea has a significant limitation it is unable to sustain life this truth has been confirmed for centuries in ancient times its only use was for salt and there were no hopes of fishing or farming in this Lake however recent developments have changed this situation the water in the Dead Sea is almost 10 times saltier than that of the ocean it is so dense with minerals that you can float effortlessly unfortunately this extreme salinity makes it nearly
impossible for most forms of life to survive which is why it is called the Dead Sea but now things are changing over the past several decades the Dead Sea has been shrinking at an alarming rate with its water levels dropping dramatically it's hard to look at this and not feel a sense of wonder in the midst of one of the harshest environments on Earth life is beginning to emerge many believe that the Dead Sea truly became dead and desolate after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah two cities judged for their wickedness resulting in a Barren
Wasteland a haunting Testament to Divine judgment but did God promise to heal this River and that's what makes what's happening here so incredible for centuries the Dead Sea was viewed as a symbol of desolation however life is beginning to reemerge in the area for many Christians this isn't just a scientific anomaly it's a sign of something much greater a man named Ezekiel foresaw this development centuries ago when God called Ezekiel to be a prophet he was a young priest living in Exile in Babylon this was a significant transition a priest's responsibility was to go before
God on behalf of the people a challenging but relatively straightforward role in contrast prophets had much more difficult tasks ahead of them a prophet delivered messages to the people on behalf of God his responsibility was to declare thus says the Lord when a a prophet stood before the people and proclaimed God's judgments he also had to demonstrate that what God was doing was righteous and just ezekiel's goal was to encourage the people and offer them a message of Hope if they were willing to listen to God's word this was the mission God assigned to Ezekiel
Ezekiel experienced visions of God and the word of the Lord came directly to him what he witnessed was truly astounding Ezekiel was taken to Jerusalem in a vision it is almost the last prophecy dated and many years after the fall of Jerusalem Ezekiel insisted the source of this extended prophecy was God Yahweh was the source of the minute and sometimes strange detail of this prophecy and on this Vision he had a mysterious guide a man whose appearance was like the appearance of bronze can you even imagine that figure there is a particular theory on who
exactly this was but for now let us go back to the vision the man said to me son of man look with your eyes and hear with your ears and fix your mind on everything I show you for you were brought here so that I might show them to you declare to the house of Israel everything you see led to the door of the temple Ezekiel Saw something that never existed in the temple before a river flowing directly from the temple then he brought me back to the bank of the river now when I had
returned behold on the bank of the river were very many trees on the one side and on the other then he said to me these Waters go out toward the Eastern region and go down into the araba the Jordan Valley then they go toward the sea being made to flow into the sea and the Waters of the Dead Sea shall be healed and become fresh it will come about that every living creature which swarms in every place where the river goes will live and there will be a very great number of fish because these Waters
go there so that the Waters of the sea are healed and become fresh so everything will live wherever the river goes and it will come about that fishermen will stand beside it at the banks of the Dead Sea from engeti to anegam there will be dry places to spread Nets their fish will be of very many kinds like the fish of the great Mediterranean Sea but its swamps and marshes will not become fresh and wholesome for animal life they will as the river subsides be left encrusted with Sal by the river on its Bank on
one side and on the other will grow all kinds of trees for food their leaves will not wither and their fruit will not fail they shall bear every month because their water flows from the sanctuary and their fruit will be for food and their leaves for healing in all of its history Jerusalem never had a big strong River like this there were small streams and springs but never a powerful flowing river especially not from this part of the city in Israel's dry and Dusty land a river like this would be both a huge blessing and
a miracle it would bring life growth refreshment hope and safety the Bible says that at first the water came out very slowly it didn't gush or pour it dripped out little by little it started so small that it only came out drop by drop but as it flowed it grew bigger and stronger Ezekiel followed the river with his God they walked about 1/3 of a mile or half a kilometer from Where the River seemed to start probably at the temple Ezekiel didn't just watched the river he went into the water with his guide this wasn't
just something something for him to look at or think about it was something for him to experience and be part of we see that the water first came up to ezekiel's ankles then to his knees and then to his waist as they went farther the river got deeper each time Ezekiel didn't force himself into the water he experienced it exactly as it was the Waters of this River are said to have been miraculously healed at the time this Vision must have seemed impossible the Dead Sea was and still is one of the harshest environments on
Earth what's happening here has left scientists and Believers alike in awe is this simply nature adapting in unexpected ways or is it a tangible sign of Prophecy coming to life before our eyes ezekiel's Vision wasn't just about geography it was about God's power to restore and renew the Dead Sea represents more than a body of water it symbolizes hopelessness desolation and the consequences of sin but God's promise is that even the most lifeless places can be made new one of the most striking modern discoveries came from Samantha seagull a Jerusalem resident who spotted fish swimming
in a freshwater pool along the dead Sea's Edge for her this was more than just a scientific odity it was a deeply spiritual moment a Living testament to the prophecy she grew up reading a woman reported however the next sign is not one of beauty number two rumors of War what should we be watching for we are not supposed to just sit around staring at the sky waiting for Jesus to show up Jesus meant for us to stay alert to what happening around us and to look out for the signs he has given us to
prepare these signs are the signals in Matthew CH 24 jesus' disciples asked him what are the signs of your return what should we do if we don't know exactly when that will be Jesus gave them a straightforward answer we can be thankful that he made it so clear in the Book of Revelation he provides even more details but here he lays out the key signals that will show he's about to return the disciples approached Jesus secretly as he was Seated on the Mount of Olives Matthew 24: 3-8 and as he was sitting on the Mount
of Olives the disciples came to him privately saying tell us when will these things happen and what will be the sign of your coming and of the End of the Age and Jesus answered and said to them see to it that no one misleads you for many will come in my name saying I am the Christ and they will mislead many people and you will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars see that you are not alarmed for those things must take place but that is not yet the end for nation will rise against
nation and Kingdom against Kingdom and there there will be famines and earthquakes in various places but all these things are merely the beginning of birth panss in these verses Jesus told us about four big clues that show us he's coming back he said one of those Clues is already happening but the other three aren't here yet that's why I think we're at the start of What's called the end times so what are these four big Clues the first sign is related to Major Global issues such as Wars between countries these things have been occurring for
a very long time over 2,000 years however now they seem to be happening more frequently and with greater intensity we can clearly observe this first clue there are Wars alarming rumors earthquakes and hunger Jesus cautioned us don't be deceived he repeated this morning many times as we approach the end we must be especially Vigilant against deception even those who attend church can be misled he warned us about individuals who pretend to be heroes or Messiahs during these difficult times some of these Impostors have led people astray to remote locations resulting in tragic outcomes there are
many false prophets people who claim they can solve all our problems the more troubles there are the more of these deceitful individuals will emerge but Jesus advises us not to be troubled we should not become overly distressed when we hear about another conflict or tragic event he shared something surprising with us even though these events are distressing they're not the end they're like the difficult times before something new and positive emerges when we hear about these it indicates that something new is on the way this should change our perspective we know what's going to happen
in the world we shouldn't become too upset or frightened unlike others might challenges in the world are like the tough times before something new and positive unfolds so we're different we feel sorrow for people going through hard times and we try to help but deep down we're not afraid we're hopeful we're anticipating something new and positive to come out of all of this so we're not disheartened or fearful because of all the problems in short Jesus would advise us not to panic not to get too worried but even to rejoice and say all these things
happening are indications that something new is about to begin number three the Antichrist Spirit arrived now I would like to discuss one of the main manifestations of Satan's kingdom which is the spirit of the Antichrist it's important to note that this spirit is distinct from the one person referred to as the Antichrist and also different from the many antichrists that have appeared throughout history John's teachings provide an explanation of the spirit and these individuals dear children the last hour is here you have heard that the Antichrist is coming and already many such antichrists have appeared
from this we know that the last hour has come these people left our churches but they never really belonged with us otherwise they would have stayed with us when they left it proved that they did not belong with us 1 John 2: 18-23 let let me clarify the true meaning of the term Antichrist the word Christ is from the Greek word Christos which corresponds to the Hebrew word Messiah from which we get Messiah so when we say Antichrist that means anti- Messiah John referred to an individual who has captured the imagination of many people some
who don't even know the Bible however many are non-n knowledgeable about this individual known as the Antichrist while Jesus was known for his Beauty and Charisma the Antichrist personality and character will be unappealing and unpleasant Jesus always spoke the truth while the Antichrist would only utter falsehoods the Antichrist will look wonderful be charming and successful he will be the ultimate winner and appear as an angel of light in this sense the Antichrist will be a SAT anic Messiah instead of the true Messiah Jesus Christ further in John's teaching we read by this you know the
spirit of God every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God this is the spirit of the Antichrist which you have heard is coming and now it is already in the world in the history of humanity many antichrists have appeared the Antichrist can refer to a specific person according to scripture a powerful ruler known as the Antichrist will reign over Humanity for a brief period at the end of this age representing the ultimate manifestation of evil as we
approach the End of the Age The Spirit of the Antichrist will become more intense and we will find ourselves battling against it more frequently this Works through every Antichrist we see three names for the same being the Antichrist the man of lawlessness and the son of predition and we are given one other important name in Revelation 13 this is part of the vision that John had here we see the fourth title the Beast a person who is going to arise to whom Satan the dragon will impart his power an image is set up of the
Beast and the whole world is commanded to worship it throughout history men have often bowed down to an image of a political ruler this world leader is empowered and supported by Satan through this man Satan will Express his desire and Authority in this the Beast takes the offer that Jesus refused the beast's recovery increases his Fame and Authority all the world marveled and follows the Beast twice later Revelation 13:12 and Revelation 13:14 this recovery is mentioned in connection to the world's worship and Devotion to the Beast the Antichrist is described as a man whose appearance
was greater than his brothers many people will find him highly attractive because of his charm eloquence and striking appearance the anti Christ will progress from being a regional leader to a world leader a ruthless Global Tyrant and finally a God the beasts blasphemies blasphemer may be a more accurate title than Antichrist for this end times dictator this individual is someone who speaks out against God and opposes everything that God represents including his name his dwelling place and the inhabitants of Heaven some Roman Emperors blasphemed God this way but they did not fulfill these prophecies even
if they did prefigure their fulfillment Revelation 13: 16-18 he required everyone small and great rich and poor free and slave to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead and no one could buy or sell anything without that Mark which was either the name of the Beast or the number representing his name wisdom is needed here let the one with understanding solve the meaning of the number of the Beast for it is the number of a man his number is 666 this second beast emerges from the earth rather than the sea
although he appears Meek mild and benevolent the horns indicate that he will wield power Jesus expressly caution followers to watch out for false prophets who may seem Innocent but may cause a great deal of damage Matthew 7:1 15 beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves according to Revelation 13:13 the false prophet has the ability to perform impressive Miracles including summoning fire from the Heavens he raises an image of the Antichrist for worship gives the image life demands that all people worship the image and executes those who refuse
to worship the image Paul declared that the Antichrist will come with all power it is said that the false prophet will require all individuals to get a permanent Mark similar to how slaves were marked in the past to show their complete loyalty to the Antichrist chist and rejection of God this Mark will be necessary to engage in any business transactions accepting the mark results in Eternal death Revelation 14:10 according to the Bible those who accept the mark are not only accepting an economic system but also a worship system that rejects Jesus Christ The Number of
the Beast is revealed in Revelation 13:8 18 666 we read of a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads Satan is not a creative being all he can do is imitate God we are not surprised to find that this two is a satanic parody of something God will do it imitates God's Mark upon his people however the next trait is very sneaky and deceptive
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